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Say "thanks, you too" and move along.


I should've told her and said, "A movie about the Bible would be rated NC 17 in a heartbeat"


Ezekiel 23:20. Good stuff in the Bible. Donkey dicks and horse jizz.


Great conversation starter/ ender.


1 Timothy 2:12, as good as it was a woman, she should be seen and not heard.


Jesus. I mean... wow. There's some zingers in that book but I somehow missed that one. Writing that shit down.


Try not to get yourself all sticky


A faithful Song of Solomon movie adaptation would NC-17 for sure.


Incest, adultery, lusting after women! And these men all went on to be heroes in the church.


As a movie ratings geek, this comment is legendary.


Job 13:2


Have you seen The Passion Of The Christ? It's basically an S&M snuff film for the whole family!


I have a (26M) friend whose aunt is SUPER religious and paid for the whole family to go see the film. My friend walked out about an hour in, and when his pissed off aunt ran out to grab him and screamingly asked him why he was leaving, he told her he wasn't into S&M. They didn't talk for about two years after that. That was also the last time he ever "went along" with his family's religious demands.


That movie was just too much! Sad that anyone would force it on people and get mad if they can't handle it. I remember going to a Catholic church with a friend's family when I was in like third grade, and there was a giant statue of Jesus on a cross that was all bloody and gory and it scared me soooo bad. I was terrified of that thing. It should have been a Halloween prop! Sometimes I wonder if some people do bad things because they're told that Jesus went through all that torture so they can do whatever they want and still be "forgiven". I'm looking at you Catholic priests!


Thankfully, I am a second-generation Atheist, so I was never subjected to any religious BS.


“Meet you at the bar?”


😂. "I'll save you a seat" is my go to.




Worshipping a Pokémon literally makes more sense. I can at least see them on my gameboy doing stuff! And they have never once threatened to send me to hell.


My brother in Arceus…


I’m currently rocking a 50/50 success rate on these PokePrayers 🙏 praise be


Gotta catch em all


Preach! :-)


That's a t-shirt I'd buy!


Arkeus > Abraham


One of the few times I’ll listen seriously to a powerscaler


The fact she's aware pokemon evolutions happen is more info than most elderly people know about pokemon.


She either saw it on one of those trashy FB posts or heard it from a weird sermon. She just knows pokemon has evolution therefore evil.


Which is funny because Pokemon "evolution" is just... not evolution. It's actually a lot closer to the "adaptation within kinds" that anti-evolutionists acknowledge, or just plain metamorphosis like we see in insects and amphibians. It's not like a Charmander can become an Arcanine.


About two decades+ ago I was on a Christian forum and someone left it after complaining that profile pictures are called "avatars", which is a reference to Hinduism. Even mere words are enough to scare people that they might be offending their god.


She just heard that off right wing radio. That's why she was so upset about it.


True enough.


If someone thinks that Pokémon "teaches evolution", then they 100% do not know anything about evolution. I kind of wished that the translator had used a different word back when they were first localizing the game.


I guess it "teaches it" in the most basic sense of what it is, though of course it doesn't go in depth at all about how it actually works. Evolution seems like an appropriate term for what happens to the pokemon, just at a very quick unrealistic pace with traits that don't align with reality. I'd think it's funny if they actually believed pokemon was teaching actual evolution and by extention think that scientists think evolution happens how it does in pokemon.


No, that's just it! Evolution as a biological concept takes place at the population level over successive generations, gradually, and never at an individual level. A more appropriate analogy/word for what pokémon do would be metamorphosis, because it takes place place for a single member of a species and usually seems to be related to their natural life-cycle, where an egg produced by a fully evolved pokémon will hatch a pokémon at the original first stage of "evolution". If it worked anything like real life, all the charmanders in an isolated population would become charmeleons and their eggs would also produce charmeleons or later charizards.


Well, there's more to it than evolution. Recent generations have given us convergent species and regional variants, both concepts that can be directly seen in nature and understood.


And some people show up in this /r to complain that some of us are "rude" to theists..... Anyone that said something like that to me would get an earful that'd make an entire navy blush. I'm older, and i no longer give a shit.... go ahead, force me to make my day.


Same. At 45 I no longer gaf if someone likes me, I care about people not annoying me


Yeah, I don’t think you can be much ruder to someone than saying they are going to experience eternal punishment


Yeah, the creator of the universe is preoccupied with a mere mortals fascination over a make believe character... to the point of being so disgusted and betrayed that they want to send them to hell. These brainless Chistians have their heads up their arse.


And there ain't a crowbar big enough to help get it out. These people need to be in an insane asylum


arent women supposed to be silent and not teach a man stuff according to that book?


That's only certain denominations, and I'm pretty sure they're given a pass when it comes to spreading their religion.


but isnt god perfect and all knowing so he would know it would cause confusion and should've written that in his book very clearly or something


No ma'am, I'll be going to hell for excessive masturbation to granny porn. What you doing later?




😲😬🤔🤣🔥👍👏👌🏆or words to tht effect.


"No need to worry, lady. I have already booked VIP lounge with Satan."


Pokemon teaches about *metamorphosis*, not evolution. Evolution is change over successive generations *to a population* and does not occur within a single organism. It's more akin to the caterpillar to butterfly metamorphosis than anything even vaguely related to evolution. Which, yeah, pokemon calls it evolution which is wrong, but if the fundies had any clue whatsoever what evolution was, they'd know that it is using the wrong term. But that would require them to know what evolution is, and they can't even be arsed to figure that out.


Exactly if she thinks evolution is what we see on Pokémon then she doesn't know jack shit about evolution


Or Pokemon


"A Charmander cannot become an Arcanine, a Magicarp cannot become Seadra. Evolution is not real. The only thing scientists have been able to show is adaptation within created kinds." - Ken Tepig (the Pokemon equivalent of Ken Ham)


I was just thinking the exact same thing. Hate that they call it evolution because it does enforce some of the incorrect thinking about evolution, that has to be corrected with resistance. I guess "morph" was used in to many other games. I do wonder if the lady would have understand the caterpillar to butterfly analogy. I think of it as common knowledge, but often I am surprised what people don't know.


We are all going to hell, according to Christians.


Fine with me. I'd rather avoid their gated community (prison?) and their judgmental attitudes.


The bible teaches some hard stuff like revenge, child murder, offering your daughters for rape (Lot), killing women with stones for having an affair... I think Pokemon is the better choice 👍


You know what never ruined a guy's whole life just to prove a point to its rival? Pokemon.


“Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Arceus?”


Lady needs to do some research Evolution is becoming more and more accepted in Christian circles.


Some Christians don't accept the big bang Even though it was created by a Catholic priest...


I am pretty sure there were no catholic priests around during the bigbang.   Sorry, couldn’t help myself. Edit:  If you are not talking about their favourite hobby in that case big is the wrong word. Sorry again…


After all, they are always the ones who end up changing their beliefs, even though they try to impose theirs on us.


I usually just smile and nod or say "prove it". It usually depends on their level of civility.


If I was a confident man, I would respond to these twerps with “Awesome! Hail Satan.”


I hope to see Shiny Infernape in Hell lol


They give so much power to the littlest things it's kind of funny. Behold these cute doodles of Satan!


"'Hell' doesn't exist, man."


"Thats a pretty petty and unserious god you got there lady"


Tell her not to make fun of you. There's some hungry bears nearby


The mental gymnastic that is requires to jump from Pokemon to hell is lunatic


Don't take it to heart. People who condemn others to hell aren't happy and well adjusted.


>I'm an atheist and a huge fan of Pokémon I'm a christian and a huge fan of pokemon That lady needs help. Professional.


Lmao it teaches evolutions


Im sorry, does she think pokemon evolution is how ACTUAL evolution is supposed to work?


That's what I'm saying. The evolution in Pokémon is NOTHING like real life, which confuses me on why she wanted to make that claim


Teaches evolution.. lmao


Where do you live that a stranger feels entitled to do this? Regardless, I'd just tell her to fuck off.


I actually live in Denver, Colorado, and Denver, for the most part, is pretty liberal but you get your religious nutballs every now and then.


"I wasn't aware the lord was asking your opinion. Get the mote out of your own eye, hypocrite." Make sure to say, "the lord." Those jebus crispies really peek up at that term.


"Your imaginary friend doesn't exist. Or your imaginary enemy either. "


Not to be THAT guy, but Pokémon gets evolution wrong. Individuals don't evolve, species evolve over many generations.


I should've told her that lol because if she claims that then she doesn't know SHIT about evolution


A frustrating thing about talking to creationists is their inability to understand random mutations and natural selection. They can’t get it out of their heads that “evolution” means a particular organism is morphing into something different during its own life, like fucking magic or something


I lovePokemon. It's just so freaking cool, man. I've learned so much about plants, animals, and mythology from these little cute creatures. The video game teaches you that pokemon are essential creatures to the world that you're supposed to befriend and take care of and respect because they have helped humans. much how we've owe so much to plants and animals that we've domesticated in real life. You should have been like, "Well, your Bible details executions, mass murder, rape, incest and slavery. If anything, you and those shoes deserve to go to hell, sis. "


The random lady must have lost her caretaker. She is obviously crazy. Don’t take her seriously in any way.


"If your religion amounts to 'comply or face the consequences' then your religion is a massive scam and no one in their right mind would take it seriously especially if there is no evidence to support its outlandish bullshit notions." - my response


"Oh no, anyway..."


>its violent and because it teaches evolutions It's violent? Oh, and the bible isn't? I don't see Pikachu genociding a group of squirtles because they're living on supposed "holy" land. And ehm... evolutions. She does know these are fictional, right? Like jesus and god? Oh wait.


Sadly, I'd guess those people think that's how evolution is supposed to work.


"The bible taught you to hate and fear things you don't understand. And you don't understand a lot of things because the bible also taught you that curiosity is bad. Pokemon is just a fun game. Your religion is cultural poison that divides people into in groups and out groups to hate."


LOL! People are insane.


“Has your guardian allowed you outside unsupervised? Poor dear, you must be so confused. Should I call the nice policeman to help you home? It’s so dangerous to accost strangers on the street, I’m so glad I’m able to call people who can help you, you never know what could have happened to you out here alone with your obvious decline in mental faculty.”


This is why I pray to Arceus


How old are you? Who does this? Me: have a good day! **Walks away**


I had the same thing happen to me when I was in Sunday school a long time ago. The youth pastor said “Pokémon evolve and were invented by Japanese people who believe in Buddha, not Jesus, so Pokémon is satanic.” This is one of the reasons I’m an atheist now. When most Christians refer to “evolution” they are really thinking of “speciation” which is a separate, but related concept.


Hail pokemon 🙏


What Pokémon was it?


All it was a shirt with Charizard on it lol


And their belief system teaches hate. I’ll stick with Pokémon.


Last time I had a women say something about my choices and tell me I'm going to hell ect I asked her if she knew 1 Tim 2:12 she said she's aware but can't remember off the top of her head so I told her shut the fuck up women a man is speaking and you have no authority to teach me or talk back to me The then flew into a rage about how I took it out of context ect ect just said read Matthew 5 38:40 and atop letting the devil take over your emotions and walked away Hit them where it hurts with their own rationality and walk away while they spit fire it's hilarious to watch Satan take control


"judge not lest ye be judged" why do they never pay attention to their core messages anymore 🙄


Hi mom, lmao


Me a Christian reading this and looking up at my own Pokemon hat. Wtf is wrong with people


Right and honestly liking Pokémon has literally NOTHING to do with me being atheist I just happen to like Pokémon and just be an atheist


Oh man I haven’t heard that since pokemon first came out, there’s a blast from the past.


"Judge not, lest ye be judged."


I wear a shirt that says “Pet Cats - Hail Satan” just to get this reaction from religious peanuts. Also, if you ask me, telling someone they are going to burn and be tortured for an infinite amount of time is pretty violent.


God is pretty fragile to be threatened by an imaginary character. Oh wait if imaginary things exist god might also be. Wait is better not go there.


Did you walk into some Westboro Baptist convention? The fuck is right.


More violent than 1/3 of the Holy Trinity? I don't think so.


I have a Chewbacca shirt that shows like a glowing effect behind his head. I was told it was disrespectful to the lord, so now I refer to it as my wookie Jesus shirt.


Sorry to hear of your fate. You should have told the women she would be there too since "Judge not lest ye be judged"... Cardinal sin on her part. Hope otherwise she was pleasant and not a Karen.


Pokemon literally does not teach "evolution." I would have corrected her ass.


Just one of many things I'm going to hell for.


We’re all Going to hell. Party !!!


They’re still on about that? Although it doesn’t surprise me. The Satanic Panic never left some places…


As a Pokémon fan, I’ve luckily never encountered much of it. It has tapered off significantly (unfortunately that’s because they decided “woke” is the new satanic thing, so LGBT+ people existing is apparently the work of “The Devil”. (to be fair though to the early Pokémon criticisms, Kadabra and Alakazam *are* inspired design-wise by Baphomet, like the panicking ones suggested. but Alakazam ain’t turning anyone evil, unless having a glass Cannon with good Special and Speed is evil 😈)


I like twirl my finger while pointing at my head while saying in a undertone, "crazy..." Done that to religious nutcases before. Never gets old...


Reply “bless your heart “


You’re not going anywhere with a Pokémon shirt don’t worry


"See you later then"


...just say you're about to go to the ER.


It teaches evolution? Really I mean technically the Pokémon do evolve once they have won enough battles and it is more accurate than the bible but it is hardly a direct assault on religious beliefs. Personally I like to quote the bible at angry people. This verse usually does the trick. I mean what is more wholesome than whoring, massive cocks loads of cum and child prostitution. Ezekiel 23 And she revealed her whorings, and she revealed her nakedness, and so I turned from her {just as} I turned from her sister. 19 Yet she increased her whorings, {recalling} the days of her childhood when she was prostituted in the land of Egypt 20 And she lusted after her male lovers whose genitalia [were the] genitalia of male donkeys and [their] seminal emission [was the] seminal emission of horses. 21 And you longed [after] the obscene conduct of your youth when your bosom was caressed by Egypt, fondling your young breasts.


Tell that person that if evolution was wrong then where is her Nobel Prize.


She needs to respect your religious beliefs!




Teaches evolutions. At least we can speak properly. Theists always seem to mispronounce and misspell simple words.


Good to hear


https://tenor.com/view/shikanoko-gif-8644184854507532054 Just do this dance the next time


"Oh my, you must be correct mam,sir, I should tell you about this internet site that says horrible things about God. It's called pokemon rule 34. You should check it out!" /weeps fake tears while hoping they do just that


"Gotta catch em all!" --Satan


It’s worrying they think Pokémon “evolution”works the same as IRL evolution.


Somebody is stuck in 1998 lol.


Gotta catch em all. In hell! Lol


If there’s one thing god hates the most, it’s pokemon


There might be some wiggle room in your eternal damnation where you will spend suffering in a lake of fire. What Pokémon was on the shirt? Think carefully it could save your immortal soul.


Evolutions? Two types of evolution? Are Pokémon silicon-based lifeforms or something? 😆


That’s funny considering how violent the Bible is


Satan, I choose you!


"I'm going to Hell???? oh no, will people like you be there also?" "No" "Oh, then it'll be a step up from this interaction. Thanks for giving me hope lady!" And then just walk away.


Should have said "I'm already here in your hell. My shirt is your hell. I'm fine with it. However because of your attitude the next level in your future is going to be much worse. It has been decided."


“Ma’am, folks like you make me question evolution. Supposedly our species got smarter over time, but.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ “


“And you’re going to hell for judging others. Judge not, less ye be judged and found wanting. Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, you do to me. So get thee behind me, satan.” Real quickly, like a prepared speech. It will probably short circuit them.


She sounds violent and abusive....but since she wears the 'god' badge she can do and say whatever TF she wants.


It's really funny that a lot of PokeStops are churches. Pokemon is not violent. I watch that show with my kids and am always waiting for the conflict. They have battles, but they are always supportive and nice. They don't even really get mad at Team Rocket when they literally kidnap their Pokemon.


Hell is just a sauna you'll be just fine.


That is all it takes? Glad the gatekeeper of hell has told us what gets us into Club Hell.


1. Pokémon are **said** to evolve, but they actually metamorphose. 2. Pope John Paul II explicitly approved of Pokémon in the 2000s: https://nypost.com/2000/04/21/pokemon-earns-papal-blessing/


Lear at her evilly and say "Evolution GOOOOOOOOD!"


Ask her where black folks, Hispanics, Asians, Indians, etc. come from if we all came from 2 white people (Adam and Eve) and again a white family (Noah’s family after the flood). If evolution doesn’t exist we’d all be white. Ask where in the wild you can find tea cup poodles and pugs. That you want to see them in their natural habitat as god intended. Oh, wait, you can’t. Because god didn’t make those, man did. How? Selective breeding which is how we turned wolves into various breeds of dogs. Literally evolution. Also tell her she’s never read her Bible. The book is full of violence, genocide, rape, murder, incest, child wives, child fucking, baby killing, Magic, monsters, supernatural creatures, and superstition. Ask her if she loves Passover. Tell her you do, it’s a great story where angels needed a reminder of which children not to kill or, well, to Passover. Tell her Pokémon has the better story and morals and that you really wish their priests would stop trying to catch them all every time kids go to youth group. It’s literally crazy that we’re in the year 2024 and people seriously still believe in fairytales and magic.


I like to respond "didn't you know...this is hell!"


That’s good to know they’ll be something to occupy your time when we’re there. 😎


omg it teaches evolutions hahahahah


In Matthew we are told, "Judge not, lest ye be judged". She may be a member of the church but I'm sure isn't part of the management so she has no right in judging someone. Her sin in being judgemental might be greater than wearing that shirt.


I’d use “water gun” on them


Try a Star of David next time lol


Wait wait wait, reserving judgement until I hear what Pokemon was on the T-shirt.


Good thing Hell isn’t real. Amirite?


To be fair...Pokemon's version of 'evolution' is all sorts of wrong


The best response to these people is to just laugh in their face. They hate that.


Tyrannosaurus evolves into... Chicken! It's NOT super effective!


Great I can catch my fire Pokémon!


Anyone that judges you will be held to the same judgement when their day comes, it's in the bible, js. Christians don't even read their own textbook. It's easy to use it against them.


“Pikachu’s tail is actually the satanic Z”. Got reminded of this :3


"Hail Satan, and fuck jesus with his own cross."


Try wearing a Metallica - Master of Puppets shirt in the bible belt. Or (gasp) something a little stronger like Slayer. I feel your pain. As a metalhead I've had a TON of weird looks from that type, and a small number of weird questions or conversations from them, but thankfully I think my stature prevents the bulk of it.


"Cool! That's where all the Pokémon live"




jesus, i had no idea stupid fanatics existed in this world.


Lol...had people do that when I go to Anime and Comic Conventions. I told one of these fools, "Well then you might want to tell CBN to burn their master copies of Super Book from 1978 to 1995 because those were made by the unholy Anime Company Toei." I still can't believe they didn't know that Super Book and Flying House two Christian shows were commissioned by CBN.


We basically watch evolution take place with the flu each year and somehow it's not real to these birdbrains.


Did you tell her that you're a grown-ass adult and it's none of her goddamn business?


What exactly happens to a Pokémon in a pokeball? Is it like a lil jail? Like a genie lamp? Where is the line between pet and prisoner?


"Gotta catch 'em' all"


“And you’re going to hell for noticing.”


At least there's a party in hell.


My response to that is, “what’s hell?” People don’t expect that because everyone knows that hell is. If they go on some explanation of what hell is, that’s when you can say something like, “that sounds ridiculous, lol”.


Lady, Pokemon is fiction, just like your old man in the clouds that watches me masturbate


Aww man. I bet the Pokestops in hell are always purple.


Well,  it depends on which pokemon was on your shirt.   If it was Mewtwo, then I would have blessed you.   If it was a Stunfisk.... well you can go fuck yourself straight to the non existent hell.


Evolution was always a stupid term for Pokemon. Metamorphosis is what it is.


Tell her or anyone to find the word HELL in the bible! It does not exist so it's a perfect example of their ignorance!


You demonic beast! LOL


I used to live across the street from a large LDS family, and my son and one of their sons were great friends. There were rules though: no television could be on in our house while the kid was over hanging out, and my son had to put his entire Pokémon card collection in a separate room from where they were going to be. I was really angry, but didn't want to compromise my son's friendship, so I left it up to him (he was 12). He decided it was worth it to accommodate his friend's/parental rules and we happily made it work. THEN, I walked over to his friend's house, and politely informed his parents of the rules I had if my son was going to hang out at their house: no talk of religion whatsoever, and their Book(s) of Mormon had to be in a different room from where my son would be. They were irrationally offended, got rude & defensive, and I walked away from their house with such little respect for them that it made me sick. I accommodated them, but they refused to accommodate me. Shitty human beings.


Should've told her you're already there!


Do those kinds of people literally have nothing better to do with their lives?


Remind such women that the bible teaches them to remain silent and not try to teach men.


You definitely are, and the person who said that is definitely a saint due to their fake religious beliefs. They are definitely not a hypocrite and, more than likely, not a "Christian" fascist. P.S. Why do Pokémon hide under the bed? So they can Pikachu! I'm probably going to hell for this 😄, but when someone says "have a blessed day" or "God bless," I automatically think they are of lower intelligence and discount any opinions they may give me. This is what they have brought upon themselves and forced me to feel. This is not because I'm a judgemental person or pretentious. It is obvious their isn't a God, and even if there was, he/she/it surely isn't all knowing and good. Christianity in the U.S. has become too big for its britches, and if they get their way, people like myself will literally become subhuman. They must be stopped from their agenda to take over the government and impose their will upon the rest of us. This isn't fear mongering, what they have in store is facts. Look up project 2025. Their religion is a tool for power and corruption and control, and they must be stopped. They are absolutely/100% the minority, yet have gained so much power. Their false victimhood and hypocrisy is astounding.


Ghost aren’t real Hell isn’t real Who gives a fuck


Oh, man, you are not only going to hell. You are going to the bottom of the hell. It’s commonly known that Lucifer really hates Pokémon characters.


Respond with “You shouldn’t like the Bible, it’s violent.”


Oh, I see you ran into my mother. My bad. Ignore her, her opinion is worth nothing.




All hail the lord and savior jigglypuff


I like evolutions!


Nah. God was in my classroom so I caught him in a poke ball. Now there is no one to send me there