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Wrong sub




I've seen several unidentified flying objects. None of them were alien spaceships or something not from the earth.


You absolutely don't know that. Glad to help. 


As in, most compelling in terms of being aliens? Never seen a single one Plenty of unidentifiable flying objects though. But nothing that has made me think there isn't some reasonable explanation besides aliens


"Aliens" is a reasonable explanation. 


It's not aliens till it's aliens. Every time someone thinks they have conclusive proof, it's fake or not actually conclusive. So it's an unreasonable explanation, in the same category of belief as faith and fanaticism. This is my professional opinion.


It's as reasonable as any other causes that you attribute tens of thousands of sightings to. Likely more reasonable than many of those. 


You're telling me aliens, which have NEVER been observed, are more likely than either a) a repetition from the set of phenomena which HAVE been observed, or b) something physical which we do not yet understand, but which is not aliens? By definition, this is unreasonable. As in, one cannot reason themselves to your point of view. Only lunacy and faith can do that


What is "something physical which we do not yet understand"?? You're making up something we don't even know is possible (you can't even define it) as an explanation vs aliens....which we do know is possible.  Lol completely irrational and unreasonable. 


Something within the bounds of physics that we have not yet classified. I would much rather side with physics and the trend of things which were once unexplainable, eventually being explained, over hypothesized beings. I don't blame your view on ignorance, I believe you simply lack imagination. Then again, I'm biased towards a rational explanation because of my experience as a scientist in the field For the record, I do believe life exists elsewhere in the universe. Stars have had plenty of time to generate heavy elements (in massive galaxies like the MW), and the universe has cooled enough for complex molecules to exist in abundance. But these are universal averages, fine tuning an individual planet to have the right conditions for these molecules to form and develop consistently is a whole nother game of chance. I'm still holding out on hope for some moons of Jupiter/Saturn. But it's exceedingly unlikely to have visited us, especially when compared to the likelihood of our UFO sightings to have either been other humans or something entirely permitted by physics. Everything humans have seen to date has been one of those two things, nothing we've seen to date has been aliens.


"Something within the bounds of physics that we have not yet classified." Again, you're making up some catch all category that you can't even define to explain away tens of of thousands of sightings instead of the more logical explanation of extraterrestrial visitors.  All you're saying is "It can't be aliens so it must be something else we don't know about or have any evidence for." That is not logical. 


Earthquakes were caused by gods until we understood tectonics. Eclipses were supernatural prior to orbital mechanics. Ball lightning was spirits until we understood a wider breadth of E&M. The list goes on, history is on my side. This is extremely logical, rational, however you want to call it. I can't force you to see trends but your lack of appreciation for them undermines your credibility I'm saying "it's more likely to follow the trends unexplained phenomena always have than not". The logical conclusion of this is that aliens is not at the top of list of possibilities, not even close. Of course, if you were actually interested in an exhaustive discussion, you'd be amenable to things like elemental abundances and aliens in the context of the history of the universe, the history of life on earth, stellar evolution, etc. But you lack a deeper understanding of the universe and it restricts your ability to think creatively about the topic, all you can do is hyperfixate on rhetoric and skew my words to fit your worldview


Maybe it is you that lacks imagination? I agree that there is probably life out there. It may or may not be rare, but it likely does exists. Our solar system is relatively young compared to the age of the universe. Thus there is the potential for life on other planets that is much older than us. The human species is relatively young, but has also progressed relatively quickly. ~120 years ago was the first flight, 55 years ago humans landed on the moon, where will we be in another 55 years, another 120? If we don't kill ourselves off or fall victim to a cataclysmic event, where will we be in another 500, a thousand, a million years? There is still so much science that we don't currently understand. We currently think we have a pretty good grasp on things. But 1000 years ago the leading scientists of the day also thought they had a pretty good grasp on things and just 'knew' that garlic broke magnets. Will scientists 1000s years from now also think things we currently 'know' are foolish too? Let's look at modern scientists gaining data in underexplored regions such as the deep ocean. They watch, measure, analyse etc while trying to avoid disturbing the native life in these depths. It isn't too hard to imagine that we would do something similar if we became a space-faring civilisation that found a younger advancing species. Then of course, who is to say that if there is another advanced civilisation out there, that they wouldn't do the same thing to us? People mention the immense vastness of the universe, and how old it is are as issues for contact with alien civilisations. But this also seems to have a flip side, there is so much 'space' out there that even if just a fraction of planets are habitable, even if just a fraction of those have complex life, then a fraction of those develop civilisations, and also don't die off, then it could still be a non-zero number. We just don't know. There would only need to be one civilisation to fill these criteria to completely upend everything we currently know. Also life starting on earth was weird. The primordial soup that these complex molecules started out in was what we would consider a harsh environment, and the first indications of life occured suprisingly 'soon' after the earth formed in similar hellish conditions. Maybe life just 'finds a way', and isn't that rare. Anyway, if you do want to discuss elemental abundance, the history of life on earth etc as you mentioned below, I am all ears. I don't really know what to believe, but it is fun to think about.


To me, aliens is the unimaginative answer. It's easy, it's cheap, everyone has it on mind and it requires very little thought. The unknowns of science, on the other hand, are nearly infinite. You're just working with a larger pool of possibilities if you give physics a chance. Human beings are definitely living organisms that make artificial things too - we barely know what our own militaries are up to half the time, who's to say we really know every invention ever made? And who's to say we don't make mistakes in our own methods of detection? I agree, for the record, that we are probably not the only planet with life in all of existence. I don't agree, however, that life visits us or has ever visited us. It would require aliens to be a very specific level of advanced with a very specific set of interests. They'd have to be magnanimous, they'd have to be just underdeveloped enough to be discovered by our primitive tools, and they'd have to be just advanced enough to make it here from star systems light years away in a timely manner. Or maybe they're so advanced that they don't care, but if they don't care why do they keep visiting? There are so many conditions being imposed here that go beyond simply saying "well we can't be the only ones in the universe." As far as abundances go, we know that stars create metals (everything heavier than He), and we know that a certain level of complexity is required for anything we'd call life. H and He just don't combine in enough interesting ways to create that complexity, so it stands to reason that stars needed to start creating those heavier elements for complex molecules to eventually form. In our case, this was C, N, O, P, S, Fe, Etc. Getting these elements to exist in enough abundance to support life on earth took 8-9 billion years. Maybe some star system in another galaxy did it sooner, but the Sun is relatively rich in metals compared to most stars in the galaxy. Of course, once you have enough atomic complexity, you then start having to roll the dice of "ok do we have enough mass for an atmosphere? Is the star stable enough to not destroy said atmosphere? Are we far enough away to not get burnt to a crisp? Do we have a solvent like water for reactions to take place? Can we exist in a temperate range where that solvent stays liquid?" And so on. Then there's the perspective of "life has been around for over a billion years, but only in the last 100,000 has it been what we'd call intelligent". There are some exotic ideas out there about life operating entirely differently, but it must have some parameters similar to ours to need to make ships and then want to come here in them.


You mean to say, Never been observed by you. Plenty of people, every year, step forward and claim sightings of both extraterrestrials and UFO's. They are just deemed crazy or dismissed. The Pentagon released several videos of UFO's last year that were tracked with cameras, and FLIR. Speaking in absolutes is idiocy.


UFOs have been observed in abundance, aliens have not. Sorry you used an alt or that your friend sent you in to argue on his behalf for nothing


No need for alts and I have no ignorant friends that use reddit. Reddits overwhelmingly communistic belief in censorship, and overly sensitive audience keeps them away. Arguing with ignorant children is not high on my list, though sadly, I find it mildly entertaining at times. It does not surprise me at all that you are unaware of alien encounters as that would require reading. Whether you choose to believe them is up to you, but there are countless documented encounters with aliens, both abductions, and sightings. There are even many that police were dispatched to, and verified the sightings of both craft, and aliens in their reports. There are also several movies based on abductions and the coinciding alien encounter. Try googling- most compelling alien encounters, or whatever combination of words your closed little mind is capable of to narrow the search. You will find many.


Ah well, I'm not much for philosophasting and can guarantee that I have far more experience with science, practical thinking, and statistics than you'll accrue in a lifetime. The digital age does not guarantee perfect documentation in the slightest, and the world is far larger than you give it credit for being. Things get lost, including people, and we often do not have enough information to conclude how something occurred. One thing you ignore is how fickle the mind is. There's a reason eyewitness has limited bearing in a court of law, our minds and memories are unreliable, our brains don't see the world for what it is, they just try to make sense of the information at our disposal.


Ass u me. I am a grandfather of 4, I have worked as a defense contractor for decades. You do have a point. Though your wording was absolute. There have been innumerable encounters. You just choose not to believe them.




"Compelling UFO evidence/case" is a very ambiguous phrase. If you mean evidence of aliens, then I have seen NONE.


It can be kind of entertaining to speculate about these kinds of things, but take it to r/UFO or r/HighStrangeness. This is an actual science sub.


But…but..but aliens!


the movie independance day




About the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen is an octopus. But I’ve never seen one actually come down of an intergalactic mothership so the jury is still out.


There's a book by journalist Leslie Kean in which she interviews highly reputable witnesses. Great book.  UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record https://www.amazon.ca/UFOs-Generals-Pilots-Government-Officials/dp/0307717089


You guys gotta checkout the Zimbabwe UFO case. If you find any explanation for that, reply to this comment PLS


Well aware of that one... funnily enough I was telling my friend he should look into it LAST NIGHT. Haha. A top notch case that is.


It definitely is. I have no doubt that what happened then was a real case of Aliens. Children as witness is literally a proof. Nothings gonna change my mind with this one lol


I'm gonna give that another watch, been a while.


Space and time are vast beyond our comprehension. It's perfectly reasonable to assume we are the only "intelligent" species in the galaxy.


If space and time are so vast, why would it be reasonable to assume anything at all, let alone that we are the only intelligent species in the galaxy? We don’t have enough data to make assumptions


I mean, in the galaxy? I think we can probably be pretty certain we're alone. But there is more to the universe and, more importantly, reality, than just our galaxy.


The Milky Way has 100-200 hundred billion planets. Maybe more. It’s unreasonable to assume we are the only ones. If there was another civilization at our level or even 100-10,000 years more advanced, we may not even be able to detect each other yet. Or maybe they can detect us. Or maybe they are watching us and we don’t know. Literally anything is possible.


Yes, but I still don't believe extra-terrestrials have visited earth yet.


You’re entitled to believe whatever you want and in most likelihood you’re probably correct. But you could also very well be wrong. Personally I don’t have a belief, I don’t have enough information to think one way or the other


The biggest difficulty with speeds greater than light is that, in some reference framed, causality is then reversed.


I seen one with my brother an dad years ago it was triangle over my grandpa house here in Florida


The book "UFOs The Truth You'll Wish You Didn't Know". No fantastical "had a cappuccino and chat with E.T." garbage, just a man who spills everything that the U.S. and British governments know, which is not a lot and makes you wish that you didn't know it.


I had one experience with a ufo, was young but both me and my brother witnessed it. Big black triangle with 3 blue lights, was 2 football fields in length, silent as the night, still as could be slowly hovering in sky above. It was late at night, around 11:00pm.


What did it do after it sat there completely still?


Don't listen to these guys, they believe in the dogma of science like it is the one law nothing can refute like the gospel of God, even though we are making it up as we go and it is constantly being refuted. Reminds me of the Newtonian scientists refuting Einstein and Planck. The close-mindedness is infuriating. To have the gall to say we know physics so well that we know other intelligent species aren't capable of figuring out a workaround to the speed of light, or some other physical limit we have now is just a belief and the opposite of science. I swear, every debunker just assumes all intelligence is at our level of understanding of physics and our intelligence and can't debunk our "laws" because we decided they are "laws" that the whole universe has to follow "our laws" The true answer is we don't know anything and just get by with what we can test in our Solar system with what we know, we don't know shit otherwise. Even Einstein and other physicists have come up with theories to get around the speed of light, who's to say it can't happen, except the dogma scientists? Also, to ignore something that the military, generals, astronauts, and presidents have witnessed firsthand with documents and radar and multiple witnesses and claim it's Venus or something else (come-on we have all seen Venus, it doesn't move and turn off, and on or whatever, how can you believe such trained people mistaken it unless you are part of the dogma) is frankly an insult to them. Lastly, let's be scientists and figure it out instead of just claiming one way or the other, don't input your dogma based on what you don't know, and your understanding of the limits of "our" physics doesn't count as knowing. Fianly, the number of high ranking, highly intelligent and respected people that have tried to talk about this, despite the ridicule of others, is way beyond any other type of paranormal type thing like ghosts or bigfoot. Maybe there is something there if someone is willing to give it a miniscule of credence, you know, like scientists? At least France does. Downvotes incoming.


Thank you. So many people here have repeated to me “it’s not possible to traverse the galaxy because of the speed of light” And I’ve always maintained that we simply don’t know enough to say that with confidence. Most of scientific history is people saying that stuff is impossible until it isn’t. Yes there are laws. Yes the speed of light is a speed limit. But there’s so much more left to uncover that we don’t know which laws can be bent and which ones aren’t laws at all


Thank you, everyone considers the fact that light speed or faster is impossible based on our understanding of physics, but no one considers our understanding of physics as flawed, even though it is catagorically considered flawed by all physicists. And even if it itsn't flawed, it doesn't mean there isn't a hack or exploit around it we haven't considered. Phycisits need to stop relying on old ideas and create their own more imaginative ideas to explain things, like physicists of the past. Be more creative and challenge the status quo, which is obviously not completely right. Here's a hint, time and distance flip.


Yeah, we don’t understand gravity at all subatomic level, we don’t understand what happens inside a black hole, we don’t know what dark matter and dark energy are, there are fundamental questions that are completely unanswerable right now that could change everything we know about space and time and distance and gravity. How can we say with any confidence what is or isn’t possible if we don’t understand the universe universe that well


Maybe extra-terrestrials do indeed exist, but they haven't visited earth yet, imo.


The Pentagon’s declassified videos of UAP’s from fighter pilots rank pretty high for me. https://youtu.be/rO_M0hLlJ-Q?si=3PLp_yRxEK81XXrf


People have already shown those are artifacts from the geometry of the camera and the angle of the sun


How does that explain that these things were physically visible to the pilots? Do you happen to know of a decent video that explains what you're talking about? I'm not understanding how that's plausible with what I know of these specific occurrences, though I'm certainly open to hearing how it could be since I know there are usually explanations for this type of phenomena. Usually I just go to CGI experts and they're easily able to debunk it.