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If you move the furniture around in their absence they are not happy about it when they get in.


If you are in my space (my home) in my absence, I am not happy when I get in šŸ¤£


But what if they live there too?? Earth signs thinking everything is only theirs again smdh šŸ˜‚


They donā€™t šŸ˜‰


Capricorn? lmfao Because I feel this


Isnā€™t that everyone though?


Apparently not


Not just furniture, if you move ANYTHING, we are not happy about it hahaĀ 


Oh I know haha! Lived with Taurus and Virgo and worked with lots of Virgos my whole life. They will straight up just put it back without even thinking about if it could be an improvement.


I'm a Virgo Sun/Merc, and I don't have an issue with people moving things. I have an issue with people moving things, not telling me they moved the things, and then not explaining why they moved the things. Not saying that's what you did, but if someone doesn't tell me where and why they moved something, and especially if I had to spend several minutes of my time looking for said thing, it feels like it's more of an inconvenience than an improvement and I become resistant to it as an automatic reflex. I don't really have a problem with large items like furniture being moved oddly enough, it's moving smaller items without telling me that drives me nuts. That aside, I think this is the issue with most earth signs. Just take a minute to let us know you're about to change something and why. We'll still grumble a bit about the change lol but I promise we appreciate the advance notice!


This comment is Virgo AF and I'm here for it


I am also a Virgo sun and mercury and I agree


Or itā€™s just not an improvement to the way we live haha. Iā€™ve had ppl do this to me in ways that affected my routine or had me knocking & bumping into to everything so often it was infuriating. I will be fair in saying we could be more open to a discussion about moving things around though haha


Not only that, but WE KNOW if something has been moved or disturbed even slightly.


lmfao not me repeating ā€œremote goes on the coffee tableā€ for the 100th time to my Gemini ex šŸ’€


called out as an earth sign lmfao


All the earth signs up voting you, very on point, sincerely a taurus/cap ruled person


šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹you win


Lol Aquarius married to a Capricorn. Guilty of ignoring his anger. He didn't have to marry me. I rearranged his whole house within the first month of moving in with him. He knew what he was getting into. I'm not his peace, I'm his-panic.


I live with my earth sign stellium MIL who gave me the green light to change one of the rooms into a nursery of my choice. when i started to purchase things she was like ???? why are you buying/moving/changing anything??? LMAO


Furniture? More like anything at all lol


Everything everyone said: But Taurus is still and nurtures the physical world and indulges in it. Virgo knows how to organize things in the physical world and form them into new things. Capricorn knows how to manage nouns in physical world on mass scale for large undertakings


Characteristics specific to earth are 'farmer' archetypes - practicality, growth-oriented, resource-oriented (often money by today's standards). An earth sign tends to confer practicality, seriousness and melancholy on whatever sits in it. People often forget sensuality - hedonism is quite an earthy thing, as it involves the senses and their interaction with the physical world.


What element would you say correlates to the Hunter archetype? Air? I figured Warrior traits would be fire.


There's an old fashioned idea that earth is farmers, water slaves (yikes), air scribes and fire warriors. On that basis I'd say yes, hunters are fairly fiery.


Definitely fire, especially Sagittarius placements


Stability, reliability, practicality, as well as valuing security, hard work, and tangibility. They all operate more in the material, physical, sensual (five senses) realm which makes them the most grounded.


As someone with barely any earth in my chart who has major executive functioning issues, I feel like earth signs are awesome at living on the physical plane and dealing with the necessary mundane parts of life. Whenever I feel really anxious and ungrounded I always find it very helpful to talk to an earthy person.


Same. Iā€™m like 65% water and 35% fire lol. Being around earthy people is always a nice reminder to me of how to be in a body


One of my best friends is a Capricorn Sun with Saturn on her ascendant and our dynamic is great because she grounds me and she says I inspire her.


I love this! I'm curious to know what my ratio is - any tips on what I'm looking for?


Thereā€™s usually a breakdown of the elements in a chart in one section (similar to the table of aspects)


Hardworking. Need for stability and security. Reliable.


Earth signs are characterized by their grounded nature, emphasizing pragmatism and material stability. They share a focus on tangible results and physical security. These signs exhibit strong work ethics and a propensity for caution, often manifesting in meticulous planning and execution. Sensuality is prominent, reflecting an appreciation for the physical world and sensory experiences. They prioritize concrete outcomes and reliability, frequently displaying patience and perseverance in their pursuits. Each sign, despite its unique attributes, collectively underscores the importance of structure, discipline, and a methodical approach to life's challenges.


Very well described. As someone who lacks earth Iā€™m super jealous of these traits. Itā€™s really hard to focus on tangible outcomes. I just wanna go off vibes n stuff


Focussed on building something lasting, solving problems in a practical way and trusting on their senses.


My grandad and dad capricorns Me a virgo My two sons virgo and taurus. 1. It is truly amazing how much physical work we achieve in a day. Like actual quantity of tasks performed blows my mind. 2. We have always been on a piece of land with all our own food. Unlimited food (security) 3. šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘ the amount of money we make on the side of the amount of tasks completed! Its like the hard physical work unlocks the money realms šŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


Here's a post I made a while back that people seemed to agree with. In sum, the common thread is their stubborn, unwavering commitment. Earth placements = reliable, stable, predictable, stalwart. >I had a bit of an epiphany on how to identify Earth signs. I feel like they have incredibly similar traits and qualities (stubborn, reliable, stable, logical) but I think I've pinpointed the difference. All three signs are stubborn, directive, and controlling but they differ in WHERE they direct that energy (at least for sun signs). >**Taurus: Commitment to Boundaries** >Tauruses are stubborn and need control of their boundaries. They are independent and mind their own business. They strongly enforce their boundaries and will cut people off if they cannot respect their freedom, independence, and choices. Unlike Virgos, they don't really care what other people do, as long as it's not affecting them. Routine isn't usually important to them, and they can be a little unmotivated and lazy, unlike a Capricorn. A Taurus will forget you existed once you judge them or try to change them, and you will never get a second chance. This is why some people think they are cruel or unemotional. They just will not tolerate other people's drama, BS, or meddling. The only people who can get away with trying to control a Taurus are the people they committed to. Of the three,Ā **Taurus is the most laid back and stubborn**. >**Virgo: Commitment to Other People** >Virgos are stubborn and directive about other people. They are highly critical and differ from Tauruses in that they will absolutely tell you what you could be doing better. They are more emotionally attached to other people and therefore care more about how those people live their lives, for better or for worse. They will unapologetically tell you how they feel and they will not back down. They look for projects (people) and worry about them constantly. Cutting people off is hard(er) for them because they always need closure. Especially the moons. This is why some people think they are sanctimonious and annoying. They can't just sit by and watch people do things the "wrong" way. It comes from a place of empathy and kindness, but they are definitely the helicopter sign. Of the three,Ā **Virgo is the most loyal and controlling**. > >**Capricorn: Commitment to Themselves** >Capricorns are stubborn and directive about themselves. They have the most self-control and self-discipline of any sign in the zodiac. Meticulous and ambitious, they will not compromise on their own goals or standards. They work very hard and have a high level of self-worth and respect. So they will also tell you if you're wrong, but they don't really care to invest their time into changing your mind and improving you. Unlike Virgos, they're too busy working on their own goals to care about yours. They usually have rigid routines, but they will compromise when it's efficient or profitable to do so- as long as it helpsĀ *them*Ā get ahead. This is why some people consider them boring. They're on a set path and they aren't going to divert "for the plot." Of the three,Ā **Capricorn is the most hard working and self centered**. But yeah, what unites them is their commitment, stability, and stubbornness. What separates them is where they invest that energy.


They are focused on material results and will work hard to gain them.


All incredible stubborn, itā€™s an annoying stereotype I find to be awfully true


In my limited experience of earth signs, Taureans like serenity, stability, to nurture and a need to ā€œgrowā€, but can be stubborn and ā€œ throw their weight around ā€œ, Virgos have a need to serve in some capacity (Iā€™ve come across a lot of Virgos in the caring professions and military),to perfect things, but can be over - critical of themselves or others, and Capricorns are driven to succeed and achieve, but can be ruthless in their pursuit of success. Of course all of these traits cannot be taken in isolation; they have to be understood in the context of the whole natal chart. If there is one thing that unites them, itā€™s a need to create and build something of meaning and purpose.






How do you know thatā€™s all she does? My job involves creating things that donā€™t exist so half the work exists only in my head & if I need make notes I make them on my phone, once thatā€™s done I can create a document from scratch (which takes anywhere from 2-10hrs) to present to the group to find things Iā€™ve missed or make improvements based on multiple perspectives. People who donā€™t work with me think Iā€™m lazy but donā€™t realize Iā€™m almost always working on something because the work isnā€™t physical. (I also love what I do so itā€™s not hard to constantly be thinking of creations, plans, or solutions, etc. whatever my current task is)


Whatā€™s her sun? The Taurus moon could be contributing to her prioritizing comfort and indulgence. A lot of earth signs can be quite lazy, but as long as theyā€™re taken care of materially they feel they donā€™t have to do too much.


A lot of people with prominent Taurus placements that I know of (including moon) are hard workers, even though they enjoy comfort and indulgence. Something else is going on which is causing her not to appreciate her time off.




I know a Capricorn whoā€™s almost just like this šŸ˜‚




i think we all like to stay at home rather than going out and we really love animals


Loves food, earning money, travelling, chilling Taurus sun, virgo rising lol


we're twinning !!! u got a leo moon perchance??


Gemini moon here!


Earth signs are the horniest we just keep our shit on lock so no one really knows šŸ¤£


Stuck. In. Their. Ways.


Iā€™ve always read that the signs build on each other. Aries is the first and the most ā€œbabyā€ sign then Taurus adds the depth of the stability to Aries energy then Gemini helps the stable baby get in their head. This is the key to understanding the modalities of each sign. You can search for similarities for Earth, but they are going to be very different. All the signs are very different. Thatā€™s the point. But they work together to create the whole self and whole picture.


hard headed and will switch emotions in a heartbeat


Acquiring-Measuring-Utilizing especially in regards to the tangible plane


Controlling. We are all easy going as long as we can control everything around us lol






Logical Subjectivity


Money driven.Ā 


These are the types of comments that get me thinking the sidereal promoters may be on to something because my life mostly revolves around working out, watching movies, listening to music, drawing, trolling emotionally unstable people on the internet, smoking weed and sleeping. I donā€™t really care about how my furniture is arranged as long as I can sit on it and Iā€™m not that ambitious


Earth signs are similar in the sense that they all deal with concrete matters that can have a huge impact on life. I believe that Taurus is motivated by the comfort (feminine side of Venus), Virgo by order (feminine side of Mercury), and Capricorn by security (feminine side of Saturn). So Earth signs got to do with avoiding pain, seeking pleasure, getting things right, getting things in order, establishing a secure living situation, climbing the ladders of success. Since there is a lot of similarities and overlap which are unlike that of fire, air and water signs, we call the element which bind these signs together ā€œearthā€.


Each sign is unique, they donā€™t have shared characteristics. Earth refers to the physical world. Each earth sign relates to the physical world in some way. Most natal charts are a mix of different signs and elements, so elements canā€™t be used to categorize people.