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::picks self up off floor:: Gorgeous setup. I’m sure it sounds incredible!


Thank you! Its definitely my type of sound


Hot damn! Looks incredible. Congrats


Very cool! Similar to my speakers, with 515b woofers in Onken cabinets, 288c mids in Jabo horns, and Aurum Cantus ribbon tweeters. I physically time aligned the drivers and had to pad the mid down a lot to match the output of the tweeter and woofer. Still ended up like 102 dB at 1 watt, 1 meter or so. Bonkers hitting 100dB without distortion on 1 watt. I usually listen in the low 80s though. Congrats, those cabinets are super pretty.


This is good to know. I was going to physically align the drivers but I need to come up with a bracket that can push the horns out forward to line up with the other drivers. And even then I'm not a fan of the look so I might look into DSP. What did you use to pad the horns?


I used a 16ohm L-Pad. Measured output and matched using REW and a UMIK. Woofers/subs run on their own amps, so they are volume matched as well. Might be better to use delay with DSP. I use DSP with my subs. Bass in my room is all over the place. Oh and I was going to mention - if the high end is bright, try less toe-in. The horizontal dispersion of the mid and tweeter should be good off axis and it may roll off the highs just a little.


Thank you for the advice. I was leaning towards delay with DSP. I'm going to take measurements this weekend with REW and see what's actually happening. I'll try less toe in, I think you're right the horns already disperse well enough without toe-in


I can't believe the shit they're selling at Best Buy these days.


I had a good laugh. Thanks friend.


Damn. You really dropped the ball huh. TAD? End game? Come on guy. Have you ever heard a nice pair of Edifiers? /s, obviously. Lol.


Would love to hear that Shpongle on that setup.


Saw them at Red Rocks. One of the best concerts I've been to hands down.


Beaautiful speakers. But aren't sectoral horns designed for wide dispersion? Seems like a bad design for use in a narrow room


True. These were made for movie theaters originally. And while my room may not be optimal , smarter people than myself helped tune them to near field listening. There's a cult following for old altecs and people like Gary Fischer have helped make crossovers that help make them more suitable for home listening. Maybe one day I'll have a huge house that can do them justice.


I think you have room in your speaker


I like the milk crates, nice touch!


Thanks It's temporary. We're remodeling the basement and building built in bookcases for the vinyl. So right now everything is in boxes. Had to pull some out to test drive these tho


Tipper! His music is what inspired me to buy a good home audio setup. Just saw him again yesterday haha. Nice setup btw


Same! Saw him live in 2012 and immediately knew I needed to recreate this sound at home. Sadly this is his last year of shows.


Hell yeah. I first got Tipped in 2017. I got Forte IVs, SVS sub and a Lyngdorf amp and I'm very happy with them


The Fortes are what convinced me to do a hybrid setup instead of a horn loaded bass like a la scala. I was super impressed by them. I have the SVS 16-ultra but in hindsight I should have done two SB3000.


>trying to tame the mid/highs what do you mean by "tame"


I mean that they are louder compared to the rest of the spectrum and need to come down by a few db to make everything smooth and linear


Fill them with open cell foam. Exponential horns honk, multicell expo horns honk a lot. The open cell foam helps the break up the high order modes created by diffraction and internal reflections. Will also pad down the output a bit.


You could correct it usjng a DSP


Super cool! I love my Altec Model 14s…considering Klipschorns next. These are awesome though - must be satisfying to enjoy them


Your wife is an amazing person


Good Loard! You win.




And you got tipper and ott ready to go 😵‍💫






What are your thoughts on going to active crossovers and bi-amping the speakers?


I've thought about it a lot. If I do it will need to wait. My wife was already super generous to allow these monsters in the house. So I need to wait a minute before I rationalize upgrades again.


Having a wife in the audio chain can have unwanted effects on your system enjoyment


That Torii is a one day I’m gonna get mine kind of amp for me. This setup looks like the grail. Just wow.


Do it. I don't think I'll ever sell this amp. I love it that much. I might buy the Decware Sarah 300b to swap in and out but I'll never sell the Torii.


Don’t ever. I have a Zen. SE84C+ CCE with MMG944 speakers. It’s an older model and I sometime crave for more power, but I wouldn’t ever get rid of it. I’d just build a new system around a Torii or a Jr or a Sarah with bigger drivers. You have. A good thing going there. I’d love to be in that room with my favorite music!


How to Make Friends.


What turntable do You have?


Micro Seiki DD-8 it's a direct drive from Japan. I believe this one was made in 1977. And I put an Ortofon orange cart on it.


Hnngggggg Goddamn that's a nice looking setup. Congrats on winning the game 


Sweet gear. Love the Shpongle vinyl.


I'm gonna need the soundtrack to Woodstock, a pizza on the way, and some beers...


When sizing your speakers for the room just means insuring they physically fit inside the room


Did you build the butcher block rack? I'm thinking about making one soon. They look great!


I did. Thank you. It's a simple enough process but I wish I oiled it immediately instead of letting it sit for a week in the garage before cutting. The butcher block I got from Home Depot cracked easily


Any chance you can send me the BOM for that? There's so many options for blocks and hardware


How long was the wait for the Decware?


It's up to 1.5-2 years now but I stalked the Decware forums and waited 6 months before my exact build popped up for sale used. You can transfer the lifetime guarantee for a couple hundred dollars.


You forgot to add a picture of your personal nuclear reactor.


That's funny. I made nukes to kill a bunny rabbit is the truth




Bet they sound great, but they are fuck ugly ! Very nice though, OP


You got like half a wall of sound going there. Between your user name and the shpongle.... good times!!


Thats fuckin amazing!!!


Excellent cabinet work too, a feast for the eyes and the ears. Huge flat surfaces, not my preference to work on finishing.


Not me. Joe Stewart Speakers deserves all the credit. Here's a link to the build if you're interested https://photos.app.goo.gl/vSdgSQoXeSXJGqyFA


Magnificent!  You have great taste.  May I ask a few questions please:  Do you know how efficient your speakers are?  They look amazing and quite sensitive. Also, is there any audible noise/hum from the tori when nothing is playing or playing low?  And finally, what version torii?  What a great rig!!


I haven't taken any measurements yet but almost everything is 104db except the tweeter which is 98db. So getting it to play nicely with everything else probably lowered everything overall to somewhere close to 99-100 db efficiency. The Torii is completely silent. No noise even when cranked up to 75% . It's a mark lV.


Thanks so much for taking the time to answer. Rock on! 


Wow. Beautiful


The lower the WAF the better they sound


I would love to hear some shpongle on those beauties... Incredible setup!


Looks great! Im jealous!


Sphongle and Daft Punk 👌




Dream project, congrats, looks incredible. Was this combo of Onken + Multicell horn something based on a particular reference? Normally the Altec 19 look is with the other type of horn shape, but I also see that measurements of the cabinet tend to change a lot. Just curious on how you got to decide on this particular form.


Lots of listening to horn loaded bass vs front firing. I found out I prefer the latter. The Altec A7 uses the 801 horn from the model 19 however The A5 uses this 1505b horn. After doing a lot of research on Altecs 1505's I saw a lot of people using Onken enclosures with success. So I found my horn and my bass cabinet and coincidentally most Onkens are made with the Altecs 416-8b woofer which is what I wanted to use so it worked out perfectly


(despondently kicks at klipschorns) yeah, they are pretty big, i guess


Looks great and i bet it sounds amazing. I've seen a few setups like this and I'm curious why the super tweeter is always just sat on top of the cabinet rather than integrated into it?


A few reasons. Aesthetics for me but, the main one is I didn't want to deviate from the original Onken blueprint. The front baffle, the dimensions, the vent sizes and dampening is very strict. Also time alignment of drivers, mounting the tweeter to the baffle would push it forwards 4-6 inches from the other drivers


Interesting thank you. I had no idea everything was so sensitive to alignment I guess it makes sense.


It's gonna be a sonic heaven!


I’m in love with this 🧡


absolutely dope


Were you at the Rendezvous? Still floating after Dave’s set. Pretty rare to see this taste in music around here as well, I’d love to checkout your Discogs if you have one. Here’s mine if you’re interested. https://www.discogs.com/user/Antb41/collection


I was not. I've seen him at sonic bloom thrice and infrasound once. Red rocks as well. It's weird right, given how well produced the tracks are and how much skill goes into the sound design. It's exactly what audiophiles want. Thanks I'll check it out!


The set from Sunday is up on YouTube. Shake n Bakes video has the best audio quality that I’ve found. Immediate goosies. Sick prints by the way, my favorite are the 2019 TnF posters that Mars-1 did.


Checking it out now. Great quality and so much unreleased material! Sad this is the last year he's touring.


Yea, a very heavy blow and great loss to the community. I think he’ll throw down a few times next year but then that’s it. I’m really happy for him though, the man deserves a break.


Best system posted to-date (when the crossover’s tweaked).


Oh wow thank you!


Holly molly! Envy Your neighbours! Enjoy!


Amazing, I’d love to rip a joint and listen to that daft punk with you.


Likewise. We talk about upgrading gear all the time but what about enhancing the instrument that perceives all the other instruments ...Your nervous system.


Nice setup! Also nice Mammal Hands EP :)


Thank you! I wish they would tour in the US more. Shadow Work is constantly in my rotation. Never gets old.


Same! Been dying for a US show. Really for anyone on Gondwana to tour in the US would be awesome.


absolutely stunning


Beautiful! I would love to hear those!


Those speakers!


I’d love to hear this set up but man those honey comb speakers are ugly as fuuuuck lol


I'm also a big fan of the Avantgarde horns with the giant Willy Wonka conical horns that no one seems to like haha. Different strokes I guess.


Very very Nice