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I felt it. I awoke in terror, thinking only about the 573 weed shops and if they were okay.








I thought my neighbor fell out of their bed. I fully woke up a few hours later and realized that that doesnā€™t make sense and wouldnā€™t shake my bed lol


I thought my landlord fell down the stairs!


Didnā€™t feel an earthquake, but the three helicopters hovering for an hour sure woke me up.




I am even skeptical it was even an earthquake. A 1.7 should not be felt by people, nevermind lots of people. And there were multiple reports of explosion sounds. IDK how many minor earthquakes make boom noises... Maybe it was one of the hundreds of tunnels under NYC that was forgotten about and filled with methane and boom? Maybe it was a meteorite or supersonic craft... those register on the Richter scale at that level... Supposedly there is a fault line that goes under 125th in Harlem , under the river, into Astoria. But the boom? Something isn't adding up.


There was also a manhole explosion on Roosevelt Island. I don't know if the earthquake was responsible or if it was just a crazy coincidence.


Watchout, you're going to have the lunatic who is attacking and accusing people in this subreddit of being Russian bots for this thought process come after you for your comment.


Same, itā€™s not adding up to rule it as an earthquake HOURS later. USGS originally denied seeing anything on their charts. I feel like the city needed to say something because if I was someone who lived in that building I wouldnā€™t feel comfortable returning without a proper explanation.


Woke me up for about 30 seconds, went back to sleep for another 20 minutes till my alarm went off.


>Members Hi! Would you be willing to chat more about this?


There's really nothing else to tell. I assumed someone was popping off leftover fireworks.


Popping off fireworks or pooping them off? Iā€™m confused.


It's too traumatizing


I am sorry about that. Would you be open to chatting about it?


I'm sorry, I don't want to relive the nightmare


I hope this quote makes the article.


ā€œI hope this quote makes the articleā€ *Bah-Fong-Gool*


I hope your user name makes the article


Thoughts and prayers šŸ™


I live next to Astoria Park and directly under the Hellgate. If there is ever a massive earthquake I will never know, because it's assumed the Amtrak is carrying an extra heavy load. Our apartment shakes every half hour or so, never notice. I only truly notice while doing my eye makeup cos the mirror shakes and after a few weeks when I have to adjust the wall art slightly back to center.


Iā€™m in a street facing apartment, and I think I felt it - but unsure. Giant tractor trailers, construction vehicles and garbage trucks rolling over potholes have a tendency to shake my apartment in the same manner.


Same. I didnā€™t even wake up


This is the same thing my partner said. Heā€™s a super light sleeper, woke up but just assumed it was a giant truck going down the street, peeked out the window, didnā€™t see anything and thought it was strange.


According to my Apple watch i woke up briefly. Don't recall doing so.




Yes, I was awake in bed, and it felt like the bed dropped for a brief moment. Like a dip in the road. I thought my upstairs neighbor fell out of bed or something.


According to my sleep tracker I was in the most shallow level of sleep for the 3 mins around the time that the earthquake happened. Which means I probably woke up briefly and thought it was one of my crazy dreams and went back to sleep (and boy were my dreams crazy that night) :)


Squirrels have the tendency to run up a loose ladder on my fire escape, shaking it causing vibrations. The earthquake was far less intrusive than the squirrels.


I slept through it, apparently (and so did all my friends in the neighborhood as well).


Yes, felt like my building was going to collapse if Iā€™m honest. That said, my building has stress cracks in it already so if i went down with it I wouldnā€™t have been surprised


Approximately where are you located?


Didn't feel them, but heard them, sounded like drawn out explosions, and I am in the Ravenswood area


My partner woke up and said ā€œDid you feel that? The building shook!ā€ Several neighbors in my building felt it too, and were talking about it on our buildingā€™s Slack channel hours before it was reported online. I slept through it. Weā€™re a mile south of the epicenter, where the middle-of-the-sidewalk trees are. Itā€™s been quite a week on our block! šŸ˜‚


Hey! Would you be willing to chat to me more about this?


As I wrote, I slept through the earthquake, so I have nothing to tell. My partner felt it (and apparently our cats did too) but is not interested in being interviewed, and I donā€™t give out the names of my neighbors. I hope you find some folks with much better stories for your project than I can provide! Good luck at Columbia and I wish you well. We need good journalists today more than ever!


i live on vernon blvd (near socrates), i felt the quake around 5:45 am, in all honesty i was supposed to be getting out of bed to go to the gym but was about to fall back asleep and then my apartment started to shake abruptly and quickly, i assumed it was the universe telling me to stop being lazyšŸ˜­


OP if youā€™re looking for a NYC structural geologist youā€™re welcome to reach out to me. Weā€™ve published on earthquakes in Manhattan and made discoveries of brittle faulting beneath queens during tunnel construction phases for Con Edison. I live in Astoria and did not feel it, so if thatā€™s what youā€™re looking for I can not help. But if you want to know why, how, and if this will happen again. Youā€™re welcome to DM.


Just DMing you. Thank you so much


My pleasure.


Hi! I was wondering if you or someone in your company would be willing to chat on the phone with me re seismic activity in the northeast?


When was this? I didnā€™t even notice


Monday morning around 5:45 AMish Edit: Tuesday* the holiday threw me off


Wasnā€™t it yesterday? Tuesday?


Youā€™re right, having Monday off confused me.




Wife says she woke and felt like the building was swaying for a few seconds. I slept through it :)


Honestly Iā€™m in flushing, so maybe far enough not to feel anything, but I was awake when it happened standing still in the shower and I noticed nada


My cats woke up earlier than usual but I thought they were just being hungry brats. Tbh I didn't feel a thing. Nothing like the con ed explosion a few years back


I was up, and it felt as if someone slammed the door insanely hard. I thought to myself, wow, I have never felt something like that before because of a door.


Hi! Would you be willing to chat to me about this?


Can someone help me understand how so many people are saying it wasn't strong enough to feel yet so many people are claiming to have felt it? I was in CA during a 5.3 earthquake a few years ago, and barely felt a thing. The TVs hanging from the ceiling started to mildly sway, but I likely would have not noticed if the entire room didn't stop to ask 'was that an earthquake?'


I read that people on higher floors should have felt it more bc of the sway, not sure though


If itā€™s labeled as 1.7. It shouldnā€™t ever be felt basically. Itā€™s considered a ā€œmicro earthquakeā€. 2.0 is the smallest people can feel and the highest recorded is 9.5 or something.


>Can someone help me understand how so many people are saying it wasn't strong enough to feel yet so many people are claiming to have felt it? People imagine all sorts of things.


So you think all of these people imagined feeling it? That's quite a take. I heard and felt it. It woke me up and like others, I thought my upstairs neighbor fell out of bed or something and then after the sleep wore off I realized that didn't really make sense with how much the whole building shook, though it was quick. I live near the water.


I was horizontal boogying proper my female companion and we blammed at that exact moment and I thought to myself ā€œStill got itā€.


Slept through it. Iā€™ve lived in Los Angeles for a few years and a country in SEAā€¦ So I think I just donā€™t notice ā€œmini earthquakesā€ as much. I got woken up when I was in LA because our bed shook quite violently and we really had to evacuate lol


I was working in Times Square at the time. Nobody has told me anything else about this. I just saw it on an app


I woke up at 5:30 thinking I had the post holiday Sunday scaries Fell back asleep immediately


One of the seminal moments of my life. I only wish to feel such a thrill again


I wfh overnight in Astoria. Felt it for sure. Shock my building. Part of me thought the dog upstairs knocked something over but it was way too strong. I asked myself if we just had an earthquake. My cat was sleeping on the couch unfazed.


I was up and felt the earthquake. As a SoCal native I knew right away it was an earthquake, waited for the aftershock but never felt that. If you still need to chat with someone Iā€™m happy to talk to you about it.


Me and my cat felt it. It sounded like an explosion for a second


I felt nothing. But then again I am Peruvian and we have really strong tremors so maybe I am immune now lol


Yep I felt it. I woke up to the shake and heard a boom. Iā€™m only a few short blocks from the epicenter.


I slept through 90% of earthquakes growing up in the Bay Area. I have no idea how anyone felt a 1.7 earthquake here.


I was awake in a quiet apartment and I neither felt nor heard anything


i guess i can literally sleep through an earthquake! *Comedic drumroll*


Quarter to 4am I felt something slightly shake when I woke up. Then I went back to sleep.


I didnā€™t feel it! When was this???


As someone who was born in the 80s in Los Angeles and lived there most of my life, this whole thread is so nostalgic.


I used to live overseas where there are lots of earthquakes so I did not think this was an earthquake until I read the news. I heard a loud boom and my room shook for a second so I just assumed my neighbor slammed the door hard by mistake. The boom woke me up, not the shaking. It did not feel like a regular earthquake that's for sure


I was awake and heard and felt it. It sounded like a truck collided with my building or something nearby


Hi! Thanks for your comment. Iā€™m DMing you for more details about my project :)


I didnā€™t feel anything and didnā€™t know there was an earthquake until my friends texted me about it later.