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This is why you should never go above and beyond. It becomes the normal and expectation of you. Now you're in a problem where you want to reduce your work load but they will think you're slacking. Hand in notice and don't look back. They know damn well you're under the pump. They just don't care.


Stope doing the extra work. Start emailing your boss with a list of the tasks that you will be doing within your time allocation.  Anything else that comes up, that is outside your job, gets kicked up to the manager above.  Anything within your job that can’t be completed within available is a discussion re priorities. They’ve no reason to hire someone else while you keep doing it for free.


This. Just dont do it. Dont let people walk over you as a manager else it will be a habit.


Ultimatums never end well.


Recurring theme here: why would they pay to hire more staff when you’re working for free. You’re actually not helping yourself. I would be cutting out anything that’s not in your current job description, then have a meeting to prioritize the rest of your workload within the hours you’re paid for. That probably won’t go well, because they’ll push back given how much free work you’ve been giving them.


I just don't know why you would do this, what is the benefit to yourself? You can ask them to change the situation, and if they don't then put in your notice, they'll still have to pay out your notice period, issuing threats up front doesn't gain you anything, especially demands of partially sacking one person while hiring another to do your job, the whole situation sounds like you're extremely misguided. I'm also curious what role could possibly be part-time senior management.


There's plenty of part time senior management roles. I've worked under part-time managers in large firms. My current role is in a smaller business than those, but part time management would be just as viable here if the teams were otherwise appropriately resourced.


well alright, but the rest of my comment stands.


As many have said here, stop doing the extra work.


I was in a somewhat similar position. There was also no opportunity to move up or develop skills or any scope for me to expand/follow interests or build the business that I had from the work I was doing. The budget alsowasn't there either to give me more salary to account for extra time; even if I was working more or there was scope for me to do so. I realised that I was getting the bad end of the deal. So I ended up resigning and left.


It looks like you are someone who cares about the org above your own wellbeing. Kudos to that. I assume you are salaried and have no equity in the business, then you shouldn’t care what happens to the business. Just leave. Other businesses will glad to have someone with your attitude.


I can’t think of any relationship where ultimatums work well. My 4 year old calls my bluff all the time. Your employer will start your exit process when you provide notice. That will include searching for a replacement


It's not intended as an ultimatum. I don't want to leave. I want things to improve so I don't end up burnt out. If things don't inprove, I will have to leave for the sake of my sanity. But it isn't what I want to do.


Do this or else is an ultimatum


Why would they hire someone else to do the work when you're doing the work? Stop working outside the hours you're paid for.


Ngl, I sort of like this. It’s a bit like you’re putting your manager on a PIP ETA: I would frame it similarly to a PIP, though less formal. I would only submit any type of notice or indication you might leave if you really are prepared to leave, and I’d be prepared to accept the risk that in whatever time left your job might be to hire and train your own replacement.


Literally stop doing stuff that isn’t your job. Do you need it to work? Then just wait for it to get done.


No. It’s time to write a list of tasks and ask your boss to prioritise them because you don’t have time to do all


Sounds like the company has some ingrained issues. Cut back to your paid hours only and start looking for new work.