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Another “Kim Possible” body type here i’m 5’7/170cm i have thick thighs it’s pretty common around sag risings i guess and my ♋︎ stellium is giving a moon shaped face🌝 like it’s kinda between heart and round i also have dimples i think i look moreee like my sagittarius rising with my leo self☀️


It seems like people with a strong stellium in another sign than their rising tend to have a mixture of traits, which is interesting! Moon shaped faces are cuuute!


Leo rising. Saggitarius stellium. I’m 5’3. Used to be a bit curvy but not really overweight. Now I’m very, very thin but still have a bit of an hourglass shape. Very long straight strawberry blonde hair. Big smile. I have resting smile face. Haha. Green eyes. I don’t know if any of this fits with any of my chart. 🤷‍♀️


I am a Leo rising who also has thick blonde hair and green eyes


Neat! We’re like big kitties


Good hair is usually typical for Leos - so if it's strong, thick and healthy it def lines up! Fair skin and blonde hair is also common (on white Leos, obviously). Thin but curvy is very Sagi!


Thank you. My hair is pretty strong and healthy. I’m white but my skin is warm toned and always looks a bit tanned except for my glow in the dark legs that are so white I can use them as flashlights. Totally different skin tone on my legs like I’m Frankensteined together. Haha


Also green/blue almond shaped eyes, short but with hourglass figure, bushy brown hair with natural golden highlights around the face. My nosy is pointy maybe from the Gemini placements.


Aw resting smile face sounds so pleasant haha. I’m a Leo rising too but I always look like I’m confused or thinking too hard. 😂


Some people find the constant smile a little unsettling. Haha.


I am Vietnamese and a Leo rising. I have long black hair - not thick but not thin. I am super petite - like 4’10 and thin but have an hour glass shape and pretty fit at 100 lbs. I’m busty though because I got my boobs done lol. Very Leo rising! I have a short torso and broad shoulders with deep brown eyes, round face. My shoulders are very easily sculpted. 😂 I wish I had a bigger ass.


I miss the butt I used to have. It fell off somehow 🤣


Libra rising! Also Venus in Gemini in the ninth. All my fat and muscle goes to my butt/thighs and i have wide hips. I have a smaller waist but also no boobs and bigger arms 🤷‍♀️ i also have a line down my mid/lower back from muscle which i like and I’ve heard libra rules the lower back so i suppose it makes sense. Also very short im 5’. Cancer sun so of course round face and long nose as well.


I’m libra rising too! I have Pisces as my sun, Venus, & mercury. I also have moon in cancer. I’m a tall woman with 36DDD boobs and long wavy hair down to my butt. Lowkey kind of have an AirPod body tho


I’m a libra rising with a Taurus stellium and a pisces venus and we sound like we have similar looks lol I’m definitely bigger in my lower half though.


I’ve noticed Pisces/pisces Venus placements are usually tall girlies!! That’s so interesting!!


OMG SAME body type here!


Omg I’m also a cancer sun, libra rising, and Gemini Venus 9th house!! How cool, when’s your birthday? 😊


Hey Cancer Sun, Libra Rising gang! My Venus is in Cancer, but just barely at 0 degrees. If I was born a day earlier it would be Gemini in the 9th House.


What is your Hogwarts House?


When I was a kid I would say either Slytherin or Ravenclaw. However, if I really think about my personality and the traits associated with the houses, it's either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. So Ravenclaw wins?




Nice to meet you Big 3 twin! So are we in agreement that Gryffindor is last for us? I liked Slytherin because of the House colors, the dungeon dorms, and Snape, but I am lacking that ambition. Hufflepuff being next to the kitchens is my favorite thing about them lol




Honestly, I'm confused the most by my 10th (and 9th) house because it's drastically different based on the Placidus or Whole Sign house systems. So I don't even know what's going on 😭


Jul 8!! Wbu!!


Ahhhh my birthdays July 2nd! And I would say my body type is more atheltic/ curvy type! I’m very proportional if that makes sense. 😂 considering sag’s association with legs tho is interesting bc I have definitely been told before that I have really nice legs and tbh they’re my favorite body feature of mine. 😁


What’s your body type!! I’ve read the ninth house accentuates your hips/thighs/butt and makes you naturally more athletic and strong bc it’s the Sagittarius house!


gemini rising + gemini stellium. i'm a little shorter than the average in my country, i'm pretty skinny/slim. i don't look like a gemini rising at all, based on the description i read online. according to those, i should be very animated and expressive, slim body type, a smile on 24/7, a longer face shape and a "fine nose" (whatever that means). the only thing that fits is the slim body type, i've never been expressive and i've always had a bad case of RBF. in my opinion look more like a pisces/scorpio rising (again based on a description i read online) - which does make sense, i inherited a lot of my traits from my dad, who is a scorpio.


A RBF has been on my Christmas wish list since I was like 13 and I'm genuinely jealous lol. But that's interesting. Don't know my mom's rising as she has no clue about her birth time (Virgo stellium though - and she looks like a Virgo), but I always hear that I have her smile, dimples and eyes, not to mention her curls as we're the only curly folks in our family, all while I don't have enough Virgo traits to be a typical Virgo. Maybe genetics sorta influence which heavy placements on your chart affects your looks? As in, you take on certain traits of your parents depending on your own chart. Idk. Thanks for sharing. ❤️


Pisces rising, curvy figure, I think a more triangular face shape, and average height. Long torso, short big legs and wide hips. I also have chubby cheeks that I’ve grown to love. They’re here to stay no matter how much weight I lose. Sag stellium as well. I honestly have no idea about any of the physical traits but I am almost always smiling. My husband can literally tell when something’s wrong because it’s so easy to tell when my face is anything other than happy.


Chubby cheeks are adorable ❤️ and I relate to the inability for others to tell when you're upset. I wont smile if I'm annoyed/angry, but I've heard that rather than looking mad, my face expression is more that of a "normal" person who's a bit confused and lost in thought lol.


Totally makes sense but my eyes give it away if you know me really well tbh. They’re very expressive and I’m often told it’s hard to keep eye contact with me because it makes people nervous.


Yeah... My close ones can always tell what I'm feeling from my facial expressions, eyes and body language. Others? Not so much. I lose that trademark glimpse if I'm very sad or really annoyed, but unless you're the reason I feel that way, you can revive it within seconds by making a cheesy joke - it's easy to make me laugh through the pain, and while it doesn't take away said pain, it decreases it and makes me feel more like myself again. Except when I'm severely depressed - when I stop smiling and laughing, I've lost myself completely. Mild to moderate depression though? I'll still be laughing, even if I'm anxious and borderline-s'icidal. My ability to find a reason to laugh in any given situation is one of my favorite things about myself, but I also hate it, cause a lot of people wont believe me when I tell them how I'm actually feeling... If I'm actually FURIOUS my eyes apparently make me look genuinely terrifying. "It's like you get three meters taller and I kind of expected flames to come out of your mouth when you opened it" - my friend after some people at a concert ignored her asthma and kept pushing despite me telling her she couldn't breathe; they heard, but laughed and didn't care, security guards had to lift her over the fence and carry her away (and I, of course, came along). But I only ever get truly mad when I need to protect someone else... I've literally only been angry twice during the past three years lol. #NotYourTypicalAriesMoon


I’m a Sagittarius and no matter how skinny I am I got those damn chipmunk cheeks lol


lol same but I am not in the skinny category. When my weight fluctuated more often, they never went away and they make me look so young when I smile 😭😭 like a teenager


People think I’m way younger than I am cause these cheeks. Maybe I should change my attitude about them lol


Scorpio rising. I’m 5’10 with long limbs and broad shoulders, extremely pale and quite angular with prominent facial bones and collarbones, a healthy but slim weight. Grey-blue hooded almond eyes and white blonde hair, my canines are insanely pointy. Have been called a vampire or a ghost my entire life lmao, and people often assume I’m of Nordic descent, which I am but a few generations back. I also have a birth defect on one of my ears that makes it elf-shaped and pointy, and a dimple on only one cheek. My hair is an annoying mix of curly and wavy and I have a staring problem because I inherited the cunty and intimidating variety of autism, which is counteracted marginally by me looking younger than I am.


>My hair is an annoying mix of curly and wavy and I have a staring problem because I inherited the cunty and intimidating variety of autism, which is counteracted marginally by me looking younger than I am. This last part I related to, and it was just straight up funny to me. Haha another "cunty/intimidating" autist here lmao


Hey twin 🫶🏻


Scorpio stellium, I have broad shoulders. I have a small waist, and large hips and rear end. It gives the illusion of an hour glass shape even though I belong to the itty bitty titty committee. I also have pointy canines. Speaking of Nordic, my dad’s bio parents are Swedish immigrants.


Also Scorpio stellium, but a guy. Tall, slim, long limbs, with feminine hips/waist. Black hair/dark features on pale skin. I've been called an elf, a vampire or a bjork lookalike all my life, especially if I'm clean shaven. I have difficulty building muscle mass despite working a very physically demanding job and exercising frequently. When I was a teenager in the 90s I gave Edward Scissorhands/The Crow vibes with the Billy Idol or Stray Cats look later.


Loving that we’re all pale, elven vampires 🖤


I’m Scorpio stellium and this is my exact body type.


Scorp rising Sag stellium and Sun. I'm average height for a woman (5'4) but I have broad shoulders and chest. Large breasts and small hips and butt. I do have very bright grey blue hooded eyes. My natural teeth were very pointed canines. Was always asked if I was a vampire by kids, which I miss. I unfortunately was forced to straighten them out. My hair is wavy and there's tons of it.


Capricorn. 5’2 petite. Don’t really feel like I look like a Capricorn whatever that is Edit: just googled and cap risings are bony and awkward so maybe I do look like one


6’2” swimmers bod. Didn’t get braces til a few years ago at 39. I have an ethereal soft looking face for a male (I even it out w muscles).


I think Cap risings are cuties! ❤️


Aquarius rising. I look androgynous. I could easily pass for a masc lesbian. Don’t come for me, most of my lesbian friends have told me this, and assumed upon first meeting me, that I’m gay. I’m an ally, and very vocal about it so maybe that’s why? Lol idk. Most aqua suns I know, look standard “Aquarius” more so than aqua risings in my opinion. They usually have sharpe, unique, alien like features. I don’t have any of that. I have the typical Capricorn small forehead to hair line ratio between the brows. I have nice strong healthy teeth. My eyes are blue/grey and gigantic (which is some sort of sick joke since I can’t see for shit out of them. Legally blind), and “earthy”. My hair is pretty lacklustre, dishwater colour. My body (5’7) is proportional, but my Taurus moon likes food a lil too much and I can range from thick, to normal, to slightly underweight. If I’m too stressed or depressed I will lose ozempic amounts of weight. If I pretend to care that day, I can clean up well. But most times I embody: ![gif](giphy|O5yFxR4Fe7NpC)




Aqua sun and rising. I’m tall and lanky, with a small, squarish/heart shaped head but sharp jawline. Depending on how I’m dressed I get hit on by women or men. I think my personality is a little more masculine than feminine, also.


Taurus and sag Stelliums (Taurus sun, sag rising) and a mix of both. Tall, “well built”, doe eyes, curly hair, slim but curvy


Aaawwh, you're me in reverse when it comes to signs, and seemingly my lookalike in appearance lol. Except I have a Cap+Sag stellium instead. Doesn't seem like my Cap one affects it though, which makes sense since the only personal planet placement in Cap is Mercury...


Leo rising: I’m pretty short 5’3 (160cm) big head, petite body, I have broadish shoulders, big chest, big hair, my eyes are very cat like. My face is oval shaped, high cheek bones and prominent brow bone. Deep set hooded eyes. I look like the more cat like Aquarius idk how else to explain it


Sag rising and stellium. Grew up long and thin, now I’m fairly curvy and enjoying it


I'm kinda jealous. I've been trying to gain weight, cause I lose weight so easily and am slightly underweight as a default. I've struggled with EDs a lot and used to want to be as skinny as possible, but now it's like... I'd rather not have my ribs sticking out, be extremely sensitive to both heat and cold (prone to heat strokes, and will be shaking and get blue lips when others with the same amount of clothing on just think it's "slightly chilly"), and I don't wanna have to worry about looking like the female version of Christian Bale in The Machinist if I'm sick and can't eat for a couple of weeks. Dunno your age, but I'm 27, and I'm really hoping it'll change with age... ❤️


I’m 35 and around 32 is when things started filling in, you have time. Congratulations for continuing the fight. I know EDs are super tough to conquer, but it sounds like you're doing the work. Keep going 🫂


Libra rising with my Capricorn stellium (Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) square my rising. I don't think I embody what a Libra rising "should" look like. Symmetrical features, tall, pointed chin, graceful movements, dimples, etc. I've even read that many have hazel or light brown eyes. I do have the typical oval face shape and pear shaped body though, but nothing else really hits home from the materials that I've read. Annoyingly, I do seem to give an overall approachable vibe to a lot of people. So some hit and some miss.


Another one with a mixture of stellium and rising! ❤️ And another person who looks overly friendly and approachable lol. I'm social and will happily engage in convos with strangers like 25% of the time (given that they're respectful), but most of the time I'd rather be left alone... Really wish I had a resting bitch face so that I had a choice. I feel your frustration.


Aries rising, cap stellium, curvy but athletic, I naturally put muscle on easy and metabolism is kinda fast. Strong legs, 5’5


Same, other than metabolism.


Virgo rising. I m slim, tall, sharp features with thick long hair.


Same. Libra sun with Virgo rising, tall, thin, long black hair, and been told I look younger than my age.


Virgo rising here - I’m slim & in shape, and I also have really thick, long hair. I’m more on the short side, 5’6”. I would like to say that I have a long torso. High waisted jeans/shorts often look like regular jeans/shorts on me or they give me a massive cameltoe 😂


Leo rising and I’m 5”4 and 122 pounds. I’m a soft natural though so I look bigger in clothing than I actually am. I have wide shoulders and curvy hips. No matter how thin I get my butt is always big. I look better in a bikini than clothing. I lose weight fairly easily but struggle putting on muscle in my arms. My legs are fairly strong. For my face I have thick blonde hair, green eyes and full lips.


Taurus sun , libra moon , scorpio rising here . I have broad shoulders , long arms and a big butt , would say I’m Apple shaped . My arms remain slender so all my weight goes to my lower parts . I also have a really small waist .. my head shape is square like and my eyes pretty big , I’m also told I have sleepy eyes


And I’m 5’5 .


I think I'm a good mix of my rising, moon and stellium (and sun) Cap sun and stellium, boney, rbf/resting sad face, petite, heavy footed Scorp moon, hazel intense eyes Aires rising, leaner athletic body, strong


Scorpio rising with a cap stellium (if I understand the term correctly). I'm the shape of the lifeguard on lilo and stitch, but white, brown eyes, and thick brown hair with lots of greys (hello 31). People asked me if I was a volleyball or basketball player growing up, but I've always been a bit too timid to enjoy playing sports all that much. I am 5'10", and it's always kind of bugged me to be a woman and so tall, bcs ppl easily see me when I'm out and about. I just want to fade into the background most days- I have too much social anxiety and get nervous quickly when noticed, even if it's positive attention (I told a joke or made an interesting remark).


Virgo rising with Venus and Jupiter also in Virgo - petite to average in height (5’3”+) but well proportioned (I can look “tall” in photographs) I’ve been told I look really serious!


Virgo rising, Scorpio and Libra stelliums. Was a plump child, then thinned out in my teens to the point I was extremely thin. Was then hourglass from about 19 years old until about a year ago and now I’m very plump. Very very plump (gave up smoking and piled it on). Wavy/curly strawberry blonde/ginger hair, green/grey eyes. 5ft 8. Also been told I have a really big smile


I don’t fit the physical attributes associated with my Rising (Taurus) at all. I actually fit my Sun sign (Scorpio) more when it comes to physical characteristics. I have a small petite frame, stand about 5’3, long dark hair, prominent nose, high cheekbones, and generally more angular features. I do have a Sagittarius stellium and I’ve received comments about my legs, mainly calves. This Sagittarius stellium does occur in the 8th House and my Chart Ruler is also in the 8th. So, I have considered that being an influence. I’ve also considered conjunctions to the Ascendent as well. Personally, I haven’t witnessed a significant enough correlation between astrology and physical appearance enough to accept it has an influence. I’ve often noticed a correlation between placements and vibes, style, presence or self-expression though.


cancer rising, 5th house libra stellium Long legs, tall (5’7 - 170cm), wide hips yet still pretty slender. I’m not thick, yet I have curves and a bigger butt - in compare with my shoulders, which are really narrow. I have a symmetrical oval face, big almond eyes and the typical cancerian full cheeks. If not damaged by constant experiments, my hair is thick. In the summer my skin gets naturally very tanned.


I have a Sagittarius rising and Aries Venus and stellium. I think my eyebrows are definitely Martian. Loud and proud. The whole long neck and walking with purpose. But I also have a long torso and toned naturally like a Sag. I carry a Resting Aries Bitch Face but I laugh and smile a lot. Think I’m a good mix of both.


I’m also a sag rising, Aries venus and Capricorn Stellium. I also have thick brows 😂 and a lot of hair. Instead of a long torso, I have longer legs but a shorty. Everything else you’re spot on.


Cancer rising with a Capricorn stellium, I’m 5’6 and basically look exactly like the description of Cancers. Big, round everything and moon face.


My rising sign is Scorpio I’m 5’7 slender-toned build I have straight blonde hair and my eyes are light green/blue. I do have a round face and fair skin. (my Norwegian heritage shines through my features)


I'm also similar to you as a Scorpio rising. My hair texture is more on the curly side though. I was blonde growing up, however I think I may be on the brunette side now (haven't seen my natural hair colour besides the roots since dyeing my hair at 16). I currently have my hair dyed a bright orange, which goes well with my fair skin and green eyes


Oh nice I love curly hair! I will say I get compliments on my eyes a lot cause they’re a pretty light green/blue. I love your features. 😄


Aries rising and sag stellium. Petite but hourglass. Thick head of hair (Leo moon), big eyes and pouty lips.




Kinda like my dad when he was young - and he's also a Sag rising!


Gemini rising. I'm 5'3", 125ish but curvy, hourglass. When I gain or lose any weight, it's all over, so I stay pretty proportionate. I have a few unique birthmarks. I have 2 stelliums- 3 in Scorpio, 3 in Sag (well 4 each, if sun in scorp and moon in sag is included? I don't know much about astrology). Then just 2 in Capricorn and my Gem rising. I'm not really sure? I don't know what those stelliums are known for, insofar as physical traits. I'm often taken as being flirtatious or sexy when I'm not trying to be, at all. I personally think I'm pretty average looking, but if I go by how people react to me, I guess I'm above average.


Capricorn Rising. 4’11” and *very* petite. Stellium in Pisces & Aries. Never heard of looking more like a stellium vs rising before! That’s new to me {new-ish to astrology still!}


Scorpio rising and Scorpio mars, mercury, and Pluto in my 12th house. I’m 5 ft 4, with a more athletic body type- smaller breasts, bigger butt and legs. Naturally muscular so I weigh more than I look. Pale, big expressive eyes, heart shaped face, thinner lips, high cheek bones, big ears.


Sagittarius rising tall and thin


Taurus rising with Sun 1st house (opposite Pluto, trine Moon) splash chart. 5'7" 145lbs (most of my life have been 120ish) slightly short for my family. Big butt and thick thighs but slender otherwise, nice legs, small chest, doe eyes, big lips (not huge but nice).. pretty sharp jawline. Yes long neck but it's thin, average shoulders. I look somewhat athletic naturally although I'm not, just pretty active. Similar to Kim Possible, yes. I've been compared to Annie Lennox as well - our features are similar except her eyes are much more intense, mine are soft but sharp (Gemini).. Annie does have Sun conjunct Mercury. Interestingly, my best friend and I always looked quite similar and she's a Sagittarius rising (Aries Sun) but I have a way bigger butt, and she has always been much more athletic than I am. Both of us are the same height, similar body shape/proportions, eyes, face shape, and smile.




Hi, what are the faces for?? 👀




Haha well I appreciate the compliment 😜 we could chat, looks like we have some interests in common!


Ok what are doe eyes?


Big innocent looking eyes (usually brown)


I’m trying to figure out which rising sign I am (only know the time of day not exact birth time). Taurus rising is always described as straight up looking like a horse imo. Like how many women have thick necks? What?


Libra rising w Libra Stellium in the 1H. I am quite harmonious and I am also definitely pear shaped although relatively slim in the waist and upper body. I think the planets in my first house (particularly Saturn - sharp bone structure and dry skin - and Pluto - sharp eyes, moody look) affect my appearance a lot. I also see my Sun and Venus (which is my chart ruler).


Taurus rising, I’m on the shorter side (5’3) and have always been curvy. Higher or lower weight I tend to maintain a somewhat hourglass figure, bigger hips and chest. Wavy hair, round-ish face, and I have always been complimented on my eyes.


Libra rising, Capricorn stellium. 5’6, hourglass shaped, oval face, full lips, wide dark brown eyes with long eyelashes, peaked eyebrows, thick dark wavy/curly hair, thick hands with long fingernails, small but wide feet with high arches. Honestly had to Google what either sign looks like, but I’d say I have the allure of Libra and defined features of Capricorn.


I’m a Gemini rising, and I’m short and am often mistaken for being younger than I actually am. However, my Capricorn stellium and Scorpio sun, Mercury, and Pluto give me a solid RBF so I just look short and grumpy.


Scorpio Rising, I’m 5’11 slim fit, got bushy brows and a thick waterline around my almond shaped eyes, pointy ears and a bird like appearance, my rising sign is exactly at 0° so I have that quintessential look, it’s funny because before I got my time I was sure what my rising sign was


Leo rising. I’m tall for a woman (5’8) and I have lots of curly hair. Athletic but my face is 1000% Pisces. Blue eyes that are so intense I’ve been told they are scary before lol. I have Leo mars in my first house so I think that makes me mysterious and intimidating looking.


Virgo rising and Scorpio sun with stellium. Definitely look like a Scorpio, my eyes stand out they’re light bluish grey and have a defined jaw line. I’m average height 5’5 and weight (not skinny, not fat)


Mine is aquarius, but I i truly fit my 6 scorpio placements description. I have ZERO resemblance to the aquarian description.


I have sun, Venus and Mercury in Cancer. And am a Leo rising. I’m 5’7” with an angular, slender, athletic build. I feel like people think “roundness” when they talk about Cancer’s physical traits. I also don’t have large breasts, which is another I hear a lot. I do, however, have a luscious, waist length mane for basically my whole life, which, was the first thing I thought about when I learned I was Leo rising.


We have the same big 3!!!! Hello friend!!!!




I'm that Taurus rising you described. 5'5", 140 lbs. My torso length matches my leg length. Broad shoulders, thick thighs, strong neck, muscular cuz I'm a landscaper. Round baby face keeps me looking younger than I am.


Aries Rising here. I’m 5’8” and pretty stout. Even though I am on the heavier side, I look athletic bc I gain muscle easily. I have been told I look intimidating based on my RBF and my eyes. I do have the prominent Aries forehead and I am always unconsciously standing in Superman mode.


Leo rising w leo Venus in the first. I am a cancer. I think I look soft and watery...big brown eyes. I have thick auburn hair that I used to be super vain about til I started getting gray. As a kid up until late 20s I was a stick and could eat anything and not gain weight. Since then, my weight has fluctuated a ton. I'm probably at my biggest now. Curves. I'm 5'5".


I‘m a leo rising (aries sun) and I have a pisces stellium but I do look more like my rising sign! I‘m 5'5''. Not exactly tall but proportionally I do have long legs for my height and average weight. I have broad shoulders, gain muscle insanely fast and I have a weirdly strong upper body for someone who doesn‘t weight train. Very long, thick black/pink split dye hair that goes down to my ass, green eyes, strong jaw, chest tattoos. I think my pisces stellium gave me a rounder face and an somewhat otherworldly look but other than that I‘m living up the leo rising attitude :b


The reason why is because your sag Venus is your chart ruler since you’re a Taurus rising which will alsoaffect your physical appearance. For example, I’m a libra rising so my chart ruler is Venus and my Venus is in Gemini so I have libra rising physical traits mixed with Gemini’s physical traits. Edit: I also have moon in the first house so that also slightly affects my physical appearance


Aquarius rising and I'm 5'6, on the thinner side I'd say but I've struggled with EDs my whole life so I don't really know lol. I have a Sagittarius Stellium and I hope I do not look like a horse. I do stand out because I kind of dress like a granfather and I'm also very pale with dark hair. I sound ugly but I'm not (I think?) lol


Sag rising, and I have big strong legs and big ass, much smaller upper body and small waist. Very short legs and longer torso. So exactly what you’d expect hahaha (I have a sag spelling as well)


Sag Rising, with a Libra stellium. I never really thought about the stellium affecting my looks, but maybe it has. I am tall, and very leggy, like a Sag rising, but also very curvy. Like I have a 27” waist with 41” hips. I have loooots of hair and soft facial features but big strong eyebrows, which I always associate strong eyebrows with Taurus and fire signs. I’m very much an extreme combination of the most feminine and rhe most masculine traits lol.


I’m a sag rising, and I have a sag stellium. I’m 5”7, long legs, bigger hips, smaller waist, medium boned I think. My face is somewhere between oval and heart. Bigger eyes, smallish nose, med lips. Long thick wavy hair


Libra rising tall af for a woman (5’11” Soft Dramatic)


I'm cap sun and Aqua rising in a stellium. I'm just a Saturn's bitch that is not allowed to fuck things up. Never. But I feel more aqua than cap. Brain is too fast and too loose. I'm 1,65m and 63kgs. because I don't know another measuring system. And in kibbe classification, I'm a soft natural.




How would you describe a Gemini rising personality?


Capricorn rising, I also have my moon, Jupiter and Pluto in Sagittarius. I am 5’3” and on the bigger side but curvy with an hourglass body shape. I don’t feel I look like the typical physical qualities of Capricorn rising, but I think it fits for how I act in new situations and how people perceive me.


A Taurus rising female & sag stellium - a curvy spoon shape body , deep eyes and round face and sturdy body & always smiling


Scorpio rising and sagittarius stellium (moon, mars and Pluto) And i am a Dutch guy. So i am 6' or 183cm, athletic build and very intense behind the eyes. I think it is a nice mix between Scorpio and the sagittarius stellium, which also consists of my 2 ruling planets


cancer rising with venus, mars & jupiter in leo. i'm 5'10, thin, flat and narrow chest but wide hips and thighs, average shoulders, long-ish arms, long neck, big eyes, thin hair but a lot of it so it looks thick, roundish face, been told i look innocent/cute so that checks out along with the big eyes and roundish face but otherwise i don't fit the other aspects of cancer risings like being short, curvy or having a large chest.


Rising is Scorpio no stellium 5’4.5 pear shaped big ass/thighs,big lips,thicker than a snicker,no titties, fucked up knees but I think that has more to do with genetics lol 💀


Taurus stellium and Cancer rising conj. Lilith I've been told I look like a fairy I get stared at a lot in public if I doll myself up and I hate it


Sag rising and cap sun and stellium. At 5’4” and 105-110lbs, I’m a marathoner/ultra marathoner, so I’m petite, but athletic with a small, lean upper body and powerful legs. My face is very expressive but also determined. I think this makes me a pretty solid mix of both!


libra rising with an aqua stellium - 5'6"/bridge troll.


Sag rising, I’m thin, 5’3, 100lbs, but somehow got boobs (32DD) and a butt, completely lack muscle tone, I’m just thin.


Taurus rising! I’m 5’6 brown doe eyes straight hair. Broad/strong shoulders and long neck. Thick thighs long legs long arms. Small waist, big hips. Round/heart shaped face. I will note I have Jupiter in the 1st house. I would check you degree in your rising sign as well, maybe it’s also a Sagittarius degree.


Scorpio rising, with a 1H Scorpio stellium and 2H Sag stellium. I’m 5’2, slim athletic. I’ve always had muscular thighs and calves due to being in dance throughout my childhood to teen years. I think my body type aligns with my Sagittarius sun / stellium. And unless I’m actively talking, super animated, and smiling.. I have major Scorpio RBF.


gemini. gemini stellium in the first house. 5’4 but i look taller because of long legs and how skinny i am. I have a lot of typical traits like an expressive face, pretty hands, pretty teeth and a big smile. Have been told that i have anime eyes and that they’re big. full lips. big curly hair. very bony, striking and angular looking.


Taurus rising!! I’m 5’11” and have a curvier build but my weight has fluctuated through out my life


Pisces rising with Pisces stellium,my height is 4'11 and I'm skinny but have of a sort of hourglass body type,like i have really curvy waist that looks good in bodycon dresses.I have doe eyes which can stare in you soul (said by a friend), thick eye brows and a straight nose and i get a lot of compliments on how good my hair looks(i have straight to wavy black hair).I have have had eye bags since 4th grade and ppl also tell me i always look like I'm lost in daydream(when not talking to someone).And I look younger than my age (I'm 18 but could easily pass as a 16 year old)


Gemini rising. I’m average height and overweight with a big nose. So not very gemini-like. But I do have a long face shapewise and I’m quite expressive so some things tick off. I always look a bit mad.


Leo rising with Libra stellium. I'm 5'4", broad-shouldered, large chested, on the fluffy side. I have long thick hair, prominent cheekbones with apple cheeks, and almond-shaped, hooded eyes.


Gemini rising. I used to be chubby but now I’m slender and quite tall amongst my demographic (5’8) I’m a Pisces stellium and I find that influences my expressive features more like my eyes nose lips and gemini influences my standard bodily features. My style however I don’t know? I wear black all the time.


Scorpio rising. Scorpio and sag stellium. 6’ - 165 lbs. I’m an hourglass. Curvy, soft. I’m quite pale, dark eyes, black hair. My eyes are described as being large. I look fit, I am not fit.


Aries rising with cap stellium 5'4" I put muscle on fast, have big hair that has a reddish tinge to it. I guess I look like my rising sign but I hold/present myself like my stellium. And I dress mostly like my Venus.


I’m a Scorpio rising with an 8th house stellium in cancer -including sun and venus. I’m 5’2” (almost 5’3”) and 105lbs. Not sure what body type I am. Athletic build, sharp features. 32-24-34 are my measurements.


I'm a Libra Rising with a Cancer stellium (Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter). I'm tall and I would say my body type is squishy athletic lol. My face is oval shaped. I have almond shaped, olive green eyes. My hair is long, dark brown and a little wavy.


Capricorn rising yes high cheek bones. Virgo stellium mars, mercury and venus all 8th house. Tbh I don't really know what Virgo stellium supposed to look like but the rising sign falls in its place


Scorpio Rising: very tall for a woman (6’) and lean (model). the only first impression people have told me they have gotten from me is intimidating and bitchy, although once they get to know me the leo sun really comes out


Gemini rising, lanky and tall 6ft


Aquarius rising + Capricorn and Sagittarius Stellium I'm 4'11, petite. My facial features are more of my rising but my body type and language is more of my Sag stellium. Probably because my Capricorn is at the 12th H that its not so much seen. But I'm pretty sure I give off that capricorn vibe why most of my friends say they were afraid to approach when they first met me.


Gemini rising: short height round face which ive been told makes me look younger. But the most telltale sign are the beauty spots. Mole right under left eye and above the lip on the left side


I look very much like a Scorpio rising; intense eyes, dramatic features (very curly dark hair, high cheekbones, long neck, broad shoulders). But I'm pretty effing tall (5'11"/180cm), which does not jive with my Sag Stellium (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Uranus). I'm fairly certain that all Sags are generally on the shorter side. I do have the thick thighs, though. I also have a Second House Stellium (Sun, Moon, Uranus, Neptune) but I'm not sure there are physical traits associated with houses.


I’m a Capricorn rising. I’m 5’0” and I have a curvy/slim/athletic body type. I have a Capricorn and Aquarius stellium. I have the sharpest fucking facial features so definitely both my stelliums for sure. My jaw could cut diamonds. I age gracefully, people think i’m 18 still if it wasn’t for being heavily tattooed.


Quick q on the stellium…how many occurrences constitutes a stellium?


Gemini rising with a virgo stellium and I feel like i have a bit of both. I've got the almond-shaped face and general body shape of virgo but the pianist hands and expressiveness of gemini rising. When I'm working, I have the Capricorn RBF but 99% of the time it's the gemini fun and sociable side that people see (thank god). My husband says he loves my smile. It's a genuine smile and thankfully I've got fantastic teeth because (yay virgo) I'm a clean freak when it comes to breath and body. Gotta smell good.


Leo rising, 5”3 roughly 122 pounds. Curvaceous but small chest, bigger bum, muscular legs. Big brown hair and olive toned skin. High cheekbones, big blue eyes.


Triple sag + sag Mars and Mercury. I’m definitely built like a centaur, athletic build, very easy to develop muscle, strong legs, thighs and booty. I’m not tall though


I’m a cancer rising. Short torso and neck, long limbs, and a round moon face. I’m taller than average for a woman, 5’8” and gain weight easily (either fat or muscle) I’m also a super pale ginger and have very fine hair like most cancer risings. I also have a Libran stellium in my 4th house so the cancer vibes are enhanced even more. I would say overall anyone who knew the basics of rising signs would be able to peg me as a water rising at the very least.


Cancer rising - short 4’9 curves, big butt like J lo, on the slender side. Big chest, brown hair brown eyes. I also have the round face like a moon. 🤷‍♀️ Cap sun. Taurus moon cancer rising. cap mercury. Sagittarius Venus. mars Aries. Jupiter Pisces. Saturn Sagittarius. Uranus Sagittarius. Neptune cap. Pluto Scorpio.


Virgo rising with a Gemini stellium. Im 5’4, somewhat petite, no ass or hips (kinda athletic build but with really big boobs), roundish face, somewhat doe eyes, small features, no lips, skinny but somehow pronounced calves at the same time (have been asked if I’m a dancer or a runner, I’m not). Very expressive face, generally smiley.


I have a Taurus rising. I’m 5’2 and I gain weight very easily. I have to watch what I eat or I will gain weight easily. I’m a slim body type. My shoulders are broad though for a female.


Cap rising with a 1st house stellium with Mars, Uranus, and Neptune and 11th+ sag stellium with Pluto, Chiron, and Lilith. I'm 5'2 and I've used to be pretty large my whole life, especially around my thighs (Mostly because I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was a teen). Also, I gain weight fast even if I eat normally (it's like a superpower lol). I did manage to lose a lot of weight during lockdown but gained a bit again due to sickness and depression last year. Now my body type is mostly curvy and I actually glowed up a lot since then.


I am a leo rising with a scorpio stellium built kind of petite but my lower half is thicker than my upper half lol. Always been decently athletic and into sports. I have quite a bit of blonde hair that tends to puff up and do what it wants making me look alittle feral😆. The orthodontist filed down my canine teeth because they were so long. I have large hazel eyes and an olive skin tone. I have apple cheeks and I smile alot.


Aries and I am tall and athletic though I barely exercise, you can paint Mona Lisa on my forehead , also voluminous wavy hair.


Cancer rising. Petite and have a round face. Pretty accurate i would say🤣


Cancer rising, 5’5 120 pounds and hourglass shaped, I think I’m considerably more busty than other woman my weight


I'm a Cancer rising, Taurus sun and I have an Aries stellium. I don't look like a Cancer or Taurus at all, except maybe broad shoulders, smallish chest and a big butt. My face is oval and Aries-like and my eyes are dark and almond shaped, I have blondish wavy hair. My features look more like that of an Aries and Leo somewhat (most of my 1H is in Leo and I am not even sure if that's not my ASC instead of Cancer). My build is rather athletic with thick thighs, my height is around 165cm. I know the struggle with jeans... try men's. Literally changed my life.


Libra rising. Tallish for a woman at 5’9”, wider through the hips than the shoulders but I have big boobs so am technically hourglass figured. I gain or lose weight but do so pretty evenly. When I’m heavier I have a chubbier lower belly and butt and thighs. Small hands and feet and neck for my height. Big eyes, small nose, full lips on an oval face. Thick wavy dark hair, olive skin, hazel eyes. Should mention my taurus sun moon and mercury are also ruled by venus and my venus is exalted in pisces so I think I give venusian mermaid vibes- I love having extremely long hair and comfy drapey clothing.


I’m an Aquarius rising and my body does not match the typical description of Aqua risings. I’m short and average sized with an hourglass shape. My facial features though definitely match—I look like a fucking alien lol. I have a heart shaped face with a strong jawline and slightly upturned and wide set eyes 👽


Cancer rising, moon in cancer 12th and Venus in cancer in 1st. I look pretty rounded most of the time, even at a lower weight (which, I haven’t been able to maintain a much lower weight). My face shows every emotion. 😂


I'm also a Taurus rising, 5'4, and get told often that I'm all hips, broad shoulders, long neck, and long curly hair. Oval face shape with high cheekbones, small almond shaped eyes, and my boyfriend comments all the time how my face reminds him of the alien emoji 👽 lol, and I have an Aquarius stellium.


Pisces rising. I have thick thighs and a big booty. My eyes are very distant and distracted in appearance like Billie Eilish. I have a small nose and big lips. I'm not very tall. I'm between 5'3" and 5'4". I forgot to add that I'm a Capricorn stellium. I don't think I look like a Capricorn.


I’m a libra rising I believe I’m about 5’9 120lbs and my body type is thin, although hourglass , never been athletic got no athletic or strong features sadly, pretty dainty like a flowery little libra , my torso and legs are both long. my hair is long and blonde, eyes green, my face is symmetrical and bright, though my cheekbones and facial structure is probably my favorite feature.I’m Scottish and Chippewa descendant and can see it the older I get. Small but very strong nose, small and wise eyes.My smile is definitely huge and makes my eyes even smaller. I got small tiny titties too. I’m a Leo sun and Virgo Venus. Very little water in my chart. No stelliums


Capricorn rising: I’m tall (5”9) and skinny with a well body structure (because Capricorn rules the bones and teeth). I have “babyface” features even though some people say I look cold. I have an Aries Stellium and I do have some characteristics of Aries including having a more innocent and childlike demeanor + my Capricorn babyface and a much rounder face and brownish-red hair.


Cancer rising, virgo stellium and virgo sun. I'm 5'3, but I appear way shorter. I've always been "skinny" but also curvy. No matter how much weight i lose, im still curvy. I think my facial features are definitely cancer. My face and eyes are round.


Leo Rising. I’m (F) 5’8”, 155 lbs, been tall and thin-ish my whole life. I do have a head of massively curly red hair, which I use as my mane. LOL.


I’m a Taurus rising as well. I have a long and small shaped head, literally just bought a children’s cap today because the adult ones don’t fit me 😂, I have fine light brown hair with a lot of natural high lights, massive blue eyes with naturally really long lashes, freckles most dominantly on my cheeks and nose but I do have them everywhere on my face in the summer, there are just more of them in the middle of my face. I have really long slim but naturally muscular legs, long arms, long hands/fingers. I have wider shoulders and hips than my waist for sure, but I wouldn’t say I have broad shoulders. I’m naturally a bit curvy and slim at the same time. I’m 5' 8.9"/175 cm. I have a slender arched nose, and a really huge smile! I have three stalliums 😅 4 in Libra, 4 in Scorpio and 3 in Capricorn. I’m unsure of the looks type, but if you aren’t maybe it can still help 😄🫶


Cancer rising and Venus with a Scorpio stellium. Baby face with a linebacker body 😂😂 I do get compliments on my eyes all the time though. I also get asked if I’m a Leo rising because of my hair


Virgo Rising. I'm 5'0" and got a body like a hobbit. Short hair, round face, got some pudge on my hips, and HUGE feet (size 9.5 women). They say Virgo Risings look like elves, but I definitely look like I'm going to throw the ring into Mt. Doom. This is going to sound crass, but some people assume Cancer Rising since I got a huge set of knockers. It's weird since I know plenty of Cancer risings that do not, but eh...


Scorpio rising. 5'10 I do in fact have broad shoulders as I saw someone mentioned 🤣 I have an aqua stellium but I'm not too sure appearence rise if I notice anything. My leo moon though gives me a very lion mane hair. I noticed my libra rising in vedic makes you look a bit proportional if.only I wasn't so slim, hard to gain weight at least for me


Rising bull too, but a libra stellium; also a sturdy body that's 5ft7, but slender air hands, arms, legs and feet. You'd think being mostly an air sign I'd be taller, but nope.


I’m Pisces ♓️ rising, and I am curvy, with slightly more as far as shoulders and arms go. But I’m otherwise pretty proportionate.


Sag sun sag rising. I’m 5’9 120 pounds


Cancer rising, basically everything in my chart makes positive angles to my AC. I’m skinny and 5.5. Venus trine AC and conjunct MH. Pisces stellium. Baby faced, round features, terrible eyelashes and eyebrows. I usually look like my moon, scorpio, more than my rising or my Pisces stellium. I’m goth and tattooed and decently cute now, I was a stunner in my 20s. Oh my god I remember as a little kid seeing Elvira on TV and instantly crushing and wanting to be her. Same with Morticia Adams, and Faith on Buffy, or Nancy from the craft. They were my style icons growing up.


Leo Rising with a Taurus Stellium, I def embody my leo rising more. I'm 5'6 but my jawline is etched to the GAWDS, I just shopped off my hair for spiritual reasons but I have nice cheek bones, people always comment on my face structure a lot. lollll


I’m a Cancer Sun/Asc/Jupiter/Chiron opposite Saturn Neptune and Uranus in Capricorn my pic is in my profile I’m very pale and kind of goofy looking I’m 5’8


Libra Rising Venus in the 7th house. Average height with slightly shorter legs. I have hourglass body (flat stomach with larger chest , upper arms, thighs and hips) When I was younger I wanted that athletic supermodel or ballerina look. No matter how low my weight went and how hard I workout I will always look “soft” and round.


Scorpio rising, 4'!!" (yeah I am sort; probably related to one of my health conditions though) and between a pear and hourglass. Extremely dark brown eyes and hair (it's almost black naturally; but dyed black currently) that is thick and curly. I have fair skin and a heart-shaped face and I guess almond eyes. I been called a witch, vampire, etc...you name it and I just take advantage of it.


Capricorn rising i'm 5'2" I think I'm a soft natural for gibbe body type. I do have a scorpio stellium, not really sure.


I’m Scorpio rising with massive Capricorn and Leo stelliums. I’m 5’6” and super hourglass. I definitely have an Earth body, Scorpio style and a fiery personality.


As a taurus rising too, i feel like i fit the same criteria. Except I don’t really know my face shape 😭. I’m thin (110lbs) and trying to gain weight is difficult if that factors in. I have a Leo stellium and I don’t know anything about that in my 4th house. Also small chested and necklaces are my life savors due to my neck💗


I'm a Capricorn rising with Neptune in my 1H. I am 5 feet 5 inches for height. I have a Gemini stellium in 4 different planets. I have broad shoulders and thin hips, inverted triangle body type. Nice sized assets, not too small, not too big. I have high cheekbones that are quite noticeable, with a noticeable jawline. Due to Neptune being in the 1H, I have a more rounded oval complexion. I had curly dirty blonde hair as a toddler, and now my hair has changed to being brown and wavy. I'm known for having a RBF (resting bitch face), but also a huge smile that lights up the whole room. I can intimidate someone with just a glare, but also be the most warm and inviting person in the room. My mood is very expressive on my face. I feel like I combine both my rising and stellium together perfectly. Between the Capricorn, Neptune (Pisces), Gemini, and Scorpio energy (midheaven), it's just a combined mix of being both loveable, outgoing, and charming, but also being the most socially awkward person. When I was a children I was very skinny and underweight, but during puberty, I filled out to being a bit on the chunky side. Whenever I was working out regularly as a teen, I tended to take on a very thin appearance (110-120lbs under 18). But now, as an adult, who doesn't work out, I still carry the extra 40 pounds with grace. I feel a lot healthier with more full assets and a more grown figure.


I don’t know my rising sign for sure. Either Taurus or Gemini most likely. I’m 5’7” wide hips and unusually large butt, smaller boobs, skinny long arms and fingers. Naturally wavy thick hair, green bedroom eyes, pale with rosy cheeks, prominent nose, fullish lips, RBF. Apparently I very easily intimidate people.


I’m Aquarius rising, 5’4” and pear shaped (distinctly smaller waist compared to my hips, small boobs). But in Kibbe typing, I’m a soft natural. I think I dress creatively like an Aquarius. People have told me they thought I worked in fashion or something similar when we first met. (I don’t.) But body structure-wise, I’m more like my Aries sun and Capricorn stellium. High cheekbones, more blunt bone structure, big feet compared to my height, RBF (piercing eyes), and thick thighs/strong legs. I’m of average weight, considered thin but I don’t look “slender.” I look “compact” because of my bone structure but not really an athletic build.


I'm Leo rising with a Tara Yummy build (5'1, 100 lbs). My curly hair checks out, but I have a Virgo face. Most of my first house falls in Virgo


Gemini rising, I'm 6'3 got broad shoulders big lats small waist big back pretty much a fighters body.


Cap Rising with a Scorpio stellium. I feel like these two have a lot in common: darker coloring and lean, structural body type, plus RBF, and I have all of those things, so I don’t know which to attribute my physical appearance to. I definitely dress more like a Scorpio than a Capricorn though; I get told all the time that I look like a rock star.


Gemini rising. I’m a 5’6” F who weighs 110 lbs. long skinny arms long skinny legs long skinny face.


Pisces rising. 5’10 male muscular and quite broad. Definitely have that go with the flow attitude, dreamy, empathic, sensitive. But my Aries sun balances me out and gives me strong control over my mind. As I’m in my 40’s now I’ve learnt to willingly flow between the Fire and Water in my chart… can be forward, can also be very loving and sweet.


I’m Leo rising Aries stellium. I’m rectangle and like medium short???


Aries rising. I’m 5’9, I look long, and have been skinny my whole life. As a tall girl, people would always ask me about playing sports and I always hated sports. My Cancer Mars in the 4th was like I like to stay in the comfort of my bedroom actually. Lol