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This just isn’t hard, but well done for asking. If you have 25+ people this works, not so for a small group. Friday 2pm start (or earlier for lunch if there’s budget.) Compulsory for all 2-5pm. Same place with stand up grazing food at 5:30, bar tab continues until 7 or 8pm. This keeps everyone happy: - the unkeen don’t lose personal time. Most people can survive 3 hours of chat. They can bail at 4pm if desperate. 5pm is a natural chance to go without drama. (Got to catch my train, by all!) - the fun people with families etc can get boozed 2 until 7pm and be home for dinner or kids bedtime. Bar tab finish is a natural chance to go without drama, management leaves (well that was fun but I’m not paying for my own booze, by all!) - the keen people will plan to kick on somewhere else for drinks, dancing and pick ups, without having management watching and no HR drama as it’s no longer a work function. Me: 51 F who was the party organiser late night person back in the day, but is now the 7pm person who doesn’t want to cramp the style of the young fun ones and is more cognisant of those who aren’t keen at all. Merry Christmas!


Can you organise our christmas parties plz


Haha I would actually love to. Since Covid I have WFH for a national business with staff all over Australia. No Friday drinks or Christmas party. I’ve built a small crew of WFH people in my suburb for Friday drinks, maybe this is the year of the Christmas Party!


Do this.


Yeah Nah on your 3rd point. HR find a way to associate "kick ons" with "official" work events


Because the victim will invariably sue the company (right or wrong it doesn’t matter)


People always forget why HR are so firm on the rules for Christmas parties and associated events!


Thank you for adding that


Our does a very clear "anything that happens after xx tonne at a different venue is not a work event, we are not liable." They also cover taxis home though, regardless of time, which is a nice touch.


Why should it be compulsory?


Assuming it’s your work time, you’re being paid to be there, so just be nice and be part of a team activity. Just not that hard.


Chefs kiss


Ahahahaha very thoughtful indeed. Youd prolly be an awesome manager


Please don’t be my Christmas party


Work hours are fine just either make it a Friday arvo, or “wfh” the following day. At the end of the day it’s not for “you” specifically, you do have to think about your colleagues, and it’s unlikely to end at 5.30pm regardless of whether you want to hang out after hours or not. So prepare for that.


Agree. I absolutely know it isn’t about me which is why I asked on here prior to the meeting, I wanted to get an understanding of what the majority of corporate workers are expecting from their Christmas party.




I like it for a few hours but not from 5pm to midnight. I also find it really weird to see colleagues blind drunk.


Ok. Again, this isn’t about what you like.


Yes, again, that’s why I’m asking here. I’m trying to organise a party that the majority of people in the company will really enjoy. I’m very aware that what I enjoy most likely isn’t what everyone else would enjoy. I was responding to you saying “…you don’t want to attend your Xmas…” which isn’t accurate.


Then why include *what you prefer* in your post?


Because I was trying to preempt people saying “just plan what you would like” and then having to explain what I would like and see if their opinion held. Out of curiousity; Do you work in a collaborative position or more individual contribution projects?


Because she wants to do it the way she wants and is hoping to get someone, anyone in here to agree with her so she feels justified.


Monday morning.


Who hurt you


It’s a big list.


You guys get Christmas parties?


Obviously doesn't work in the government or a university


Nope, I've actually only had 2 work Christmas parties over the years, one was fairly standard, but the other was a disaster. We were on night shift Christmas Eve at a company whose Xmas party for upper management had made the local paper because of a combination of how extravagant and how out of hand it got, they told us they'd be doing a Christmas BBQ dinner, we arrived and saw the setup for afternoon shift (the place ran day afternoon, night and morning shifts) and it looked promising. But come our meal break there's no one from management there, there just done leftovers from afternoon shifts dinner but nowhere near enough for everyone so we literally had to have a whip around and all put in for some cash for a pizza delivery.


After work hours so I can make an excuse not to go.


The only christmas work party I am willing to go to is: Friday half-day christmas party.


If there are others on the committee who you think are genuinely going to enjoy the event, maybe just be supportive of their suggestions? You don’t have to give a view if you’re not going to go, or aren’t excited by the idea of it. You can contribute through completing perhaps an administrative task, and not the functional organization of the event.


How did you get on the planning committee if you don’t care? I don’t care when my Christmas party is because I’m kicking on in any case. Last one I did started at lunch with an activity and then basically turned into a pub crawl (unofficially)


So you’re under 25


Mentally - yes I am a uni kid at heart reconciling that with having hiring responsibility, running training for junior staff, etc. That said, maybe my tune will change when I’m married (or rather, if I ever get married)


Our company likes to have one person from all the major departments on the committee and to have a new person from each department every year when possible, or at least rotating through the team. It was my turn this year.


Make attendance optional then don’t go


At my work we have a lunch during work hours which is the official end of year celebration. It’s not mandatory but you’d be pretty rude to not go. Then someone usually organises something out of hours that is totally voluntary and usually only attended by the more social people. It works well. Also, I’m not ready to start talking about Christmas!!!


What’s your employers view on the timing? Usually they’re pretty firm one way or another if it’s to be in work hours or not.


Why are you even on the planning committee if you loathe work and your colleagues? Speak with those who are on it, and just agree.


Work event is work hours.


4-8pm. Those who want to leave COB can do so. Those who want to stay still 8 or later can do so. During work hours is great for people who literally dont care. For some teams carving out half a day's worth of meetings/work etc can be challenging and they end up having to make up for it somewhere somehow.


Last year we did lunch and escape rooms. Took 10 minutes to organise and everyone loved it. If you have a bigger team, the go to is usually renting out a room or restaurant for lunch, done. We never do anything outside hours. That would be crazy haha


I love a work Christmas party that starts with lunch at 12pm and then ends at 3am the next morning 😂 you’ll have people leave at 5pm and those who will stay out and drink/party so I feel like a lunch event ending at the time of your working is fine and those who wanna stay out can. Oh, and do it on a Friday.


People over 40 prefer during work hours. People under 40 prefer at night. Married people and people with pets and kids prefer during work hours.


I found that under 30’s hate after hours anything and are not enticed by free alcohol. My late 50’s boss would buy alcohol for office drinks on Friday they’d have one and be off in 1/2 hour. It was so opposite of the older employees (free drink omg). It was fun to watch as he thought he was being a ‘good boss’.


If this holds true I am an ancient crone, married with 2 litters of children. (Only the first part of this is true).


Get fucked. Under 40's arent going. They have to pay me to hang out with the people at work. I'm not doing it in my free time.


This is such a generalisation and I would say is not true


Not OP, but this has been in line with my experience (and preference) for the past decade+ across multiple organisations. Double the sample size - the wife agrees as well. As we've grown older and our circumstances evolved, we have been part of each of the demographics listed.


Should be work hours. It's a work event you should be paid for. Not during work hours then attendance can't be mandatory. It's that simple.


I think they should be during work hours also and if people want to kick on they can at own expense. A Friday boozy lunch or activity event is way more fun than any other imo.


Work hours on a Friday afternoon is the best for all. If you can’t do after work. Fine cause it’s in work hours: I’d you want to kick on and make a good night well it’s Friday and you have a head start


We knock of at lunch on the last working day of the year. Those that want to go to the Christmas party head to the venue. Those that don't can go home. Every one wins. We get about 80-90% attendance. Some stay for a drink and leave others till the credit card gets pulled. Others keep going into the wee hours.


Work hours on a Thursday or Friday (around 1pm-5pm). Then whoever wants to continue after 5pm can move on to the next venue, but not compulsory. I’m mid 30s for context. I have better things to do than socialise with work people after hours.


One thing to be really wary of if you do an "in hours" party. If it's kicking off around 1pm there'll be a bunch of people there who are expecting lunch. And will be otherwise drinking on an empty stomach (which is really bad). Either do it from like 11 and make it clear lunch is there. Or start it past 3 so people will have lunch beforehand. The second one will go on a bit later, but finishing around 6-7 or so still isn't too late. Or just risk a few extra people getting drunker than they expect.


You wouldn’t have a meal or food at a Christmas party?


My ideal work Christmas party would be as follows. “Scheduled December 20th, 12pm-4:30pm” Text message received on December 19th: “Surprise and merry Christmas! You can have tomorrow off instead of coming to a Christmas party”


Amazed at how many people work somewhere that can shut down for 1/2 day while everyone goes off to a Christmas party.


How is this unachievable in an Australian corporate environment?


Pretty crazy to have an entire team/ service down for half the day in a non-shutdown period… I would actually like to hear what industry this occurs in to be honest


Easy, dev teams, cyber teams not on call, project delivery, internal lawyers, business development, etc. There are so many functions that can work around a half day gap that is planned. Just like public holidays don't result in businesses going under. For a lot of the orgs I've worked in (banking and finance, and consulting) the party has been during the change freeze so impacts are even more insignificant.


Manufacturing does it. So does construction


Depending on what work people do some jobs need to be done and any social functions inside work hours are less than ideal I spent a few years with work BBQs and bdays meaning I would be stopping work to socialise and then my team would be staying late to complete the days work. Thankfully Christmas parties were all after hours and always had a decent turnout. Was a pretty friendly work environment, had a lot to do with it really


Someone else also mentioned the above reasoning for having it outside business hours. If you don't mind my asking, what does your team/ function do? Trying to understand what sort of business critical functions would need to catch up on work after.


I was in a stable at the time so was looking after horses that needed feeding n cleaned up after twice every day


"Obviously ends at 5:30" "Discourage drinking" Bar humbug!


This is known as a gathering no a party


Don’t you have to be more careful around duty of care with alcohol during paid work time? For instance if they’re being paid “on the clock-normal hours” and they drink too much then drive home - I believe there’s some liability there for the company? Especially if the drinks are supplied by the company.


Not Friday evening; people want to get home and start their weekends and also, if I’m going to be hungover after a work function, that hangover ought to be on company time. Thursday evening is the go to for me.


We did both- team office party in work hours. Entire org after hours It’s that time of year, if the plan is to make sure no one drinks then you need to stop calling it a Xmas party and just say you put some cake and crackers out 😂 I understand that budget affects everything but if you want people to show up then you need to base it on what they can be available for. Some people won’t want to see you EVER after hours and some will be offended you didn’t bother to make an event outside of a time they are already too busy for work. Maybe run a survey, find out which of the options pisses everyone else off more and go with the other one?


Depends on the nature of the party. Broader team with people I have/want nothing to do with can happen during work hours, and be paid for by the company. My small/local team will generally happen after work and we pay for it. It'll be an event like going to a cool restaurant/activity and drinking will be involved.


Pub meal that covers one standard alcoholic drink and a dish. If it's an early dinner people can kick on after, have a few more drinks at the pub or go home to their fam/kids.


Work hours for sure. My work does Sunday Xmas parties, absolute pain.


What fucking company conscripts people into planning Christmas parties lol I'd honestly be worried that some part of it I planned has an incident which I'm partially blamed for


Ours is usually on a Friday 2-5pm but noticed that even though it's compulsory, many say they have important deadlines and can't make it. It frustrates me as I also have deadlines but have planned my week to fit the event in. Means all the juniors and admin staff come, plus exec management and then just a smattering of the rest in-between. Can make for some very polite but tedious conversation! Reasonable bar tab available until it's gone. Food is a must. Walking or short public transport to the venue. Don't make it too difficult.


Lol. I worked in an office of 8 once where the "big wigs" made a big deal about giving us $200 for the Christmas party. In total. Needless to say we just spent it on grog and I threw a BBQ at my house for everyone.


Our last year was at a local craft brewery. On a work day from about 12:30 until 3;30. We prob had 120 people. After 3:30 it was pay for your own food and alcohol. Bunch of us kicked on, was great.


I worked once at a company where the annual party was on a Thursday. Team building, lunch (drinks), fun activities, dinner and drinks. The owner's reason was that it's still a work thing and you can have the hangover on a (paid) work day as well. For the Friday they always hired someone to answer the phone and getting into the office was optional. Most came to the office around lunch, some on Monday.


Honestly depends on the kind of team you're in. In my team, December's one of the two insanely busy periods, so if you schedule something for office hours, absolutely no one will turn up. Schedule it for after hours and you're guaranteed to have a great (but long) night as everyone lets off steam. That said, if it wasn't for deadlines I'd LOVE an office-hours party!




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Cannot think of anything worse than work Christmas xmas party. I will put up with them for the amount I'm paid, then no chance. I am not spending my time making awkward small talk on what they're getting their kid for xmas.


Have you got your Grinch costume yet?


I agree it should be during work hours, with kick on options for those who want to. To quote - I don’t volunteer my personal time to for profit corporations. I have only ever been willing to hang out with a select few colleagues on my own time and it was maybe once a quarter. We were/are all foodies. The amount of drama and HR issues that has resulted from people who can’t handle their alcohol at work parties, I genuinely don’t know why they still have them. I do know one large QLD based company that gift staff the money instead of having a massive party to do with as they wish.


Never been to one and don't plan on that changing anytime soon, so make it whenever it suits the people who live for these things.


Absolutely during work hours is the way to go.  Another point in favour of daytime is that if you have it at night then you open up that whole thing about whether partners should come. Daytime won’t necessarily discourage excess drinking, but having an activity like mini golf or something else does.