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Fire signs with water moons are so freaking attractive personality wise. They have it all smh.




you made my leo ego happy


☀️♐️🌙♋️👆🏼♏️ I love my cancer moon so much! 🥰💖✨


I’m on the fence about mine. I have to really not let people see my emotional side too much. They take advantage of it.


Having your natal moon inconjunct with your sun in Sagittarius/Cancer is truly a balancing act :')


Eee See I have a libra moon, cancer venus, (a little different but I feel what you mean!!) There's a lot of depth and caring and passion


I appreciate it but trust me with an Aries sun and Pisces moon, it’s not easy!




I’m a Leo with cancer moon 🩵 this is very endearing 🥹🥰






Awh me too 🩷 they say that's where our signs are most at home due to them ruling those planets.


Love that 💘






How about fire sun and water rising? 🥺


Oh? Tell me more. Edit lol I havnt realized I have my chart arraigned wrong lol I’m sag sun Aries rising and cancer moon lol fixing that now


![gif](giphy|108M7gCS1JSoO4) me w my domicile sun and moon ☺️


leo sun with pisces moon and i be going through it 😭






Hell yeah


Oh so you love me?


Ok it's the opposite but my bf is Scorp with sag moon and he's so hilarious and intelligent and can also roast me so much. But it's soo funny and perfect. I'm gem with a libra moon, so I feel like my placements match the sagg and scorpio energy perfectly


Thanks love! Aries Sun Scorpio Moon💚


Oh, hi ☺️ thank you ☺️


Awww it’s so nice to have some appreciation for our better qualities for a change 😂❤️


Aw yes see my Bf is a a scorp, sag moon and it's the best of both worlds. He can keep up with my (gem sun) sarcasm and drag me, and then he switches is up and is so so sweet cooking me dinner, making me lunch the next day. But i love it!! I feel like fire signs know how to keep up with Gems chaotic energy


I love that ability to switch between the two. My boyfriend is also super loving from his Scorpio Venus/Mercury and also has Aries Moon/Rising! Similar to your bf, I love how we care about each other and can talk things through but then start bantering and rip into each other the next. It can be so draining otherwise. I have a couple Gemini girlfriends and I love them. We just clicked from the get go and are like peas in a pod x


Aw yes I'm so glad because I know sometimes Geminis are the most liked (for various reasons haha) But it sounds like you have a good circle of people around you :)


I love ya'll Saggies. Most fun to be around and very loyal.




WE LOVE U TOO ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 Aries and Leos love way too hard and become so possessive and cant let go of someone😫




we have here in argentina a common saying about an ex president and I apply it to fire signs: “we can’t do it without them, with them only it’s not enough” I really don’t think they three would survive alone in the world more than three days without starving or killing each other


That’s so funny. You have me wondering if my sons and I could survive together 😂 I’m sag, my oldest is Aries, and youngest Leo.


Dude,in my house are 3 sagittariuses and two leos. We got everything and love but that damn temper,specially sags


I may be biased but I so agree. We are very passionate and dedicated, people think I’m lying when I say I’m a ride or die but I am. When we love it’s deep and you can feel it. We may be annoying because we live our emotions out loud but it doesn’t make us any less emotionally intuitive. I think that’s when we shine, like if we see someone sad, it’s time to make them smile. We’ll always gas you up 🥰 and even if we have a falling out, it’s not over until we say so.


As a fire sign with a good balance of water, air, and earth, I would say that fire signs try to hide their emotions more often. It does bite us in the ass, sometimes HARD I find that I do a good deal of intellectualizing. I also hold my emotions back until I can “understand the situation better”, however, it is often a peace promoting move, when I should be expressing my immediate true feelings. I admire water signs ability to communicate how they feel more immediately, even if it can make them feel vulnerable.


I definitely relate to this. I feel a lot of things but I’m selective in what I show others, getting truly vulnerable is so hard for me.


Big feels


i love virgos 🫶🏻 - leo


I love leos- Virgo 🥹🫶🏻


Loving all the fire sign appreciation lately. Y’all make a girl feel special 🥰




Sags & Leo women are ace, but I’ve yet to meet a chill or nice Aries lol. Where are they?


Aries and chill in a sentence is a crime 😂 jk.. not really.. 😁


I’m pretty chill lol I think…. Idk lol I have my moments, but I’ve got a Capricorn moon


![gif](giphy|yr7n0u3qzO9nG) We love you too! 🔥🫶🏾 as a Leo woman lol


I know how it is. Until there is a California wildfire in your neighborhood. But it’s still such a turn on


My Aries rising is my fav out of my big 3


It’s my second favorite


Aaawwwh, this made me smile. Love you too, OP. //Sag sun, Aries moon


my best friend is a sag so i have to agree. fire signs are bad bitches 💅🏽




My sun is Leo and my moon is cancer :) I was reading about it and it said that's where the signs feel most at home bc Leo rules the sun & cancer rules the moon. I'm very happy with my placements. I'm also a Sagittarius rising so add a lil more fire I guess.


AGREED! I also have almost zero fire in my chart and I have a lot of sag friends or sag placement friends and aries gals🔥 no leos yet tho 🥲 SO MUCH FUN THO I LOVE Y’ALL I’ve mainly dated fire sign men and the biggest headaches but also so passionate 😮‍💨 - virgo stellium


I agree with this they are so passionate it's inspiring and makes me more passionate 🤩


As an Aries, I agree. I have dated quite a few water placement men but never felt the genuine love or at least not matched the way fire signs do. We love so deeply it hurts.


I am surrounded by fire signs and I love them dearly♥️ they are fun, amazing cooks and straight with me and I need it ♥️


Fire moons are the best.


My 7 fire placements thank you ![gif](giphy|nrXif9YExO9EI)


must be my aries moon in sidereal but i surround myself with aries sun people I love their energy so much




I use astroseek!!


Aries sun and moon girlie here. You just boosted my ego and made my day!! 😘😘😘😘


Aweeeee! As a person with over 50% fire (no Leo), I appreciate this post 🖤


As a triple fire sign, I’ll take this 😊🔥 We love you too! Gotta tell you tho, it’s a lot of fucking fire lmao to the point that it’s overwhelming. Gotta direct it somewhere or physically submerge myself in water as often as possible Aries ☀️ Sag 🌙 Aries ⬆️


This is FELT. I'm not triple bc my big 3 are gem sun, libra moon but leo rising. BUT My chart is almost 50% air and the the rest is fire, i think 1-2 water then 1 earth 🤣🤣 So it takes me lot to feel "grounded." I'm trying to go into fight or flight less 🤣


We are big three twins. I’m Virgo, Cancer, Scorpio too. 9/22.


9/21 here!


This is really kind.


I feel so seen 😭


You don't have to guess with us. It's not always pretty but it's real


>Aries (sometimes) men Awww. I’m only a sometimes 😔


LOL I meant (sometimes) Leo men but yes, sometimes Aries men too 😂


WHAT! I was an afterthought! 😭😭😭 lmao i wasn’t even a sometimes?! [Enter Existential Dread]


You made my leo ego happy lol


Aries ♈ sun Leo ♌ rising. Hollllllllaaaaaa


Leo sun and rising and sag moon❤️ hoping to meet a man as loyal and passionate about life as I am


I will not call the Sag man (Sag sun, Scorpio moon, Virgo rising) I have been dealing with is emotionally mature.        Generalization is never good. Sun sign is not the only thing that matters. People still need to do self work to reach their true potential and emotional maturity regardless of their zodiac sign.  Why? Because each zodiac sign has its own strengths and weaknesses along with good and bad traits.     IMO, having a balanced zodiac placements in our birth chart is a lot better, like our planet. It's beautiful because it has earth, water, fire, and air. 


They don't have more emotional intelligence than water signs, and a water sign's love is just as real as any other sign. The most fire-heavy person I know (an Aries sun/Leo moon/Aries Mercury + Venus) has the emotional intelligence of a brick. For example, when a neighbour's dog had just been run over and she came over in his tears, one of his first questions was "So, are you going to get another one then?" And when I say "had just been run over", I mean *literally* had just been run over. This intense Aries is hands down one of the most toxic and volatile people I've ever known. It's not "calling you out", it's being a jackass. I'm sorry if that upsets you, OP, but it's a gentle caution. Otherwise, life is going to hit hard when you realise your Aries idolisation doesn't match reality. Of course, that's not to say all Aries are bad - just don't idolise any sign.


I agree not all water signs are toxic fucks, but you did not just prove that point…




That's because that wasn't my point. I was saying not to make sweeping judgements about signs. I highlighted that by giving an example of a strong fire person being awful, and on the flipsie, also by saying that it doesn't make all Aries bad. What's toxic is being ensnared by an idolisation of any sign. There is something unhealthy about the OP's post. Holding any kind of human under such a light is going to end with a lot of pain. That's why my comment suggests a tempering of expectations. That might not be 'nice', but nice isn't always kind or helpful. Sometimes, being 'nice' turns into being yes men, and that is the opposite of being kind.


Okaaaay but you literally just generalized fire signs based on your experience with ONE person. We get your point, don’t idolize signs. But you should take that same advice and don’t hate on signs based off a singular person/experience 🤷🏻‍♀️


I do not agree with your execution of this point, but I see elements to where you're coming from. My sister and dad have heavy aries placements, and they can be very volatile and more interested in talking action or moving to "the next thing" than necessarily coping with the matter at hand. But maybe your friend was just saying what popped into her head. Humans can be weird! I've done stuff like that. To that people with those placements aren't intelligent isn't constructive or respectful.




Don’t be daft - I have Sag Jupiter rising and conjunct the ASC. My comment both said not all fire signs are bad, whilst highlighting (like all signs, water included) that some are, and that it’s not healthy to idolise them.    My comment was a gentle counterpoint to the OP’s unhealthy post. Otherwise, idolising any humans is going to come crashing down hard for them. Now you can either be a yes man that feeds the cruel fantasy, or you can stand up and say what needs to be said. If anything, that makes me the secure one, because I'm not seeking validation for my comment — I'm doing it in spite of the potential flak.