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Sounds like one of the drivers (probably the woofer) has coil rub or is partially blown, when a speaker has coil rub it will make that sound whenever there is bass or it is loud. Sometimes its just coil sag from the woofer sitting in the same orientation for years and years if you take out the woofer and then rotate it 180 degrees and put it back in it may help or fix it. If it is partially blown than you would probably need to re-cone it or replace it totally.


They sound exactly like my laptop speakers. What a coincidence. Amazing.


Thank you! I never understood why some people listen to recordings of speakers and think they heard what the speakers sound like. It last time I said this, it was somehow really controversial.


Because the brain is remarkably good at piecing together what a room sounds like and a speaker in it. We get a decent idea of cues and characteristics of a speaker even if listening on $1 earphones. Despite all the naysayers. That's fine, me and many others do appreciate recordings of speakers


You’re hearing the characteristics of the mic and your headphones more than anything. When you listen to recordings of speakers, at best, you’re hearing sound with the reverb of the room. Cite any source at all that backs up your claim about the brain piecing things together.


Now I am curious about the science behind this statement. Utter nonsense if you ask me. Maybe you can do audio reviews while listening to different setups over the phone? Post them here. Would love to hear how your Samsung/iphone channels cues and characteristics...


Couldn’t agree more.


Lightly touch the woofer and see if it’s moving at all.


Sounds like the Peppers to my ears.. There's nothing really wrong with it. It's just mixed that way.


Can’t tell from video what’s wrong describe it


The bass is farting.


Compared to what?


Coil rub


Are you listening to that on Vinyl? The pressing of Californication is so bad.


This reminded me of my favorite RHCP’s reference, a [RHCP button on the remote](https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/fast-forward-icon-design-vector-233298783.jpg). Jokes. 😉


Recording an audio problem with a low quality mic isn't the best way to communicate the issue.


Are the speakers new or used? Have you ever listened to this pair of Wharfdales prior to listening to them on this amplifier? If so, did they sound more like what you would expect? It appears you are using a receiver with home theater capability, and it may have some processing turned on, is this the case? Do they both sound like this or just one channel? This is a speaker from 1973, that's enough time for the caps in the crossover(s) to go bad.


Woofer open, all sound coming from mid and tweeter.