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Upper East Side Q line will steal all of these 😭


This train is not in service. Yep seems to fit Astoria perfectly!


I like the old trains. I don’t like the fluorescent lights and I like having a window seat. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I'd much rather have newer trains that are less likely to break down.


This, I have to take the N from Astoria to Sunset Park daily. That window seat going across the Manhattan Bridge is the highlight of my commute.


The problem with the old trains is they frequently break down for door issues and the e brake is too easy for pranksters to pull


But why can’t there be window seats on the new trains?


I think the new train design focuses on having as much space as possible. Window seats take up more space.


Less seats means more people can stand and fit on the train. There’s trains are built for efficient movement and getting as many people possible from point a to b. Having horizontal window seats blocks that goal because it makes it harder to load and unload passengers, as well as taking up extra space where 5 more people could be standing


The doors are wider so there isn't as much room for windows since they can't overlap.


the N wont be getting new trains for a while unfortunately


I don't know about that - the N has the largest (afaik) number of old trains on it's lines. They're planning on sunsetting that generation of train - that said we might not get the latest and greatest trains (R211s) but we should end up getting one of the NTT generation trains.


theyre going to shuffle around somewhat newer but still older equipment onto the N With the 6th ave lines getting CBTC after the A, the B and D would be next in line to get the new trains


of course things are subject to change but thats what its looking like at the moment


Was the N line supposed to get trains similar to the R trains by 2026? Thought I read that on this sub earlier this year


not sure where you heard that from but right now the broadway lines are low prioruty for new tech trains, theyll probably recieve trains from the B/D lines




there is no set timeline for that atm




kudos for best observation so far


And someone yelling or playing loud music will now be inescapable. I like being able to get away and anyone has free reign in these now.


Well it is escapable, the train isn't fully open gangway its only half open gangway, it's split between two pairs of 5 car sets so you can exit the train at a station and switch to the other half of the train


That model won’t be on our line because the turn into QB plaza is too tight.


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! So sad that we'll basically never get these though.


oh i’m so geeking over this


Are they teasing us or are we getting new cars


I have no idea, I was shocked when I saw it roll by. Why would they be testing it on the N line if it is going somewhere else? Also all the signs were lit up for the Astoria Ditmars path


They have to test it on every part of the line even if it's not going to run there. There may be a situation where the N needs extra trains so they test if the newer trains would be capable with the N if needed for an emergency. And the signs lit up are because of funny lol


Seems like there’s barely any seats?


Yup. MTA math: Less seats + More standing room = Fitting more people, therefore more revenue. I find it gross because it doesn't seem like they cared about folks with mobility issues/who can not be on their feet or need to sit when designing these.


Yeah absolutely not giving a shit about mobility issues - can’t say I’m surprised


I thought during platform renovations that Ditmars Blvd would get some ADA compliance, but it's still 3 flights up with no elevator despite promises that fell short.


There’s definitely enough seats for people with mobility issues, so long as people actually give up their seats.


The trains are also designed with wider doors to accommodate wheelchairs in a better way and the versions with open gangways are built with that between cars as well. There is also more space inside for wheelchairs. Wheelchairs are not the only mobility/disability issue, but they are definitely not accommodated for in most of the old train designs.


Anyone with mobility issues can just stagger around pathetically and hope someone gives one up.


I think it's easier for a wheel chair user to get on and off when there are no seats in the aisles, There's also overall more seating room when there is one long bench. And if you ask someone for your seat by kindly saying "I'm sorry I really need your seat" most people in this city will give you a seat. I cannot disagree more that these designs are worse for mobility issues. They might be worse for any number of reasons, but this is not a fair critique.


If you have a seat and see someone with a mobility issue you should give up your seat. More capacity makes sense and enough seats for people with mobility issues if passengers who don’t give them up


It looks like they don't even come up flush with the doors where there are seats?


As someone with chronic pain and mobility problems this is a really disheartening and stressful model to see. Knowing that I likely can’t get a seat on the train makes me less likely to ride it. The MTA is so inaccessible and this is a step in the wrong direction


Leave my window seat TF alone


Well I mean technically you still will have a window seat if your willing to go bare knees backwards on the seats






I was inside one of these when they introduced them a few years ago at an MTA convention. They’ll have less seating, doors wide enough for people to exit/enter simultaneously, more cameras and hand poles with anti-microbial coating (they were yellow but looks like they removed it).


I am so jealous now


Fancy !!!


Yuck. These don't have window seats.


Wow, Id enjoy my commute 10x more with those


these look like i’ll now be required to stand for my entire 45 minute commute in the morning. thanks mta!! :))))


Just to get to my 8 hour long standing shift


Omg fancy


What's the point if they're never on time or delayed, etc.


They new 7 train also for Woodside




Why are they poorly designed?


Not the doors opening on the wrong side looool


That's on purpose.


so cleannn




Please let me know about the R211s subway cars are ready.


Well they've been ready since March on the A line, but these models of R211 (R211T is what it's called) will be ready for service by the end of 2023


Still no handrails or dividers between the track and the platform? I give up...


Oh look yet another excuse for the mta to keep raising prices 🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I thought the MTA was broke… nice of them to keep increasing our fares for all their unnecessary projects. Maybe fix the tracks and the signals and hire back station workers.


its prob going to just run express from queensboro plaza to ditmars anyway randomly


Welcome to most cities where they update the things for the people are still homeless sleeping on the trains