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“Don’t care nuclear is the way, btw please send another French au pair for my mates” - dutton. [viva Le manus island](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-08-28/dutton-released-au-pair-after-lobbying-from-afl-boss-mclachlan/10172788)


"Dutton like nuclear, Dutton do. Coalitions together strong!". - Dutton, Rise of the Planet of the Ape -


“What if my horcrux was a nuclear power plant, then Harry could never destroy it without creating a Chernobyl - fuck I deserve an extra serving of pleb tonight” - voldemoron


Companies like origin and agl will still find a way to charge customers.


Sad but true.


“Your feed-in tariff is now $10/day. Fuck you”


Even though we are getting all energy for free.....


Australia … only 40 years out of touch


To be fair, it's just the Coalition and its supporters. It's the MTM NBN all over again, with the same three sectioned slogan of "cheaper, cleaner, and consistent 24x7 power". It sounds an awful lot like a rehash of "sooner, cheaper and more affordably". Notably, the Coalition's mess was exactly none of those things, and this nuclear business will be no different. If someone thinks we can have 6 nuclear power plants by 2035, I have a bridge to sell them. 


Are you intending to sell this bridge for more or less than ~$500billion ?


How the fuck they can utter the word cheaper when it comes to nuclear and still keep a straight face I have no idea


>French day-ahead power fell to -€5.76 a megawatt-hour, the lowest in four years, in an auction on Epex Spot. Germany’s equivalent contract dropped to €7.64. Can they not sell their excess production to Germany?


Most likely they are limited by interconnection infrastructure and are already exporting as much as possible


This isn’t really as big as it sounds. Spot prices on AEMO often dip into the negatives during the day when solar is at peak production and demand is low, the problem is when the sun goes down.


Sun going down isn't a problem, you don't need solar to buy batteries, if there's so much just buy some batteries and charge them during the day to run your house at night Sounds amazing, especially if it's negative, so you actually just make money Houses without solar should just opt for battery only for now and get solar later (if even necessary)


Sun going down is a problem, because we’re not talking about a little bank of 12V batteries to run an inverter for your house, we’re talking about around 20 GWh of storage if you wanted to make the most of the energy surplus during the day. Otherwise you are not going to have a meaningful impact on the spot price when people are actually using the most energy. You also can’t just hook a generator up to the grid and start buying/selling energy by the peanuts, you need to qualify to register as a generating market participant with AEMO, which you’re not going to do out of your backyard.


Obviously, though you can use the same batteries people use for their house solar setup without the solar, and you can charge it from the grid during the day and use it at night, without the solar. Someone has been doing it on AusFinance for a while now I have no idea what you're going on about in your second paragraph, hooking a generator up to the grid? I'm only talking about buying the batteries people already use for their houses and using it for your house


Sure but you will be paying retail prices to do that, not the spot price. To trade energy at the spot price you need to be registered with AEMO.


If we're talking Australian, you should look up Amber. You can already buy at wholesale price Once again, this is something people do already, it's not a new idea I created


More like the energy storage technology.


Great headline, but I do wonder if the most interesting part of the article is this "Daily consumption from Thursday through Sunday is seen falling by an average 6 gigawatts"(why is consumption decreasing?), 2/3s of Frances power generation is Nuclear so with demand decreasing seems logical they turn a few off


"Unpossible" says LNP policy wonk.