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I know a Virgo-Pisces couple who have been married since 2003. I also know a Virgo-Aries couple.


Virgo and Pisces is such a soulmate like connection 🤍


My Dad was a Virgo and my Mom was Pisces, and they were married for 64 years!


My grandparents were a Virgo-Pisces couple and a disaster lmao. They ended up divorced and became a Virgo-Virgo couple and Pisces-Scorpio couple


It is but it’s challenging af at times 😭


My parents are Virgo Pisces and have been married for 35 years.


My kids dad is a Pisces. We’re very naturally drawn to each other but do have a hard time understanding the others point of view at times. Very strong love though and we’ve made it through a lot together. Also my longest lasting relationship as well. Our kid is also an Aries so we’re a very synchronized little fam.


I can relate to this!


My partner is an Aries! He’s amazing!


My spouse is an Aries and I'm a Virgo. I highly recommend: very realistic signs that can be okay as individuals within a couple. Our Moons are Cap (them) and Scorp (me) so we share a similar darker worldview, although I guess they try for hope more than I do.


As a Pisces, most Virgo's tend to be attracted to me. However, I've noticed it can go either way. I either drive them nuts (without trying), or they really like me. I think some Virgo's are more neurotic than others, whereas others tend to be more relaxed.. Lol idk. But Virgo is my favorite sign. In astrology opposites tend to attract, the way I describe it is... Two people taking opposite paths but ending up at the same destination. Edit: I just read your post about your experience with that Pisces guy. He is definitely not somebody worth your time. That was very rude of him to disregard your invitation and then come back like that. He's already shown you his true colors. Pisces, like any sign can go either way. Sorry you had that experience.


I'm a Virgo woman married to a Pisces man. I love him to death and he is so amazing to me in so many ways. But our communication struggles at times and we are both stubborn so it's hard to understand one another when it comes to certain things. But it's a balancing act and we are true opposites. I love how you said two people taking opposite paths but ending up at the same destination. That's what it is!


As a Pisces woman I totally agree with EVERYTHING you said. I attract these men so much it seems no matter what’s going on in my chaotic life there’s always a Virgo man constantly entering my life !!! I get straight adoration/obsession or like you said drive them absolutely crazy tbh it’s usually both. Lol It is also my favorite sign of men oddly enough.. I just feel fulfilled and my soul is so happy around these Virgo men. They have the power to bring out all the good/bad in me to my limits. Also can we talk about that INSANE attraction and emotions vs mind chess game ?! Geez. It’s crazy how strong that soulmate like connection is.


I'm a Virgo with a Pisces mother....and it's a bit of both for me with her. While she's my best friend and I love her to bits, she also drives me crazy at times.


As a virgo man I completely agree with this. I love pisces but as friends now. Relationships dont last long ,sex is usually great but the idea of a long term relationship is not an option.


I could have written this


As a Pisces id say as their opposite we really have everything a Virgo deeply craves and desires. We’re that escape they so badly are seeking but in human form. I soften up virgos and make them more carefree by just being myself !!! I love Virgos and I know it’s mutual🤍Chemistry and bond is crazy strong and magnetic.


Well said. My Pisces fiance piqued my interest and filled me with this insane desire to know more and more when we met. It was like taking a drug. Each date, conversation, or interaction we had just showed us how compatible we were. She took a chance on my and I am forever grateful


Can concur! My partner is a Virgo sun and Mercury . It is the healthiest and most balanced relationship I’ve been in. My partner helps me stay grounded and I help him get out of his head a bit. They just want to be seen and appreciated. 💕 Also OP, this may not help, as someone who’s had a lot of encounters and relationship difficulties. Sometimes it just takes some of us a little longer to find compatible partners. Try not to be too down about it.


I definitely feel like my Pisces friends bring out the softer and sensitive side of me and I love them for that 🩵 and we always have so much fun together Do you feel Virgos do the same for you in any ways?


I feel like whether a boy or girl Virgo I feel so calm and grounded around yall and very well taken care of. Whenever im with a Virgo yall give your full attention to someone and are very observant normally I don’t like people looking at me but with a Virgo I love it like YES analyze me and stare at me … I also love how great yall are at communicating in person everything just flows and feels easy. You’re also good people and do a lot of acts of service without thinking about it and that truly melts me and wins my heart because it’s such a rare pure trait. I could write a book about everything I love about yall but those are a few 🥺💕🤍


Pisces, Capricorn, Scorpio or Taurus


Scorpio woman virgo man here


As a virgo sun, mercury AND VENUS…. No one. Im doomed🤧🤧🤧🤧


Hey my husband is Virgo sun/virgo moon/virgo rising and I’m an Aquarius sun/taurus moon/scorpio rising and we’ve been happily married 13 years so far. Don’t ask me how it works with our signs, especially since we are very much what you’d expect, but it does! I think he keeps my crazy in line and I push him to be a bit more whimsical


Aqua and virgo is actually an overlooked good combo both are in their head and analytical and have niche obsessions they could talk for hours about. Scorpio also just as probing and perceptive as virgo and then you have taurus which provides some stability to the neurotic worrywart virgo


I’m more of the anxious worrywart for sure but he’s definitely neurotic 😂


Same but add moon in there too. I found a Taurus, or better yet, he found me, and is stubborn enough to have pestered me into agreeing to a date. It’s been 5 1/2 years since then and he still is a jackass but he’s my jackass lol


taurus can be patient enough for that, pursuing without giving up?


They are selectively patient. He has to REALLY want something to wait for it. I spent the first 3 months of our interactions telling him off and to get out of my personal space, so it may have added a level of challenge to it that helped him buckle down in his pursuit lol


Try dating geminis or cancers


Im a virgo sun, merc, mars, born in ywar of the snake. Known as a double virgo I hate all humans hehe and love them deeply Im fully self sufficient Wow, do i annoy people easily!! Or fall in love with strangers inmmediately. One or the other. Apparently my eyes and voice suggest im a prick haha and words i choose cane be “hurtful” Im married to a gemini sun! (Actually all my clowe friends are gemini as they help me be less intensely grumpy, serious and calculating We drive each other mad as we like the complete opposite things. She says im a boring old man and i call her a spring chicken with no limits. When i met her i thought, “you know what, she is wild, free, and “fun” “This relationship will keep me guessing and running around. why not! Annnnd yup! I now handle every area of our life as i cant have the washing all done together towels and clothes etc. And i want more than two Minute noodles and lollies for food haha Love you geminis lol


Hai, I recommend a Taurus. Fire and earth-heavy placements work, water and air not so much.


hi fellow sun merc venus here XD


i have the same placements as you lol it’s so fucking rough out here to find someone like us


Hi Virgo here, I have a Virgo mars and a Libra Venus, I think someone who just thinks as much as I do. And that's vague on purpose, like if their thought process is to take a step back and think about their emotions first that's super cool. Overly logical is also cool, cause like yeah I can see how the gears are turning in your head I get it. And sometimes I don't get it, help me understand. So someone who's communicative. I think those are good for Virgo


I’m a Virgo sun and have connected really well with Gemini & Aquarius. Also my spouse, brother, and many of my closest friends are Sagittarius and I love the way their energy vibes with mine so naturally (but that might be my Sag rising). I also vibe super hard with water signs, including Pisces (but that could be my water dominant chart). I feel like good partnerships depend on way more combos than sun signs!


You probably do well with Gemini and Aquarius because your 7th house is Gemini. 7th house works like a Venus sign, it can represent who you're attracted to. Of course, you might have other Gemini or Aqua placements, but 7th house Gemini is an important one.


I’m a Gemini and my boyfriend is a Virgo and we connect super well. Our communication is amazing and we are super loving and happy together. I’m a Virgo rising he’s a sag rising that may be why


Makes sense your communication is good, Gemini & Virgo are both ruled by Mercury which is the planet of thinking & communication!


A very general answer? Capricorn. Because we know how it is to be hard on yourself and we respect that you are also organized and make notes so we pay the bill in time lmao. We love mothering our partners to some extent (not speaking for all Capris) and that means Virgo will be reparented by Capris and they can thrive.


I’m a capri woman with a Virgo male and at first he annoyed me but we’ve been together for 8 years and balance each other out. I’m very ambitious but he isn’t and he’s taught me to calm down a bit and not be a workaholic and I’ve pushed him out of his comfort zone and he’s thrive. Lol


Seen lot of successful Virgo - aquarius Virgo - sag Virgo - Gemini Virgo- scorpio pairs


Virgo Sag couple here going on 5 years


Virgo F with Aquaman here wohoo ~ they give u space and attention XD 15 years and counting !!


My Best friend so far is hub (Aquarius), and i realize most of my friend is Gemini, Libra and Scorpio ( my chart lack of air and water ) :3


Virgo here: My man’s an Aquarius! What’s his personality/traits vs yours?


Capricorn, taurus, cancer, maybe Pisces


This is the answer. I’d put Taurus and Scorpio at the top. I’ve seen so many couples like that. They last forever. Usually it’s a Virgo female with a Scorpio or Taurus male. For Virgo male, I’d say Taurus or Cancer female. I’d put Pisces as the wildcard. Cap and Virgo is an ok match, but they can be both somewhat cold and critical, so they’d have to both get past that tendency.


I feel like that cold criticalness is what makes Virgo and Capricorn work together. They really are the type to get together and judge everyone else as long as they’re not turning that judgmental energy on each other. They both take pride in their work and being industrious. I feel like Scorpio is good for Virgo, but Virgo is not good for Scorpio because of how judgmental & unempathetic Virgo is. Especially as a moon sign. I have a Scorpio moon and my Virgo moon friends do make me feel judged. I feel like they don’t get my emotionalism. Because they’re an earth sign they’re not exactly the most emotionally intelligent so they can be kind of shortsighted and pass judgment on me because they don’t have that level of emotional intelligence that would give them more understanding.


I have to disagree with that. The cold judgy vibe is why Virgos and Caps need more emotionally attuned partners. I don’t think it’s possible for two people who have both cold and judgy tendencies to not turn that energy against each other. That’s why Cancer is the number one potential partner for Cap, and probably Taurus as overall best potential partner for Virgo.


As a Cap, my experiences with Cancer have been spotty. It works but Cancers can be judgemental and finally opening up about my own issues did not go well. They get overwhelmed when the going gets tough.


Kinda have to agree, the most devastating thing about caps/virgos is their own self criticism and self harshness, you can only love someone as much as you love yourself and it’s only a matter of time before that critical voice turns on your partner. but there’s hope if they have other things within the chart to make them not robots. I’m a Cap stellium INCLUDING cap in mercury🤦‍♀️+ virgo moon. Crush is a cap venus + virgo moon. If it weren’t for his scorpio/pisces placements and my pisces venus (in the exalted degree, making it extra potent), we’d probably be so dry and cruel to one another Still over-analytical, anxious, extremely self restrained freaks but as usual there’s hope if the whole chart is considered. We definitely have a I hate everyone but you/I judge everyone but you vibe


I’m a Taurus male and my gf is Virgo and we’re soul mates ! ♉️♍️💟☮️


My husband and I are Virgo (me) and scorpio (him). 💕💕


I'm not sure of placements. But the virgos I have known need or seem to want someone that is honest, let's them be themselves and geek out over whatever their interests or passions are. Let them be the little spoon and very into physical touch. Someone that equally wishes to play with them, either in intellectual games like chess or rpgs, so they can explore their imagination. Loyalty is very important as well. And yes they will nit pick, but need someone to give it right back. Ask them the kind of questions they would ask you. They are deep but sometimes unaware thinkers, until it is turned on them. But even still need someone to be vulnerable with and nurturing, but not of their ego or intelligence. But their vulnerability and unsureness of foot, at times. But again, this is from the 4 I have known over the years.


Oh wow you explained it flawlessly. I wouldn’t even had known how to say all of this but it’s ALL TRUE 😂


Right? goddamn that’s me lol


Lol thanks. When I know my peeps I know them. Usually very observant. That is why, if I'm getting mixed signals from someone or can't read them, it concerns even me.


Aquarius ♒️💓


Hello, it’s me 🙋🏻‍♀️


This is def me, a Virgo.


This is explained so well and super accurate!


As a Scorpio I hope to be a good partner for my Virgo 🤍, I love his attention to details, his caring attitude towards others and his way of making me feel the only person in the world when we are together. On the other hand, him being so mindful and present in whatever thing he is doing makes him really busy with his own life to the point that I felt forgotten at times, but now that I am getting to know him better I start understanding his ways. I think in me he found a person he can be himself with because I find his quirks funny and fascinating (that’s maybe my aqua moon) and I am consistent enough without being suffocating or limiting his personal freedom - when I manage to control my scorpio Venus :)


Honestly I'd say Gemini. They (I) need somebody to help me chill, not be so serious at times. But they gotta have some more solid/loyal/fixed placements cause I be in it for life lol


Virgos are more controlling and you can’t control a Gemini.


I don't want to control anyone 🤷‍♀️


I’m a Gemini. Being with a Virgo was the worst years of my life, worst relationship ever.


I vibe best with Aquarians and Scorpios!


A therapist


A computer 💀


There’s only one right answer and that Is Pisces 🤭


I’m a Taurus and I take pride in the careful handling and loving care of my beloved Virgo spouse. We are extremely happy with a wonderful friendship as well as a passionate and ever-evolving romance. Virgos will keep your life running RIGHT. They are incredibly practical, insightful, logical, helpful and also super funny. But they need to be stopped from overdoing it, they need to be told to rest, they need physical affection to help them unwind. I think my Taurus nature is a comfort to my Virgo spouse. I love to take care and be that person for them. It’s never a burden to help my Virgo unwind and acknowledge all the amazing work they have done. And we are always on the same page when it comes to just enjoying life together.


i love this!!! as a virgo, i'd love to find me a lovely taurus


Need someone light hearted and chill. I’m too stressed. :(




I’m a Virgo cancer cancer and I love me some fire signs! Leo’s particularly, but I’ve paired well with Aries and sag too.


Although they say Aquarius and Virgo aren’t compatible I love them. I think they’re highly intelligent and fun. Well as far as the men go.


* Capricorn ♑️ (speak a secret language) * Cancer ♋️ (keep strong for each other) * Virgo ♍️ (cute couple but arguing) * Aquarius ♒️ (just a fling?) * Gemini ♊️ (fun vs boring) * Pisces ♓️ (tests Virgos patience) * Aries ♈️ (wildcard)


Look at the rest of your chart and notice which elements are more dominant. Try to look for someone who doesn't have a crazy amount of difference in air, and who has some properties that help equalize yours. If yours is incredibly diverse, maybe a less diverse partner would do well with you.


I was gonna say no one as a joke and hurt my feelings 💀🤣🤣 but this thread has useful information so I’m taking notes


Scorpio, Capricorn Honorable mention: Taurus


I’m a Virgo married to a Pisces ❤️


My parents are Virgo-Pisces, they are perfect for each other


You dont like people cuz ur a perfectionist. Its normal for virgos to be this way. Don’t be too hard on yourself.


In theory, other earth signs. But ideally, l with Virgo placements.


I’m a Pisces and often end up w Virgos. I was raised by two Virgos tho, and am a Taurus rising so maybe some earthiness helps.


As a capricorn sun, cancer moon - Virgos are always drawn to me!


We have the same big 3 😊 And same, I’m dating a Virgo rn 🤭


they say your journey hasn’t begun— until you’ve known a virgo’s love and you’ve lost it. so i wouldn’t pick a sign, i would pick a saint. as virgo’s know loyalty and boundaries don’t usually co-exist for very long. this is there purpose.


could you expand on your comment, please? i'm a virgo and find it intriguing


virgo’s do not find people, people find virgo’s.


your reply is poetic ❤️


As a Virgo I’ve only been in romantic relationships w air signs


Let me guess, Gemini Sun ?


Aquarius and Sagittarius.


Probably a Capricorn ♑️. They both are picky with high standards


The problem is you have with Pisces is the nit picking, if you would just love someone for who they are? You would yourself and others from a whole lot of damage. Its ok to like what you like, so if a person isn’t what you like? Just leave…its that simple


Im a full on virgo everyrhing Id say mayne pisces. Iv been with a gemini and a capricorn. Both not much fun really. Capricorn was so boring and slow and worried about everything and then gemini doesnt worry about anything at all and then blames people around them once that catches up with them. Pisces always makes me feel safw and calm just around them. I find them a little slow sometimes tho. I really like stuff fast. Fast talking. Thinking and action taking lol.


I'm a Pisces and I like how strategic Capricorn is. My bf is Capricorn everything except sun and I agree with your description lol except because of the Sag he also is sparkly. And I tell him exactly how I see him, "How does it feel to be both boring and emotionally unavailable?" and he will just continue to lay there because he views it as an unecessary move on my part. He really reminds me of a turtle sunning on a log most of the time, but you know, those turtles live long. Like metabolism, burn slow and long


Pisces man married to a Virgo woman, beautiful inside and out I have to say.


Satan would a perfect match


I see Virgos happy with Sagittarius and Capricorn.


I was seeing a Sagittarius/ Capricorn. I think we compliment each other well. She’ll come back


I'm a Capricorn with Sagittarius rising and Venus. Virgos just do it for me. They like how  I'm more optimistic and free spirited than the average cap. Friends or partners, perfect match




Capricorn + Virgo =power couple That's what my partner and I are lol


Same lol


Taurus sun, Pisces sun


Libra if he has a Earth moon or rising. It doesn't look like, but Libra can be much of a perfectionist as Virgo. We appreciate Virgo need for perfectionism as it helps to bring some sense of equilibrium and harmony to the place. And believe it or not, we are much adaptable as them.


Yes! I love them (well most of them). They’re perfectionists, super reliable, neat, and help keep us grounded, too. Even their flaws are cute. But in my experience, they don’t usually like me back. They’re so dreamy though 😔


I have libra rising and he is a libra sun. Idk we are usually well together.


Cancer pisces scorpio capricorn tauruses


Pisces and Scorpio


As a Virgo: Scorpio, Capricorn, Libra, Taurus


From what I’ve seen, Cancer. They seem to mesh well together. I’m really attracted to some Virgo people but as much as I wanna say Libra, I don’t think they like me back hahaha 😭


I’m gonna say Pisces but wildcard: Aquarius!


Maybe you’re not in the period for a romantic relationship


As a Pisces, find myself to work really well with Virgos! They seem to like me too. That may be with the help of my Cap moon and Taurus venus + mars tho


Virgo(F)/Gemini(M) here. Very strong for years They say Caps are good but I wholeheartedly disagree. I’ve had a few test runs. All failed 😂


Oh Virgo…I’m an Aries sun, Venus in Taurus, Capricorn ascendant and Scorpio moon. I adore Virgos. I admire a lot of things about them but they are so judgmental. It is absolute work to be in a relationship with them and they never express happiness with me. They make me feel mediocre and never good enough. I’ve had 3 Virgo boyfriends. I don’t know why they like me because they don’t tell me anything. They’re guarded. I can’t figure them out at all. They all stalk me and never let me go. One I broke up with and had to get a restraining order. The next one his family paid him to break up w me and he cried and still stalks my socials that was 4 years ago. One sends me texts weekly. I haven’t talked to him in person since 2017. My niece is a Virgo and brother is a Virgo. They are super critical and rude and conceited and never in relationships ever. I love them. They are also funny and charming and it makes me sad they are alone. I don’t understand why they cut people off and never talk to them again. I don’t know why they don’t allow themselves the joy of sharing life with someone. I was engaged to one and he broke up with me. His mom said she was surprised he bought me gifts because he’s never done that in a relationship. I think he really loved me but he never told me. He never wanted to have sex. I couldn’t understand what he wanted w me. I’m talking to a new Virgo now and he told me he was single and pursued me. But now I like him back and he’s ignoring me like the last Virgo did our whole relationship. I tried to forget about him and he keeps calling me. He talks about other women and I think he just likes to make me jealous. Virgos are just really odd. I think this new Virgo really likes me because I’m a great person! He is trying to gaslight me and find something wrong w me. He calls me crazy and tells me I can’t cook. Neither is true. I never call or text him first but he keeps coming back like a bad penny.


Virgo men are overall terrible. As a Virgo woman, I who has seriously dated two Virgo men, I can say I won’t do it again. I am very regimented in my life, but I let other people live theirs and keep my opinions to myself. These Virgo men out here think they know best for everyone.


As a Virgo, I apologize on their behalf. They sound so confusing! Why wouldn't they talk to you about their feelings? I've had other Virgo guys talk to me about that sort of stuff, even if we were just friends. I like more straightforward people, though. On the cutting off thing, they probably had enough of whoever they were cutting off. I tend to cut off communication with exes, people who make me feel uncomfortable, and people who I've felt have betrayed me. Sometimes it's best to cut people out of your life, especially if they're detrimental to your mental health. I'm sorry you've had problems with relationships. It sucks out there.


Why did his family pay you to break up with him 👀👀


i tend to love my fellow earth signs. i made a list of all the guys i’ve ever had a crush, relationship or situationship with. the earth signs are the only ones i still cosign. i know i’m supposed to love the water signs but THEY DRIVE ME INSANE.


Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, cancer placements. If the Virgo has fire placements than some fire too like rising sign I would never date a Pisces because I’m a hater


Pisces. They’re soulmates imo


Libra can be


Sag here. I dated a virgo for 6 years. It was chaos. Her next man ended up being her husband. They are both virgos.


I'd advise you to take into account more than just your sun sign. There's so much information to be found in a whole chart. Can be quite the self discovery rabbit hole, as it goes. Saying that I adore Virgo energy myself. Some of my favourite people.


My cap bf with a Virgo moon ☺️




As a virgo, other virgos


I’m a Virgo sun Aquarius moon and my boyfriend is Aquarius sun and Virgo moon. He is my soulmate, we just get each other. Our own strengths are each other’s weaknesses & vice versa, so we vibe super great and are always growing and optimizing together!


You have to like yourself first and see everyone as humans who make mistakes and have flaws. When you love and understand that when you make mistakes, you are still perfect, and that when you have flaws, they can be polished into strengths without punishing yourself for when they are weaknesses, you will treat others the same! Naturally. Signed, a Virgo stellium.


My mum is an Aquarius sun and my dad is Virgo sun :)) been married for 27 years now


I think the other Mutable Signs and Scorpio... I'd also think conjunctions between the other persons Sun, Moon or Rising with your Big 3, would hold potential, i.e., Person A: Has a Gemini Sun and Person B: Has a Gemini Moon. And if their venus is the same sign as your rising sign 🔥 ... Venus conjunctions to Saturn, can show a lasting relationship, as an example. Downside, the Saturn person could come off as controlling...From what I remember reading lol.


This is really interesting information! I wanna know more


Yes! There is so much to learn and it's also confusing at the same time lol. You can also look at Synastry aspects to determine the compatability or incompatibility of a person with yourself. I find those charts even more confusing lol.


wow i noticed that! scorpio venus people are always attracted to me (scorpio rising)


Virgo Aries I think are one of those carmic pairings that just make sense. My parents going strong 30 years


Libra. I've had a Virgo partner and it was honestly my longest and most significant relationship. The only reason we ever had issues was only due to both of our crippling alcoholic ways and anger issues on both of our ends lol . But we broke up in the most like, cordial way ever , mutually and we still are really good friends until this day. We both know we can call each other up for anything if need be. Definitely proud as fuck of him and how far he has made it from where he's grown from when we were in high school . Our communication was pretty elite.. the sexual chemistry was on point.. we understood each other intellectually and in a deeper level .. Virgo is the organization for the chaos that is everything I am lol


Gemini + virgo is a good balance


My wife is a Virgo and I'm an Aries. Been together for 12+ years. I wouldn't say it's been easy, but the potential for growth is endless.




I’m a Libra currently falling for a male Virgo and I just know it’s going to end badly but I like him soooooo much 😭


I’m a Virgo dating a Virgo (both September) this is by far the healthiest relationship I have ever been in


Not libra I’ll tell you that. My dad is a Virgo and my mom was a libra he stressed her to death literally


my virgo ex cheated on me, a libra, for a cancer. alls well that ends well, they’re still together with a baby and i didn’t really like him that much anyways as a boyfriend ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i tend to think earth and water attract each other, whereas air and fire tend to couple up.


I think maybe it depends on the whole chart... My mom was a Virgo sun, Cancer moon, Pisces rising. She seemed to be attracted to Fire and Air signs. She married a leo man, and my father was libra. I have a friend who is a Virgo Sun, Gemini moon, and Scorpio rising. She attracts fire and earth signs mostly. I have another friend who has Virgo rising, Leo sun, Leo moon and he married a lady with Capricorn sun, Cancer moon, Capricorn rising.


Personally as a Virgo woman my best matches as partners have been Taurus, Scorpio and Pisces. I do get attracted to others but it normally doesn't actually go anywhere for long.


I'm an Aquarius that adores Virgos. I've never really dates one. But we always seem to get along and understand each other very well.


Been with my Aquarius for 11 years


i heard virgo and cancer, virgo and scorpio, virgo and pisces.


I’ve been with my husband for 10 years and he is an Aquarius. It’s not always easy but our energy is great together


My partner and I have been together 3 years, he’s a Virgo and I’m a Libra. We both have the same ascendant, moon, mars, mid heaven, and north node placements. And also have 8th house stellium. It’s intense, passionate, and obsessive.


Cancer ♋️ and ♍️Virgo matches like crazy in my family.


an excellent match, I speak from exp.


I feel it depends on the individuals birthchart. There might be something in your birthchart that prevents you from wanting to love anybody. Maybe lacking Venus for love or Mars for your drive, or lacking Jupiter for abundance or having Saturn be restrictive in your birthchart.  -------‐-----------------‐------------------------ Some people may have similar attributes pertaining to the sign they were born under but none are created equal.  Everyone's planets in their houses influenced each differently and the degrees have a lot to do with it as well as the day and hour they were born in is ruled by certain planetary influences.   ---------------------------------------------------  If an individual doesn't check their actions they are met with consequences. Even down to the degrees. Some degrees are impactful like denoting fame, some wealth, some prone to violence, others homicide, exposure to death, murder or suicide if not in the right state of mind, ending of a relationship or divorce, dissatisfaction and bad luck. Planets in the birthchart could out of bounds over 23 degrees or if it completes the cycle 29 degrees which can sometimes be very bad and restrictive of that particular sign's attributes. -------------‐---------------------------------------------------As a Virgo ♍️ , I find a lot of times I'm more compatible and tolerant of my own earth signs than other signs. It doesn't mean I like every earth sign. I know for sure not all are bad but not all are good either. My love is more so for Capricorn ♑️ like my love.  We have our challenges and overcome them easier because I feel we are naturally compatible. I realize because we are born on a Tuesday ruled by Mars, it can become confrontational yet never laying a hand on each other or it  even gets extremely passionate because of the fire sign influence in our birthchart...him being Aries ♈️ Ascendant and Aries ♈️ Moon sign while I am Leo ♌️ Ascendant and Capricorn ♑️ moon sign. Talk about hot and bothered ...lol in a good way. Going on 16 years together.  ❤️   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------   The other earth sign Taurus ♉️ , in my personal experience, in general, as much as I was always willing to be a active listener, compassionate, some attracted to, respectful, great work ethic, or some I adore them so much, I start to feel overcritical and insecure in myself like I'm not adequate, young, attractive, or intelligent enough for them. I find myself running in a different direction from their path sometimes due to a placement in my birthchart.  --------------------------------------------------------------- I won't speak on signs I find incompatible because there are some that hurt me and some that share the same sign but are completely the opposite and a rare 🌟 gem 💎 . So I say it's the environment and the placement in their birthchart with other planetary influences.  ‐---------------------------------------------------------------------  Again, not every sign is the same nor were they created equally.  Each is unique and have their ups and downs. Sometimes looking into Astromatrix or other compatibility sites might give some insight as to how they get along and what challenges you might encounter and how to work to overcome obstacles or maintain a healthy relationship. 


Idk i can't tell you either, but I will tell you what isnt a match (from a virgo stellium) air signs in general-ok for casual friendships terrible for anything deeper. I think taurus seem good overall and maybe the occasional capricorn. Earth signs are my favorite.


my virgo dad and capricorn mom have been married for over 30 years. they are both also scorpio moons which could have something to do with it


My sister’s a Virgo in a relationship with an Aries. My brother-in-law is a Virgo and is married to my other sister (she’s a Sagittarius). So based on that, I’d say a fire sign haha.


Cancer, Pisces or another Virgo .. maybe a Taurus ?


I am a Pisces female and my best relationship was with a Virgo male. The relationship didn’t last, though. He actually went on to marry a Taurus female and they have a great relationship.


I like people, but not all people, and not all make good long-term partners. Like Sag? VERY sexy, tons of fun, but usually I need a recharge because my little introvert baking-at-home heart can't do big adventures ALL the time. I get along great with Scorpios and Geminis, both smart as hell, Geminis are just fun and let me be silly, I get protective of them because I see their kind hearts and some people stomp on that thinking they're purely intellectual and I hate that for them; Scorpios are sharp and we can be cynical together. I work well with Aries but I've never dated one. Pisces and Aquarius are attracted to me but it's not mutual and always ends in a restraining order. Leos are my besties but again, never dated one. We get on great though because I love to go to their shows and applaud them and pick them up when life is a jerk to them, and in return they are generous and encouraging. But I have an eighth house stellium and an Aquarius moon in the 1st house, so I can be intense and a bit weird/goofy at times, so I need someone who can vibe with that.


Everyone who says Pisces has never actually seen a Virgo and Pisces together 💀. In my opinion it will not work out long term. For Virgos in my opinion, Geminis are a good fit. I’d also say Capricorns. Ppl like to say water and earth go well together and it can…..sometimes.


Aquarius; grounded logic + abstract logic , “who gon stop us huh “ ?


Virgo here: my man’s an Aquarius and is this to a Tee


I believe everyone has a particular sign that always shows in your life; mine is Virgos. You guys are the only people I trust when it comes to information.


Aquarius. Stay away from Cancer.


I'm a cancer and my last love was a Virgo, I'd say the same. Virgo please stay away from cancer 🦀💀


I think it depends on other placements besides their Sun sign. For example, I have Mercury in Libra, and I really like people with Mercury in Aries because they tend to be more direct and passionate in their communication. I tend to like people who have aspects to my personal planets and/or their planets fall into my 11th house (Cancer for me).


Depends on your other placements, as an air dom earth sign, I cannot stand water signs which are supposed to be an "ideal match". My healthiest relationship has been another air dom earth sign (cap) his moon is conjunct mine in gemini and we both have fire mars.


I’ve seen a lot of successful Aquarius/sag Virgo pairs. Usually where the fire/air sign has a Virgo rising tho. Leo (with a Virgo rising) and Virgo also somehow surprisingly work.


Cap with pisces placements to soften the edges. Or Cap with Sag placements so you can be philosophical together and analyze. Speaking from biased experience lol


For Virgos you really need to check their entire charts. They are mutables and complex signs. I am a Leo woman and madly in love with a Virgo man. He has a ton of fire in his chart. I'm sure his Virgo Sun loves my Capricorn moon side. My Leo Sun appreciates his Aries Moon personality.


One of the loves of my life is a September Virgo & our time together was amazing. However my most challenging relationships were both August Virgo.


I am Cancer Sun/Moon and Virgo rising -> My compatibility is best with Taurus, Scorpio


I think the other personal planets will make a huge impact. Someone I used to date was a Virgo sun, Cap moon, Taurus rising. You’d think he was super chill and maybe a little emotionally repressed lol. Nope- his chart ruler was Venus in Leo. Big romantic gestures, flowers at every opportunity, said I love you within 2 weeks, got pouty and insecure if I was not providing words of affirmation, you know… Venus in Leo things. Very very different from another Virgo I dated with a Gemini moon and Leo rising (w Libra venus) lol. Night and day between the two of them holy canoli


As a scorpio with Virgo rising I’ve dated a lot of virgos I also think scorpio Venus can be a good match for Virgo Venus


Taurus or Scorpio. I think Virgo benefits from a fixed sign partner because they need someone to help curate and lend structure to all their ideas and creative (mutable) energy. Taurus and Scorpio would lend a nice grounding quality to Virgo.


as a virgo sun mercury and venus i also feel like no one is ever compatible with me it’s so lonely lol


I am a Leo sun, Virgo rising, mercury, mars, and venus. My best partner has been a Taurus sun, cancer rising, Aries moon. A lot of it comes down to nature and nurture, not just sun signs.


Your fellow earth signs for the easier way.


im a Virgo sun gemini moon currently in my longest most successful relationship with an Aries sun Virgo moon. I’ve never gotten along with other Virgo suns romantically but Virgo moon ...!! the compatibility is like magic


Never thought I’d end up with a water sign, but here I am, infatuated with a Scorpio 😭 a lot more goes into comparability than just the sun sign, though


Virgo here! my best friend of 20 years is a Cancer and my other bestie of 23 years is a Libra. my partner of 5 years is a Leo; we have a fantastic relationship with hardly any arguments.


Both of my parents are virgos. Mom's end of August, dad's start of September. They'll be married 46 years this October


I’m a Taurus and my gf is Virgo, her ex was ironically also Taurus . But me and her are soul mates . So I’d say maybe Taurus? Lol


I love them!! I mean, it helps having a nice Taurus moon and a Virgo mercury that allows me to understand their little inner world. I still have to meet one that i wasn't able to connect with


Wrong question in my opinion Asc, Moon, Venus, Mars placements are needed. And how these relate to the generational placements. Let me give a few eg. A Gen X Y or Z Aries ascendant will never go for Uranus or Pluto in Virgo because ot makes an inconjunct aspect, so they won't be ok with any generational gap with a Boomer. However, if they are opposite sex attracted they will be easily attracted by Gen X whose Uranus & Pluto is 180 degrees away, in Libra. If same sex attracted, the 180 degree will grate instead of compliment. Another example: Mars in Scorpio person will blend beautifully with a Venus in Pisces because the Mars persons drive and energy is deeply understood bt the Venus persons love nature.


My mom is a Virgo. She was married for almost two decades to my dad, a Libra (until he died). She has since been with an Aries for 18 years, about the same amount of time. Both have been excellent marches for her.


Me lol Cap ☀️Libra 🌅Aries 🌙Aquarius Venus Scorpio Jupiter in second house I'm super nurturing but don't take their shit and appreciate all the quirks and love to geek out w what they're passionate about. I do need one who is more on the masc side , I love that the don't take my shit

