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Poll after poll shows the same thing. 1/3 of this country is perfectly cool with authoritarian nationalism, fascism and theocratic rule. These people suck.


That figure is shockingly stable in any country and any time period. 30 percent supported Hitler. 30 percent supported pol pot. Or Mao. In pretty much any society, about 30 percent is okay with a genocidal dictator. That's why it's so important that the other 70 percent stays engaged. 


Correct. One third can also control the other two as well. If you let them dismantle the legal infrastructure that holds it all together they will just seize control and you wont be able to stop them.


One bizarre DJTrump is single handedly controlling the Republican world.


this is making me believe in eugenics. apparently if we round up 30% of the stupidest people and shoot them into the sun we could make some fucking progress.


Humanely in to the sun.


Find all the hairdressers, telephone sanitizers, Republicans, put them on the ark ship, tell them we'll be riiiiiight behind them...


Read them *poetry*…


Why hairdressers?


In the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books, a series of absurdist science-fiction, the planet of Golgafrincham created a spaceship, loaded it with hairdressers, marketing consultants, telephone sanitizers, and anybody else they considered useless. The ship was directed to crash on planet Earth, where the hairdressers, etc. became the ancestors of modern humans. Meanwhile, the entire population of Golgafrincham died out because of a plague caused by a dirty telephone.


That detail didn’t make it into the movie, so I didn’t get the reference. So thanks! I am a college educated person, but hate reading fiction for some reason. I like to joke that I am the most highly educated illiterate person you will ever meet :)


Ask Douglas Adams


Now you’re starting to think like them.


Is this true though? 30% supported most authoritarian leaders, that’s true, but what about countries where there was no such leadership?


Interestingly, during the Revolutionary War, ~30% supported the crown.


We need to deport 1/3 of Americans. Send em to Russia where they can support Putin more directly by being drafted and sent to Ukraine.


It would solve the housing crisis!


What, and move into a house that smells like stale grease, ashtray, and generic Airwick? No thanks.


It’s a fixer-upper. With how cheap you could get it, you’d be able to build a new house from scratch on the land and still come out ahead.


Oh yeah, it would free up a lot of trailers.


Solving fiction?


An army of rascal scooters getting stuck in the mud


Well, putin did offer them a place...


Wait, you want to deport americans just because you dont agree? But not illegal criminals? And then send them to russia to help russia against Ukraine. There was a saying..... The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever Pulled Was Convincing The World He Doesn't Exist -- Keyser Söze


>The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever Pulled Was Convincing The World He Doesn't Exist >-- Keyser Söze Pretty sure the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing people he is the god of Abraham. He convinced some goat herders he was the good guy, got them to write some embellished stories about him. He then blamed everything bad on the other guy, who he specifically hired for the job. But no matter how good the devil's PR team is at spinning his bad deeds, the evil still shows through the cracks. He just can't help himself from bragging about all the people he drowned and how many tribes of people he genocides. In conclusion, the "god" portrayed in the bible is evil. And it's totally within the profile of an evil god to try and convince everyone he's actually the good guy. And what if the real god purposely set all this up as a test to see if humans would blindly fall for it and worship the wrong guy. What if the real god wanted humans to utilize logic and reasoning and would send those people to heaven, and everyone who fell for the devil's ruse actually went to hell for believing in "god of Abraham" because come on, "god of Abraham" is clearly fucking evil


The thing about the illegals is that they want to be here, they love this country. All you hear from that 1/3 is how much they hate it and want to change it. I think they should go somewhere that better reflects their values. It’s really for their benefit, they’ll be happier in Russia.


You understand our constitution doesn't work that way. Republicans can easily say the same about you. There needs to be coexistence. Neither side should dictate how the other lives. And no one is happier in russia. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


Conservatives have never been happy with coexisting. I wish it was otherwise.


Lately, neither side wants it. Common sense is dead and America is ununited. It's very sad time when people call for civil war.


Both sides. That is conservative propaganda, trying to make the Left seem irrational. One side has people talking about ending democracy at a CONVENTION of like minded people, and it isn't the Left. That isn't to say that there aren't Leftist that want to end democracy, but they are the minority.


Wasnt that Kermit the Hippopotamus?


Could be, in this dimension.


Hows that going to end the waste?


It worked for the Golgafrinchans. Well, for a while . . .


That’s what The Rapture is, right?


1/3 think they are the folks that will get the authority too!


In fascism, the out-group gets the stick; that’s obvious. But the in-group gets the carrot **and the stick**; that’s the part they always seem to forget. And you’re *always* a hair’s breadth from becoming part of the out-group.


And the in-group always gets whittled down to a tiny minority of the population. Under Christian Nationalist rule, it would be the megachurch leaders and televagelists that are going to be that very small group.


the problem with fascism is two fold and has to do with human nature. The first part of the recipe is the fact that humans can easily find commonality when there is an enemy. The only time you will find Kurds and Turks marching together is at an anti Israel protest.  But the second part of human nature is that no two people will think exactly alike.  So when you have a belief system that seeks to have perfect agreement and complete destruction of the out group, when the our group is taken care of the in group falls apart since the little differences in thinking that were strategically necessary to ignore before in order to show a united front against the out group are now significant points of divergence that must be violently destroyed. 


Not if they don't hold the political power. Those church leaders will become state mouthpieces or disappear if a dictatorship were really to use religion as one of its major control mechanisms.


Except if their darling is the dictator they would definitely have access to political power and be able to exercise it.


Let's get this correct: They DO suck, but that's not the important bit. The important bit is that they are dangerous. Because as they've shown, when in power, they will attempt to dismantle the democracy. Call their ideology dangerous.


How many times do you turds have to be informed that we live in a Constitutional Republic?


For the Pedantry: They are going to attempt to dismantle the Consitutional Republic. Also, there's literally no need to hurl names. Try to show some class.


How many times do you have to be informed that our republic is a representative democracy?


I hate them with a passion. I say this as a 40 year old dad of many kids who was himself raised a religious fundamentalist. You can't get me far enough away from that empty, baseless, shit for a religion. I'd say the same of Islam. Fuck them all. If anything threatens the survival of our species, it's them.


This aligns up with the saying that the 1/3 of the country will kill the other 1/3 while the remaining 1/3 will watch.


Then they should be defeated by the 2/3 that thinks they're fucking lunatics


unfortunately another 1/3 have been convinced by that first 1/3 that voting is pointless because "both parties are the same!"


That requires very messy solutions not allowed to be discussed here


There's part of the problem. Many of the other 2/3rds don't take the fascists seriously, think they are just being bombastic, that they don't *actually* mean the things they explicitly and repeatedly promise to do. "I didn't think the leopards would _actually_ eat people's faces", says person who didn't bother to vote.


Hasn't it always been like that? Approximately a third wanted to stay British. The Civil War the same amount were on the wrong side. Seems to be one of those recurring things.


Deplorable, perhaps, even.


And somehow, this minority of nuts is currently driving the bus over the cliff while the rest of us ride along


The effect of years of culture wars and Fox News. Paranoid people with a victim complex and little education are easy to manipulate.


1/3 of the population that engages with the data harvesting or pollsters. There is a difference. It’s likely less


If a majority doesn't want them here, it's time we made them start feeling unwelcome


Yeah but thats 1/3 of states, not population. Those areas are generally 1. Far more rural so less population density and 2. Less educated making them more susceptible to this kind of crap.


But the Democrats are ok with Biden jailing his opponent in the next election to stay in power? Who are the authoritarians you're talking about?


Trump tried to use Barr as his personal attorney and called it HIS justice department. Biden is traditional and takes a hands off approach. His AG appointed a Trump guy to investigate Hunter. Hunter is now charged with crimes a million others have done and not been charged. The whole Biden jailing the opponents is just Trump projection. Remember when he ran on “Lock her up’? He has stated he will jail his opponents for being his opponents.


Probably those people who wave flags and pronounce that they love democracy.


Lots of people basically treat government like a god because they need to feel someone is in charge. Simplistic people will always have simplistic thoughts.


Oh look at that, it's the dumb states


…where people are committed to a cause that would undermine their own self interests (e.g. freedom and prosperity).


While I completely disagree with Alabama politics, the most populous city in Alabama (Huntsville) has more PhDs per capita than anywhere else in the USA. I feel so completely misrepresented.


This is easy to explain. Huntsville has a total population of 200,000 while technology, space, and defense industries have a major presence there with the Army’s Redstone Arsenal, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, and Cummings Research Park. The majority of those PHDs are from people who were born, raised, and went to school out of state and HAVE to relocate there for prestigious government research jobs. Looking at the state as a whole and not just one town that's context needs to be included (similar to Colorado Springs), they ranked 45 out of 50 in education. https://www.wrbl.com/news/alabama-news/alabama-ranks-45-in-education-according-to-a-study/ If you include things like healthcare, economy, infrastructure, and opportunities, they rank 44 out of 50. Not trying to shit on Alabama but they have a rep for a reason.... https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/alabama#state-rankings


Outside of NASA Land, it's Talibama.


Alabama is 45th? Either they are getting better or some other states have really dropped the ball.


I'm gonna say it's about 20 states in a race to find what's under rock bottom.


We all ready know. We put a rock on it. These people forgot.


Believe me, I get it. I’m not from AL originally, I have a PhD and I’m here now with a good job. There’s like this Huntsville oasis of reasonably rational thought… and then everywhere else. Like the people who think IVF embryos are children, and can’t be destroyed lest you be considered a murderer. As a resident here I’m not sure what else to do except vote, stand up for reason where I can, etc.. there’s lots of ignorance in this state. But there are also reasonable, rational people too, but that gets lost by the magnitude of stupidity elsewhere.


It sucks. I'm down in Baldwin county. Also an atheist. And as soon as someone hears I'm in Alabama, the assertions start flying. I guess the state earned it.


But I was told that both parties are exactly the same.


By a russian troll?


more likely a "useful idiot"


Not exactly the same. One is useless in doing anything and the other wants to give any freedoms you have to pastors and billionaires. Rock and shit place.


People allowed trump to get elected, marched and protested... nothing happened except a bunch of Christian judges got put on the Supreme Court and now Roes gone. And everyone said that would happen. As far as I have seen, nobody has given Democrats enough of a majority to actually see what they could do. And nobody has marched with them in charge. Your claim is just untested. You benalize Dems for Republican dirty pool. And what's different now is we might wind up with a fascist government instead of a Christian court. Letting MAGA win is not remotely equivalent. You can't give Democrats to nail majorities and then claim they are in bed with billionaires. They try to follow the rules. They need larger majorities to effect the change progressives want. And people need to protest when dems can actually do something. People need to retake civics and understand how government works.


We are a diverse country founded on the concept that all men (and women) are created equal. Christian nationalism is a total bullshit made up lie to explain people who just want to racist, bigoted and fascist.


We were not founded on the concept of equality between men and women. That came later.


I mean it's still kind of in the works. Or, as the case seems to be lately, being pulled back for the women


Must be proud of yourself for that insight.


Just thrilled to bits.


The article title is weird. They are saying cool as in growing cold to or un-warm to the idea of Christian nationalism. They are not saying Christian Nationalism is cool or hip.


Yeah, this. I had to reread to make sure my first impression was correct.


Correct. People are not supposed to use slang in a news article title


Yes, "cool to" has contradictory interprerations: an older one meaning "unenthusiastic about" and a newer one meaning "accepting of". The phrase should be avoided.


Yes, this is how the English language works.


I know it’s strange people think an article title would use slang without quotation marks


Thank you, I was clarifying, given the amount of confusion I was seeing in the comments. Does your comment also contribute positively to the discourse?


I was just pointing out that it is basic grammar / English and shouldn't be confusing or "weird." I agree that the amount of confusion in the comments *is* concerning though.


Since the Supreme Court is mostly catholic judges, these evangelicals should be shaking in their Chasity belts.  They won’t like taking orders from the pope


The current marriage of evangelicals and far right Catholics is so bizarre when you look at history. It was only 100 years ago they were mob fighting each other in the streets.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend in this case, I guess. Also the far right Catholics hate the current pope and I bet would love to split into their own group if they could take the properties and wealth they currently have with them.


Oh they totally would. However, once their voting bloc won, should that occur, the “American Catholics Church” and the Evangelical/Fundamentalist Protestants would surely turn on each other when they think they’ve got us all under their thumbs.


I'm not sure i heard american catholics are a breed of their own, with some of them that don't recognize the pope's authority.


Every one of these delusional fascists needs to crawl back under the rock that trump drew them out from under forever.


Well, I’m NOT cool with it. Christian Nationalism is Un-American.


Apparently so are "progressives" protesting Biden by sitting out this election. I've had it here, surrounded by idiots on all sides including my own. What the fuck do we do?


This is the most serious threat to American democracy, and will rot the country from the inside out.


"Vast Majority" "Only 30%" Bruv


The article says 2/3 (60%) are SKEPTICAL of Christian Nationalism, implying the 30% are okay with it. I had to read it two times myself to make sense of the wording though. The article is not very well written.


Odds are it's malicious, not incompetent.


The subject line says "cool to", which can be intepreted as either "okay with" or "not okay with", and I wish people would stop using it.


What do you think the word "cool" means in this context?


Their issue, I assume, is with the subsequent word. “Cool to” is very different from “cool with”; changes the whole sentence.


Almost like words have different meanings depending on their context or something, what the fuck!?


"cool to" can be intepreted as "hip to" or "fine with".


No it can't, "cool with" would mean that, "cool to" means to turn away from.


Sure, that sounds cool to me.


Yeah.  How is 30% the majority?  Someone needs to re-take an elementary level math class.  But that is a large percentage.


Unless like, am I reading the title wrong?


Oops, my mistake.


That's why "democracy" has fallen out of the Republican lexicon, although it's coming back as the thing they have to eliminate.


Yup. For a long time, Republicans have been saying "The US is not a democracy, it's a republic", ignoring that fact that a republic is a form of democracy.


When demographic changes finally caused them to have to choose between Christian Nationalism and Democracy.  That they chose the former is no surprise.


Christian nationalism. The fusion of fantasy and facism.


These fucking idiots don't realize how much freedom of religion they already have and take for granted. Don't like the new pastor at your church? Just go church shopping! Don't like the laws based on a particular denomination of Christianity you dont subscribe to? Yeah, separation of church and state is supposed to exist for a reason.


[Here is the actual information.](https://www.prri.org/research/support-for-christian-nationalism-in-all-50-states/) 67% of Americans in this poll are "skeptics" or "rejectors." As in, they don't think this should be a Christian nation.


The convenient thing for Christian nationalists is that they only need to get in once and it’s all over. And they don’t plan on doing so with a majority.


Christian nationalism is antithetical to democracy as we know it. There is a very good reason the founders separated the church from the state in the Constitution. Just look to the hundreds of years of religious wars that devastated Europe before our independence and you’ll see what Christian Nationalism has to offer us.


Terrorists They're terrorists


They aren’t ashamed of themselves.


Fucking idiots, do like them Canadians did and move to Russia, blyat


Until they realise it’s not a cool as they were led to believe then it will be too late.


Looks like I’m killing myself this year lol


Polls are fucking stupid. Who are the ones getting these polls? How do you become part of a poll? I'm 32 and so far have done zero polls and have no clue how to even be part of one.


well, they are coming out of the shadows and showing us how hateful they really are...


After a time, as people experience their hateful ways, the authoritarian types show their true colors and people are turned off to the whole idea. It's only a matter of time and accumulated damage as to when it will happen. Let's hope it doesn't get that bad before it gets better.


Would be nice if Christians would police their own


Spot on. Moderate Christian leadership never speaks up on these issues.


Defunding public education seems to be going exactly to plan!


Not this pagan cowboy.


Cool as in OK or cool as in not really


Christian Nationalisms influence has weakened. Where the hell have you been? Too busy taking handouts to pay attention?.


No their influence is not "growing." They're just louder and more belligerent. It's time to stop being polite to people who want others to burn in hell and remind them that they are the minority. They may be a force to be reckoned with; but it is a shrinking, not growing, one.


Yes, they've been emboldened. That 30% has always been there. They used to be quiet about their Nazi-like tendencies, but the former guy basically gave them license to say openly that they are Nazis.


White conservative Christians realize they are no longer the majority in the U.S. so democracy no longer is appealing to them.


Christian Nationalism is the curse that brought Nazism and Fascism, the Inquisition and the Crusades!


So, mostly all the least educated states support it. No surprise there.


Evil. Pure, unadulterated, but very motivated. Evil....


"cool" can be interpreted in two vastly different ways in this context.


That’s what I thought. In this context it could mean for or against.


They are fools.




Vast majority of America is fucking stupid.




I'd want to know how questions were stated, I looked up Public Religion Research Institute which is cited the article and looked at what they had for the American Public Values survey. “God intended America to be a new promised land where European Christians could create a society that could be an example to the rest of the world.” (31% agree) seems to have been one question. Also it matters whether these results change over time. Christian Nationalism is kind of a new label but the underlying beliefs--America as a Christian nation, shining city on a hill stuff--go back hundreds of years. Question is whether we are tacking a new label onto persistent beliefs or if there is a darker edge to those beliefs now (I think there is, but I don't know if that is what is captured by this survey).


“Cool” to it? why arent they terrified of it?


Cool as in..."Growing Cold Towards". Not cool as in.. "This is so cool!" Poor choice of words.


Very bad choice of words by Axios. The headline reads like most people are okay with a theocracy.


Agreed. Technically it's the correct usage of 'cool' as a verb but it's a poor choice for a headline given the confusion it causes.


radical christianity helped emancipate the slaves in the 19th century. John Brown was an adamant christian and believed the cause waas his God given goal. Just saying


That was then, this is now.


Hope it spreads faster than wildfire. Don't want to end up actually losing every freedom.


This is a manufactured campaign message. Do not fall for it. Fight it, but don’t believe the hype.


I'm in Alabama. You are very, very wrong. They are serious, active, and quite open about it.


I didn’t say it wasn’t real.


Sorry, I missed your original meaning. These assholes are theocracy or bust.


Then bust it is. :)


ITT: A lot of people who barely passed their high school English classes.


Someone mentioned on another sub this might be an AI generated poll and not legit. Edit: double-checked and that person has removed or redacted their comment. So ignore mine.


That map is no surprise.


oh look 30% are for it, and 30% of people support trump and the republican party hmmmm if only there were some connection!


Well no shit Axios


That also means half the country isn't cool with it.


Well well well, if it isn’t the same states with the same horrible statistics across the board


Christian Nationalism is just White Nationalism that has gone through rebranding. Which was known as white supremacy before it was rebranded.


Well of course all the dumb Republican states want to be a theocratic fascist state.


It will eventually come to armed conflict with these treasonous scum. I hope not but they are trying to take over this Secular country. Of course they will say they are being persecuted.


Sounds like shitty people


OG study https://www.prri.org/research/support-for-christian-nationalism-in-all-50-states/ The survey didn’t directly ask if they identified as Christian’s nationalists but were asked if they agree or disagree with statements such as “The U.S. government should declare America a Christian nation.”,”S. laws should be based on Christian values.”, and “If the U.S. moves away from our Christian foundations, we will not have a country anymore.”


Coincides with the worst education systems. Big surprise.


This is why deinstitutionalization was a mistake


Solution split the country into three northwestern states and western Canada become cascadia Mexico gets its old territories back, the stupid Christian people can get their own 3rd world country call it whatever they want, then finally Canada gets the northeast. Canada , Christian shithole, cascadia and Mexico


Because freedom-loving Americans hate Nazis. We helped defeat them before and we'll do it again as many times as it takes.


Yep, the Nazis on the left will fall


As long as anyone arguing to murder other Americans in cold blood falls, we're all good. Everyone has their own values and principles but we can't force other people to align or die. It's the antithesis to our God-given American right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.


Yeah but who took the poll what were the conditions and where did it take place. Just like when you're in school and the people wearing dare t-shirts came and asked if you wanted to experiment with drugs you're not going to say yes to a bunch of people advocating against it you're not going to tell them the truth. Every single poll I see that's like this I can imagine the circumstances are a priest / preacher hands you a piece of paper and says can you fill this out for the Lord.


Go find your own country you deluded morons


Maybe—and I’m just spitballing here—they should vote against these loons?




Flocks of sheep are unaware of corporate factory farming.


Thankfully, I live in an under 25% state.


I think it grows only within their incestuous little circle.


Gross. And scary.


The second there actually authoritism here in the states, they will instantly regret and back out


Be interested to see the specific questions the polled were asked. Fundies are so fucking weird.


I dream about a great moderation migration to those five states bordering Canada. Small population, easier to flip to some common sense.


I wonder what other maps this overlaps with…


But 1/3 is not a vast majority, it's a lot, but not more than half, that is what I see as a majority, and a vast majority would be at least more than 60 percent, in my opinion.


I'm going to call BS here, unless you also post the poll questions as well, and how Axios defines their terms. Nothing like a shady poll to stir outage and generate traffic.


I’ll pray for yall


>Survey of 22,465 U.S. adults taken March 9 through Dec. 7, 2023 This is an insanely small amount of people to poll


So an average of 450 people in each state responded. There is an average of 5.1 million voting age people in each state according to three federal regulation website. So .00009 of each states population responded and we are calling this a vast majority and really think this is 100% indicative of the reality? This is like having 10 grey hairs on your head and saying your hair has gone grey. It just doesn't make sense to me that people hold these surveys as gospel.


We need an honest media: > Many Christian nationalists believe the federal government should declare the U.S. a Christian nation. Literally abolish the constitution. Call these fuckers out. Be honest about what their shitty policy entails.


Maybe it’s like Copeland ministries fleecing the country to line his pockets.