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In the episode where they’re trying to re-take Trost & plug the hole with a boulder. One of the soldiers tells Mikasa to “look out for your boyfriend” she blushes and replies “we’re family.” Interesting to see that now Lol


Isayama and his full circle moments




Legit could have saved the world but pussed out lol.


Wait, people still think Eren wouldn’t do the Rumbling if Mikasa confessed? I mostly felt like in this scene he was testing the timeline, hoping maybe something will change but Rumbling was inevitable. It’s not Mikasa’s fault or responsibility.


No, it doesn’t have to do anything with Mikasa confessing per se. It’s more to do with the fact that something different happened from what he’s seen in his visions of the future.


You mean that something different DIDNT happen. He saw all of this in his future memories but still asked hoping something would change


And Eren showed us what would’ve happened had she told him how she really feels


I don’t think Eren or Mikasa are thé type to leave their friends to die whilst running off on their own. Even in the cabin dream Eren is incredibly guilty whilst talking about Armin looking for them. But her confessing would show him that the future can be changed and might not lead to the rumbling.


What would’ve happened?


It's the timeline when they have that cabin in the woods, Mikasa and Eren. That is what would've happened if Mikasa said something else.


Ahh thank you


Are you referring to the time he spent with her in PATHS? AFAIK that was just a possibility or a scenario he created for her, Eren can’t actually see alternate futures. He doesn’t even know everything about the actual future


That’s my point exactly.


I see I think I just got confused by the wording. My bad


I do think if she had confessed things could have turned out differently. I mean we will never know really as it's headcannon/ theory but I do believe atleast a full rumbling could have been prevented.


Well, the full rumbling never happened anyway. 20% survived, thanks to Mikasa.


Deep down I wanted Eren to kill all of them every single last one , lol I literally sound like Eren from s1


Phew! I thought I was the only one 😂


Of course it would be different, like Eren dies after 4 years, then Mikasa goes back to Armin and then dies horribly too and Eldians would die out or be slaved as WMD forever


Two little words that killed 80% of the population


Ugh ikr it made me so annoyed


that scene when the smiling titan killed hannes also had so much potential, they teased us so much and then eren just stood up and walked away


It’s a very good scene though, it showed us that Eren was never going to just lay down and die, he was always going to try and fight. Because he stood up and walked away, they survived.


He looks so sad after that ☹


AOT is my favourite thing of all time and I mean it, but there is no romance or love story in AOT. There are some feelings between Annie and Armin, Mikasa and Eren, Marlo and Hitch but those hardly classify as romance at all.


So you’re saying… you don’t think it would’ve worked between the two? You wouldn’t have liked seeing the two together? Maybe I’m too tired or hungry to make sense of what you’re saying, but are you just simply pointing this fact out?


It could work, I am just saying there is no romance or love story. For example Grisha has married Clara and they have Eren. They are in lovе, but that isn't really a love story, just plot thing. Same goes for Mikasa and Eren - if they would end up together in the end it wouldn't really be a love story because there is almost no romantic development and situations between those two.


This is so accurate! 😂


Am I the only one who didn't care about Romance in this show


*Am I the only* *One who didn't care about* *Romance in this show* \- CraftRelevant1223 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yay my first haiku


I liked how there was a little bit, but not that much. The shows all about humanity, and love/romance is a very human emotion. It would be a mistake to not have any, but having too much just wouldn’t work with a series like this.


Yes but I loved how it wasn't a major plot point


Same. That was basically what I was trying to say.


Isayama is afraid to go deep into the love stories because he’s finally been heartbroken or has never loved


Lolol *a real reaction* but she was still embarrassed about loving him


Doesn't she confessed , she care for him. He is his family , what else want to say ?