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For the folks who don't/won't understand why or how this suit is happening: >The Fair Work Commission recently ruled the 40-year-old had been sacked after sharing a post online on the war in Gaza. It was [established a couple weeks ago](https://www.theguardian.com/media/article/2024/jun/03/antoinette-lattouf-was-sacked-by-abc-fair-work-commission-finds) that the claim from ABC's managing director, David Anderson, that Lattouf was *not* terminated for her posts of Gaza was untrue. When this initially happened it only took a few days for it to be clear[ that the ABC gave into a political campaign](https://www.smh.com.au/business/workplace/secret-whatsapp-messages-show-co-ordinated-campaign-to-oust-antoinette-lattouf-from-abc-20240115-p5exdx.html) by a Zionist lobby group called 'Lawyers for Israel'. Lattouf claims in the article attached to the OP: >"I will make it very clear, I will not stop fighting because press freedom, human rights, and a robust and independent ABC are just far too important," she said. And she is absolutely right to do so. In my opinion the worst part of this is that she had a few days left on her contract, but the lobbying from Lawyers for Israel was apparently so overwhelming and concerning for David Anderson that he gave in. And then claimed he didn't! I would prefer Anderson be sacked, he is obviously incapable of doing his job competently or honestly.


>but the lobbying from Lawyers for Israel was apparently so overwhelming and concerning for David Anderson that he gave in. Exactly it's an important point because it was about sending a message that the lobby could do this, letting the decsion stand and not holding anyone accountable is a message to ABC staff that it can happen again.


I would love for the court to make an example of this case. Make sure employers know that when foreign influence comes calling that employment law comes first.






I like when someone posts a summary, for those of us clicking on this and about to say "who is this and why are we pretending to care this week?"


The last two threads I am aware of about Lattouf turned into a shit-flinging contest where certain people with certain opinions seemed incapable of understanding a) how the fair work commission came to their conclusion and b) what Lattouf's intentions were. Of course those people do not click links or read past headlines so I thought I would help them out!


You have and cudos. Not sure why I'm downvoted but here's hoping it's not a slant on your explanation.


You're presumably being downvoted for the "why are we pretending to care". People genuinely do care about things that are important to them, and insinuating they are being performative is rarely going to be popular.


2/2 for good explanations on reddit we're on a roll


Not sure ABC was acting as the model party in mediation. It has been established that she was sacked. The material she shared was from respected sources or had been previously reported by ABC. It was also subsequently verified. It is not in dispute that “lawyers for Israel” lobbied for her dismissal and were in contact with high ups at the ABC. How hard would it be for an admission, an apology and a fair payout in recognition of the harm and harmful publicity that this shitshow has caused for the poor lady. (A resignation of the board wouldn’t go astray either)


>How hard would it be for an admission To do so would dimish the power of the lobby group which is why it doesn't happen. As long as their is no admission they are free to get other reporters fired in future.


You'd have hoped the ABC would be trying to get these kind of groups off its back.


I think the problem is they do have too much power


When will the ABC board face an investigation for allowing foreign Zionist influences and lobby groups to dictate the staffing and content policies of our national broadcaster? It's outrageous. Our democracy and institutions are being attacked before our very eyes by Zionists. Why is no action being taken? Imagine if this was a Russian or Chinese influence campaign...












What is still confused to me is if she was a contractor or employee. Some news articles talk about an employment dispute while others say she was on a temporary contract.


Temporary contracts are employees, a work contract to hire an independent contractor is not. 




Time to take a break from the internet mate and regrow your humanity.