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And it's a 10 pack instead of the standard dozen.


I was going to ask if it was normal in the UK to get 10 packs of eggs...




Its not always so largely printed, but its usually very visible so we can see the difference between caged/barn/free range easily.


It is not.


Only with this brand!




What... is an egg bun? Or is this a hot dog joke?




Ok. Now I'm even more confused. What country are you in?




Lowest common multiple of 14 and 10 is 70. 70 McHomeMuffins it is then.


I usually only buy 1 pack, but I’m in the US


But they’re big on taste…


Crazy how eggs taste like eggs


These eggs taste twice as much like eggs as cheese does.


Lol damn right I thought I’m looking at a cheese packaging till I read big eggs. Wtf


Eggs straight from the coop actually do taste superior to the store ones though. The shells are also noticeably stronger.


_big_ eggs




Heck, I thought they were big on toast. You ruined my expectations.


Until 14 April


Then they’re only small on taste.


Taste is very small. They just look big on it by comparison.


"big on taste" "caged hens" Caged hens do not produce tasty eggs. It should be illegal to use a brand name that just makes a false claim about the product. This is like if general mills lost against the FDA and decided to just change the name of captain crunch to "captain crunch's healthy and nutritious breakfast cereal". Edit: this paragraph is separate from the previous three lines, which I thought was obvious when I said "brand name" which refers to "Big and Fresh" not the claims about taste (which aren't a brand name) but I guess not.


To be fair, flavor is subjective and can’t be measured with equipment in any particular manner


Not if you’ve tried free-roaming eggs from healthy chickens compared to factory farm eggs.


You can’t measure that in a laboratory setting. I agree that higher quality eggs are better, but that’s not what this is about


I don't know if it is better, they definitely have a different scent, not flavor, where I notice a huge difference was with Duck eggs.


https://www.seriouseats.com/what-are-the-best-eggs > [TL;DR: after controlling for colour] This time, most people could not taste any difference in the eggs. Those who did taste a difference picked a totally different batch of eggs—this time, there was no clear winner, and no discernible trends based on how the eggs were produced or levels of omega-3's. So basically, as long as they're fresh, eggs taste exactly the same. Free range or factory farm doesn't matter. Omega-3s don't matter. The mindset of the taster is all that actually matters (so basically you placebo yourself into thinking free range eggs taste better). By all means, please do continue to buy free range as an ethical choice, though.


Not true


Flavor is subjective, while I agree that free range chickens produce a better tasting egg, you can’t exactly measure that in a way that is consistent


Yeah you can. One egg is more tasty than the other.


That’s not how the FDA works lmao, if you are going to test the quality of something, there needs to be a number, or at least some type of metric


What does the FDA have to do with this?


“"big on taste" "caged hens" Caged hens do not produce tasty eggs. It should be illegal to use a brand name that just makes a false claim about the product. This is like if general mills lost against the FDA and decided to just change the name of captain crunch to "captain crunch's healthy and nutritious breakfast cereal"”


So you misread my comment. The paragraph at the end is about the brand name "Big and Fresh", not the "big on taste" claim.


I love taste of caged hen eggs and hate free range one. Get it now?


You just have bad taste


Again, the point is that taste is subjective and not quantifiable


I disagree


What is your source for, "caged hens do not produce tasty eggs"? "Generally there is no taste difference between cage-free eggs and eggs from chickens kept in battery cages. The biggest difference in taste comes from farm-fresh eggs and grocery store eggs. Fresh eggs have a richer flavor and brighter yolks." "Where flavor is concerned, it doesn't matter if the eggs are organic, cage free, or from a cage battery." https://www.seriouseats.com/what-are-the-best-eggs#:~:text=So%20the%20results%20were%20clear,or%20from%20a%20cage%20battery.


Technically true, but farms that care about the welfare of their hens, give better diets, have healthier birds etc. will produce tastier eggs. Caged hens are all about maximising profit and product, so corners will be cut and the quality of the product will suffer.


I bet they didn't use caged chickens that got wonderful food and had classical music playing for them. Haha! The study did say that fresh from a quality farm *did* make a difference in the richness of the flavor. Diet does play a part.


Fresh from the farm is a massive boost. Also farm chickens tend to have excellent diets and care because smaller flocks can be taken care of better (and spoilt lol). The lead time of eggs (and all produce) means even if you got it from the truck pulling into the supermarket, it's already been in the distro a few days, and before that was at the manufacturer's distro, and before that was at the farm's storage. So fresh eggs at a supermarket are usually well over a week old already. I kinda want chickens. My eggs are hella-expensive. They were expensive before the greedflation (2.50/box) but now they're over 4 quid a box (for 6 btw lol). But they're the only eggs that taste like eggs nowadays, unless I travel for like an hour to go get farm fresh


Yep. Fresh from a reputable farm makes a difference in taste. And yes, it does cost more! *greedflation*. Perfect description.


Likely to be tastier if you feed them well. Farmers that keep caged birds aren't thinking about quality feed.


Nonetheless, in blind tests people could not tell the difference... and it's not like they only tested eggs from caged birds that got wonderful food and classical music played for them! They used standard caged eggs. On the other hand, the tests showed there *was* a detectable difference between caged/cage-free and local, fresh eggs from a reputable farm!


Err not sure that's the right take away from your link. >So the results were clear: For the best tasting eggs, go for pastured chickens.


That’s a very baseless assumption. Why would feeding them their correct diet enhance the flavour for us? We don’t necessarily eat those things. Likewise why is there not another option that is less healthy for the chickens but makes the eggs tastier for us. The chicken’s food quality (healthiness) shouldn’t be proportional to its egg flavour. These are related but not in the same way as direct proportionality.


It's a fundamental of life. What goes in comes out.


That’s my point though. Something being healthy for a chicken to eat doesn’t mean it tastes good. That’s like eating dog dental sticks and expecting them to taste nice. Animal food isn’t made to taste nice for humans. It’s made to keep the animal alive.


Not sure that works. You'd need to be eating dog meat for that analogy to work. There are things in eggs that make them taste good. In order to put those things in eggs they need to be put in the chicken. Food goes in the chicken.


They absolutely taste better. And they look better. Healthy animals produce a better-tasting product. I didn’t realize egg yolks are supposed to look crazy bright orange/yellow until traveling to places that raise chickens and eggs in natural environments like nature intended. Factory farms produce eggs from sickly, stressed chickens crammed into cages they can barely move in, fed a poor diet and antiobiotics to prevent infections from killing them. Factory farm egg yolks look anemic in color and taste about as bland as they look.


Nonetheless, the fact remains that in blind taste tests, people cannot tell the difference between the taste caged and cage-free eggs. The studies also show, however, that people *can* tell the difference between caged/cage-free eggs and those gotten fresh from a local, reputable, farm. Diet is definitely a part of that. That doesn't change the results from the original blind test between caged and cage-free eggs. It seems the cage-free folks don't neccessarily feed their chickens better food that the caged birds get.?


The "cage free" birds are just kept in bigger cages. https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2013/06/27/195639341/what-the-rise-of-cage-free-eggs-means-for-chickens Fresh eggs from free range birds that are also provided unlimited feed in their feeder are completely different to cook with. I have tested a lot of methods and that gets the best production out of my birds. My eggs are always fresh though, and that makes most of the difference.


It’s just perception. You tell someone this is an organic, free-range, grass fed artisanal item and charge them 3x more, they will tell you it tastes better than the alternative.


I agree! They conducted blind taste tests and folks couldn't tell the difference between caged and cage-free. I believe the science of it. I also, on the other hand, believe there is nothing particularly wrong with self delusion on such a harmless thing if if brightens up someone's day. Cage free? Yum yum!


My source is I don't like cage farm eggs


"My source is I made it the fuck up."




And... it's one thing to say you don't like the taste of caged eggs and quite another to proclaim across the land like it's a fact that caged eggs don't taste as good as cage-free eggs. One is your opinion. The other is BS.


Wrong, my opinion is true and yours is bad


LOL. Now I know you're joking. Nobody is as stupid as you're pretending to be.




Haha! Like as if you joking around like that affects me at all. You're making me laugh. You're so silly.




They should've




It's not milk if it doesn't come from a mammal. It should at least be called soy-based imitation milk


> It's not milk if it doesn't come from a mammal Why is that definition of milk the one that wins? Because absolutely that is the most common definition of milk, but not the only one. e.g., [Merriam-Webster puts the plant-based milk definition in there too](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/milk). So long as nobody is being mislead, who cares? Is anyone being mislead about soy milk? Are people buying it thinking it comes from soy cows? At this point, milk describes a flavour and plant-based milk accurately describes that flavour. Nobody is gonna be mislead by it. Attempts to force it to be called stuff like "imitation milks" are just attempts by the dairy lobby to keep plant-based milk from getting too popular. They want plant-based milks to be viewed as inferior.


Read the rest of the thread, everything you just said has been addressed




Appeal to authority




FDA is the food n drugs administration




“From Caged Hens”. Please don’t support animal cruelty.


fs *bites chicken nugget*


Big & Fresh is the brand name


Yes. It's designed to mislead.


Big doesn’t automatically imply large.


And Fresh is just a brand name not a promise.


true that. Fresh can only be when you pick them up yourself at the farm and the fuckers are still warm!


They were fresh at the time of laying.


Big if true


I learnt that the hard way after my date took me home


We're talkin' medium eggs but BIG on taste.


They're also from caged hens :<


When it says "British Lion Quality", does it mean the eggs are actually certified British Lion, or does it mean they are claiming that these eggs are just as good as those that are certified?


Not to mention produced by chickens kept in awful conditions


I mean, maybe. Free run isn't much better as there's no space requirement and chickens will straight up eat eachother




>Is that a legal requirement for something in the UK? Yes. Egg packaging must clearly state farming method.


They're not. This is a rip off. I think it's called shrinkflation, and it is rampant in the UK, to the extent that it's pretty much the normal way of doing business. Instead of increasing the price you keep the price the same and reduce the amount of product.


> Instead of increasing the price you keep the price the same and reduce the amount of product. America : you're supposed to increase the price while reducing the amount.


I don't know about prices, but in the US I haven't really noticed shrinkflation except in the airline industry. OTOH in the UK it seems to be the preferred method of doing business, at least in the food industry. That and the fetishizing of the price of milk as an indication of good value for the whole store chain :)


Caged hens is still a thing in the UK?


Unfortunately yes, they can still be housed in bigger 'inriched' cages with more birds in. All that is required is a patch of astro turf 30x30cm for them to scratch, an egg laying area and raised bars to perch. It's still really appalling.


CLASS A EGGS FROM CAGED HENS ***"Taste the suffering!"***


‘Big & Fresh’ is obviously the brand name. They likely sell small, medium, and large eggs under that moniker…


So they're *bragging* that they keep these poor hens in cages??


I think they're legally required to mention it


Oh that could be it, but I just haven't seen that here (Midwest USA.)


Same I'm an Illinois boy, I'm just guessing


From caged hens. 🤦‍♀️


Does "British Lion Quality" mean anything?


I googled it and yeah apparently.


I'm more upset that it isn't even a dozen eggs and they're caged. I bet they're extra expensive too, got to pay for yellow ink....


It's £2.20. so 22p per egg


Caged hens 😡


I've never seen eggs sold in a pack of 10.




I'm starting to get very annoyed with all the "This is 100% British" being stamped on food products post-2016 (Brexit vote), all for the sake of the knuckle-dragging flag-shaggers out there.


A British Lion stamp actually does have an important meaning to convey though. They have to meet certain food safety standards to get the stamp which makes infection much less likely and the egg more safe to eat, especially if you want to have runny yolks or use in mayonnaise etc so not fully cooking them. Also important to look for if eating eggs when pregnant as advice is that these are the only ones you can have anything less than hard boiled. Generally I agree with you on saying everything is British as though that automatically means it’s better but I will give British lion eggs a pass.


And it was established in 1998.


that's been on products wayyy before brexit


Are you ok


A bit peeved about my country experiencing a dive to the bottom to appease the bloody stupid Friends of Farage, but otherwise yes, thanks for asking.


You realise this post is about eggs… please go touch some grass


Large sized eggs are animal cruelty anyway. They've become so big the hens pelvises shatter and crack when laying them, and they end up crippled and in chronic pain. When I learned this I stopped buying them, only medium or small for me. I don't actually need that much more food, look at me.


You can't force the size of eggs though. It's not something we control outside of selective breeding (which we do for literally everything, so that's a pointless argument).


As I understand it the way they feed them has an effect on the size of the eggs. Like a very protein-rich diet produces larger eggs than normal. Believe me, farmers aren't dumb, they know how to breed and manipulate to maximize their profits.


Ehhhhh that depends on the chicken breed. A Rhode island or leghorn is a standard sized chicken but they happily and easily lay large eggs. Our larger birds of our flock, orpingtons, weigh 8-10pounds but lay pingpong ball sized to medium eggs. We also have plenty of Easter eggers and barnyard mixes(mutts) that are normal sized birds but lay medium to large eggs. Now meat bird breeds, for example the Cornish cross, usually lay double yolk eggs. Their bodies are fully grown to cull and eat at 10-12 weeks and lay eggs at 4-6 months. Double yolk eggs are so large they definitely force themselves out and can hurt the chickens bone structure. But because they're so large and misshapen anyway their bones are under incredible stress. It is part of why it's more humane to cull and eat them when they get fully grown rather than try to let them live, every day of being fully grown is pain and agony for meat birds :(


The pelvis will not shatter due to large eggs, but get stuck. The hens die from impaction. I have freerange pet chickens.


BIG^(R) !


Another reason to open the carton before purchasing.


And caged :(


Neither in the US nor in the UK is "Big" an official (or whatever the proper term is) egg size designator https://www.egginfo.co.uk/egg-facts-and-figures/industry-information/egg-sizes https://www.fsis.usda.gov/food-safety/safe-food-handling-and-preparation/eggs/shell-eggs-farm-table#17


What if the large eggs are called huge eggs? checkmate


From caged hens... I wouldn't think that a good thing.


Wow from CAGED hens??? Extra yummy!


Your the asshole for buying caged hen eggs. I don't think they are even legal in Europe


I don't understand the confusion. "Big" is not an egg size. Large is.


Hens were never meant to produce an egg every day - the suffering they have to endure for your eggs - big or small - should be apparent.


Not quite correct. Read this to learn more: https://henraising.com/why-do-chickens-lay-eggs-every-day-but-other-birds-dont/ They lay until their nests are "full" but their nests don't fill because we take the eggs. As long as they are on a healthy diet it's not an issue.


Wether 'quite correct' or not - hens were never meant to lay eggs most days - and yes it it an issue - it drains their bodies of nutrients - and I'm sure as soon as their egg laying days are down they are sent to the nugget factory.


Big egg energy


The more expensive free range eggs now say they are being locked inside because of bird flu. Even though they still cost the same higher price. That is really bad if you think about it. But no one will do anything about that. I bet after bird flu they will still use it as an excuse to keep them indoors in case of "future outbreaks".


Not sure. I think free roam chickens live in a big barn without seeing the light of day.


But they're BIG ON TASTE!!!!


Eggs should be sold by weight.


From Caged Hens is a selling point?!


Rooster eggs are better because they contain testosterone.


In America we just have cardboard packaging that would say “12 grade A medium eggs”