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this is a must. i have to move pretty regularly for work so i usually end up spending most of my free time working on my utility pole. not much time for listening to music but it's important work


I worked on my utility pole a bit earlier too.


I can confirm. I’m the utility pole.


There’s a power bottom joke in here somewhere


Was it for utility purposes or for pleasure though? In which case should be it called the plea… never mind.


lol 😂


Are you an above ground or below ground kinda person?


Using commercial electricity and not generating your own? Ugh, how mid-fi. I like to know the provenance of my sine waves thank you very much.


Yeah, I use to do utility work and I don't really see how having his own pole solves "dirty" electrical issues... he's still on the grid with the rest of the poles using the same lines. Or am I missing something. Did he get his own pole, and his own wires ran from a private substation directly to his pole.


I’m with you. Wouldn’t that money have been better spent on a local power storage system of some sort like a bank of marine grade or lithium batteries?


Exactly, duh.


My system is powered by a stationary bike that I must constantly ride while I listen to music. Truly the pinnacle of sonic bliss.




This is an old story. I thought I heard he passed.


Oh no 😟🫡


Me too 😊


Isn't this story old as balls? Like pre pandemic?


Old as balls, pre pandemic. The dawn of time itself.


Before Dinosaurs, before the formation of the universe even, there was a Japanese man and his Utility pole floating through a black void of ever expanding space time, these are the legends of our people.


One of the more frequently reposted articles of the subreddit too. For a while it even had it's own flair: [JAAGTE](https://www.reddit.com/r/audiophile/search?q=flair%3AJAAGTE&restrict_sr=on) for *Japanese Audiophiles Are Going To The Extreme*.


Woah! Many apologies I had no idea! Still fun discussion here though!


The story made TodayILearned today, so its getting a lot of attention.


Those are some young balls. I think you are in the wrong --phile sub.


Mostly I agree, it's like this revives every 6.9 months. But on the other hand it drives folks to audiophilia so is it really that bad?


Why not build a huge DC battery and keep it charged with ac to run a pure signal?


That... actually sounds pretty good. Why didn't he do this?


Uhhh... because he's absolutely out of his gourd?


The cost of that pole would land s pallet of 200ah lifepo4’s


Tesla power wall🤓


By audiophile luck, I live just outside the 10-mile radius emergency planning zone of my friendly neighborhood two-unit nuclear power plant. Not only does that result in extra reliable power because they tend to build nuclear plants near multiple reliable offsite sources of electricity, but having those big units near results in excellent VAR stability in my neighborhood. ;)


You lucky SOB


I wonder if they ever considered a battery powered pure sine wave inverter or an a/c generator.


If he did he dismissed it


No no no, you have to completely decouple yourself from the power grid. Here’s what you do: Buy a 5 KW hydroelectric turbine, then build a closed-loop water course that uses a pump driven by mains power to fill an inflow buffer pond that flows through the turbine at a constant rate. That’s the only way to eliminate interference from the grid.


I'm going to need an audiophile turbine.


Can I interest you in audiophile grade, gold plated 100% extra virgin oxygen free low friction water piping for your turbine?


Instructions unclear installed hydro-turbine powered bidet and placed wrong tip on vinyl


The FBI is gonna think I'm so cool when they find out I bought this Cobalt-60 on the dark web just to power my speakers!


This reminds me of Jeremy Kipnis $6M home theater. He put his own dedicated power transformers outside his house.


A $6M home theatre? Damn wow... 🤯


It wasn't literally $6M, but he was fairly well known for it back in the day. There are many articles and videos about it.


the fuck did i just read? :D


Dude pays lot for big pole for clear eargasm. Now I'm wondering what I read.


Don’t tell him about CDs


Man i love CDs


Is this the same guy that has all that silly equipment to chase that audio perfection but listens to vinyl posted here months ago? Edit: yes he is. The bloody article recycled that exact reddit post 🙄


The circle of (internet article) life 🧬😅 But yeah using vinyl after all that is very odd


I live off-grid & "do my own" electricity, which doesn't have alot of perks, but this is one of them... but only on battery - on generator it's probably alot worse than city power, depending where you are. For that reason... and for surges, and because it was just cheap... I bought a 1:1 iso x-fo and active current regulator unit, which came out of a hospital... it's old, it was cheap to me, but it would have been very expensive originally... from about 1985, works great I think. Doesn't get hot anyways.


Very interesting! Do you have a guide on living off the grid? I'd love advise and tips on the topic.


Peeping the comments for all the objectivists raging that this dude is spending money on things that genuinely makes him happy with his stuff. There's a video of the dude and he seems chill and kind, something a lot of the objectivists could take a page out of now and then.


Tru dat. It cost me nothing, knock yourself out dude. I never cease to wonder at the extent to which people care about how other people spend their money. I try to live by the playground basketball rule: no harm, no foul.


Well said and good point


Expensive snake oil


I remember watching the documentary about the greek audiophile society, where the one guy claims electricity is 50% of the sound! And the rack is like 30%. Listening to music now through my iphone which sits on a rack connected to a power conditioner. Guess i'm getting 80% of the sound..


And of course he offers no evidence for his claims


I also saw it on YouTube 4-5 years ago. He’d also drilled a hole to his basement and inserted a wide pole that held his turntable platform to eliminate any vibrations. Estimated cost of his system was 800,000 euros.


Expensive yes, snake oil no.


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence


Not sure where you live, but in Denmark the power does fluctuate some due to the high amount of power produced by wind and solar energy. It's minor, but audible once you get a good conditioner.


Right I can see a conditioner being needed for some people but putting your own power pole is obsession and not science. This dude probably spends more time polishing his amp knobs than listening to music.


Excessive would be the word I'd chose




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If you say so.


Serious question, In what way is Danish power coming off the grid in a fluctuating manner? Varying amperage, voltage? Another serious question, in what way is that going to effect what you hear from your hifi? The circuitry of all the amps I've worked on or built work in such a way that they manage the power input they receive themselves, and that is drastically lower than the power output of the domestic circuits they are running off.


it's not :) power supply have sufficient filtering....this dude is just too rich ...enough fuck you money to buy an electric pole


Well yeah I guess that was my understanding of any electrical equipment really, but was asking the guy above who use power conditioner, I assume he bought it for a reason and he stated it was due to living in Denmark, but can't work out what the issue he is having is that would cause audible issues.


A peak in voltage could hurt the power supply .... or with a huuuge surge (i mean huge) it could zap everything connected to the power.... Lower voltage could mean the power rail of amplification does not get enough tension (voltage) and distortion would occur (fine on short term, bad for long duration on the speaker coils) A drop in power tension could mean an increase in amp pulled .... electricity does that when you under power the supply to your load... not sure how that could convert into damage other then a blown fuse that you went over its amp capacity.  High frequency interference could go thru your power supply (if its poorly conceived) and end up audible in the sound....never lived that personally but the power grid is quite good here.  So that pretty much what i can see hapenning with a bad electricity supply from the pole, the cure if you have those issues. ? A power coverter that have battery like a "smart ups" . There is backup up unit "back ups" that will take over with their internal batteries and fill the void if voltage is cut from the pole. You would need the other level, the "smart ups" those one are more expensive but they do the back ups job plus they de-modulate the power (ac) to dc and re-modulate into ac ..... making a filtered supply free of interference or voltage variations :)


Very slightly variations in the frequency approx. 49.9hz to 50.1hz, nothing major and you don't really acknowledge it until it gets sorted out.


Are you running an amp without an ac/DC converter?


Do they even exist? This whole thing makes me very confused. I've never seen power supplies that haven't had both voltage range and frequency range, which would normally be something like 40 to 70hz, so this doesn't make any sense to me.


no they don't afaik, so the frequency fluctuations in the grid shouldn't impact the DC that powers the circuits. In particular because they are everything but sudden.


Literally the whole world has proven that HiFi Audio cables are a scam. It’s a placebo, end of story. 1000$ you couldn’t distinguish between a coathanger or a premium cable as conductor in a proper ABX blind test with 10 iterations.


At the risk of stating the obvious; this is a mains transformer, not an audio cable. Audible noise on the mains power is a real problem that can occur. One would need to first know if the person in the article had an audible issue before making a judgement.


Technically it is possible if you have a device with a very bad transformer and are obtaining your power from a diesel generator or stuff like that. But seriously: which audiophile uses such a bad device that the included transformer is not able to rectify the power signal into a linear DC Voltage? Some people should get an oscilloscope first.


I’m talking about the transformer on the pole and not in a device. Transformers also don’t rectify. You need more information before making such hasty judgments.


I am speaking about the full bridge rectifier and transformer combo inside of literally any audio device.


"the whole world" aka ASR.


I bet he doesn't hear above 14k and below 50


This is old news. I think it's a placebo.


I don’t know man first time I’m hearing of a Japanese guy with a 40-foot pole


He was featured on The Wall Street Journal 7 years ago: [Japanese Audiophiles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJJy6VJvSCk)


I'd link the joke but it's right there above yours.




Thank you 🤣


Thank you for sharing!




What an idiot! He should have just bought this $13K power strip: [https://www.devaaudio.com/product-page/hb-cable-designs-powerslave-star-galaxy-mk-ii](https://www.devaaudio.com/product-page/hb-cable-designs-powerslave-star-galaxy-mk-ii)




Please buy my $2100 silver plated power cord for your amp. Don’t worry about the wires in the wall, they don’t matter… …Then again, if you think they do matter, then I’d be happy to replace your entire house’s power routing with silver plated wires. For a price, of course.


This story is so old I think I can buy it a drink


Our friend the Japanese Audiophile is not an engineer.


This was the kind of thing my "diminishing returns" question was about lol. There's absolutely no way a human can actually tell a difference with this, right??


HAM radio uber-enthusiasts know this terrain well. I had a relative who paid the county to install a new transformer on his line. He had his daughter sit at home with a CB walkie talkie, listening to his radio while he went out with a big rubber mallet and banged on utility poles until he found the one with the noisy transformer causing the noise.


So why these types of idiots are considered audiophiles?


Well, I did have two new 20 amp branch circuits added only for my audio gear to use. Both branch circuits have a Surgex branch circuit 20 amp surge suppressors at the panel, and my house panel ground was increased from a single copper clad aluminum rod to a network of 10 ground rods welded to a continuous run of 4 awg copper cable that terminates in my main panel's solid copper grounding bar that both 20 amp circuits tap directly into. Each circuit was run using 10 awg three wire plus ground Romex that's terminated to four Cardas duplex outlets. And the house is on its own pole and brand new transformer that's not shared with any of my neighbors. My WONDERFUL son in-law did all the work for free. Materials for it all came to just shy of $8000. Oh crap! That makes me at least as crazy as that guy and likely far worse! 😳


Therapy should be free. This is a great example of why


Oh come on he could afford it, it didn't hurt anyone and as many commenters here have noted, he seems chill and happy. Sounds like goals to me!


I have met a handful of people over the years who paid for their own dedicated power pole and transformer for audio. They all had very good expensive systems and claimed that it made a difference, with more return on the $ than gear “upgrades” (really lateral moves) at that price level. I believe them. But it comes at a fairly high cost, not for your average audiophile.


I could see it making a difference in specific, unusual cases. Maybe he's in an unusual case. There's really no way for anybody else to know for certain if this improves his music. It sounds like he's not hurting for money, and I know people who have wasted $10k without bringing more joy. Even if it's purely placebo effect, I would guess he's happy with his splurge. More power to him.


I see you're downvoted but I don't understand why. Anyways if they were happy, and they could afford it, and their family didn't suffer in the slightest for their passion and hobby, then I don't see why others should have a problem. Thanks for sharing!


Hmm. Let's just say that this was posted in some other subreddits also, and I managed to hit the thread in some r/interestingasfuck or such, before it got deleted for some reason. There was over 1600 comments, and most had a theme. Most people understand instantly that this can't improve audio in any way under normal circumstances and people like him make us a laughingstock. So excuse me while I don't celebrate what is almost certainly some combination of ignorance and magical thinking. This is replete in fields that lack standards, or such standards are not being consistently applied. You see it everywhere men congregate around a hobby, whether it is mountain biking, audio, motor sports, whatever. It's always this same bullshit and dubious expensive parts, coolants, lubricants, and what-have-you, none which probably do anything worth their cost. Rich men are meat, and the businessmen congregating around them are sharks, each looking to take a bite. You can be okay with that, especially if you are a shark, but if you're the meat, you should at least understand this is what is going on. Typically, when you go down the rabbit hole of a hobby like this, there is great risk you will get deceived. You probably become actually dumber than the naive consumer, because you're being purposefully misinformed for sake of getting into that money in your pocket. From a scientific view, doing irrational things is typically dumb, expensive, ineffective and possibly harmful, and not something to be celebrated. That it is normal and happens in pretty much every field out there is just depressing. It used to be way more commonplace and permeate every aspect of our thinking, before we invented the scientific method, which remains our lone working means to determine what works and what not, and this can be applied to demarcate something that has basis in objective fact from what is just some subjective fantasy.


Excellent response. A well thought out and expressed argument, in a mature, respectful and yet effective manner. And you know what, I change my stance and agree. It's never a good feeling to see the hobby you're passionate about be made a laughing stock, v and folk like don't help.


Well, if someone can (legitimately) hear a difference but can’t measure it, it simply means they are not measuring the right thing. No, I’m not a snake oil champion. I prefer a minimalist approach. I won’t even tolerate pentodes or global feedback. Is a separate pole overkill and wasteful? Yeah. But if he can hear it and can afford it, he can enjoy it as far as I am concerned.


Little electrical engineering basis for these claims, though. Power is stabilized in a power supply. It goes through steps that eliminate circuit fluctuation and gets regulated to a fixed voltage. Remember that AC power cuts out 100 or 120 times per second, each time it crosses near zero. All power supplies have to deal with that, and this is the biggest disruption they see by far.


Looney’s come in all forms. But Toons…those are rare. But this is a Looney Toon.