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Daycare sent an email saying they are increasing their fees which they only just did in January


Are we in the same daycare lol. Two increases in 6 months period.


Ah what are the odds of finding 2 other people attending the same daycare on reddit /s. According to the email they sent out, the results of their recent survey indicate that parents were happy to pay more for better quality childcare…….. so they immediately raised the fees again


'for better quality'. So how are they going to increase their quality with the rates going up? Did they outline what that money's going towards?


“Ensuring the educators at the centre are paid over and above award rates for their hard work “


"Over and above award wages" I hate that statement so much, making it sound like they're doing something good by paying above award wages. It's against the law to pay your staff below the award wages. I guarantee none of those child care center staff received any extra money from the increase in fees. Same with applying for jobs. I've been job hunting lately and when a job ad says perks of the job is that "we pay above award wages", I just don't apply for that job. I take it as "we are offering you nothing"


If that's where the entire fee increase went to I'm sure most people would be okay with it.. it definitely isn't though


In our case, they justified it by saying the CCS cap has been increased so it’s in line with the fee increase.


Our daycare only increased vacation care fees which didn't affect us thankfully. Bit of a welcomed relief after already having an increase this year and copping two last year.


Up $25 per day here. Second increase for the year.




Same here.


















Passports have gone up by $60


They're already the most expensive in the damn world, why tf are they increasing the price!?


My parents are both Kiwis but I was born here. I'm entitled to a NZ citizenship and passport but I've never applied for them. I looked into it a few years ago and found out that if I wanted a new passport, it'd be cheaper to have NZ both recognise my citizenship and issue the passport. Fucking insane.




Yep scrape up $400 for one now.


yep, sad times


Yep, lodged mine today 😭


I did my two younger kids last week before the price hike, didn’t realise my 16 yo had to be with me and he was at work so the most expensive one was the one I missed the cheaper price for 😩


OH FUCK I knew I had something on my todo list that I'd forgotten about, shit


We already had the most expensive passports in the world by a huge margin. Absolutely ridiculous.


Phew! Dodged that bullet! Got mine ordered in early June and delivered last week!


Congrats mate, you saved yourself milk, bread and a few onions at Coles


FFS and I'm trying to renew my passport


Psychologist has increased their prices. Right in time for my 10 sessions to run out


Mine just increased to $420 for a 50 minute session. She’s worth every cent but damn it’s expensive to not be suicidal.


That is eye-watering.


It’s honestly the only price increase i can justify. She’s amazing, is continually studying and not all mental healthcare workers are good. I get some back for the first 10 sessions but i still have to have the $420 to pay in the first place. She stopped taking on patients last year because she was overworked. That says alot about the state of mental health in Australia.


I’m glad you were able to find a good one and I’m sorry that the government doesn’t view mental health important enough to subsidise and help with the costs. Same boat as you.


❤️ She’s honestly life saving for me. I was starting to lose hope because i spent years trying to find good help and saw some shocking doctors who gave me terrible advice. Good ones are out there, just got to keep trying until you find someone you click with and can help you. I’m human again after years of feeling numb so it’s priceless to me.


Fair enough. Best of luck to you.


What the fuck. Is that a quarterly appointment or what


Used to be fortnightly, now monthly. It’s a pretty standard price for Sydney sadly. Most charge about $320- $385 and they still have a long waitlist and certain criteria for the patients they accept.


I'm really glad you can afford it (I assume) and can get what you need. ACC pays for mine over here in NZ thankfully but it's much less than that I'm sure. Our are all also booked up, especially the acc ones in my experience


Yeah i definitely have to save and go without but i can pull the money together. I watched a segment on how much it costs to study psychology in Australia and how many years it takes 😳… makes total sense to charge what they charge. It sucks that the government doesn’t help with the cost more though. It’s a service needed badly right now.


Just got an email about my dogs food going up, from $98 to $115. I understand why they are increasing and the email explained it all perfectly, and i am going to continue getting it, but god damn, an extra $17 right now wasn't the best news.


Is your dog an elephant? 98$?


18kg bag of dry food is about that, some even more.


It’s $55 for 3kgs of cat food. Reasonable quality mind you, but goddamn if that’s not a huge gap.


My average to large size border collie eats 2 cups of a dry food a day plus some snack treats. This is a near 30kg dog though. My cavoodle at about 7kg half a cup a day haha.


Haha, nah, hes a small dog, its $98 for 8kg of single protein kangaroo dog food that is good for dogs with high allergy. It is expensive, but it is very good quality food and its Australian made and sourced, which is important to me.


The Scratch food, right? It's about the only thing my dog's butt doesn't blast out like a bazooka...


Yea, its the kangaroo single protein and good for dogs with high allergy. I use to buy black hawk biscuits, but after they sold to an American company, i stopped using them and found an Australian producer, which was scratch.


I got a ~3% raise, but because of the way the government calculates inflation, it's actually a pay cut.


I got nothing, for the second year in a row.


Train fare to and from work. 35c increase each way.


But think of all the extra viruses you pick up from the overcrowding!


My opal fare was up 5% today after another 5% increase in October. NSW government loves inflation!


Multiple refrigerants went up in price, have to charge more to repair the fridges now.


They could have just put them on ice for a while


There’s no cooling off period either


The deal, was not sealed.


Don’t worry everyone - the only thing that hasn’t gone up are… *wages*.


Exactly this. When asked in a public meeting if our wages would go up with everything else, we were told No. We were also told that no company was even putting up staff wages to meet the inflation rise as the business would go broke. A billion dollar company, yeah Na.


I got my quarterly pay increase that started today.. Best thing I've ever negotiated in a work contract. Even 2-3% a quarter is beneficial.


Daycare fees. Thanks Goodstart!


Same. We started we got daily reports and weekly newsletters and they advertised a "nature program" now we get weekly reports with no mention of my child by name, monthly newsletters and no word on the nature program. Fees are now $160 a day but the one across the highway is $135. Git farked.


And the childcare workers are still getting paid fuck all. 1.5 kids at $160 a day covers their daily wage and the rest goes straight to goodstart


As an educator, I totally agree that our pay is shit. BUT. We are a workforce in crisis so having to employ casuals or agency staff which skyrockets wage budgets. Plus we have to meet certain ratios including staff to cover lunch breaks and off the floor time etc so that adds another wage for each room. 5 room centre, that’s generally 4-5 more educators needed. Then there’s food costs which are increasing for centres that supply food (imagine feeding 100 children 3 meals a day), electricity increasing, etc. everything that is going up at home are generally things we use a lot of too. That’s not even going near insurance, licencing costs, resources etc etc. yes there are still private centres making a gross profit but there are still massive overheads as well.


Yep, we get updates of the rooms activities on days that my kids aren’t in, then a mass upload of photos where 1/60 has my kid in, featuring the back of half of their head.


$182 per day in fu**king Penrith… The centre is horrendous and we receive barely any updates and it’s all still paper based. The staff don’t even engage to tell me how my kids day went. If he wasn’t going to school next year, we would be switching but they suck you in with their little friendships forming.


I'm in regional Tasmania 😑 my mantra is "my daughter is happy... they have a nice outdoor area, its geographically convenient" between googling "but how much can I get on centrelink"


$169 a day 😳😳😳


They're not off on a goodstart one could say


As an ex cafe worker, the concept of staff paying for their coffees is baffling. Baristas used us for tasting when they were dialing in their settings, and anytime we wanted a top up one magically appeared 


I may have been drinking 4 - 8 coffees per day when I was last working in a cafe. I certainly didn't pay for any


Might have misworded that, i work in an office and a near by cafe gives staff from my building discounted coffees.


Ah that is actually really awesome then (the office discounts, not the price rises). Yeah reading over it again I did kinda make an incorrect assumption.  Projecting my circumstances, oops 😬.


They don’t charge extra for soy, oat or skim milk either which is nice of them. Drives me insane having to add on $1 to make sure i don’t shit my lactose intolerant pants at other cafes.


Local cafe reduced all coffees to $3.50


Serious?? Mine is going up 50cents Small $5.5 Medium $6 Large $7 And then extra for soy almond ect 60cents I’ve advised the boss it ain’t going to sit well when the cafe upstairs is almost $2-$3 cheaper


No doubt plenty of places are putting prices up, and I’ve seen the majority go up in line with those prices you’ve listed. I suspect many places are putting prices up partly because they’re not selling enough, further exacerbating the issue… The cheaper coffee got me in the door daily, and they don’t even charge more for alt milks! The business does a good trade - their main offering is actually Japanese curry. They trade from 7am - 10pm, cafe in the morning with Japanese style pastries + excellent coffee and curry from lunch till late. Hard workers! 


Sounds smart. As mentioned previously, I know a lot of the customers brought coffee machine last year after tax returns came through, or for Christmas. I foresee a lot of people purchasing a machine and making their coffees from home. I can’t justify dropping $7.5 a day for my soy latte And I love my coffee , rather splurge on a $15 toasted focaccia every now and again though instead.


My power bill is going up 20%, great :,)


Sleep under the stars! It’s warmer outside than in my house this winter 🤪


My access charge went up 70% and my solar tariff went down 30%. I promptly ditched them (Dodo)


I paid $94 for a computer hard drive on Saturday. I picked it up today from the store and noticed they have reduced the price to $92. Oh well.


Just wondering, what brand and capacity? I bought a Western Digital Blue 4TB for like $120 from scorptec a couple of years ago. Honestly thought it would be much higher. It’s gone up to $140 nowz


My age increased it’s my birthday


Happy 🎂!


Happy birthday.


Happy birthday!


I got an email today saying my rent is going up ~$600/month. So that I guess.


That's fucked. 


I got the the exact same, up to $600. Gone up more than 50% in two years.


Opal fare changes -\_-


Transperth ticket prices went up too


Daily daycare fee is increasing by 11% as of today 😭


My Opal fee for taking my daily trains has gone up to a bit over $6. This won't have an effect in the long run because of the weekly cap.


Small cap now $4.90! Not worth it


Even with pricey beans and oat milk, I can make one at home for about $2. If you can stop yourself getting too far into the gear, an entry level espresso machine like a Breville Barista Express can easily pay for itself within 6-12 months.


We got a DeLonghi in October. If we’d had to pay full price for every coffee I’ve made since getting it, I would have spent enough to buy almost five machines(including milk and bean costs). Though our coffee consumption has gone up significantly since buying the machine. I certainly wouldn’t be buying a cafe coffee twice a day, every day.


Swimming fees for my 2 kids. Increased a couple of $ per kid and the multi-kid discount applies to 3+ kids instead of 2+, thus adding an additional increase to swim fees.


My kids swimming lessons also went up by 20 dollars a semester which is 20% increase


Everything /endthread




Hahaha, good joke


Dog daycare upped prices, local bakery with awesome stuff too :(


My dog used to go to daycare once a week - it was so great, he got home and would be so tired and happy. $65 a day now. No, thanks.


Same! My dog loved it, but with the price hikes that was the first thing to go.


If I could afford to do so, I'd be inclined to move to a country with a cheaper cost of living generally, even if I have to live a bit more simply. I'm seriously being crucified by inflation here.


Lots of room in nz with all our workers moving over to you guys lol


It's now $2.85 to send a birthday card to NZ


As far as I can tell it seems my pay will be going up by ~$20 a week like yay I’ll be able to afford 1 more Big Mac meal a week. Thanks government all my problems are solved


Yarra Valley Water just put up my ‘smooth pay’ bill by 15% even though my account is in credit and I’m using less water than 12 months ago.




Bupa Dental fees went up


Fuck me. The premium for the health insurance has gone up too, but the rebates are likely unchanged 😮‍💨


Rebates haven’t changed since 2012 or something


And they won’t even cover a check up and clean at a dentist of your own choice. I’m dreading taking the kids in tomorrow (they’re also not covered.)


I haven’t left my house fucking flu


Qld CTP went up. Not a lot but rego was frozen ready for the August reduction. It's easy to forget in qld rego and CTP are separate as you pay them together on the one bill. Kinda like service charge and kw/h on power bills, one bill but separate charges etc.


Who the f*** is actually getting a pay increase from all these price increases, that isn't a CEO or Executive?


$3 for a babycino. They made sense when they were only a $1.50 to keep a small child happy. Now what do we do? What do we do?????


$1.50!? Made sense when they were an extra $0.20 to cover the hassle of washing and cups. $3 for milk froth is highway robbery.


This is nuts! I'm in my late twenties now--when I was a kid in the middle of primary school I used to get those babycinos for fun and they were 50c at Gloria Jeans. ✊🏼


When I was a kid babycinos didn't cost me anything 😬


Tolls on the gateway bridge were raised OVERNIGHT


How do you still have tolls, and how do they go up over time? Insanity. Glad we don't do that shit in WA.


Loaf of bread at the local bakery is now 4.20 instead of 3.90 :c


Blaze it! 


aus post postage!!


Cost of sending a small package (Australia Post) up from $10.60 to $10.90.


Daycare increased their daily rates by $7 a day. On the 1st of June. Yep. Got a whole month of excessive amounts of money before the new Child Care Subsidy came in to play today.


My rent’s going up by $90 a week 😕


I paid $25 for a 6 pack of cheese n bacon rolls. 10 large biscuits and a large dare ice coffee from a bakery... I ain't going back there!


I started buying the pull aparts as opposed to the cheese and bacin rolls, way more cost effective


Weetbix $6 instead of $5. Scary times, friends...


Try the aldi version. Can't tell much of a difference 


I work at Aldi, it’s made by sanitarium, exact same product in different packaging


My favourite coffee shop increased their coffee by 50c and their bagels by $1 :(


Cafeteria at work put their prices up They've had a sign up warning us about it for weeks now.


Transperth prices have increased today


Literally got an email today saying my mortgage is increasing. I’ll nip it in the bud with a call to my broker, but still… July 1st


Which bank?


Comm Hey… I see what you did there


Public transport fares. It's like 13c extra each way (concession)


Woolies mudcake from $5.75 to $6.40


The out of pocket. at the local radiology service is $5 more . Still it's only $20 , as opposed to i-med radiology that charged me an $150 out of pocket fee last year


I haven't been outside to buy anything so ... no clue! But apparently the water bills are going up, so are government fines in Vic.


Nicorette quickmist 3 pack went from 65 to 100 a pack.


Aldi chips shrinkflated 12.5%


Daycare fees. Went up more than my tax cut


Got an email a couple weeks ago saying my electricity price will be going up by around $550 a year starting July 1. Yay.


I got a $3 per day price decrease on my NBN 1000/400 plan?


Aussie BB is putting mine up another $5/mth. They only just did that last November.


Depends what plan you're on - NBN changed their pricing structure. Significant discount on higher ones (it's $90 a month less) but a small increase on others.


Mine only went up by $5/month, but I’m crabby about it.


We own a rural property and we got notice that our Crown Roads rental is going up over 300% over the next 2 years. Thanks NSW State Government.


Almost all my NDIS supports increased their prices by at least $10


Childcare. An extra $80 a week which I have no idea how to add it into our already tight budget.


I had to get my personalised plates remade due to them being destroyed in an accident. Ordered them on Friday - $335. Price today, $349. They were already advertising the new price on Friday so I was glad when old price went through on the payment.


Daycare fees went up $6 per day


Car rego has gone up, got my renewal notice in the mail


Daycare fees


My cafe had a 30c increase for its coffee.. it's now $5.10 for a large :/


$2 extra (after private health rebate) to see my Physio today.


Australia Post prices went up 😩


One dry old corn cob was $3.40, now $4 at the closest (only) supermarket within 35 mins of me.


Daycare went up 10 bucks a fucking day.


Is it me or am I now only noticing a loaf of bread is $4.40?


Child care fees have gone up now, and I noticed a sign at the doctors saying their fees are going up as well. 🙃