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I *understand* her, but she’s still an obnoxious brat. Just because you write a justified annoying character doesn’t mean the character isn’t still going to be annoying. A lot of people completely missed the point of her character and what propaganda does to a mf simply because of how goddamn overly annoying she is


I'm currently rewatching the show ans I can't wait to get to season 4 because I fully understand the parallel with Eren but what I am noticing is that as annoying as he is Eren still has an inner monologue where he questions his impulses and tries to understand them and those of the people around him. I don't remember if it's the case with Gabi I'll keep an eye for it


Honestly even if she weren't as annoying as she is people would still find a way to ignore the brainwashing and hate her. This fandom can't handle complex female characters. EDIT: Y'all can downvote me all you want, but I'm right.


Nah they can, it’s just that gabi is annoying and she hates the main characters, you know the people we’ve been rooting for since the start, and who are being treated like scum for no reason and have had titans made up of their own people sent to eat them even though they hadn’t done anything wrong. Also she’s incredibly annoying look at how people treat zeke who killed Erwin, a beloved badass character, but people actually like zeke cause he was cool, interesting and mysterious, but people don’t really like sisssy ass Armin and wanted Erwin to take the serum, Also did I mention that gabi is incredibly arrogant and annoying?


if she didnt kill sasha i would say shes aight


I ended up UNDERSTANDING her, but fuck Faze Gabi


360 no scope


It was hard to watch gabi


Real bro🤧




Real shit


They could never make me like you gabi 🙏






No, it's not just you, this is the most common opinion post time skip. Like come on man.


I wish people just wouldn't market their post like "am i the only oen...?" When this opinion is posted at least once a day




I've hated her for years. Rip Sasha


Genuinely curious: for anyone who agrees with this AND played The Last of Us 2, what do you think of that game?


I liked this but I fucking hate TLOU 2. It’s like a how not to do this character arc guid. It’s so close they even almost gave her the same fucking name.


That game made me lose all trust in Naughty Dog, I’m never buying another game from them after that terribly written disaster


Sasha killed two of her people right in front of her.


Don't care Liked Sasha Gabi was a shitty single minded brat to falco for a while Never saw Sasha brat, gg


>Gabi was a shitty single minded brat So was Eren. And most Gabi haters seem to like Eren.


Eren is better simple


Better at killing 80% of the earths population, sure.


Eren had a reason Gabi had been a mindless marleyian drone her whole life for no good reason


No reason? She was literally brainwashed like every one else there. Try to pay some attention.


All the other brain washed characters were not brats tho? I understand you want to die on this hill so we should agree to disagree 🤣


Not many acted like Eren either.


Not many had the ability to see into the past & future like Eren either? He had the powers of the attack Titan and founding Titan since he was a little kid? He ate his dad? He directed a titan to eat his mom instead of berdholt? Yes, not many people would act like him because not many people could see future/past? Next?


the “next” is insanely corny


She was raised as a soldier since she was practically an infant.. doing a lot of fucked up shit in the process. And Eren was a suicidal maniac before he got the titan abilities. Always picking fights in the street, forcing mikasa to save his ass time and time again.


All of those kids were training to become warriors. Regardless of whether they had bratty attitudes or not, they were planning on one day killing island Eldians, and anyone else Marley told them to kill. Killing people is worse than being a brat.


Yes killing is wrong. We get that. But how a character acts, and treats their "friends" is important to how the audience perceives them. Why were none of the other warriors extremely bitchy to each other? Why Gabi the only one blatantly being an asshole?






Thank you Eren is way better than Gabis punk ass


They're parallels of eachother, not the same. If you need that explained to you, you should've paid better attention in elementary school.


Whoever made this meme has terrible reading comprehension and literary analysis skills lol


>meme > has terrible reading comprehension and literary analysis skills Lmao


Is it not true tho? While they do have parallels through their hometowns being invaded and destroyed, their moral values and justifications for fighting are vastly different. I like Gabi's character, but to say she is the same as Eren, like many people do, is just "terrible reading comprehension".




I think people often miss one point in Gabi's motivations: She, to a degree just like Reiner, thought that by killing the "evil Eldians", the "good Eldians" would finally be loved and accepted by Marley and the rest of the world. In a way, it was similar to an unloved child trying to be obedient and obliging so that their parents will finally show them some love.


She was literally an indoctrinated kid.


She murdered a grown man with a brick in a pillow case. Indoctrinated or not, such animals should be put down.


She had every reason to assume they would retaliate against her in some way eventually of course she tried to escape. Wouldn't you? Edit: Reiner and Eren have done far worse as adults, yet no ones screaming for them to be "put down". Young Reiner was also annoyingly loyal to marley due to indoctrination.


Eren also murdered people with a knife, as a 9 yo. To him they were bad people who were treatening Mikasa, just as to Gabi the Paradise Eldians are bad people who killed her friends and destroyed her city. Also, she's a trained worriar, who has already been into combat even before she was 12. So violence was something she was literally trained into. I can't believe I'm defending Gabi. I used to hate her too but after having seen the whole show, I can't hate her anymore. I understand her motivations and I think her rather violent and rash behaviour is also influenced by fear, taught hate and her hot-headed personality.


You know what is the difference? Eren killed people who tried to kill him and sell mikasa to sex slavery. Gabi murdered a man, with a fucking brick, for trying to help her when she pretended to be sick. . One is a fighter, another is a psycho who lures people into killing them


wish I could give this more up votes


"I can't belive I'm defending Gabi" said the simp


Dont bother, some people see the whole series through MC' eyes and are kind of surprised all are evil guys, the same shit eith tlou2, have those people played the first one and missed the whole "war" crimes and how Joel is the bad guy


And that’s also missing the point because you could go back and forth with who did what first


She grew on me. I liked her character journey. The scene where she figures out there were never any devils on the island makes me emotional.


Yeah me too, when i rewatched it for the second time I had a much better understanding of her character and she actually came to be one of my favorites. She was an indoctrinated child who was manipulated and taught into thinking the way she did. It’s a pretty accurate representation in my opinion of how kids minds can be molded and used to continue the spread of hate. Her character growth was even better to watch the 2nd time and the way she came to realize her life was essentially a lie and was super emotional


they could never make me like her


I liked her for a short time when she realized she was wrong but then she shot my fav characters head off so.. :/


"Gabe relized she was wrong" Yeah, like 5 separate times only to go back to her previous mindset in seconds. Her only point was to go back to her previous mindset to prove that some fuckers never change


i like your mindset ಥ_ಥ


she is for sure a well written character, but you can still dislike someone behaviour ppl get so mad when somebody says they don’t like a certain character , I didn’t like her either from the first time


I think she was a redundant character. Reiner's characterization achieved what she was meant to do far better.


i think she’s supposed to be a foil to eren. gabi, a 12 year old girl, has a life filled with family and friends that she has found some level of peace with, despite the fact that she is living interned inside a walled community of eldians. of course she wishes to leave the walls of her community and show the world that she deserves to be there just as much as anyone else, but overall, she’s happy despite her circumstances. then suddenly, one day, any semblance of peace she has in her life is violently ripped away from her when a giant, man-eating titan, erupts from the ground out of nowhere, resulting in the deaths of many people with in her community, people she loves and cares about. i think the only real difference between her and eren is that she was raised up as a warrior candidate and has always known the secrets of the titans that the eldians within the walls of paradis did not know for decades. so when titans attacked her home, she knew that it wasn’t just mindless man-eating monsters at fault, but really people who were to blame. people who she’d been told all her life were devils that should be exterminated from the earth. and from her perspective, every warning she’d been told about the island devils on paradis came true. they were monsters, they did attack her home, they did kill her loved ones, and she did watch at least one of them eat people. honestly, although gabi is by far not my favorite character, i do actually like her and her arc. as she’s thrown into the world of the eldians on parasdis, crossing the sea at much younger age than eren was able to when he first came to marley, we get to watch her come to terms with the fact that she’s been fed lies all her life, and that the people that she wanted to wipe out were really just that, people. i think her story is just a perspective that allows us to see how history can have a habit of repeating itself. marley harbored anger and hatred toward the eldians on paradis, and attacked them after decades of silence from the so-called “devils,” and this attack radicalized eren. 10 years later, eren retaliates, and in doing so nearly radicalizes a 12-year old girl in much the same way he was radicalized when he was 11. the only reason she wasn’t fully radicalized is because she went to paradis immediately after the attack on marley, and because she had falco with her constantly trying to talk sense into her. if gabi hadn’t stowed away on airship back to paradis, and the rumbling never occurred, she likely would’ve have been made a warrior and would have been sent to paradis in retaliation, and that cycle would have continued for who knows how long? i think the parallel between her and eren is most apparent when you compare there reactions in the aftermath of the respective attacks on there homes. the rage you see on eden’s face when he tells armin that “[he’s] going to put a stop to this” and that he plans to kill “every last one” of the titans, is the same rage we see on gabis face when she tells colt that she didn’t understand why zofia and udo had to die. she was just a kid with no good options in terms of coping with the trauma she experienced, and i actually think it makes for some pretty good storytelling that’s shows how war never truly ends with peace


This 100%


That's so well said, thank you sir


I don't think she was redundant. I believe the similarities between her and Reiner's arcs was meant to showcase how the cycle of violence and hate repeats itself, and that it is essentially a never ending problem


Basically, hate the person not the character.


She was annoying in the first episode she appeared, waaaay before the "event"


I mean I stopped hating Gabi as much as I used to, but honestly when I saw her in the manga (since I read the manga before I watched the anime) I actually found her personality really dislikable so I hated her even before she killed Sasha. I don't hate her so much now but despite her being a parallel to Eren I found Eren more likeable than her at first glance honestly.


Yeah, I always thought she was just parallel to Eren in "drive" (like, they both push hard for their goals) but Eren was mad at mindless monsters that could not be reasoned with... Gabi was *happy* about murdering ppl who were just defending themselves, telling about it at the table like it was a good day at school or smthng. So totally with ya on this. (does get better when she realizes tho)


Gabi is pretty much supposed to parallel Eren in a lot of ways. Impulsive, hot-headed, bent on killing and revenge. They even both have admirers who are willing to go to great lengths for them. The character arc she went through from hating the island devils to realizing "There were never any devils, just people" is nothing short of amazing. I hated her at first and still kind of do but I love her character


Even Sasha's Dad forgave her, but these high and mighty people will never.


Yup. He basically said Sasha fucked around and found out.


Isayama actually designed Gabi to BE Eren at first, then decided Eren should be male and turned Gabi into what she is after... So the parallels between the 2 are intentional. I may be slightly wrong on some of that, but I've watched dozens of YouTube videos on this show. That was one of the "little known facts about the show"


Okay I'm aware she's supposed to be a parallel to Eren but I didn't really like him very much till they retook shiganshina. I felt he was annoying and somewhat useless when it mattered. Gabi just annoyed me, even if she didn't kill Sasha I still wouldn't like her. Absolutely great character arc but I still can't stand her. Her and Eren aren't even in my top 10 characters.


Probably a lot of people because most will just say killed beloved Sasha=fuck this horrible character. In reality to me, good character even though I’m upset at what she did but is a theme for the whole series. Brainwashed literal child soldier who quickly realized how fucked up what she has done and what she believed in was.


they know damn well Sasha would forgive her too


How do you know that? I never saw anything to suggest that at all, it was interesting too how her spirit only appeared smiling to Jean and Connie at the very end and not even her own "family", that says a lot to me.


that part made me cry tbh


I didn’t pay much attention to her until she said she climbed the airship


Not just you lol


I think I hate her english dub voice more than anything. It's awful.


I just hated how obnoxiously annoying she was always thinking she is better than everyone having no empathy at all( which i understand she was raised as a soldier) has nor remorse killing people ( in fact she enjoys killing people)




She’s known to be one of the most hated characters 😭 but real idgaf if she just a kid


i get her character n stuff like aww like i feel bad but like nah fuck that lil kid 💀🙏😭😭😭


But can we all agree Falco is the goat???


Only bc I thought she was annoying bragging about herself


only because she killed sasha


I hated her at first. Then I shifted completely at the restaurant, when Sasha's father laid it all out so perfectly.


She cute


Gabi is a character I hated so much with all my heart. There had been scenes I had to pause watching because I needed my whole body to hate her. She did craziest things and nobody touched her or hurt her. People let her go the killing spree and people around her just watched it happen and never punished her ever. God I hate her. She was always in the right spot at the worst times and never hesitated assassinating any character and never had any regrets either.


Eren had a reason to be a killing psychopath, Gabbie was just a killing psychopath


I was mad at her at first but if you try to look at the show as if we didn’t know eren & the survey corps & instead Gabi & her people were the main characters then it’s easier to understand & actually like her character ( especially when she blew up the train that’s when I started liking her) & also most of my initial hate for her transferred over to Jean


Day 1 hater is crazy 😭🙏


Bro I hate her useless energy like the way she acts🤡


same, you're valid


What useless energy? She has the same energy as Eren


What useless energy? She has the same energy as bootcamp Eren


Do you hate wren too? She is literally him as a female


Not at all


She is even made in his image So please read interviews and the story


Gabi is my favorite character.


It's been 4 years, bruh. Move on


It's more if we count the manga tbh


I hated her when everyone else hated her but then learning more about her I grew to love her


she got harder to hate as the season went on, fanboys just hate her for killing a character they didn’t actually care about that much




Idk man. At the end of the day she's just a kid. And she plays a very important role in the story in my opinion. She has the same anger as eren and wanted to kill all her enemies - just like eren did. Yes she's a brat and kinda annoying. But I'm glad her character exists, cause it shows a lot of parallels between the two sides.


I hated her my first time watching the show. Then I grew to sympathize with her when i rewatched the show.


No she’s my absolute favourite character


In My opinion she was unnecessarily added as there was enough characters to take up roles she was given


I’m personally a big fan of her character arc. Also, she gave us the scene with the family of Sasha confronted with what she had done which was one of the best in the anime imo


nope I think it's mutual. However her motives paralell that of eren's when he was younger


Lol yeah


Will never forgive that little B, she remained obnoxious to the very end even after "awakening". I'm still not convinced she ever truly changed, she was still desperate to kill with those unrealistic snipe abilities.




Nope, I hate her either every quark in my being (even tho I don't think cells have quarks)


She tried hard to be one of the worst characters


yes. female eren was annoying


It’s the vocal fry of the English voice actor for me. Drives my wife and I absolutely nuts.


Yeah she had a knack at getting on my nerves…but she was going off what she knew her entire life. Brainwashed So couldn’t blame her. Still was annoying af


I hate that she confronted me with a truth and dark side of myself that i never thought id be capable of. Shes a young indoctrinated child who was shaped by violence and war on the winning side. Shes not going to be the "man i wish something would happen, watching my step sis chop wood while i nap off in a bed of flowers is too peaceful, i want to start a fight" type, shes never known what a bed of flowers feels like. When she shot sasha i hated her to my guts, and I wanted them to throw her off the ship but I felt so ugly after realizing my wish. I could never hate someone for simply being on the other side of destiny.


You ain't alone


i’ve never yelled at tv more than anytime gabi was on the screen, fuckin hate gabi


I never hated her


I still hate her.


I wonder how the author feels about so many people hating gabi for her mindset. Imagine writing an entire story and realizing half of your fanbase dont even understand it. Other than that I think its valid to dislike Gabi but hating her for the sames reasons that you praise Eren... yea your brain's in the dumpster


>I wonder how the author feels about so many people hating gabi for her mindset He had It coming ngl no way Isayama is naive


I deeply hated her when I read the manga and at my first anime watch. I’ve been rewatching the anime and I hate her less and I’ve been enjoying the last season more.


"Is it just me who thought [most common opinion in the whole fan base]?"


Gabi hate will not me tolerated


I also pretty much hate her ![img](emote|t5_2vnp9|16310)


RIP sasha because of that person will never get to see sasha eating food with such joy again


You're not the only one but I am not one of u, tho.. When she first appeared..I was just wondering why these children are on the front lines and was really scared she was gonna die- She is my third fav character after Levi and Sasha


She really grew on me and she really changed into a great character by the end


I hated Zeke, and Gabi came in to exceed him. It was though thu but she managed to climb up - but remained at second spot.


You're not alone my friend


I just hate her scratchy voice


Everything negative about her can be said about Eren: obnoxious, annoying, zealous, brat, etc


I hated her but when I read the manga I didn’t hate her as much.


Gabi is very annoying


I did too lol




She was annoying at first, but ok by the end. She did a lot of growing up imo. She's hot-headed, which can come across as annoying, but she reminds me of Eren as a kid/teen. Except that we, as viewer, cared more for Eren because we knew him for a longer time, so we could more easily accept his hot-headness. As for killing Sasha, I think Sasha would be the first to protect/defend her from any acusations.


It’s not just you lol me too ☺️. Even though she realized whatever it was at the end I forgot how she said it. But the damage was already done. I only went from hate to strong dislike because of Falco.


She’s my favorite character.


i was neutral until she tried to kill kaya


If you understand her character then you’d see she wasn’t to blame she was just brainwashed into thinking that way because of the way Eldia was perceived by Marley the point I’m trying to say is there is no right or wrong on either side so you can’t really justify hating someone who was just protecting her people the same way Eren killed those who oppressed him


I hate how people defend her because she was force fed those lies about the paradis as if Falco wasn’t in the same situation


h8 gabi 🫶🏻


Oh boy... more Gabi hate circlejerks. Yeah, you better believe you're the ONLY one who hates her.


They aren’t though.


That's the joke.


Ah, fair enough


Shut up please


Woah chill he just had an opinion


it is the coldest take known to man on this sub that gets expressed once a day at minimum


For real this sub is just recycling the same few points on repeat, mixed in with some stale ass memes.  So im guessing tommorows "hot" take will be that the charging scene with erwin was cool.


An opinion that's been shared as much as "why didnt reiner attack Erwin on top of the wall?" has been asked.


Nope def not the only one she’s awful


Never liked Sasha, Never disliked Gabi.


Never liked her from her first appearance! Hated her completely after killing Sasha!


The Azula of anime


Who's zuko


Yep just you buddy.


Hate is an understatement tbh I LOATHE THIS GIRL.


That one in the chamber shot she merked Eren with tho!


I never liked Sasha so it was actually a relief and off of that I really like gabi


bye bye aot subreddit that was fun. Sashas rotting away and the plants she and Falco planted are being watered by all of your pussy tears


I doubt it's just you. There are plenty unreasonable people who see a child, and immediately reserve judgement for them. That doesn't mean it's a natural in any species on this planet. The overarching rule for any living organism's youth is protect first, justify it later.


Didn’t hate her but didn’t care for her as a character


She was fine by me until she shot Sasha. That’s when she became my most hated character


Is it that time of the year again when you all sit in a circle and cry about how an imaginary girl hurt another imaginary girl? I get being invested in characters and stories - but this circle jerking hate fest is getting old.


Same. Still would, though.


I think she’s hot tbh


Falco reddit account