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I've never understood "dog" or "dog act" as in insult, dogs are cool, people aren't.


It's one of those words that is somehow both insult and complement. "He's as loyal as a dog." "He's a cheating dog."


“Lower than a dog’s bum hole”


Higher than a giraffe's.


Lower than a snakes arsehole. FTFY


He's an ankle. 3 feet lower than a c#$t


Hahahahaha well I just found my new favourite insult, thankyou!


Cunt. You can say cunt.


Lol I've been booted from too many subs for taking that risk.


“ I would call you a Kent, but you lack warmth and depth”


In reference to Dachshunds?


Sit! Good boy Sit!


You forgot the best one “oi ya fukin dirty mutt!”


Loyal as a dog isn’t really a compliment


Because dogs are both loyal companions and pathetic sycophants. It's great to have a dog, but would you want to be someone's dog?


If it's our dog? Then yes... she's got the life lol


Daily trips to paddocks to snooze in lush pastures, doted on the equivelent of a baby, so many massages a masseuse would blush, buried under a special tree that still brings her dad to tears how much he loved giving her walks and placing schmaoos under her nose in the morning to wake her up from her sleep...


Scab is the more usual term


I think it comes from prisons, and snitches. So in this context, selling people out, makes a lot of sense. But yeah, not fair to the animals. Much like calling police pigs is. Or saying that all cats are bastards.


All cats are bustards though


Not surprised there’s overlap between CFMEU members and prisons.




Pencil pushers get nasty when any sort of news about tradesman hits the news. Could be because they earn 3 times their wage and never stepped foot inside a uni.


Yeah they would use the same wording for class traitors or boot lickers that prisoners use on snitches hey


I think it’s from how you instantly gain a dog’s loyalty with food.


You have all of the characteristics of a dog, except loyalty.


What behaviour we find good in animals are not necessarily good in people...


It’s supposed to mean being loyal to your master, I agree with you. Gives good boys and girls a bad name


An old insult referring to stray dogs being scavengers as the context.


Dogs are owned and live to suck up their masters asses.


"lap dog"


I always thought it's because most dogs that bite do it from behind, hence a dog act.


CFMEU just doing CFMEU things


How many people here though defending them? The CFMEU are everything that’s wrong with the union movement and nothing right about it. Every other unions job is harder due to the actions of the cfmeu.


I don't disagree lol CFMEU are the single worst union in this country, and need to go the same way as the painters and dockers


Wait till the twu get rolling. Conditions in transport are fucked atm and if they get going and drive membership up they’ll hold the country to ransom


The CFMEU are in no small part to blame for some of the massive inflation of construction costs which is a big reason why new housing being produced at the moment is in no way anywhere near approaching affordable. The new deal they just inked with the state govt has wages, conditions and perks so generous that they have basically guaranteed that govt projects will siphon all the tradies away from housing projects in the middle of a housing crisis while creating a bidding war for tradies. https://theemergentcity.substack.com/p/we-dont-need-more-housing-targets


Siphon whatever is left… most have already gone to infrastructure and cladding replacement in vic. Hoping for a change in gov as the current lot can’t detach themselves from the projects they have allowed to blow out.


Fighting for great wages, agitators like this give unions a bad name and should be actually dealt with


Just like the bosses want. The workers fighting against each other rather being together against the bosses.


It's almost as if this is what a union is


Yep spot on, pretty much sums up the world atm to


For the most part Boss's want workers to turn up, do the job and go home without getting into a fist fight.


For the least amount of pay possible


And workers want the most amount of pay possible (or at least they should), hence contract negotiations.


And contract negotiations are more equal when the workers are united, rather than negotiating individually.


Very True but some people are miserable they want all the benefits of the Union without contributing to the collective which I could never understand why because you get it all back at tax time.


The CFMEU are in no small part to blame for some of the massive inflation of construction costs which is a big reason why new housing being produced at the moment is in no way anywhere near approaching affordable. The new deal they just inked with the state govt has wages, conditions and perks so generous that they have basically guaranteed that govt projects will siphon all the tradies away from housing projects in the middle of a housing crisis while creating a bidding war for tradies. https://theemergentcity.substack.com/p/we-dont-need-more-housing-targets


Yeah, if we totally ignore the record profits developers have been making. The biggest crocks in development are the developers.


You're delusional. What I see is the record number of construction company failures and bankruptcies.


Nah, I'd say the CFMEU can have that title


Good ol whataboutism. Everyone knows that the cfmeu are a bunch of crooks run by goons


Yes because John Sekta wouldn’t want violence? He’s such a nice guy?


Agreed. I think his ex would agree too


This is what they want > Among the union’s demands are a $2000 per week pay rise for some workers, an extra 20 rostered days off each year, and a heat policy that would shut down operations on especially hot days. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me? Get back to work you fat lazy cunts.


Entry level trades to potentially get 240k p/y. Bonkers.


All paid by the tax payer. And we wonder why inflation is out of control.


Scabs are working for the bosses though.


Translation: non union members who benefit from paying union member efforts are helping the bosses decrease working conditions, safety and remuneration for small, short term personal gain. At the cost of long term conditions, and in this economy, current conditions. -> enter corporate downvote bots.


Is this like how non-taxpayers who benefit from taxpayers are decreasing living standards and wealth? Or does the self-proclaimed ideology of the worker only attack people who work these days?


Unionists talk about workplace issues “why don’t you talk about non-workers!” Unionists talk about non-workplace issues “why don’t you stick to workers!”


Spot on. You wont get a straight answer to that either, just mental gymnastics.


> Is this like how non-taxpayers who benefit from taxpayers are decreasing living standards and wealth? The biggest non taxpayers in Australia are corporations. Every single person pays more tax than corporations, be it income tax or via GST.


No, fuck scabs.


Kenty, is that you?




Nurses need a better union? They should have more leverage than the cfmeu. If medical staff walk off the job people die.


Except thanks to IR laws, they can’t just walk off the job.


So they quit instead because they are not being paid properly and the workers left behind are overworked because not enough properly paid workers to spread the load, and bosses/government pretend that there is a shortage of workers despite record high migration rates. Their unions are utterly useless, who keep simping to the Labor party every election despite not delivering any outcomes for them and were supposedly "essential" during COVID.


>So they quit great idea. now they need to spend years and money training up in another field to get the same pay they used to, or accept a lower paying job. "just quit lmao" has always been the dumbest answer to employee/worker conflicts. >Their unions are utterly useless thats a product of our labor laws. the WA nurses and midwives union voted to strike (in the window between an enterprise agreement expiring and a new EA being signed, which is the only legal time for any union to strike) and were asking for .5-2% above what they were being offered, and they were fined hundreds of thousands of dollars for it. the CFMEU are one of the only effective unions left because our laws have emasculated every union that is unwilling to skirt or break the law like they are.


Sorry mate, I think you misread. I didn't say "Just Quit", I said "So they quit". Very different. As in past tense, that is what's actually happening, not me making any advocacy for them to do that or not. But yes, I support the workers right to quit, that's their choice, we are not serfs. And I agree, Unions need to be more willing to lets say *challenge* any laws which are unjust and impede their ability to legitimately advocate for their workers.


ah my bad, i read you wrong


You are right you do need a better leadership group, one that doesn’t bat both ways one that isn’t taking money for themselves and one that fights for the members.. If you want a better pay deal and that means walking off the job then so be it, show the grubs at Parliament House that you guys and girls are not replaceable.. demand what you are worth..


The nursing union are just government shills. Fuck them.


Yeah this. Dont get shitty at the CFMEU for actually getting a good deal for their workers, get shitty at other unions for NOT. Or better yet, get shitty at the government(s) for allowing a race to the bottom on wages.


When this union prices itself out of an industry (which they are currently doing) are they going to come over all shocked pikachu face? You can’t demand wages this high for this little work with this many restrictions on the employer without something breaking. Commercial building will die in this country because of greedy jet ski enthusiasts like this. Companies are just going to reach the point where they don’t operate or successfully lobby to have their entire workforce imported for the duration of the build. Either way. The CFMEU is destroying their own viability in the industry day by day. The main reason CFMEU ‘gets shit done’ is they are corrupt thugs. When they stop work it just means shit won’t get built for a while longer than the already bloated schedule that has spent months being blown out already. Nurses and teachers have a toothless union because they are essential and cannot, by law, take the same industrial stoppages afforded to CFMEU.


How are they going to be priced out? Stuff still needs to be built, Victoria with the highest union construction wages is going through a commercial building boom. Workers get paid more, subbies charge more to the builder, the builder charges more to the developer. Developers won’t stop developing.


They won’t stop developing but they sure as shit will have enough of paying gold for bronze and find a way to import an entire workforce. Trust, they will find a sympathetic political pocket and get legislation turned to allow the gutting of the local industry. Also, when entire families are sleeping in cars because affordability is fucked, I’m not sure I’d be spruiking the joys of cost passing. Cold blooded.


They have found a way. It's to run bullshit articles claiming an apprentice chippy is on 120k/y and tradesmen on 250k/y so people like yourself start blaming them for the housing crisis. Can you point me to a country with our current rate of growth that has a building industry capable of keeping up?


Build quality is terrible in Australia. If unions want to be paid good money they should start doing good work.


Yeah but who's actually paying?


Don't forget the kick backs for the union bosses


So you think there might be inflation if Health workers were paid their worth (especially if that’s more than these CFMEU workers?) Reckon the CFMEU wouldn’t demand more again?


Nobody is willing to let people die just to increase their pay


Unfortunately they can’t leave their jobs unlike others because of people moralising what they do for a living as leverage against them doing anything to protest their pay.


This, they complain about the cfmeu, the. Also complain other unions aren’t good enough. It’s not the cfmeu fault that nurses are willing to the action needed to give themselves far better wages. I’m sure nurses are also fine with the government importing their replacements, which they then have to train.


The CFMEU is currently taking protected industrial action. It is very difficult for nurses, teachers and ambos to take any sort of protected industrial action. As the QTU has just demonstrated, they can’t even tell their members to only work to the terms of their EBA.


Also, the consequences of taking protected/unprotected action for nurses, teachers, and ambos, could be severe. It could lead to injury or death, and lawsuits. If tradies take industrial action, it just costs money and time.


The CFMEU is a pipeline to one of our major political parties so that doesn’t help the situation. They are essentially a mafia at this point. Construction in this country is insanely expensive. We can’t have decent infrastructure with unions holding some companies to ransom for 25% pay increases over 3 years.


Exactly this. So many times I was an engineer and was making 1/3 of my subordinates. While they finished work and didn’t have to worry about anything, I had the responsibility that my unit had to deliver results. I was the guy with a bigger risk who got the call at 12am from my shift guys to solve problems. It was disheartening to not to get paid as much as them even though I had a higher responsibility. Unions can bully and do bully, and you realize their lingo is not much different from organized crime units. Thats why they call non cooperating people ‘dogs’.


Well it depends on your perspective. It certainly de-values the point of pursuing other professions.


100%. Compare the training, qualifications, investment, responsibility, liability, registration requirements and risk of burnout injury ending an entire career before recouping the years and money invested just to qualify for a health worker vs an entry level construction site worker then tell me fair pay for both. 


Maybe the other unions need to pull their finger out? Also, these wages they mention are the cream of the crop. Eg a 600 tonne crane driver working 7 days a week 12 hour night shift or something stupid like that.


There isn't unlimited money. If everything else increases, then so will inflation and naturally construction workers pay will need to inflate aswell.


Building not being able to be outsourced or imported makes it perfect for union militancy.


Yeah we can import engineers, but we cannot import electricians. What a joke.


We can "import" electricians but they need to have received equivalent to Australian training and pass a test to prove they're competent. Much like a foreign engineer need to have an equivalent degree.


How did we get asian plasterers, Afghani tilers, kiwi scaffolders and Irish/uk chippies?


They come here as other professions like age care or whatever and switch to a more lucrative one.


A kiwi male nurse with neck Tatts weighing 145kg, who then swaps to be a scaffolder 😂


Walks into the ward with a JBL speaker to.


drinking a Dare ice coffee and eating a meat pie


True those Irish accountants love building walls.


Nope, new Qld deal is labourers with no formal qualifications will be getting $57 an hour +++++++ all the perks.wet pay, overtime, travel allowance. etc. Nurses get around $42 an hour in Queensland.


Nurses/Ambos/Teachers etc are all quitting those professions en masse because the pay is dog shit for the job they have to do. Why do you assume it's that the construction workers are being overpaid instead of those other professions being underpaid?


CFMEU isn't raising wages for every building site. They only control EBA sites i.e. skyscrapers, big commercial and civil jobs. Entry level labourer on most sites is still only getting 60-70k, most trades getting about 80k. Wierd how newscorp leave that out isn't it?


I don't understand? The fact that cfmeu can improve conditions for their members does not mean that nurses, new doctors and engineers cannot do the same?


“Everyone should unionise, no! Not like that CMFEU.”


Don’t worry about what the CFMEU are getting, but ask why ambos/nurses/ doctors/ teachers aren’t getting paid more, and how they can be supported in their battles. Punching down on the CFMEU won’t get others a pay rise.


It's weird to say CFMEU is inflating entry level wages as if they have the power to set wages unilaterally


It's not true though is it. The article is purposely misrepresenting the situation to make you hate on the unions like always. If you follow the links in the article it states that entry level workers who work overtime (6 days a week or more) can earn over 120k. People earning 240k are doing so because they work 80-90 hour weeks or are high skill or hard fill positions.


Unionising and not Unionising are both parts of the free market. The struggle for unions is that when negotiating for a solution they either negotiate for all and just have to suck it up that 'free loaders' get a leg up as well, or they argue for cartelling of the work force like the US where both working Joes and Employers end up hating unions and the unions become much worse regarding organised crime and slush funds. If Union boys want to punch on with non union workers because they feel their voice is being devalued, they need to step back and have a good look as to why unions, especially the CFMEU are looked down on. Liberal party union which hunt of the CFMEU is more symptom than cause. Lots of ex union members are open about the tactics employed to secure contracts, not to mention how every contract awarded by a Labor state government will always be monopolised by the CFMEU. The budgets always go way over. Fair days pay for a fair day's work, but when you are RELIANT on the tax payer and not the free market to pay for your services.. You best bet people are going to get real shitty when they're getting taxed out the asshole for projects that are delayed and over budgeted, but you got your Raptor.. Most people don't have the same gripes with Nurse, Drs, Teachers or other emergency/ essential services unions.. Only seems to be trades and the Public Sector unions


"Unionising and not Unionising are both parts of the free market." This is SUCH an important point. Corporations make Billions from monopolizing markets. Employees, and frankly all labor workers would be fools not to consider the same technique. In both cases it's the *suppression of competition* that is morally wrong.


So people who just want to work cannot because CFMEU?


As is tradition....


You ever heard the phrase "cross the picket line" and the term "scabs" or "strikebreaker"? If you don't like it, go back to working 14 hour days, 7 days a week for peanuts in unsafe conditions


The unions have played an important role in where we are today. The unions of today have not played an important role of where we are today.


Probably pretty important for all the workers getting fair wages on safe sites, with advocates to defend them against corrupt builders and corporations


It’s not all or nothing, unions can be a good thing but militant unions can be a problem for all. Only the sith deal in absolutes.


It was militant unions that got the 8 hour work day, 5 days a week.


Modern day unions are scams. 240k for entry level is retarded.


It’s 120k entry level (about) and that’s because they are literally the only union that’s been able to keep their members wages at the cost of living. 


No, thankfully I get to negotiate my own terms.


Old school Unions that are not part of political parties are awesome. Collective bargaining is great. The major unions in this country are just part of the Labor party and heavily politically connected. They mostly fight to take more taxpayers money and funnel it to their members. It's just an extortion racket to steal from taxpayers.


"take more taxpayers money and funnel it to their ~~members~~ leadership" FTFY


Ture. But the money goes to the workers too. This protest is specifically asking for more money, more days off, and to stop work when it's hot.


I’ve only had one dealing with union personnel in my career and have never found such a coward, spineless, oxygen thieving piece of filth in my life. ”Pay site access fees or your wife gets raped”.


Better animals exist than these 'people'. If Australians knew just how atrociously unions have behaved throughout Australian history they would view these organisations very differently. From actively sabotaging and spoiling Australia's war efforts in both World Wars to turning Broken Hill into a lawless kleptocracy in the 1950's and 60's, unions of all colours and hues have consistently shown themselves to be utterly base and selfish. Ideally they should be proscribed and where possible their members deported.


I find it funny this week it is all on about male violence. Then this. Will Albanese and Steven Miles now denounce the CFMEU and say they will not accept the millions in money and aid they give the labor party?


To add in my experience with the construction industry (one of the biggest SA outfits), when my wife was assaulted at a work event and her colleague also assaulted (by her male partner), the senior managers (one step down from the CEO, OP and GM amongst others) decided it was a good joke on the male abuser (upon returning to the workplace following Monday), calling him a wife basher. Oddly enough they didn't feel the need to do anything formally, big funny joke that we should all laugh at, we'll just laugh that you're a wife basher, nothing to see here. No wonder we're in the position we are with DV when attitudes like this in the workplace are normal and accepted. Add the violence in this article and it's easy to see why nothing will change anytime soon, especially when mobs like the CFMEU have so much political power, thus resulting in no political will to drive any meaningful change.


But nooo unions are saints looking out for the working class man. They totally aren't political thugs.


Just wanna point out; there was a post in this sub about “how am I supposed to ‘step up’ to stop DV?”. Many in the comments seemed to misunderstand what this means. It means calling coworkers/mates out when bullshit like this happens. As in, if someone assaults someone, or says/does something clearly sexist/rapey/scum baggy, you don’t just ‘have a laugh’ about it, you call them out on it and don’t let it slide. Im sure most Aussie males have at least been bystanders to dead shit behaviour before in the name of ‘taking the piss’ ‘havin a laugh’ or whatever. I know I have. To step up means to call it.


Nah they don’t want to “fall down the stairs”…


CFMEU are a bunch of thugs


So anyway, here’s another government construction project


CFMEU should realise that in this day and age being thugs only hurts their cause.


We have organised crime running the unions in the is country. Why is anybody surprised criminals are acting like criminals?


Unions have always been run by organised crime groups.




CFMEU are basically a lite version of the mob.


As a tradie please explain this, If the CFMEU’s demands are met, entry level tradies would bag an eye-watering annual salary of $240,000. Is that all trades? Specific trades? Because not all trades are paid equal so I find it hard to believe that every “entry level tradie” would be getting paid that.


They're upset because at the toolbox meeting they said they weren't allowed to kiss each other anymore


After they banned smacking each other on the bums. They took it too far.


Don’t have a dog in the fight (pun intended) but the CFMEU mob seem like helmets. Bully boy tactics.


Rather than dog act it should be union act


union shutdown some site in Sydneybecause my ex company didn’t join union. They said no one allowed to work until they join union. I don't think it is correct.


“Vision of ugly attack by extortionist thugs on innocent people going about their business”…..fixed it for you.


CFMEU can rot in hell


Unions have more thugs and ex-prisoners on the books than even the Hells Angels have


Safety number one priority on the Jobsite and brawl smashing skulls on the picket line...


Typical CFMEU union thuggery. That union has always been a poor cover for criminals and brainless dickheads.


Why do these people think they are more entitled than other trades? Why do they feel they deserve $240k a year? Fuckin softcocks


Ahh well these union muppets…$2k a week pay rise when they are already paid close to or over $200k a year. It’s mental


So much for "personal freedoms" Starting a fight because someone wont join their club. Wankers.


> Violence is the antithesis of core union values of solidarity, collectivism, cooperation, safety, respect, inclusion, and diversity.” Bull fucking shit. Across history this is the same story. Unions strike. Non union workers try to go to work. Unions strikers attack them. Unions in this country are just a political arm of Labor, and use their connections to legally strongarm money out of the taxpayers pockets and into their own. I'm yet to meet a union rep who's not a strong armed threatening thug.


Open up skilled migration for qualified construction workers and hit two birds in one stone: drive fair competition in tradies’ wages, and kick these CFMEU thugs in the nuts.


Or how about we stop bringing people in for a while and we won't need so many builders?


Union bosses just wanting a kick back


Entitled CFMEU scumbags wasting everyone’s time and money. Nothing new here.


“Among the union’s demands are a $2000 per week pay rise for some workers” lol what. Imagine bashing some one for going to work when they didn’t put down tools for entry level trade being salaried at $249k


It's not true though is it. The article is purposely misrepresenting the situation to make you hate on the unions like always. If you follow the links in the article it states that entry level workers who work overtime (at least 6 days a week) can earn over 120k. People earning 240k are doing so because they work 80-90 hour weeks.


Why not, the government protects them everyday as is


Thugs and meat heads, that's your union boys.


The CFMEU are in no small part to blame for some of the massive inflation of construction costs which is a big reason why new housing being produced at the moment is in no way anywhere near approaching affordable. The new deal they just inked with the state govt has wages, conditions and perks so generous that they have basically guaranteed that govt projects will siphon all the tradies away from housing projects in the middle of a housing crisis while creating a bidding war for tradies. https://theemergentcity.substack.com/p/we-dont-need-more-housing-targets


The same unions who accelerated the death of manufacturing in Australia, who encourage business to import labour and force costs up for consumers. Then if you actually need union representation for a work dispute they are nowhere to be seen Union dues are for dummies


Tired of this bullshit entry level tradies would earn 240000 with no mention of hours worked. Give you a clue it’s certainly not 36 hrs


For sure, I am on a union eba site as a labourer, and I started a few months ago. I am for sure not earning 240k lol my 36 hour week probably equates to around 100k pa with allowances not including overtime. It's still a good wage considering I earned the same as a head chef of a restaurant. And tbh now I'm doing the hard graft , I see why trades should be paid a good wage, it's hard fucking work, and it's does not last forever either, the body will give up on me eventually.


Doesn't make it any less obscene


True working 30 hours of over time a week is fine.


If they choose to do 60hrs, that's fine. But earning that much for entry level work isn't any less obscene


Exactly . Every muppet on here is outraged because the article is purposely misrepresenting the situation to make them hate on the unions like always. If you follow the links in the article it states that entry level workers who work overtime (6 days a week or more) can earn over 120k. People earning 240k are doing so because they work 80-90 hour weeks.


typical CFMEU, they are just a bunch of lawless thugs


Ahhh well if it isn't [News.com.au](http://News.com.au) the most trustworthy news source. ![gif](giphy|j57pVH8DnwJATyERfr|downsized)


C-Champs F-Fucking M-Making E-Everything U-Unnafordable


How come we can’t use Sportsbet to wager a lazy lobster on this outcome?


CFMEU are scum.


The day I realised that the CFMEU flags were the aboriginal flag and the Torres Strait islander flag, I realised that they were wholeheartedly up to no good.


CFMEU the union that believes a TA should be paid the same as a doctor and twice as much as a Teacher. GTFO


Sack them and throw them in jail and bring in boat loads of people that want to work.


How's an entry level tradie worth 240k p.a fuckin jesus


CPB are nothing but a face for the project. We all know under a labour government the CFMEU run the Show. It happened in Vic and will happen in Briso !! Good luck


This is why I think unions are stupid despite some of the good things they've done.


Unions are trash. Fine if you don't want to work due to the pay, that's your right. But don't prevent others from making that choice.


Union membership is dying. I can’t wait


Every worker should be in a union like the CFMEU . Then there would be no cost of living crisis as billionaires become trillionairs


"Every worker should be in a union like the CFMEU" No thanks, I've seen what union workers get paid.


This article is dogshit. What is this 240k entry level position? On site medical shit? The source isnt even named in the linked article and the original is paywalled. Such a lack of specific information and a massive bias framing the amount of money as too much. Shit like this is just designed to make people fight instead of dealing with the horrendous wage growth thats been going on for years.


And all the while the politicians are getting paid an exorbitant wage for doing sweet f$$k all most of the year.


The unions protected manufacturing workers in this country!! That we should be thankful for…..now we don’t have to make much stuff and those guys don’t have to go to work anymore


>Among the union’s demands are a $2000 per week pay rise How about we just stop all infrastructure projects right away.


I’ve only been to one union meeting when I was a teen and I thought it was some kind of cult


Can we just get Bangladeshi workers in to build our stuff? Like that country that had all those soccer games?


They really aren't doing much to help the "construction workers are meatheaded thugs" stereotype are they?


Newscorp have never written a positive article about unions. If it was up to newscorp we would be living under workchoices instead of industry awards. There would be no unions. So why are so many in these comments lapping this stuff up and turning on fellow workers just like newscorp and their LNP lapdogs want? Would you trust an article about the economy in a communist newsltter?


Fuck I hate unions


I hate em almost as much as I hate weekends and the 8 hour work day.


Great and all, but isn't it a bit worrying how far back into history you had to go for that example?


I hate them as much as all the useless and abusive coworkers I’ve had to work with because ‘Unions’ won’t allow them to be fired even though they refuse to do their jobs and abuse the fuck out of their coworkers.