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Yes, and yes. He has a type, it's just that his type is Mikasa.




Hear me out: Pieck


I don't remember why but I got the vibe that Pieck might bat for the other team.


her interactions with Yelena during season 4 gave me that vibe too lol


Yelena was petting pieck in her titan form so it's pretty much a confirmed ship atp


back in my day it was Mikasa and we liked it


Hear me out: itā€™s just some random woman that he happened to run into


Copium, Mikasa is his one and only


He just like me fr fr. Iā€™d die a miches death just to SNIFF her socks


Fr fr. Mikasa can do whatever she wants to me ngl šŸ˜…


Sniff her socks AND DIE? Sounds like a win-win.


His fantasy is day drinking as a husband and father šŸ˜­


Look if I lived in a world where I could be eaten alive by big ass titans, it'd be my fantasy too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It is a moment of dark comedy to think that Jeanā€™s dream is to be an asocial alcoholic, but I think itā€™s more like Jeanā€™s subconscious telling him that heā€™d be deeply unhappy if he joined the Jaegerists. Jeanā€™s introduction has him admitting he wants a cushy life for himself. This scene has him going, ā€œWell, I could still provide a cushy life for my loved ones, but I canā€™t say I would derive any pleasure from it any more because of what I had to do to get here.ā€ Character growth!


That makes sense to me. I've never looked at it from this side.


While his wife cares for the kids without his help.


i came to reddit to escape my problems, not remind myself of them šŸ˜­


Be glad itā€™s Attack on Titan and not Evangelion where itā€™s criticizes you for escapism. https://preview.redd.it/551hlicoxw3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbfd2b26895f89459a74d9c34e35487b773908fe


nah shinji had a point


L Jean for not being a helicopter parent in his fantasy




Letā€™s just assume heā€™s drinking juice


It is clearly part 10AM in that shot.




ā€œMikasa you can take care of Jean junior while I drink in the other room.ā€


As if they wouldnā€™t name their kid eren smh


Wouldn't naming him Eren absolutely inappropriate in the post-rumbling world? Like a certain german painter after WW2 ?


Most of the people in Paradis still treat Eren as their savior and martyr.


I mean in this scenario there is no world left outside, and to Paradisians he is a hero.


Are you talking about canon ending, or Jean's dream ? If it's latter you're right.


Yeah I'm talking about the dream. That's what the post and the first comment in this thread refers to. Though lbr there's not that much outside left in canon ending either, and I can guarantee some yeagerists would name their kids after him still šŸ’€


You're right. There is definitely going to be a increase in "Eren" new borns in the first decades after the Rumbling.


Considering eren save paridis and the eldians from genocide Iā€™d like to believe they honour him for being the hero that he is


When the shot switches to the other side of the wife's face you can see Mikasa's signature scar under her right eye. The fantasy is 100% Mikasa. That doesn't mean he still feels that way or pursues her after the series is over. If it is him in the epilogue shots during the credits its unlikely because of this specific fantasy. He gives up on this fantasy when he joins the Alliance after The Rumbling starts, so any relationship they may or may not have post-series would be its own thing since they spend 3 years apart before he comes back to Paradis where as Mikasa had been back since right after the Battle of Heaven and Earth.


Idk dude it's pretty clear that the intention of the anime is him and Mikasa getting married. I think the idea is that Jean gives up on tbe fantasy, but is rewarded with something similar for doing the right thing. Mikasa gets married. She has a ring on her finger in the coffin. We see her with a child. We see her with a suspiciously Jean-like silhouette. It's been set up the entire series that Jean has feelings for Mikasa. This isn't organic chemistry people.


Oh yeah of course donā€™t get me wrong, I think they probably do end up together. I just donā€™t think itā€™s worth arguing about because it is seemingly purposefully left open ended enough that everyone can happily believe what they want. People get overly attached to their preferred ships and get weird about it.


And his dream ended up coming true. Chad. https://preview.redd.it/4vhpzryn8u3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=380dbd0f05c2c7031035c572efdf2b1090b1a6a4


I watched a video earlier where someone had a compelling argument that it was Armin who visited the graveside with Mikasa, the kid was his and not hers, and that she basically was single the entire time. It was interesting to speculate, in any case.


Saw that video, but if that child was Armin's then why wouldn't the mother of that child (presumably Annie) not be there with them? Also if you look in the anime (which is the official canon according to Iseyama) Mikasa was buried with a wedding ring on. https://preview.redd.it/7vq73ajcev3d1.jpeg?width=324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3d3515a7a5e137e4d06142380fca7feb6ed39b6


You bring up good points. I like to believe it was Armin - that way, it keeps her and Eren "together." Honestly, though, it's just Isayama leaving little things (like the tree looking EXACTLY like the one Ymir first found) to keep the conversations going and people speculating. Genius moves on his part.


If I remember correctly she was buried with the scarf so even though she married Jean she definitely still loved Eren and Jean wouldā€™ve understood that


Bruh lots of widows still marry despite having loved their previous husbands. Just because you loved someone and they died doesnā€™t mean you donā€™t love them if you find love again


And Jean lovesĀ Eren like a brother too. It's a really interesting dynamic and it would make for a great short storyĀ 


Except she didnā€™t marry Jean


I donā€™t understand how people wouldā€™ve preferred for mikasa to be alone forever because sheā€™s too in love with a dead guy, unnecessarily cruel.


I suspect that people don't want to give up on the idea of mikasa and eren - even if it makes her single and alone. šŸ‘€šŸ¤·


Maybe they divorced or she was on a trip somewhere


https://preview.redd.it/mdlw7pqcfv3d1.jpeg?width=125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a959653efcb64fa910a415cdd3026332d8f51b5e Oh and Mikasa is a head taller than Armin but the man with her in the post-credits is taller than her.


What if itā€™s just Jean and his new wife? Like what lmao


True enough. Makes you wonder.......


Armin is not taller than Mikasa. Jean is like more than 6 feet tall while Armin is 5,5 feet.


That doesnā€™t really make sense to me, because the kid is clearly dark haired. So on top of assuming that the man is Armin and that thatā€™s his kid, we also have to assume that Armin and Annie didnā€™t work out and that Armin married someone else. Itā€™s a lot of hoops to jump through. Thereā€™s not enough evidence to assume itā€™s Jean, but I do feel thereā€™s enough evidence to assume itā€™s Mikasaā€™s husband- be that Jean or anybody else.


I suspect you are probably right, to be honest.


But doesnā€™t she wear a wedding ring later when she was buried


From what I could tell, yes, it looked like it.


You can see a wedding ring but you canā€™t see who she married. Anything else is headcannon


Iirc Isayama intentionally didnā€™t make it clear who was who there


She's still hung up on Eren though. Hopefully it isn't Jean Bruh almost 20 downvotes later and I still have no idea why I'm downvoted. You mfs gotta speak up if you disagree.


If you gotta have a wife who's hung up on another guy, the best kinda guy you want her hung up on is a dead one. I'd say Jean still wins in this scenario lol


Ahh, so the Will Smith special


The only thing I know about will Smith regarding this scenario is that his wife cheated on him with a currently alive man. This scenario is not the same with Jean and Mikasa


Jada Smith was head over heels for rapper Tupac before his untimely death. She married Will after and never seemed as happy as she was since Tupacā€™s death. This unhappiness is believed to be what led to the cheating with the currently alive man youā€™re talking about


Ohhhh I mean maybe lol. Who's to say. I do see what you're getting at tho. Say Mikasa sees a fiesty 19 year old bad boy with dark hair and green eyes when she's walking her kids to the Eren tree. And now we gotta new fan fiction with betrayal, infidelity and hot steamy... OK I'm done typing about this now


Also a dead one who is a person you deeply respected and also cared about. Jean is one of the ONLY people who could understand and be ok with Mikasa's feelings about Eren.


Ig, but still he deserved a better conclusion. Throughout the show we've seen him recognizing the special relationship Eren and Mikasa had. He even seemningly gave up on his dream of getting with Mikasa before joining the alliance. Its honestly a diservice to his character to regress back onto a somewhat one-sided relationship (that even he was aware of).


You donā€™t *gotta* have a wife thatā€™s hung up on another guy. Especially when you can have Pieck. Thatā€™s a failure.


Eren was her closest friend. Visiting his grave isnā€™t being hung up on someone.


In the manga she wore Eren's scarf when she was buried rather than her wedding ring and in the anime she was buried next to Eren. https://preview.redd.it/xbnknnauuu3d1.jpeg?width=911&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=326f78a311293de5f36dfb31307aa2b4b095cedc Maybe hung up isnt the right phrase to use, but she still loved Eren above anyone else (thats IF she even married).


She had a wedding ring. It's behind the flowers laid on her. If you look closely you will see it. She could easily loved her husband and still have love for Eren. Psychology proves that if you loved someone and they died a part of your heart will never heal and there will always be feelings behind "what if"


The ring doesn't invalidate my initial response. One thing is loving Eren and mourning him but I feel like taking her husband to a headstone that practically refers to another man as her [soulmate](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShingekiNoKyojin/s/eApwrDSY6m) and getting buried next to him with his scarf (scarf which literally symbolizes their bond) is unfair to the husband and clearly shows that she loved Eren more than anyone. It's obviously not confirmed, but assuming she's married, how is hoping that it isn't Jean bad? The marriage is seemingly one sided. Also, there's no need for psychology, this is fiction. I don't think Isayama took psychology into account when drawing those panels.


Ima assume it was either pieck or mikasa he married


Imagine Isayama coming out in three decades and saying "it was Pieck all along, not Mikasa", then watch the geriatric fans beat each others with walking sticks in a unique shipping war event in a retirement home.


What on earth is going on with them? Oh they're fighting about Eremika, Jeankasa and Jeanpiku... I'd just let them be šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


A worse answer: "Shipping wars, the usual" Like, you have no idea how many weebs will end up sharing a retirement home with you, this might be a weekly occurrence. The staff there might end up keeping scores and making bets on which anime might be the bloodiest in terms of shipping wars.


Lol, god, that would be hilarious


Terrifyingly plausible; Evangelion fans still sometimes throw hands over shipping and that series was nearly thirty years ago now.


As far as I care it is Pieck, no matter how many geriatric asses I'm gonna have to kick in the future over this lol https://preview.redd.it/nlmfh1dwxw3d1.png?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7672ec3d7ddb15eabdce2f7dcc69cf0bd57319f8


i already marked my calendar and started practicing my swing


I hope Pieck. At least she would get buried next to him and not ask him to wear the Eren wig before they sleep together.


Mikasa lookin at the baby like the titans look at people šŸ’€šŸ’€


Itā€™s obviously Mikasa but I donā€™t think it definitively points out that they got together or that he loved her forever or something. Sheā€™s pretty much faceless in this dream, being a placeholder for his ā€œperfect wifeā€ while heā€™s living the luxurious indulgent life he gaslighted himself into dreaming about, despite the fact that his conscience is telling him the opposite. He clearly looks miserable in there. The whole point is that it was teenager Jeanā€™s dream but heā€™s done a long way since then and it doesnā€™t feel right anymore. I donā€™t see how people put it into a romantic context. In other words, I believe in horsecart supremacy


horse-lookin ass baby




Iā€™m glad Jean got married but I hate that itā€™s Mikasa


I was absolutely disgusted by the idea at first but then after some time went on, I'm glad it's Jean. He wanted such a generic married life that I feel like he treated Mikasa well and took care of all her needs as well as being able to heal each other's trauma. Jean seems respectable enough to understand the bond Eren and Mikasa had is something that Mikasa will never have for someone else and wouldn't use this emotion against her like someone else would. The other thing I think about a lot too, is how in a way Eren gave Jean his perfect life he always wanted. Where as Mikasa didn't care for much except a life with Eren. Jean got what he wanted in the living world and maybe Eren and Mikasa will be together in the next.


Also, people can genuinely fall in love multiple times in their life. Tons of people in the real world lose their spouses but eventually find new love. Many of them continue to love their deceased spouses too. This is disrespectful to neither their deceased spouse nor their new one. This is why some of the rhetoric from people donā€™t want Mikasa to be married (whether to Jean or anybody else) bothers me. Narrative preference is one thing, but when people say itā€™s a ā€œbetrayalā€ of Eren or undercutting her spouse, itā€™s insulting to a lot of real people.


It shoudn't be disrespectful to real people because Eremika isn't grounded in reality and I don't understand why you guys always conflate the two. Remember, Mikasa's love and devotion for Eren literally broke a 2,000 year old curse. The scarf canonically symbolizes their bond. Her dream throughout the show was to be with Eren (via AOT final guidebook). Eren was far more meaningful to her than an ex boyfriend/spouse. Mikasa marrying is just completely out of character for her.




I love Eren Mikasa to much








I mean same but for a different reason, I just think Jean deserves more than playing second best to a dead man.


Well itā€™s a good thing thatā€™s not official and itā€™s just headcannon then. Youā€™re hating something that isnā€™t true


Which came true


Mikasa with long hair btw... S1 type shit


Why Jean is my favorite, Everyman.


Mikasa just visiting confirmed, no ring. Eremika lives on.


Isn't it obvious? https://preview.redd.it/zrt6aj2qhu3d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a8400aa3d4bace33c7adb208fe3c8cde0d7ec14


agonizing arrest towering bright smoggy humor existence sophisticated workable toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did she bring the makeup and wig or jean?


Jean is my goat for the turning his dreams into reality


I donā€™t like the idea of Jean marrying Mikasa cause it has the same level as Eren and Historia. The idea of a character that people self-insert just to get the girl of their dreams, in Jeanā€™s case literally


Or it could be Pieck.