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And now just watch theme vote against it in the next election, crying about liars and broken promises when Dutton and co will never increase corporate taxes or pull any of the other levers that would actually help.


The number of working class people who don't understand tax brackets in Australia is shocking. They'll vote against their own interests because they'll be told they're worse off.


I saw a post where someone said "Just have to make sure you don't earn over 135K" - people don't seem to understand we're ALL still going to get a tax break!


Lmao of course you’re an antipodean 


Do you always creep around on people's profiles because you're upset?


Only an Aussie would be dumb enough to still believe the Uyghur genocide narrative in 2024 


Speaking of fables, tell me about the fable of Tiananmen square? Better yet, post it on your Weibo where you can spread the truth in peace with no repercussions in society. Bye bye, drone.


Mate what fable? Western liberalism died a horrible stillbirth that day in 1989 - and western countries almost 34 years later still cry crocodile tears like Bob Hawke did - whilst the rest of the next generations moved on


Well that’s awkward 😬


Not really. Gives Labor a good line “we govern for all, not just who voted for us”.


Working class that votes conservative? Might as well wake up and punch yourself in the face every day.


Yes because labor really love the working class. Like when albanese stopped by a a billionaires bbq over flying to visit working class people who had suffered from a flood.


You don’t reckon there’s any good reason a working class person might vote for the coalition? Does the reverse apply and anyone with a little money would be mad to vote Labor?


It may seem that way in short term thinking but ever increasing polarisation of wealth is not good for the economy. If LNP were the better economic managers they pretend to be then perhaps an argument could be made for working class to vote for them, but that is demonstrably untrue over many metrics.


You’ll get no argument from me on the need to address wealth inequality. Not sure Labor is doing tons on that front either but that’s a separate question


A rich person voting progressive is just putting self interest aside and voting for the greater good. Working class conservative voters are voting against their own interests but also making things worse collectively.


I am progressive myself but this comment just reeks of living in a bubble. Many, many progressives have internalised the idea that the only way anyone could vote conservative is if they are either evil or stupid. No one so many people find progressives distasteful.


Why do you think someone would vote not just against their own interests but against the interests of Australia and humanity as a whole? Give me an answer that can’t be explained as ignorance/stupidity or selfishness.


Simply put many people have different values.


That’s a cop out without elaboration.


I’m not sure about this. Seems very economically focused, but people may vote on other issues like philosophical beliefs about the role of government in our lives etc.


Biggest load of crap I've read in some time. Thanks for the laughs.


You’re welcome


Reminds me of the stick in the bike wheel meme


But they aren't working class, they're aspirational. Howard was an evil genius.


Always reminds me of this [Futurama](https://i.redd.it/3ak3orf182s21.jpg).


Yes, the LNP goal is to make sure they are forever aspirational. I always love to listen to friends that are 100% reliant on social welfare talk about how the LNP is good for them. I also like talking to the highly ambitious people who do nothing to put their plans into action. /s


They need the intelligentsia of Reddit to show them the error of their ways. The Ordained Ones; those that will bring the awful, filthy unwashed into the light.


Class consciousness in this country died a long time ago


They’re scared the woke-left is going to turn their kids trans.


There will be a lot of temporarily embarrassed millionaires that are very angry about labor giving them a take break but stiffing the rich in the process, cos you know they will need that when they become rich…


Load of shit. Most of us earn well below minimum. A couple of hundred dollars is less than 4 months rent increase. So yay. Much money.


And do you think this will get the to support the dude suppressing their wages with record immigration? 😂😂


Biggest winners. 15 to 20 dollars a week. Don't spend it all at once


Anyone who is pro albo keeping the 37% tax rate, please explain why this will benefit you?? What is so wrong with people earning money and wanting to enjoy the benefits? How does giving more money to a bloated government benefit anyone??


Not for long. He's already denying scrapping negative gearing this morning which means he will. I preempted this so my poor long term tenant didn't get a lease renewal. Now I have to raise the rent to a point where she won't be able to stay. Ng keeps rents low. If there's no Ng, I may as well be positively geared right? That'll mean a huge increase. Might have been funny to see high income people screwed, but your little tax cut is about to be eaten by hefty rent rises. You thought the last few years were rough. Just wait. And please don't blame me. Of course I'll look after my own interests. Speak to the chief liar. Free money isn't free.


Wow. The Sky News mindset in action here folks. Your must have taken a class in creative writing like their “journalists” too.


Soooo Albo didn't lie? I must have been watching something else. Hundreds of times. I guess you're one of those whose failures aren't your fault. It's Rupert's, right? Poor victim.


Cool story bro. For a member of our gentrified landlord class you seem to be rather stupid.


NG does not keep rent low. The market, supply and demand, decides what the rent is.


Yes it does. That's why most people invest. We need to make a loss for tax purposes. Now he's going to cancel this so a loss no longer makes sense. May as well throw it into income.


If tax rates are higher then the tax benefits of NG are better.


He's scrapping Ng. He's denying it which means he will. I knew it was next. That's why my IP is now month to month. He's not trapping me.


What evidence do you have of that happening?


The voices inside their head!


He's denying it. There are no plans to change it. That means it's changing. I preempted this earlier before it was even denied by him and Jim today. It's not my fault he lied to our faces and I now have to prepare.


You think you would have less money if your investments were positively geared?


No. I'd be making up the tax deductions that Labor are taking away via the tenants pocket.


So don’t BS about negative gearing lowering rents.


I've explained why rents will now rise. If I have a loss, I can claim it to lower income and get a slightly better tax return. That affects no one really. It's not like it's going to be handed out. But now if I can't claim a loss, I won't want to have a loss, so I will increase the rent so it's positively geared and I lose nothing. There's always ways to get around it. But it's at the expense of tenants. It's truly not my fault. The system was working great. Email Albo your complaint. He's forcing this. He knows exactly what he's doing.


Why wouldn’t you increase the rent now to as much as you can?


Because it was a tax deduction tool. How can no one understand this. Oh and go look on the shit rentals site. Guy waiting at home expecting dishwasher install after ages. Cancelled. Be careful what you wish for. Why would we supply a new dishwasher if it's not a deductible? See what's coming. It may not make sense to someone who doesn't Ng. It does to me. Renters lives will become a nightmare. But as I said, send your thanks to Albo.


If you make $10,000 loss on your rental that reduces your taxable income by $10,000. You get that doesn’t mean you get a full $10,000 off your tax? You would have more money if it was positively geared.


>Yes it does. So your logic is that without negative gearing rents would have gone up even more than they have?


Absolutely. I would have renewed the tenants lease with an average rise. Instead I went month to month with a substantial rise. If you don't own an IP, you simply won't understand. I was able to claim losses. Soon I can't. So I will ensure I have no losses. Get it?


I'm half convinced you're being a troll, but let's presume you're a real person. Is this an investment property? If so, changes to NG will hopefully pressure you to sell, make room for someone else to buy their first home to LIVE in. Hey while you're at it, put that investment into something useful like renewable energy! Or whatever investment isn't damaging the social fabric of Australia. Because when you jack up rents to be unaffordable, nobody will be able to afford them, so you'll be left with an empty house. Housing as an investment has fucked this country and its scamlords like you that deserve to take the brunt of the policy changes needed to fix the problem.


I wasn't a scumlord which is why I kept rents reasonable. I did that because it was mutually beneficial to me and the tenants. Now that I can't claim the losses for keeping rent low, why would I do it? I'm not St Vincent de Paul. I'll turn them into positive income, not sell. Why would I? Don't be mad at me. Most landlords did this like last time they tried this. Blame the liars.


You've raised rent to pre-empt a policy that has not been announced, fucking over the tenant you supposedly treat well. Sounds like a paranoid scumlord to me!


Well your mates bond was his word. That bond is now broken. He and the treasurer are all over television with the same words. No plans to touch negative gearing. We all know how well that worked out last time. As stated, you're blaming the wrong person. Anyone with a brain makes preemptive moves to protect their investment. No one screams about other tax deductions, just Ng. Well, enjoy the flow on effect of something that didn't impact your life before. It's going to now if you rent.


So nice of you to keep money on the table because of negative gearing. I'm sure most landlords are like you and don't charge the maximum they can get away with.


Yeah nah. Market decides the rent, you can jack up the rent as much as you want if there’s nobody to take that offer it will remain empty. Given the zero vacancy around most places rents are already up and NG didn’t do shit to keep it low. Your argument lacks logic and commonsense. Just like Murdoch media.


Just wait. I've been investing for a long time. There's always tenants.


Oh pl-ease....move on people..i really dont see what all the fuss is over this one? On either side