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"One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors" --Plato


One of the penalties of remaining argumentative 24/7 is that you are always ready to lash out. Sometimes you need to take a break and relax.


If you're trying to avoid argumentative content, what exactly are you getting from atheist content in the first place? It's almost always argumentative, are you upset that you keep running into political views that are uncomfortable? I see you have that Deconvert flair. A lot of us have been there and I assume you've already had to listen to some uncomfortable things to get to where you are. Have you considered that maybe there is more that you need to hear?


Scientific discussion. I am more interested in the discussion of science than I am arguments, but when those arguments are showing why certain things in history are the way they are they are an exception. Don't get me wrong, I like religious/political arguments too, but only when I'm in the mood for them. When I'm having a bad day I want to relax not get further stressed.


That makes sense. I think you should be looking for scientific content in that case. Atheism is a rather narrow subject that is primarily concerned with addressing the claims of theists, atheist content typically does so in an argumentative, if not outright adversarial, fashion. Unfortunately, I don't have any good recommendations for scientific content. Forrest Valkai comes to mind, but he does address political topics frequently in his videos. [ZeFrank](https://www.youtube.com/@zefrank) is a good goto for funny science videos.


Okay maybe what you'd prefer is secular content, not atheist content? Personally I love both versions of Cosmos.


Well, Republicans think your existence is political, whether you like it or not. Putting your head in the sand won't protect you.


And all atheist believe ""... Stomp lumping people as a whole.


You can look up both party platforms. Which one says strong families depend on God?




Which party platform says strong families depend on God? It's a simple question an honest person can easily answer.


Ahh, I love me a good 'you people'. You know something great is about to follow.


How to tell everyone you are a Republican without telling everyone you are a Republican.


That's *exactly* what's going on here. OP is likely a republican that lost his faith, but still cringes at them stinky libruls.


Honestly, I don't know how I stayed Republican for so long. Not even George HW Bush saying "I don't know that atheists should be considered citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God." was enough to get me out of the party.


Exactly right!


It would be great if this didn't directly mix with politics but unless you live in only a few countries on the planet it will be directly related. In the US one party wants a Christian nationalist state which would directly impact atheists just as an example. They already try to legislate Christianity into everything that should stay secular. In other countries being atheist is straight up illegal and punishable by said state.


Religion is mystified politics. Thus atheism is the rejection of this politics, and its mystification, in various proportions. Did you think it was an accident that atheists are so often into science, while the religious know nothing of it? Or that atheists, whatever their political stripe, tend to be aware of political issues, while the religious have only their attitudes? It's like asking: Why do vegetarians care about meat farming? Why do pacifists concern themselves with violence? Why are peace protesters so obsessed with war?


There are religious scientists and atheist fools.


No one has claimed otherwise. Knowing your way around lab procedures is perfectly compatible with being afraid to confront uncomfortable lab results. Rejecting one fairytale does not entail rejecting all - that's why a few atheists still believe in ghosts. The point you're trying to evade however, is that religion is in itself political. Thus so is its rejection.


YOU CLAIMED OTHERWISE. "while the religious know nothing of it"


Rebecca Watson once said: "I was technically right, which is the best kind of right". *She* meant it ironically, though. And *she* wasn't trying to evade the main point.


It's difficult to discuss atheism without commenting on the clown shoes stuff the GOP religious right does in the US.


The problem is that common issues of daily life, to whom you're married, etc., have been labeled as political, when they're not inherently so. What I hate is when people politicize even marriage, and then complain when you discuss it.




There is a reason you aren’t being specific.


Mindshift? Paulogia? They don't strike me as especially political, but your mileage may vary.


"I came here to have my beliefs reinforced, not challenged goddammit!"


It's real easy to say shit like this, but please consider that OP came here with a genuine question. They aren't here to proselytize or to present some dumb gotcha argument or to tell us we're all going to hell. If you read between the lines, OP seems like someone on their own path, similar paths that many others here have also walked down. I have, and I know it's not easy and it's not something that happens instantly overnight. Fuck, if anything I'm still struggle bussing my own ass down that path. Does OP likely have different political views than most here? Probably, but so what? Why not offer something constructive to them to help them on their way?


"I came here to relax, not to have to debate." How would you feel if every single channel you watched bombarded you with "our god loves you" and "you are a monster who needs to be put down because we disagree on a single thing"? Fucking hypocrites, you watch what you like and stop talking shit because I want to do the same.


This is literally your post. You made this post. Your outbursts in this thread sound very familiar.


Skill issue.


A comfort thing to put on in the background? Maybe you should try some oldies radio stations instead. p.s. Biden 2024.




Ah, I forgot I had to cater to your world view and only watch things you enjoy. How's it like being coerced into religion? Live and let live. If you want to be forced into stuff you don't like that's your own problem, I will continue to enjoy freedom and my ability to remain out of politics when I'm not in the mood.


I’m glad that you are able to escape politics. Some of us are targeted by it, and those people don’t get to escape.


Try the Genetically Modified Skeptic.


Ah yes, I like him.


He’s very clearly dem biased


Aron Ra doesn’t do much in the political theater.


I don't agree with this statement. I love Aron, but his most recent video is discussing confessed dog killer and former potential Trump running mate Kristi Noem.


You can just watch an atheist from a different country. ScienceIsDope Or Alex O'Connor


Would need to search for videos directly related to teaching different subjects or theories. if you are looking for videos that are presenting "atheist" arguments against "theist" ones or other philosophies then they are bound to delve into why the other argument exists to begin with, which will in pretty much all cases lead to politics behind a "bad" argument.




No, like most of us he's into the concept that people shouldn't have their rights taken away because they're gay or trans. And while that shouldn't be political, when one party wants to turn the country into a christian theocracy, it is.


There’s no such thing as being apolitical. Identifying as such is a political act that can only come from a place of political privilege. If you’re sick of having political talking points in your atheist content, then get out and do the work to help get religion out of politics.