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It is infuriating how lax so many people are about this. They really believe it could never affect them I guess. Too late will be too late


even the chuds dont know what they are getting themselves into. the thing about dictatorship is you cant take it back when the leopards finally find your face


They are too fucking stupid to think one step ahead.


They think their red hats and flags will protect them


The red hats aren’t the problem. It’s the vast uninvolved middle that still believe Trump will make them rich because a TV show once said that he was rich.


“Will fascism take thirty cents off the price of eggs?”


Better yet!! It'll take $0.40 off the price of gas!! 🎉


Jesus Christ, these people comparing 2020 gas prices to now…


And good luck getting them to acknowledge Trump’s April 2020 deal with OPEC to slash production in an artificial attempt to \*inflate\* prices. That remained in effect when things started to bounce back under his successor, who they blamed for it all. I still see those stupid “I did that!” stickers around here. They’re in such deep denial of the pandemic ever happening, it’s unreal.


> I still see those stupid “I did that!” stickers around here. If it wasn't illegal, I'd put Trump "I did that!" stickers on all of the gas pumps.


Well we are talking about people who believe the entire pandemic was made up by Democrats so that Trump would lose the 2020 election. Their memories of 2020 are different than those who actually acknowledged the pandemic. Their churches kept having services. Everyone else had only the Internet and their thoughts for two years.


Morons don’t understand inflation. Gas is cheaper today than in 2005 when you factor for inflation


I thought a [Loaf of Gasoline was $84 a pound](https://youtube.com/shorts/DgN8phvUTeg?si=Q1fDVoOaDfoT0Brf) though..


And President Biden cannot control that anyway. They just refuse to see the effects global warming ( because they do not believe it is real😣) is having on farming….. They would rather vote for someone who does not care. And who thinks women are birthers.


Funny thing is, they typically are the ones getting hit the hardest by the policies/politicians they support, and the strife that brings them daily hardship is of their own making.


They're addicted to rage and consume it throughout the day. I swear, it's probably ruined more relationships than Oxy.


This is exactly the problem. People are easy to control and manipulate when they are angry. It’s one of the key elements of all propaganda.


Now factor in the heat. It's gonna be an explosive summer.


Yet the brainwashing tells them it's the other guys fault that their life sucks. Yeah 1984 newspeak; I'm old can I get the quiet cafe and chess now while the world burns please.


Yeah seriously.. wait til scotus strips osha & the aca. Oh you got hurt at work and aren’t covered? Enjoy being bankrupted and unable to work forever. MAGA DURRR


They think the fascists will just hurt the people they don't like, minorities, women, etc... they never think the axe always falls on them eventually. Hate has no end, and they will always find a group to abuse. It's like the WWII poem: First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


Yeah unfortunately for us there's no "good guys" to cross the ocean and storm the beaches of NJ to free us from our oppressors.


Quit whining, you Yanks are more than capable of putting out the Republican dumpster fire. Women should universally vote blue to have any chance of clawing back rights your parents and grandparents enjoyed. Or even to save the rights left.


Of course you can. Fight back, we are fucking Americans.


fight back against the guy with the control of the largest military the world has ever seen


>fight back against the guy with the control of the largest military the world has ever seen "So what?" \~Vietnamese rice farmers and Afghan goat herders


This is the way


This is the way.


The US military has been stymied by guys wearing flip flops and holding rusty AKs for generations now. A drone from Amazon was used to ground an airfield of Russian jets during the Syrian Civil War. When people act like the federal government is going to use the Marines or F 16s to subdue dissent, just ask why none of that worked in any previous war.


Well it’s easiest to fight now, you’re right about that. But sure, Europeans fought against Nazis while occupied, it’s just that any resistance would have to understand nobodies coming to save us.


yes, as we all know, all military personel are actually the Strogg, and once sworn in, the commander in chief gets linked to the neural control nexus


Or, you know… we could start fighting the guy now before the guy gets voted in and gets control of said army. For some reason a lot of people prefer waiting though.


Tell moderate religious people. They keep things this way.


"We lived, as usual, by ignoring. Ignoring isn't the same as ignorance, you have to work at it. ". . . The newspaper stories were like dreams to us, bad dreams dreamt by others. How awful, we would say, and they were, but they were awful without being believable. They were too melodramatic, they had a dimension that was not the dimension of our lives. "We were the people who were not in the papers. We lived in the blank white spaces at the edges of print. It gave us more freedom. "We lived in the gaps between the stories." ― Margaret Atwood, *The Handmaid’s Tale*


I won’t have an ounce of sympathy for anyone who thought they would be “safe” from it


Tell your Congress people


My congress people are some of those trying to implement project 2025. I hate texas


Same in Florida. Rick Scott, Marco Rubio, Matt Gaetz, DeSantis are all maga trumphumpers. There’s nothing they can offer the country that will save our democracy.. Florida is lost.


Vote Blue all down the ballot. There are a lot of Democrats in Florida. The Trumpers are loud and arrogant - they assume everyone thinks like they do. But we don't. Register, join organizations, talk with people about whether Catholicism is really the preferred religion for most Floridians. Many are older and don't have to worry about having more babies directly, but could be in a world of hurt if their grown children end up having to move home. The Democrats care more about insurance, the changing coastline, and helping Floridians get the information they need to make sound decisions.


Technicall true in more ways than one


Bugs Bunny had the right idea. Saw it off at the Georgia line and let it float off into the ocean.


I saw it happen.


There's a growing blue element in Texas that's really good to see. Most Trump supporters couldn't survive welcoming a new family member every 2 years. Enforced Catholicism is expensive.


Sorry to hear that. Maybe send an FBI tip, then.


So, show them what the second revolution looks like…


The Heritage Foundation just said, "the 2nd American Revolution has now begun, and it will be peaceful as long as Democrats cooperate with us". Not long ago they said that the Constitution will be replaced by Biblical Law, and that all Americans will be free to do whatever they like - as long as abides by Biblical Values.


Mine just had a meeting with the POTUS, hopefully, to discuss this existential threat. I love MN.


What congresspeople? *cries in DC residence*


I think the citizens of DC should go old school on them. “No taxation without representation!”


It will affect them though. Just the lack of family planning options alone will bankrupt countless families.


This morning MAGA was saying they intend on ending Social Security and VA benefits ASAP.


This is the time when the smart folks left Germany


Gotta be wealthy enough to do that.


My grandfather left Austria with little more than the price if a ticket for the passage. Admittedly, he was a single man and had extended family to help once he reached the USA.


And most of them came to the UK or here. Where are we supposed to go?


I don't know honestly, but the stories of ppl seeing what was eminent and running are prevalent because they lived to tell the story to future generations


I agree, just have no options. I'm in a better position than the average American and I couldn't easily get legal residency anywhere. You need either dual citizenship or millions in assets to buy into a special program in most countries.


I talk to so many people about how the republicans are following the fascism playbook pretty much page for page, and the response is always “well that can’t happen here”. It’s literally happening here in real time and so many people just don’t care at all. We are literally 1 election away from the LGBTQ community having to wear armbands outside.


Guess the Germans in the 30’s were the same.


So many people are so stressed about making ends meet they hear this and go “how will this affect me till this payday?” They created conditions where it’s hard to look far ahead. We are in the downfall and I sure wish I had some savings


I know! Lots of them don't even fucking know about it at all! I don't know how many wake-up calls people need.


Are you picking up a rifle?


I think it’s already too late. This dude is speaking like a person who knows the outcome and their opponent hasn’t realized they’ve lost just yet.


I think a lot of it has to do with religion, honestly. My parents are not Christian nationalists, but they do believe that God is looking out for America so they think nothing bad can ever happen here. That false sense of security is so dangerous.


Theyre too busy complaining about trans activists and defending Elon Musk on twitter


I was in a sub talking about Palestine. All the comments were saying “I’m just not voting this year. Neither candidate will affect me and I hate them both too much because of Palestine’s treatment ” like what privilege to be able to say you don’t care and to have nothing affect you man! I’m transgender! The thousands of other people like me in this country can’t afford to not care!


Just as predicted, fascism coming for the USA draped in a flag.


...and carrying a cross.


Right, but also, they’re not the majority anymore, far from it with the exception of confederate territory, so honestly they can carry those crosses right in whatever they want and shove them all the way up their asses.


Problem is the military might pick sides and/or be taken over by the Natzis. Look at where most bases are now. In the south. People need to plan to flee to the north east or west coasts if needed.


Don’t make the mistake of assuming soldiers are a politically right leaning population The political right and their supporters use soldiers as a bargaining and cultural point, but the vast majority of actual soldiers come from low socioeconomic backgrounds, dislike wealthy and powerful individuals, and lean to the politically progressive end I say this as someone who spends a lot of time around soldiers because my brother is special forces


This, I know a lot of former and current service members. They are all very progressive people and absolutely abhor what is going on. It also seems like the top brass are also well aware of it and won’t take purges lying down.


There’s a lot of shit leaders in the military, but there’s enough good leaders and the culture remains strong enough that the military is pretty much it’s own labor union That, and the military is how Congress maintains control of the world, and they know better than to fuck around and find out, especially now that SCOTUS has given the Chief Commanding Officer full immunity for their actions while in office (that immunity extends to the military due to the principle of reasonable doubt - SCOTUS really fucked up, because now the entire military is immune from prosecution so long as they can insinuate they received secret orders from the president) Soldiers are highly principled too - let’s be real, these are people who risk their lives and make $25k entry level and $120k at the very highest end, none of them are in it for the money or for long-term lifestyle stability (yes, the benefits are good, but they don’t make up for how much military service takes away) As far as trust goes, I trust soldiers to do the right thing more than any other group of people


Huh. All but one of the veterans I know are hardcore Trumptards.


Neither were the nazis and it took a brutal war with millions dead to get them out of power.....


It was really easy to predict because the reality has always been a fascist state *for some* inside the US, the majority of that time backed by law. Brutal fascist regimes are also the primary political export of the US to the global south. If it can be that way for some it can be that way for all.


MAGA morons carrying it with full smiles on their faces.


Just submit and they will not kill you. Promise.


Same mindset as Putin "war would be over if Ukraine would just give me their country" and "its so unfair that the world isn't letting us have Ukraine." Same mindset as Trump when he says he'll accept results of fair and legal election, meaning anything not ruled in his favor is unfair and illegal. So tired of these fuckers. So tired of people not able to see through all the doublespeak.


Same mindset as nazis that blame France and the UK for starting WW2 because they declared war on Germany.


>"...we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be." That's a threat, don't mistake it for anything else. "Let us take control or there will be war"


...a.k.a. *"Sshhhh, now don't struggle at all, or fight back, while me and my pals* **rape you endlessly** *oorrrrrr you will force us to >>kill<< you (to teach you a lesson)."* Make no mistake, the above is *precisely* how this specific individual (and his supporters/enablers) genuinely think and approach the world.


Kevin Roberts is a enemy of this country and should be treated as such by other Americans.


What's his home address? That's the problem - the "public square" is no longer a guy spouting nonsense on a soapbox.


If I knew, I would had posted it here and everywhere on this site.


As should each and every conservative supreme justice.


Welp, they are actually saying it openly. This isn’t a revolution, it’s a bought and paid for coup.


Yes. All it takes for the wicked to flourish is for good people to do nothing.




Yup. I mean.. He's (Biden) already declared that he won't abuse this legal loophole that's been concocted for a certain ex-president to skate away from legal culpability. But were I in his shoes, I'd declare so many government reps who are taking money from or favors from rich benefactors or are otherwise acting outside of the scope of their jobs for their own personal enrichment to be immediate enemies of the state and have them incarcerated in Gitmo.


But it wouldn’t even be using that legal loophole. They have said it out loud, in English and on the record what they are going to do. Are Americans honestly so naive that they can’t recognise what will happen because the threat is from other Americans ?? It is a creditable Domestic threat !!!


Not at all.. Or at least, many of us aren't that blind. However, there's still a notable amount that are insane, gun-toting lunatics that back a zealot tyrant and they speak very loudly. Believe me, we've seen the 2025 plans. Nobody wants that, but the game's being rigged on a lot of levels and there are a lot of people that have been brainwashed into supporting these asshats. We're voting to stop this, but outside of violent *correction* towards people attempting to subvert law and legal precedent, I don't know what we can do if voting doesn't tackle it.


We do recognize it, but we’re fighting against a media that wants corporate fascism for ratings, MAGAs wreaking havoc everywhere they can, and a fifth column inside our own leftist spaces being funded and supported by Russia, China, and Iran that’s ripping the opposition into pieces. Combine that with a gerontocracy that is oblivious to all of it and their elderly supporters that refuse to see the current world.


Don't even bother with Gitmo - drone strikes.


That's the problem, ANYTIME a Democrat has the ability to do something really great, they just treat trump and his gangsters with kid gloves. There was a FUCKING GREAT chance to do justice on July 11, but I already predict that the judge will go soft of trump. There is no accountability. How many times did trump break the gag order rule? How many times could something have been done about that? And every time he broke the order, they would fine him chicken feed. Biden now has a chance and he won't TAKE IT! Voters have a chance, but they're just going to sit on their hands.


>Yes. All it takes for the wicked to flourish is for good people to do nothing. All it takes for the worst evil to arrive is constantly accepting lesser evils so that evil becomes so normalized and accepted that great evil just seems like another Tuesday.


Sounds like treason that.


It's sedition, could be bumped to treason if we can tie it to foreign influence.


Yeah, it's also the mindset of an abusive person. I used to work in a mental health facility, and we see this dynamic a lot--"I won't abuse you if you concede to what I'm doing." And then, of course--in this twisted dynamic, if the abused person doesn't concede, the abuser plays the victim.


this is the enemy. Take a look at it. They need to be dealt with as the terrorists they are.


His eyes are dead.


Unfortunately the only part of him that is.


This is what a nest of cockroaches in a human suit looks like


Don’t need to insult cockroaches. 🪳


“When I wrote The Handmaid’s Tale,” Atwood says, “nothing went into it that had not happened in real life somewhere at some time. The reason I made that rule is that I didn’t want anybody saying, ‘You certainly have an evil imagination, you made up all these bad things.’ [“I didn’t make them up.”](https://deadline.com/2018/07/handmaids-tale-margaret-atwood-masterclass-writing-class-bad-things-really-happened-1202424424/amp/)


Putin is laughing.


The transfer of guilt is so bad here. "We're going to start a fascist regime, and it's your fault for the violence if you resist it".


That's how fascism works. They believe gay people are persecuting Christians just by existing, because Christians believe it's their "religious freedom" to kill gay people or at least force them to stay into the closet and live celibate (something they consider to be merciful). Any gay person that does not obey the Christians is persecuting the Christians, because they are infringing on their right to a gay-free society.


There should be no hesitation in supporting Biden, even if he doesn't align with you perfectly or if concerns about his age arise. I'm not denying his age or occasional senior moments, nor am I claiming the Democrats are flawless. What truly matters is the stance of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). If you value the freedoms you enjoy daily, you cannot sit out this election. Consider your LGBTQ friends, family, or acquantences, whose rights to marry and live without discrimination could be threatened. Remember the importance of interracial marriages, a fundamental aspect of our progress toward equality. Think about the need for clean air and water for your children. The separation of church and state is another cornerstone of our democracy, ensuring that personal beliefs don't dictate public policy. If you believe in morals, integrity, and holding politicians to high standards, this election could very well be the most significant of your lifetime. The stakes are incredibly high. Voting third-party risks fragmenting the vote in ways that could lead to the erosion of the very freedoms we cherish. We don't have the luxury of protesting minor issues right now. We must secure democracy to make the necessary changes for a better future. Consider the ongoing threats to voting rights, the rollback of reproductive rights, and the systematic dismantling of social safety nets. Freedoms are being eroded rapidly, and even small steps forward can make a significant difference. Voting is not just a right; it's a responsibility. Our collective future depends on it. This election is about preserving the democratic values that allow for progress and change. It's about ensuring that we have a system in place where we can continue to fight for justice, equality, and a better tomorrow. We need to protect the framework of our democracy to address the issues that matter most. Your vote can help secure a future where we can continue to advocate for the changes we need. Please vote.


My new question to friends and family who hesitate or are “worried” about Biden: *”Will you hide me under your floorboards?”* It’s not hyperbole. It’s not exaggeration. It’s not hysteria. It’s a real feeling I have and I think many others should have in the moment. I mean it. Will you? Will you risk your life? The life of your spouse and children? I don’t think you will. Don’t put us in that situation. Vote Blue.


It’s so scary right now. My wife and I (both female) are planning to start the process of having a kid this year and now all I can think about is whether we’ll be deemed unfit parents and what if they take our child away from us, and where would they send our kid? Would our kid be allowed to call both of us mom? Would the christofascists send us to a camp somewhere? It would be devastating if the government dissolved our marriage, but I don’t think I could survive having something happen to our kid. I just wish the right could see us all as *people*.


Maybe its time for Biden to use his newly found absolute presidential powers to flush these mentally ill shitstains down the commode before it is too late. He could order someone to wipe them out in the name of national security then pardon those he ordered for it which is undisputedly an official act.


Say goodbye to the US stock market success. It won’t be a joke when reds lose net worths too. Let’s see them ‘praising the lord’ when it comes. They’ll be the 1st passing blame, making excuses.


I'm cashing out my 401K when Trump wins. I'll take the tax hit because otherwise I'll lose the money entirely. > Let’s see them ‘praising the lord’ when it comes. They will be doing that. They will be rejoicing in the destruction of America, because that's what they believe is necessary because same-sex marriage was legalized.


They’d all go to hell anyways.


"If the left allows it to be" should be read as a challenge and a threat. He's saying, the only way you can stop us is by bloodshed - just like the last time, and the time before that, and the time before that. And he's saying, conversely, that if anyone should rebuff or resist them, *they will be glad to respond with violence.*


Also basically saying “we’ll start hurting people if we don’t get our way.” Fucking NatCs.


It's not merely being glad to do so, it is a psychotic ideologically-reinforced *bloodlust* and grievance-humping revenge-fantasy wish fulfillment. If 'the other' doesn't willingly accept being oppressed and subjugated (into camps and/or graves)... wellllll, they're just "forced" to do the thing then and there. **Nothing about this is new** -- none of it.  And it's quite clear, especially to any who have successfully dealt with such individuals: Authoritarian bullies/fascists *only* ever 'understand' **one thing**. The offer of 'a peaceful choice' is a gaslighting rhetorical canard and attempted manufacturing of consenting to be oppressed into elimination. Such is the way of Dominionist ideology and intent. Make nooooooo mistake....


The ancient cry of the oppressor: "Look at what you made me do!"


We need ProPublica to start digging into the Heritage Foundation. I’m sure within a few months they’d uncover some bad and illegal shit.


This is why you people have the second amendment.


Fuck NO we won’t “Allow it to Be!” Gonna Un-Alive EVERY SINGLE FASCIST WE CAN! I have been warning lefties about this since before the ‘20 election. I am a 63 yo veteran from 40 years back. Between the. & 2020, I never felt any overwhelming need or desire to own a gun. After watching one of those right wing mega idiots at some rally ask his representative “when do we get to use the guns” in reference to liberals? …arming myself seem prudent! If you think, that they are just going to take over consolidate their power and that will be it. I hear over and over from other liberals they are hopeful,… I’m fairly certain that a lot of the Jews that were being heard it into the ghetto or onto trains,… We’re still “hopeful!” 😢 Ignoring, dismissing, minimizing, these racist, anti Democracy psychopaths especially in light of what Scotus has just done this past week? That’s a sure fire way to one day, finding yourself facedown in a lime pit! 🤬


Vote blue!


They want a revolution. Be prepared for them when they lose. They won't be peaceful.


They won't be peaceful even if they win.


Democrats own guns too.


Be prepared with the 2nd amendment in mind. Tyranny is at our doorstep.


As someone living in a red state, it’s time to make an escape plan. I’m not worried about me, but I am for my wife and kid and her friends. I will say they will be shocked that so many on the left who value equality, freedom and the constitution, are armed.


Biden should have him executed. The Supreme Court already indicated it is well within his rights.


#WHAT THE FUCK, BALDY!? Jesus, fucking hated the Heritage Foundation before now, but goddamn, dude: now I know it’s full of murderous bald idiots.


Always has been. Progressives have been railing against Heritage for decades with not so much as a whisper from mainstream Democrats or the media. The Koch network built this machine over 40 years and they are about to turn the key and give us the tyranny they created. We’ve been warning everyone about this since the 1980s and the response from most Americans has been either "you’re a conspiracy theorist" or "Meh".


Agreed. They were horrible before, but this is fucking unhinged. And not from some asshole member, he’s the, what? VP?


Every day we are closer to Gilead than the day before. USA is being force marched toward a Christian Fascist Dictatorship and the majority of the Americans don’t give a damn. It’s depressing to think about.


I don't plan on letting them get away with this. Are you?


I like how they assume we’re afraid to get a little bloody.


They also don't advertise that part of their plan involves dealing death, anyway.


We're just gonna have to fight these losers again.


Stay safe. Get armed. Especially if you're part of the targeted groups. Minority, LGBTQ+, or non-Christian. If republicans win they're going to install an authoritarian Christofascist theocracy. If they lose, expect violent attacks.


I am trans, my apartment complex doesn't allow firearms, but I do have a long gun stored elsewhere. The real trick is securing a supply of hormones for...the rest of my life.


With the recent SC ruling, would Biden be able to arrest all of the project 25 leaders? They’re pretty much screaming from the mountaintops they’re gonna bring down the government.


“Which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be” In other words, “If you do what I say, I won’t hurt you”


They love to brag about their plans, just like movie villains.


"I'm murdering everyone who doesn't submit," is the translation for anyone interested.


Bring it MF


Make peace with the fact that violence is the only solution to these people. Or, accept that you will be ruled by facists


Like always people will ignore it and say fuck politics what's the point or just be completely ignorant. It's beyond frustrating knowing how close we are to losing everything.


The Handmaid’s Tale is the most terrifying novel I’ve ever read. Exactly because what is happening now has been so plausible that Atwood saw it coming years ago. I will not go gently into that dark night, but rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Apologies to Mr. Thomas for borrowing his words)


Prepare to be disappointed fascist traitor. And fuck off while you're at it.


I feel like Beavis needs to be screaming "Are you threatening me!?"


Under his eye


It's quite litteraly an anti enlightenment (and therefore anti-american) reaction.


There will be no blood - as long as you don't fight back, he means. I want to be Catholic, if I decide to be Catholic. I don't want to be forced into being Catholic. I don't want Catholic prohibitions enforced and options removed. Even many practicing Catholics don't abide by all the rules. If mandated, even Catholics will be forced to be more Catholic. No one can afford that.


I think he underestimates the left, this will become bloody if they continue.


So many folks in the r slash conservative seem to think the Heritage Foundation is just a fringe group with no power. They are clueless about the role the foundation has played in stacking the Supreme Court with christian nationalists and in a few years a lot of them are going to be wondering why leopards are eating their faces.


The Heritage Foundation has been the main architect of the GOP party platform for decades, and their deep core is the Council for National Policy and the New Apostolic Reformation.


This fucker. Basically, he’s saying, “We won’t hurt anyone on the Left if the Left allows us to implement Christian fascism in America. Otherwise, we’re going to hurt the Left.” Fuck off, fascist scum. I’m as armed as the lunatics on the far-right are, and I’m nobody’s victim. They’ll find that those of us on the Left, during 2020 and especially after the Capitol insurrection, had quite the wake-up call, and gun purchases among leftists *spiked*. We were tired of hearing “we have all the guns, and we’re going to hurt you with them” from the far-right, so many of us took precautions. Personally, I purchased my first firearm in 2020 when I saw cops and literal armed fascists acting far too chummy on social media as the same fascists attacked and beat a local reporter with bats and metal pipes, chased minorities out of their neighborhood while shouting racial slurs, and attacked BLM protestors who had only shown up (unarmed) when they saw what was happening—what the fascists were recording themselves and laughing about while fully armed with AR-15s and plate carriers—on social media. This happened in a neighborhood in *Philadelphia*, and I ordered my first handgun two days later. I hope I *never* have to draw any of my weapons and use them, but anyone threatening violence against me had better be prepared for a fight if they bring one to my doorstep. I’m sick of the threats.


"The radical left has taken over our institutions," said the member of the far-right who, in fact, has taken over our institutions...


Start a TikTok trend throwing full milkshakes at these people in public. Come on gen z and alpha! Make it happen!


A second revolution to .... Reinstate a monarchy?


WTF is wrong with that creepy weirdo?


The lefties mad about Israel and Palestine just want to see the country fall under a dictatorship. Just vote for Biden.


They are extraordinarily stupid. I get the outrage, but there is definitely a priority order to where our efforts need to be directed and Palestine is not at the top.


People need to understand, the Supreme Court decisions yesterday wasn't about protecting Trump, other than the delay element, it was about enacting Project 2025.


lol this guy thought he was onto something with the federalist papers and just proved how poorly his reading comprehension really is. That section (70)is about a counsel/multiplier to the power of presidency. Literally in the section before his reference it is said “The President of the United States would be liable to be impeached, tried, and, upon conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors, removed from office; and would afterwards be liable to prosecution and punishment in the ordinary course of law. The person of the king of Great Britain is sacred and inviolable; there is no constitutional tribunal to which he is amenable; no punishment to which he can be subjected without involving the crisis of a national revolution. In this delicate and important circumstance of personal responsibility, the President of Confederated America would stand upon no better ground than a governor of New York, and upon worse ground than the governors of Maryland and Delaware.” Seems pretty much not immune imo. Also, these papers are not law. Only thoughts and conclusions from a founder.


People are more concerned about the price of eggs than ideals. America has never actually had values. Just lip service to cover up greed


That *is* a terrorist threat.


If that be the case, then “I choose violence”


We need to fight these people! They want to take everyone who isn’t a part of their little group’s rights away.


“You can avoid any war. Just give them whatever they want.”


They pretend there are crazies on the left. All These righties do is bitch and moan about everything. They whine like the pussies the are


"It will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be". They're literally declaring a second american revolution. Sounds like treason or threatening treason if they don't get their way without violence.  I assume he was trying to frame it like the left would be the aggressors in that case, but that's utter nonsense. You can't just be a minority in a country and say, "give us control or we'll enact violence" and then blame the people who fight you of starting violence.


The obvious implication is that if you resist we will enact violence against you. He’s not imagining a left that violently overthrows things, it’s go along or be brutalized. This is probably the most horrifying thing anyone in power has said in a long time.




These fucking Nazis. Jesus I thought we settled this.


Disgusting vile Neo Nazis turning our country back into a monarchy was not what I expected in my lifetime but the 21st century is going that direction. In nearly every country.


And to think that are fathers and grandfathers went to war to defeat these type of people.


As a transgender person, I know there is a huge target placed on my back. I am on their list and they will be coming for me if Trump wins the next election and Project 2025 is implemented. If a person is simply an atheist, you can easily hide it when the Christian Fascists come knocking on your door. I can’t hide who I am, so for now I am enjoying what time I have left if the USA turns to shit. VOTE BLUE.


I wish a bitch would I wish a bitch would


When the dust settles, we can't make the same mistake as in the Civil War's Reconstruction period. The power structure needs to be completely dismantled. No negotiation. Redlining, the Jim Crow in all but name policies, the punishing of poverty, and the church and corporations overpowering and looting the state's tax dollars need to be completely dismantled.


I will fight fascism tooth and nail. Come tread on this snake, you fundie fuck.


People need to vote. If you are 18 and older vote this November. Otherwise, all this shit going to happen even more frequently. Biden sucks, but this far-right MAGA movement going to turn our country into a Christofascist theocracy


I fucking hate guns. I'm going to have to arm myself soon, aren't I?




I posted elsewhere that reading this reminds me of the first few eps of "The Handmaid's Tale," where they were just going about their lives as daily something happened to the gov't, until finally, one day women couldn't access their bank accounts, were told to just go home when they went to work because they weren't employed anymore, etc., etc. I think about those scenes often as the point was that people were slow-walked into this, thinking it wouldn't affect them, and then bam, the Christian nationalist gov't dropped the hammer. Watching it frightened me back then, but I always thought we had measures in place to prevent it. But now, it's clear that we do not, and we were just informed that their plan is to implement, and if we sit back and take it, all good. If not, there will be blood. Fuck all of this. The DNC needs to place this on TV in every single battleground state daily to rightly scare the shit out of people cause I do not doubt that given the way they are just ignoring everything about the Constitution at this point, I wholeheartedly believe that we will things on the level of what we saw in The Handmaid's Tale.


Fine. Cut the country in half. You can have your Christian version of Iran. I'll be living in the FREE half. 🇺🇸


My god. The Roman’s were right


Jesus was pretty clear when he said “i have not come to bring peace.”


Corporations are planning their global takeover that they’ve always dreamed of. Once the last obstacle to their domination is gone, they will have complete control and freedom will be just an amusing memory.


So this is the real mastermind?


One of. Leonard Leo, Harlan Crowe, Timothy Dunn, Rupert Murdoch, Stephen Miller, Roger Stone, Peter Thiel, and the Wilks brothers are more of them.




It's 2nd amendment time, we need to show up just like the psyco right armed to the teeth. We need to show the people in power we are armed and watching.


All enemies, foreign and domestic.


How nobody has tried to take these people out is beyond me.


Welcome to New Iran.


What's funny about that is that the Bridesmaid's Tale is based on how Iran was back then. It was a cautionary tale that America didn't comprehend. I thought it was a warning about totalitarianism and it is, but it's also about governments being overrun by fundies and ruled by strongarm.


Vote Blue.


Good time to visit the range