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> Optus Well *there's* your problem. Seriously - if you've stuck with them for 10 years, that's about 9 years too long. The reason they pull shit like this is because of people like you - who think that brand loyalty is going to get them something. Take your custom elsewhere. It's not like there aren't other options in both internet and mobile space - much cheaper ones. Loyalty to a service provider is pointless. They'll fuck you over every time.


You are right. I’ve just never been a fan of big changes, it has always felt too much to change providers but it has now become financially (and dare I say morally) necessarily to leave Optus in the dust.


It's easy to change! Generally the reseller manages everything for you. Of course, just make sure you're aware of any contracts you might break if they still have time remaining at Optus. Regarding mobile providers: Amaysim is a well known Optus reseller. Boost is a well known Telstra reseller. Both will be much cheaper and your subscriptions can be managed online/in the app.


I can second Amaysim, prices are fair, stay steady, and data banking is a godsend


I review every utility yearly. They bump up prices and introduce cheaper plans underneath. So you have to do this with elec and gas. Usually with insurance you can switch and get and introductory rate every year although this year savings are limited. Internet and phone is best to bundle it seems.


I hope you don’t mind me asking but how difficult is it to switch my phone number to a new provider? Would I have to expect a 24 hour period or longer without phone service? I know changing service addresses for home internet can take a day or so, so I imagine changing providers entirely for that might be a couple of days or so of disconnection and reconnection with new modem/provider.


> I hope you don’t mind me asking but how difficult is it to switch my phone number to a new provider? Would I have to expect a 24 hour period or longer without phone service? It's literally done in an hour or less. Your new provider will send you a new SIM, you tell them when you want the number ported, plug in your new SIM and wait. They'll send you a message when it's done. Mobile number porting is dead easy. Changing your internet provider shouldn't be much more - sign up, they'll send you a new modem (or tell you how to reconfigure your existing one), when the cutover is going to happen and bingo - it's done in a couple of hours at most. That's one thing NBN made a metric shitload easier.


I switched from optus to boost recently, received sim card and once i activated it was working under an hour. Best thing is you don't even need to talk to optus at all. Assuming keeping same number.


I’m confused, don’t you have to tell the current provider that you are taking your number with you? Or do you just have to tell the new provider you have an existing mobile number you want to keep and they set that up on their side of things?


Nope, you don't have to tell your current provider anything. It's your number and you can take it to any provider and they will do the number port for you. Usually within an hour or two if not shorter.


Walked in to jb hifi, spent 15 minutes with a worker there. They gave me a new sim card, i put it in my phone and bam. I’m now on telstra, same number and i got a $400 gift card for my trouble… There is no reason to stay with Optus, and more than a few to leave.


Can you tell me more about that $400 gift card 👀👀


I switched form my $69 optus plan to the $69 telstra one after Optus publicly broadcast all of my PII over the internet. https://www.jbhifi.com.au/pages/upfront-mobile-plans Looks like it’s $450 actually. My mistake.


It's a couple of hours, generally. I think maybe 4 at the most.


One day Optus pissed me off because they didnt even allow me to change plan(and on the contract i am able to switch plan after a date and it was after the date) so i changed the provider, within 30min my phone number was ported. And fuck Optus, wish the gov bring more competition to the industry so optus can get eliminated as soon as possible


Go to Boost mate, $19/month and 14Gig data (more than enough), but you pay in one go for a year, so $230. Boost = Telstra, so you benefit from the best network in Aus. [https://boost.com.au/pages/prepaid-plans](https://boost.com.au/pages/prepaid-plans)


Does Boost have a decent app to check over your account charges and services and can you track prepaid data usage and order recharge/add-ons through it? I do value the convenience of doing everything through an app


Yes, very good app, you do everything in the app. One thing you can not do on Boost is link an Apple Watch or such via an eSim, they just do not offer that. Discounted starter packs with the SIMS are sold on eBay, of all places, You can keep your Optus number, its easy to port over.


@OP I have yet to change from Optus which, like you are pissing me off...but work colleagues and I got my old man on Aldi pre-paid...2nd tier telstra network. I'm Planning to get it myself.


boost now do esim so I wonder if it will be supported


Yes I 100% support this too. So cheap and uses the Telstra full retail network. I switched myself and my entire extended family to it from Optus after the data breach and it was so easy and we’re saving so much money. Yes, it’s a year up front but at that rate it’s worth it.


Yeah. I've been with Optus for about 20 years now, basically out of laziness, but their latest email telling me they're raising their prices again is the last straw. I barely use mobile data and they just don't have any low end offerings anymore. Switching over to Felix. Seems well reviewed and they have a data rollover thing so my usual miniscule usage won't be wasted.


OP Update: thanks everyone for your tips and advice, thanks also for not being too hard on me - been with Optus since I was a teen and before now I put moving providers in the “too hard” basket! Feel more resolved in jumping ship now I know it’s easy as. Hopefully others in the same boat are finding your info helpful too :)


I've been with these guys for a long time. They were great when I was studying and gave me heavily discounted mobile and internet rates. Then everything went to shit with the data breach and that disconnection for a day thing. When I got the notice they were upping their fees (I don't use even half of their mobile data, and got rid of the internet) I've been looking at pre-paid alternatives... looks like Boost is the way to go.


Just putting this here in case anyone doesn't know (like my nephew) - you can take your phone number with you when you move.  You don't need to change it.


I live on an island in Asia 6 months of the year and my internet cost me $23 a month and I get 850+ up and 300 odd down. Internet infrastructure isn’t that expensive if a boarder line 3rd world country is better connected than Australia


And can I come


Which island?


One in Thailand


bet you're on AIS 😉 Their 5g is IMPRESSIVE


I got the same email and will be bailing. The only reason I didn’t leave Optus after their breach was because my handset is on contract with them and it would have been too much to pay it out at the time. I’ve still got about 6 months left on the contract and was considering paying it out in the next few weeks anyway, so that I can switch to a different provider and cut the amount I pay for the cheapest plan Optus, has by more than half with someone else. This latest increase has given me the push I needed to follow through.


Yeah, I'll be doing the same. The only reason I have stuck with them for so long is my email addresses are optusnet.com.au and I used to get work from previous clients, sometimes from ten years back. No longer need that so, it's just laziness because of all the accounts that I would have to update to a new email address.


I’m in the same position. They upped the price of the cheap plan I was on a year ago and they are doing it again? Crazy. I stayed because of the handset I’m paying off, but I’d rather pay it out now.


If you have to be on the Optus network, check out amaysim. Better app and easier support. Also a lot better value. Otherwise, checkout MNVOs, there are plenty of better deals out there. Unless you need a phone on a contract, there is no need to be with the big three.


Optus owns Amaysim


Owns them. Run as a seperate company and has completely different systems. Amaysim was not involved in the Optus data breach.


They do, but Amaysim is much cheaper especially if you sign up to a long expiry 365 day plan. Other alternatives are Catch (Optus network), Kogan mobile (Vodafone), Aldi/Woolworths/Boost (Telstra).


Optus doesn't own Amaysim, Amaysim owns Amaysim. And Vaya. Amaysim/Vaya are an Optus MVNO, they pay Optus for access. It's owned by a German guy. When our big boss pulled us into a meeting to tell us they bought out Vaya everyone groaned. "We aren't looking at redundancies" ... three weeks later "see ya wouldn't wanna be ya"


Confidently incorrect! Optus bought amaysim in 2021. https://www.optus.com.au/about/media-centre/media-releases/2021/02/optus-completes-acquisition-of-amaysim-australias-largest-mvno


I live in the outer suburbs of Brisbane, and I have 1 bar of reception. Optus is a joke.


I was with Optus for almost 20 years. Dumped them after the last hack. Never thought I'd say it, but Telstra isn't that bad service wise now so went to them. Plenty of cheaper providers around too if that's what you're after. Remember that no company rewards loyalty. In fact, they take advantage of it which is why you should always check your insurance premiums every couple of years.


I bought a new Optus SIM, activated the $12 for 7 days option during signup, then had no data for days. My bank notified me of the transaction, but checking with Optus they told me the money didn’t reach them. And then they tried to upsell me to a $52 per month plan. Told them to fuck off, and got a Boost SIM instead.


After numerous attempts to get my new house connected to the NBN which was built per guidelines and thwarted by useless ISPs i went to Optus and they got it sorted. They have been fine. However after numerous price increases like you I have decided to pull the pin. Exetel has a plan the same with no lock in for $10 per month cheaper. But intro rate for 6 months is $30 cheaper. Then get $5 discount for bundling mobile (currently with Aldi but plan is equivalent with telstra 4G and data rollover). Will save $480 over 24 months. I booked exetel connection in about 40 days and rang to book Optus cancellation as you need to give 30 days notice. After being on hold for 25 minutes and refusing to hear deals to retain me (too late that isn't how you keep customers) i was told you cannot cancel more than 30 days in advance. I told them that is BS as they also require 30 days notice so unless i ring on the exact day i double pay. Ask for a please explain and instead they offered me 1 month free. I took it and the $80 saving. And will call 30 days out to cancel.


I'm so glad I left them for amaysim. Sure it's on the optus network, but the deals and customer service are so much better! Oh it's your birthday? Here have some bonus data! Network went out? That's ok have this bonus data!


My parents have been loyal customers for as long as I can remember and they pay absolutely insane rates for mobile and internet yet they wont change. I demonstrated how a number of other carriers could be almost half the price but they won’t listen. Stupid. Same goes for them paying almost double market rate for insurance with Suncorp and 1% higher on a home loan with them too because they think loyalty means something to a service provider.


I changed from Optus to prepaid Boost Mobile after the data breach. Number porting took less than 5 minutes


Imagine being with Optus and expecting anything else.


I want my Dad to switch but I know he doesn't want to


Recommend checking More, I moved to them after Optus’s outage back in October last year. They had a great deal with Com Bank cards and I jumped on it. Super happy and can recommend


Unfortunately, More and Tangerine suffered a data leak also. Not as bad as Optus, but still something to consider


Optus is aimed at the “premium market” competing with people who want to pay more for the “bigger” brand. They also own amaysim and don’t price their products to compete so they don’t poach each others business.


Boost and Superloop. It’s a fairly simple choice.


Remember last year Optus tried to raise my contract mid-contract and tried to blame inflation.


If you’re thinking of moving, I moved my power and phone to AGL! The power is the same as others nothing special but my phone plan is 20 a month for 80gbs it’s with the Optus network but no issues so far


No loyality from me. I switch between Lebara and Boost monthly. Cost nearly nothing.


What’s that phrase fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me? With the complete disregard Optus has shown for its customers, if you continue to give them money, that’s on you. For mobile I use aldi, for internet I use Aussie broadband, which aren’t the cheapest - but they haven’t missed a beat.  Also if you choose to move to aussie, you can ask anyone who is an existing member for a referral code and you will get $50 off.


Just get circles.life and use mobile hotspot for internet.


Currently in a rental that uses optus and it cant do 5g unless its outside... on a Veranda on an apartment Ffs Optus Get your fucking shit together i Dont want to be kicekd off the internet just becuase my parents want to watch something


I moved to Aldi mobile, it’s the Telstra network but a bit cheaper. But they only do 5g on the more expensive of their options


I know some people on some ancient low income plans that Optus literally can’t kick them off because of the old terms and conditions. But be damned if Optus aren’t trying to tempt them with data packs or unlimited calls etc monthly to try and get them to sign under fresh contract terms. If you’re on the goods from 15-20 years ago just don’t accept any modern deal. I’ve got the same with my gym membership, it’s 50c more for all gyms than newbies pay for a single gym, they have to give me 6 months notice to raise the price with a percentage max, and they can’t change my contract terms on me. So constant offers to add in a free combo pack with their CrossFit gym or Pilates gym etc. I’m on a good thing until they one day sell up and rebrand as far as I can tell.


Can anyone recommend an Optus alternative that offers eSIM number sharing for Apple Watch?


No. Only the big 3 offer number sharing, so if you need it for a smart watch your choice is limited to Optus, Voda or Telstra.


Amaysim is getting it real soon apparently


Unless you use mobile internet, Optus don’t (directly) pay anything towards infrastructure costs. That’s NBN for 99% of the country. There are plenty of telcos that provide service on Optus’ network for cheaper you could consider.


Check out letsbemates.com.au or any other Mobile Virtual Network Operator(MVNO), letsbemates uses telstras wholesale network and is significantly cheap compared to going with telstra or optus alone


I left optus asap. They uped my plan to like $59 a month, and after the data breach i was sick of there shit. I use Kogan now which is great value. They are having a sale and their plans are half price.


Telstra has a concession plan mate ( for concession card holders ),


Since when? I used to be with Telstra for years and the only concessions they told me they had was "they arent allowed to cut off peoples plans if they are on consession"


loyalty is no longer rewarded. for ANY service, you need to be constantly checking to see if you are getting the best deal.


Received an email today that my plan was increasing, again. Fuck that. Porting to AGL. Have electricity & gas with them. $20 for 80GB for 6 months, $30 after. Half the price of Optus. I went to cancel and the person on the chat tried many many times for me to stay. Dropped the price form 59 to 42 but nah fuck them.


I've been a loyal customer years, because I must change my phone number I decided to get a new sim card, that's was a hassle to activate! Now I haven't actually started using the sim card just yet, just activated, with in a week started getting spam calls, this number only I and optus knows.....and now I'm going to completely swap company's.


What’s the best telco you can recommend?


I am roaming in NZ currently - no audio on or out, on calls... Will be switching as soon as I can on return.


They're trying to sell at the moment with I believe a Canadian giant looking at it if I'm not mistaken.  Maybe if they improved their service instead of paying for so many adverts, they'd actually get more revenue. I was an optus customer for years. Service where I moved to was absolute rubbish, wasn't willing to put up with it 


"Even after serious breaches and issues with their service blacking out". I'm gathering you are talking about the data breach that screwed over most of their customer base? and yes, they are in the media a fair bit for their downtime and poor service. Why anyone is still with them after that is beyond me, there are way better cheaper services around the place on good networks.


Just do what I did yesterday and call them saying you’re going to take your business elsewhere and they’ll magically find a way to knock $20 off your bill


Call them up and ask to speak to the loyalty team. They will offer you a discount


Telstra have screwed me over twice on home phone & internet service, or lack thereof. Do not want to EVER go back to that network even via a proxy. Optus had that outage late last year and the data breach, and my phone only plan rose from $69 pm to over $100 when I upgraded to 5G last year as they reckoned my plan - that I'd been in for more than 2 years had "expired". Threatening to leave got it down a little... but I'm really not happy with them either. Past experience with Vodafone has also been less than ideal, but maybe it's a viable alternative now. Anyone have any recent feedback on them?


They are the absolute worst. They told their workforce that they weren’t doing any layoffs as NBN rolled out, then not even 12 months later they laid off 90% of their aus staff to outsource it to the Phillipines. Then as nbn rolled out they deliberately over provisioned their service to make as much money as possible from canle, whoch providing absolutely disgusting speeds. I was with them at the time and i was gettinng litetally 300kbps down 700kbdps up on a 100/2 plan, it was insane. Paid to move to telstra as I needed 1MBps up as I work from home and even over time their service would do the same blood thing. Optus and telstra are both god awful. Try superloop, they bundle internet, and phone, here’s a signup code for you, or anyone interested: SLC-871486