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My favourite is a 3am text saying my packrage needs redirective


But did you do the needful?


Kindly *


Kindly ensure the same regarding your needful action. Thanking for you in advance.


My 3am texts are all about my 3022 expiring coles points


Looks like everyone has the same pointsšŸ˜‚


Ditto! Why donā€™t these fuckers send this shit at 1pm make it more believable at least


My pixel just filters these automatically. The only reason I check them is when I receive a spam missed call and it tells me that the message got sent to spam.


I have a pixel too and pretty much don't get any spam text or calls.


what model pixel? sick and tired of this shit


all android phones can filter these messages and unwanted calls, not only google pixel edit maybe except huawei and some pure Chinese android phones




sorry, I think I should be more descriptive. In the android world we have this freedom to change the dialer app, basically the app which you use to give a call. Majority use the google phone app developed by google but for instance Samsung has its own which works pretty the same way but it has, to my knowledge, different spam call list source. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.dialer In the dialer app you can choose expected behaviour while getting unwanted call. You can be prompted but the call can be ignored. Additionally, if for some reason, the spamer will cross that and you'll pick up the call you can after all block the number and report it so other users won't get calls from this number (if of course enough people will raise their reports). Google Phone app is free, can be installed on any android phone with google services. Samsung dialer is a dedicated app for the galaxy phones family


7 but my 4A did it too.


Pixel 3 does it too


Jb hifi has a massive sale (1699->1099) on the pixel 8 pro right now fyi


Same with my samsung, I get a notification saying it had blocked potential spam, and I can review it if I want.


+1 for pixel.


Love my pixel for this one feature. I don't realise how much stuff is getting filtered until I see the spam folder good god


Iā€™m on IPhone now for work and that is the feature I miss the most. The only time I saw spam was when I went and looked in the spam folder


Mine seems to miss a lot of them these days


Same. Though it did filter a genuine call from the bank today as well.


My Oppo does that too, you don't realise what you have until someone else points out the inconvenience of not having it


You can install the Google messages app on any android phone and replace your default messages app. It will filter all this just like the pixel


This has been my morning routine for the past couple of months wake up, look at phone, see notifications of messages from random numbers, look at messages, spam telling me my points are up, report and delete.


How do they get all these numbers? I went to Aus for a holiday and bought a sim card so I would have data (roaming is too expensive) and I had to give my bloody passport number before it would activate


They're likely spoofed in various ways. They no longer appear to come from the organisations they're referencing, like they used to a couple of years ago, because the country put in some rules and regs to mean that those had to come from pre-registered accounts associated with the name. Any messages with spoofed names get dropped by the network now. It seems unlikely for these to be coming from within the country, and those numbers are probably being set as a caller ID on SMS messages coming in from some dodgy telco outside aus. Might be harder to fix that, as it might impact the way these messages are transported when (for example) you go overseas. The phone network seems to still be quite primitive in a lot of ways.


The reason for the passport number is so that every cellular service is registered to someone, an


Call spoofing is a thing, and apparently, there is nothing telcos can do about it.


More like they donā€™t want to spend their money to do something about it so their shareholders can make as much money as possible.


Yeah that's exactly what the line was before they got forced to drop the messages coming from "ANZ" or "mygov" or whoever else - it's too hard! We can't possibly do that! And oh look, they did...


Any SMS coming in from outside the country should not have a +61 number. If it does, block it. There, I wrote a filter for the telcos.


I live in Hong Kong which also cops some serious spam (mostly from the Mainland) and my phone carrier sends me a big flashing alert to inform me if an incoming call or SMS from a HK number is coming from outside HK.


LOL.Ā I agree it should be damn easy. You do have to support Australian mobiles roaming overseas too, but that should be easily cryptographically provable by the SIM. The problem comes in the form of old technology across the networks and international agreements on stuff. Thatā€™s not a good reason, of course, itā€™s a bunch of weak excuses for inactivity. The phone networks seem to be insecure by design in a bunch of places, and itā€™s just not good enough for the modern era.


I believe they have a responsibility to protect Australians first and foremost and itā€™s a shame the government arenā€™t being more strict about this


Every country Iā€™ve been to in last few years requires a passport for SIM card, this is standard


I have a theory that them not aligning with our time zones is deliberate, so that someone getting a text in the middle of the night who is not fully awake might be less likely to recognise the scam and therefore click the link. Or maybe I give them too much credit. Either way I wish they'd just fuck off


With my iPhone, when I get one, I can Report and Block. When a number of people do this in real time, the networks can see lots of people reporting this number and prevent the rest of the people from getting the text message (if the sender is halfway through sending). By doing it when most of us are not awake, people can't report and block and therefore the majority get through to phones.


Does it not count when everyone reports and blocks in the morning?


.....Still waiting for my Medicarer refund.


Kindly resubbmjt your banking detals


I don't know why it's not hard for Telco in Australia to delete scam phone number accounts and busted ..


Except they spoof real numbers, so it would be quite hard.Ā 


Even easier to block spoofing and would only affect the one or two people using call forwarding.




My phone automatically sends spam to the spam folder and because I am anal I usually go in and clean them out regularly. I've never had a false positive, and I very rarely get a spam message not automatically detected. They all seem to use spoofed numbers. So I don't see why the telcos can't use the same methods of detecting spam as my phone.


Your phone is reading the contents of the message and deciding itā€™s spam, I donā€™t know if telcos are allowed to read our messagesā€¦


Oh yeah, very good point.


But all social media sites are reading our messages...nothing is really private. Unless you use one of those specific encryption apps and even then not all are well encrypted


Since Google is allowed to, thereā€™s not much harm in letting telcos too. They can definitely read the messages if youā€™re suspected of terrorism anyway


Probably because they make money from it


I was living overseas for a while and whenever I come home to Australia and buy a Sim card, I get SPAMMED so many bullshit SMS messages and start receiving calls from Indian call centres.....wtf is with our service providers?


Selling our info is more profitable than privacy. Who would have thunk it


The sad thing is, these constant scams have basically made both SMS and phone calls useless for legitimate communication. Telcos can and should start cracking down. Block numbers sending scam SMS messages, block SIP trunks from overseas from presenting an Australian CLI. Block SIP trunks with a low ā€œseizure rateā€ - ie the number of calls answered. Block trunks where most calls terminate within 30 seconds. Iā€™m absolutely sick of it.


More to the point, make mobile hardware have a toggle for calls and SMS like they give us one to turn data off. I have no use for those services but I am forced to have them and get interrupted because my number has come up on some foreign sweatshops dialer list. Let us opt out of international incoming SMS and calls, no-one I know overseas would be calling me when there are about 20 apps they can get me on.


Rather than being a handset setting, perhaps that would be better as a setting in your provider's account tools? So you could have toggles for: * Inbound international calls * Outbound international calls * Inbound international SMS * Outbound international SMS * Outbound premium SMS IPhones do have a setting for "reject unknown numbers" which I find actually pretty good. It compares the inbound number with your contacts, recent calls and phone numbers found in emails. Need the same thing for SMS messages though.


Network side would be even better, but the phone makers could add it to simply not connect the volte and refuse the 3g fallback like it was set to LTE only, Setting 4G only and disabling volte is my workaround to stop being bothered but it would be nice if that was a settings toggle rather than many levels deep in developer mode menus on android.


It's hard to crack down on without global support of some way carriers (globally) can authenticate the traffic. The spoofed numbers are often owned by normal, regular people. If you're number is being used, and it is blocked how would you know? how would you get the block removed? would you need to get a new number? are you okay with the inconvenience of being falsely blocked? I've worked with a company who ended up on a third-party spam list, since scammers were spoofing their number - it was almost impossible to find anyone to talk to to have the number removed. Okay. Block overseas originating calls sending an Australian CLID. Possible. I think this might catch some Aussie businesses that operate overseas offices with Australian telephone presence. Nonetheless, I think this could work to catch some calls and messages. I don't think it would be the end all. For your other things you mentioned. Yes, this is possible for Australian carriers to implement, where they sell the service to the customer and can see if they're breaching terms of use based on usage patterns. But also remember, any carrier worth their salt will not allow CLID spoofing, and may probably already be watching for usage-based behaviour that could also endanger their network. There isn't a whole lot of options when the source of the problem is in foreign countries... We can't regulate carriers overseas. As another example, email spam and DNS hijacking aren't as prevalent these days because of a concerted, global effort by providers to implement security, controls and authentication/authorization procedures to ensure received traffic is legitimate. I think the same needs to happen for calling and SMS.


At least your tolls are not overdue.


$127.26 ?


"Medicarer" fucking lmao


They have been out of control atm!! So frustrating


Google Messages junk mails them all automatically. Not sure if avaialble on an apple device but if on android can highly recommend.


Every fucking night.


The 0345hrs Linkt message is my absolute fave of course.....nothing like a buzzing smartwatch at that time in the morning.... /s


Looks like theyā€™re unable to complete your refund request


How will i get my giftcards ĀæĀæ??




They were unable to complete your refund request


Oh my god the INCESSANT scam phone calls at god awful o clock in the morning from unknown numbers (which I have to pick up bc work sometimes phones from no caller ID or unknown numbers) have been so bad lately. Iā€™m Indian tho and as soon as they launch into their spiel I like to start swearing in Hindi and they hang up real fast. Sometimes (also in Hindi) I tell them how disappointed their parents must be - that works pretty well too. One guy apologised to me before hanging up once lmao


I don't answer calls if the number is unknown I let it go to message bank. 99.9% of the time no message is left well last month I was on jury duty and had to leave my phone in the jury room. Came back to see a missed call and a message I played it and they said something was wrong with a range of things including my passport which I found interesting cause I've never had a passport and don't want one.


Android phone + Google messages = Never seeing this shit.


Apple's refusal to implement a spam filter is truly baffling.


Given that the senders' numbers are spoofed, I'm curious if anyone has ever received one of these type of messages from a number that's in their contacts. That'd be a weird one.


It always happens in the dead of night as well.


Wait you donā€™t have a delivery coming today from ā€œTMTā€ or a Coles voucher available???


Sms and phone calls are pretty fucking useless now. Now i never pick up anything that is from an unknown number.


I have been ignoring everything. Then when I do get a legitimate call I never know šŸ™ƒ


I miss the unpaid toll ones. They finally figured out nobody is falling for that.


Thanks for the privacy data breach Medibank/Optus/Telstra!


I've been getting a bunch lately that are supposedly from Coles and Telstra telling me my loyalty points are about to expire.


Interesting. I haven't gotten any texts for days. Never mind 4 in one day. Even then they get Automatically moved to spam folder and deleted after in 30 days


Jesus, is everyone in that particular sweat shop scam call centre just been given your number to hammer for the day?


Actually. I seem to be getting less spammy texts lately


I got my own spam filterā€¦ if the call/text is not from my wife or parents then 99% is gonna be spam shitšŸ˜‚


Meanwhile I got a refund from the ATO yesterday and still don't know what it's for.


Would be amazing if the telcos could do more to stop these.


They don't give a fuck.


Yeah, my number must be doing the rounds too at the moment, Iā€™ve been getting a few lately šŸ™ƒ


Looks like your number has been compromised


Oh wow! It wouldn't have anything to do with all the data breaches, huh?? Because all these companies ask for your number and you have to provide it to them regardless of whether you want to or not.


I've had a return call from a cyber security course come back as suspected spam lol. I told them, they said if a few people mark a number as spam because they don't want them ringing them back it flags them


Switched from Optus to Telstra a few months ago. Youā€™re able to report scam SMSs and Iā€™m receiving about 10x fewer scam texts than before.


I missed the old scam SMS i used to receive , they would call me Janice in the message


Meanwhile I missed notifications of a tax debt and it went to debt collector


Out in force today! I got them too


I once replied and said "I went to the URL and it's only pics of your mum" I swear they replied with a "F#@K you"


i've still never experienced anything like this, i get maybe 1 spam call a month, if that


Looks like the telcos are doing a great job preventing scam bots


And I thought it was just me


I'm very interested in your product. But I just quickly have to check something outside. Just put the phone down but you wait on the line and will chat to you real soon. Drink a beer pickuo. Sorry you were saying. Ohhh please tell me more. Ohhh wait a minute one of my kids needs something. One beer later. Damn kids sorry you were saying. And on and on and on it goes ad infinitum You need to get them invested


They really have increased dramatically lately for so many people, whatā€™s going on?


I keep getting Telstra ones saying my points are going to expire or some garbage.


Is this an iPhone?


Good morning Scammed sorry I meant costumers


You people know you can set your phone to 'do not disturb' during set hours right?


Stop answering random numbers and pinning your number, delete your voicemail and it will stop. Otherwise your number/details have been breached


Some of us get calls from unknown numbers that we actually need to answer though.Ā 


It works though, I used to get harassment all the time, once there's no voicemail the bot can't detect activity, win win really


You're not wrong. I just don't answer unless I'm expecting a call. A get far less calls and text now than I used to. Maybe 1 a week rather than several a day


Sometimes im lucky to get one, once or twice a month, before I tried an experiment, I answered via voice, then again with leaving voicemail active. I was hounded several times a day for two months. AFTER I deleted my voicemail, didn't answer any calls, it gradually dropped to a few times a week, longer once a week then dropped off. SMS still came until they gave up after a month


Yes I also deleted my voicemail and seeing improvements already. Hopefully mine soon gets to a couple a month


There is no reason to have voicemail now. The same device that can call you is able to send you an email or a SMS. Voicemail belongs in the distant past.


The bait is to access voicemail, not for you to answer the phone, voicemail = active number, system pins as active, it knows you're there. It's logic


"need" is a strong word. Get these places to pull their heads in and get hold of you some other way.


I don't understand how this happens to people so frequently. I haven't had a scam call or text since January.


I have an ALDI SIM I keep in an old iPhone as a spare emergency phone. That number has never been given to anyone at all for anything and it still gets regular spam texts and robot voice calls - so it seems to be luck of the draw and they seem to use random numbers.


Meh just under the radar. As someone technical I set my phone to auto-block incoming calls from anyone who is not on my contact list. Still get the texts but they all get filtered into Spam & blocked on my Android device. If people need to reach me, they need to go through email or leave message on answering machine.


The last one I got was from a scammer urging me to log into my CBA account at www. cortmoank .com lol.


Last one I got was that Coles flybuys one. Weeks ago. I don't get them much since not answering any call ever for years unless in my contracts or told to expect from blocked number like Centrelink


What do you mean? The cortmoank devision is totally legit, why just the other day I sent them 20k of itunes vouchers to speed along processing the 2mil inheritence I am getting from my ling lost uncle then went to live i Nigeria


It can be a nightmare though, turns out the Cortmoank team and the general team aren't connected very well, so I had to go to CBA, open an account first, deposit the 20k I needed to send, then log in to Cortmoank to send it. Ridiculous!