• By -


But never women's issues in Gaza, I bet.


And even less lesbian women’s issues in Gaza


There's not enough high rises in Gaza to support handling gay issues there, give those poor oppressed Muslims a break mate.


Thats why I support Israel.


Diamond cut comment genuinely thank you.




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Waiting for a segment on that


Bullshit Climate propaganda occurs every 2.3 news reports 2.1 if you include double bangers about heat making gazans lives worse (of course it’s Jewish capitalism to blame ) Till foil hat Wearing freaks


Or Gazza's issues with Women - poor bloke.


Actually I think they gave a female death toll, kind of implying as if that was more significant than male deaths


Like how they talk about women and children as a portion of casualties?


Because men are expendable as always


No it was a female death toll and didn’t mention men at all, was so strange


They probably get the highest engagement on that platform. It'd be interesting to see how it compares to Facebook or articles promoted on their front page.


Why does the abc give a shit about engagement. They’re publicly funded and should be reporting on local issues that aren’t being reported by other outlets.


Because if they don't get engagement people get to argue "well no-one gives a shit about the ABC so let's pay it less".


Instead you get "this is what the ABC concentrates on so let's pay it less"


That's exactly what Sky News will say lol


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. 


Because that would mean that they actually have to take time out from being Activists and do what they are paid to do .


ABC should have been defunded years ago.


Engagment of the page helps all stories not just these ones. Women's issues are local issues, they had a huge impact on the last federal election.


I’m trying to engage with them on YouTube where do I comment ?


Not going to happen after it was ruled that media companies are publishers of third-party comments and are liable for anything written in them. On a risk/reward, it's not worth the risk. That's why they need to rely on other metrics to drive up engagement.


Maybe does ABC have an Ombudsman or we cant complain at all


come now comrade, the ABC is here to tell you the politically correct line. There is to be no deviation from the party approved line. Your comments whilst welcome are far too uneducated to be of worthy consideration.


Welcome to the Gulag Archipelago I guess.


Abc: "yes that's totally what we do. In reality they are just another propaganda outlet.


All media and publication = Propaganda /s


Where's the sarcasm? This is just the truth, though not to the extent that some people would believe. It's more propaganda of an individual's or organisation's opinions and biases.


Because social media managers have KPI's If we were paying these people with having set goals hell would freeze over in subs like this


And if these are different to the Murdoch press you’d be happy?


Because people who read the news, stay up to date with geopolitics (not domestic politics) and otherwise view it as living history will be so engaged in interest stories with one of the most specific target audiences ever. I know you posted 15 hours ago and I'm sorry for the notification, but please don't post that radical progressivism is popular because it's probably not


I have been waiting for someone to collate this data. Everytime I switch to RN on the radio it is almost guaranteed to be Aboriginal, LGBT or feminism, with Gaza sprinkled in this last year.


Honestly you probably only listen during commute times. RN has horrible news and current affairs coverage but the specialty programs are pretty good. Stuff I like listening to are this working life, stop everything, download this show, philosopher zone. Sure there's bits of wholeness sprinkled everywhere but also lots of real human stories. But yeah news on ABC shits me.


That's it, I love Late Night Live but there's far too much agenda inbetween.


LNL is what got me onto ABC decades ago. It's hilarious that people who only listen to news and current affairs think that's communist when Phil Adams is where the real comrades are at haha.


Triple J is the same. Aboriginal or woman's or Gaza issues. Never any combination of those 3 things


Yes, but never the real feminism. By that i mean gender-critical radical feminism. That's anathema to the TQ+.


Something fascinating I noticed when comparing the front pages of ABC.net and News.com.au for a journalism assignment was how the human interest stories were approached from two very specific and different angles. On ABC, the stories are much more likely to be "X person needs medication/therapy/support and isn't getting it from the government/their employer" - ie, the System is Failing in its responsibility to The Individual. The primary emotion elicited is sympathy for the individual with some contempt for the system mixed in. On News.com.au, the stories are much more likely to be about welfare cheats, false accusations, people leading double lives etc - ie, the Individual is Failing in their responsibility to The System. The primary emotion elicited is contempt for these individuals, while the system itself is only ever frames as "your taxes" Conclude from this what you will


That is very interesting, you might be interested in the concept of Locus of Control, sounds like ABC has a strong external locus of control


Feel for OP having to trawl through the ABC Instagram account.


Their choice though, nobody made them do it.




If I don't stand with my poor minority friendos then how will people know I'm a hecking ethical lefteroo??




Honestly I'd love a news source that just tells me whats happening with some measured opinion articles that aren't clickbait/ragebait. I'm sick of Murdoch media pushing their agendas, I'm sick of the ABC pushing their agendas, I'm sick of factual inaccuracies designed to increase clicks/engagement. Fuck the media.


Want another example of ABC bias? Do a Google news search for "NDIS" Today, a big story has broken about NDIS fraud. Note the difference in the ABC headline compared to all the others. The ABC headline mentions organised crime. None of the others do. The ABC headline is an attempt to manipulate the narrative to make the reader believe organised crime is responsible for the fraud. When really, it's just dodgy participants and providers. https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-motorola-rvo3&sca_esv=ca30eee42ebf7bd1&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIJBO4Tv1mmMgJXNDyLEZnpQdx49cw:1717483416874&q=ndis&tbm=nws&source=lnms&fbs=AEQNm0Aa4sjWe7Rqy32pFwRj0UkW0hGkZMqx8DI30etERk2J5ensD7-r8eGZ9a38uIDMyUfD3MFzVNf4OYJMQx56wgeBhE4F3ABz9fE8oIWqPw7SBarBgjJzcma_g9adh4aNrrLEht_K_dIdozWl52G20pys8nG7oCVdBPt9DEzDrXMDwdFV7mUxAGj1NdZRaulbeSG2Yj5U&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjkl-GnrMGGAxXOrVYBHZVGDvYQ0pQJegQIDxAB&biw=509&bih=979&dpr=2.13


I wager its based on ethnic organised crime, NDIS cant probe of fear of being racists


NDIS was a good idea at 1st but now its abused with fraud and not fit for purpose, time to reset it


I've often thought the ABC has become a social conditioning mechanism for government departments (not necessarily the elected government) Lately they've been going on and on bout how normal it is for people to forgo heating/cooling to save on energy usage (ie. how to not use your clothes dryer, how to not use your heater or air conditioner this year etc) Why the fuck does the ABC care about this - and why is it news? And why are they trying to make people think its normal and acceptable to freeze to death or wear wet clothes under the guise of climate change? Shouldn't they be instead looking into why electricity is so expensive, and the failures of multiple governments that have lead us to this point? No just shut up, accept it and turn your bloody heater off you proletariat scum


It’s Instagram lol what you expecting


It’s the ABC…


The same types of people being hired by the ABC are getting hired in every department in federal state and federal government. This happens because most of the grad positions available for government jobs are in the generalist stream, so grads that’s have actual degrees are applying for 25% of the jobs in the law, accounting and finance, engineering, etc streams, while those with art degrees, etc get 75% of the jobs from applying for generalist stream. The way to fix this is if you apply for a specialty stream you also get put in the generalist stream.


The public services have a long identified problem with technical specialists (pretty much anyone who is in IT, or science, or just isn't a communications/public policy/Humanities major) being sidelined. The culture of the public services leans heavily to the generalists and they don't feel they should listen to anyone else too much.


Gotta max out that ESG score to bag more funding. Never let a virtue signalling opportunity go to waste.


And doesn't even have porn movies at 11pm like SBS


This should be a temporal graph over years


The ABC is using funds meant for a public broadcaster but delivering an activist news channel. They don’t get to be both. It should be neutral and fact based.


I've seen a shift in the last ten to fifteen years from a centre left bias to a kind of activist stance on many topics.


The thing about neutrality is that it can't call out bullshit or really communicate anything of significance. Should the ABC as a neutral media outlet be neutral about everything? Should every stupid opinion be given equal reverence?


Yes. They have to be neutral. Otherwise they're now deciding what the stupid opinion is.


If you can only call out bullshit with bias then it might not always be bullshit. You might just have a bias.


Yes, because that's the entire point of neutrality. The fact that 'stupid opinion' is an opinion in and of itself, that some people would think what you call 'stupid' is actually amazing. Everything is subjective and it is not the place (or rather, should not be and wasn't meant to be) of the national broadcaster to pick a side and radically push that side's views.


I am not sure which ABC news you get. I certainly haven’t seen that allocation. 1/3rd is pretty heavy. How did you calculate that? Here is the top 12 ABC right now: 1. Pro-Russian influence operation targeting Aust media 2. Rare Earths miner targeted in cyber attack prior removal of Chinese investor. 3. PnO Aust to shut its doors 4. Aust’s most expensive town $11.70 TimTams 5. Rarely seen clouds over Sydney 6. Andrew Colby challenges murder conviction over DNA 7. Hongkong detains artist, vigils to keep Tiananmen Square memory alive 8. Three young boys and the most famous dinosaur in history 9. Giles to consider canceling visa of Tony Mokbel associates family 10. Murder charge laid after young surfer stabbed in car park 11. Australis can fix its broken prison system like Norway. But first there are lessons to be learnt. 12. ‘Sent by God’ : Narendra Modi blah blah blah Edit: Ok. I missed the most important part. Instagram. Apologies. I don’t have instagram. Wouldn’t instagram allocation be directly correlated with engagement? Isn’t that how every other platform is organised? I mean even newspapers decide their front page over what will sell.


Could be but also it could be the bias of the people that run the account


I love when they do sport, and club women's soccer leads the sports segment with like 10 fans in the background... then they finally get around to AFL highlights with 100,000 people at the MCG - dead last. Just what the people want to see.


Well the ABC Insta has ZERO men's actual sport lol only only story was about a male Paralympian


But their actual news shows and broadcast have plenty. So maybe don't use instagram for news when there are far better and more comprehensive options.


Obviously, I don’t use insta for news but I still sub to ABC news, just drives me nuts every time it comes across my freed


To be fair the Matilda's just got 78,000 people to a Monday night friendly match against China.


Aussie journalism is fucking abysmal


Most ABC journos are bougie left wingers and these are the stories that give them status amongst their friends


Yeah. They mostly live in the Inner West Bubble where these values sit, divorced from reality. It’s a cushy, middle class, comfy padded echo chamber of a bubble. ABC offices are right in the middle of said bubble. 


I don't know who in their right mind would go to instagram for their news


The majority of young people get their news from instagram and TikTok. Yes really. 


And there's your explanation: they're just posting what the majority of their audience agrees with or cares about


Which creates an echo chamber and severely misrepresents the actual news...


Wonder if it's any better or worse than those who use twitter for it.


The ABC is a niche organisation.


For those who love touchy feeling paragraphs that ramble on for ages before getting to the point.


Being funded $1.2B per year and maybe 20% of Aussies tune into it or on line


I was waiting for someone to notice and make a post! ABC on insta is this weird niche left-wing(ish) force of will from I don't know where but thankfully it's been noticed.


And we wonder how all our electricity, gas, and grocery food is stolen under our noses. The Roman circus at it's finest ladies and gentlemen.


Bread & Circuses is not working too well in Au even the Romans back in the day managed a better job


The ABC is stealing our electricity, gas, and grocery food by reporting on issues young people care about, on a platform only used by young people, which has zero bearing on how they report on every other platform?


It's the 4th of June. ETA: Today.


I’ve seen a rise in pro isnotreal content. Comments like “Israel’s doing it right” in conversations that have no connection. Perhaps the rise in content about women is because there’s been a rise in content made by women on these issues and people are starting to realise women shouldn’t be subservient.


No I think they are focusing on emotive and popular stories to chase clicks which I don’t think is right for the national broadcaster.




No, the rise in content about women is because men have become vilified. Women are being forced into positions via quotas and then these heavily biased views are pushed out because they're in an echo chamber. Additionally, marketing happens to be heavily dominated by women (who's complaining about that lack of equality, by the way?), so it only makes sense that they would be more present with their views. Not every woman thinks the same, of course, but unfortunately the women that don't think the same also tend to be outcast by their peers.


just like a holocaust movie or series pops up like clockwork from hollywood. An ongoing active civilian murder campaign deserves this coverage I suppose.


Agreed but why aren't they covering Maghreb, Ukraine, Myanmar or Sudan?


They know their target audience- Ita Buttrose turned it into a click bait rag to take pressure off the Libs.


Why does this surprise you, given the demographic that tends to use Instagram? Do you expect 14-18 year olds to be discussing the state of the economy with one another? How about we do this experiment for the actual ABC website or radio broadcast?


Doesn’t surprise me, just wanted data to back up my opinions


What opinions in particular do you think this data supports?


Probably that the mean leftie ABC doesn’t care about REAL issues and only cares about *checks notes* one of the biggest geopolitical news stories in the world right now and a rising domestic violence issue effecting Australia 


According to your chart there are: - 10 posts about *Gaza* - 9 posts about *Women's Issues* So jointly that's 19/100 or 19% or just shy of a fifth, not a third. Additionally we have: - 3 posts about *Aboriginal Issues* - 3 posts about *Queer* - 2 posts about *Bruce Lehrman* With those 8 posts we have accounted for 27/100 or 27%, which just over half the number you gave (50%). You maths is fucked, and you have given a date 2 days in the future as I pointed out in another comment.


I probably should have been clearer, by saying ‘women’s issues’ in the title I was referring to posts that primarily dealt with issues or news relating to women so that would include ‘women’s issues’, ‘women’s sport’ and ‘domestic violence’ Also I just fucked up the date lol


Did you label men's sport as "men's issues" to compare apples with apples? Sport should just be sport. The idea that sport involving women is some kind of niche thing that only women would care about is exactly what keeps holding it back, and the overwhelming success of the Tillies and the sold out NRLW State of Origin games shows that given a chance plenty of people will watch it.


So "Women's Issues" in the title doesn't refer to *Women's Issues* the column, it also refers to some additional columns including *Domestic Violence*, which is arguably just as much a men's issue. I think that it's pretty fair to say that is somewhat misleading, especially given the either/or construction which implies that you are referring to two categories, not four.


The ABC is a steaming pile of poo. So editorialised and activist. And really seems lately to abide by “no Jews, no news.” It’s embarrassing at best and fucking dangerous at worst.


I wish these journos would do their job and what their degree trained them to do, and listen to sources from the Israeli side. It’s actually a really complex issue, not just about videos of people crying in dirt roads. 




My guy is 100% a Sky News Simp.


Actually I love ABC news, I posted this as I believe this hurts their integrity


The largest and most contentious political event is getting the most coverage? Smh abc agenda posting.


You have an issue with women being the focus of topics? Are these posts reporting violence against women by chance?


I think it’s over reporting of a few popular issues over other equally or more important issues. Basically they are chasing clicks instead of providing balanced coverage, it’s not a comment on the importance of the issues being covered, just the balance of coverage.


Don't women make up half the world and we get a whole part of a third! Wow. I'm feeling both seen and spoilt!


Well actually women aren’t half the issues in the world, most issues are non gender based eg the economy, health, climate etc. Sorry to ruin that for you


But we still get a whole one part of a third!


Whereas men got a whole one part of one hundred, it was a story about a male Paralympian


This is so ridiculous. Your comment assumes that the rest is *men's issues*, when it isn't. Most of it doesn't relate to any gender, women are the only one that have a large chunk specifically related to them.


Instagram is your source? Perhaps they're being selective about what they post where? Clown shit. Go look at the site itself if you wanna sit there and make graphs instead of doing whatever your actual job is


They probably have diversity quotas for stories, not just employees.


Well, it’s a pretty significant story at the moment


Yeah according to the abc insta mod lol


Yeah the ABC instagram page is the only news site that is dedicating a lot of time to Gaza lmao 


Is every news site funded by the Australian public?


So, give the ABC more funding to get on with the job. Make up your mind, complete ABC cover at cost, or incomplete ABC coverage while defunding?


Funding isn't the issue, it's the management and where the money is going. They do nothing to curb individual reporter bias.


Not ou ABC! Also please, no criticism of the ABC


Yeah because 0% of those issues are ever spoken about on other mainstream news outlets


Good thing those outlets aren't funded by Australian taxpayers.


I would like to see these numbers for Sky or some other non-abc media.


Two Thirds of Posts on the ABC News Instagram aren't Either Gaza or Womens Issues


By women’s issues I’m including women’s sport and domestic violence, sorry the title doesn’t reflect that I thought it was obvious that these were also women’s issues just not specific women’s issues


Cool, now do their website.. They post whatever gets the highest engagement on socials because if not you lot will go “see? No one cares about the ABC, let’s defund it and give it to one of the billionaires!”


Well it raises the question, should abc news chase clicks or should it be a news service that provides a balanced coverage


Yes. Shocking to see a major news network reporting the news.


The point is they are underreporting many issues in favour of these few issues


who cares? out of my large group of friends, not one follows their insta page.


Well the point is should the national broadcaster be chasing clicks or presenting a balanced coverage


There is a genocide going on. 10% of the focus on that feels pretty valid.


Notice there were zero posts about Ukraine


There is multiple genocides going on and they’ve done no reporting on them recently. Nothing about Uyghurs in China or Dafuri in Sudan. Losing a war is not a genocide. Being the weaker side in a conflict is not a genocide.


This would be a valid critique if you guys actually gave a fuck about those conflicts but you dont, you just use them as a gotcha. And a big reason this conflict gets so much discussion in countries like Australia, US and UK is because Israel is our ally and we fund their atrocities. Also the oppression of the Uyghurs has been covered a lot, most people are aware of it and there has been protests about it. 


So… 2/3’s are not on Gaza or women. And it’s instagram! Not a survey sample of media analysis but an anecdote.


Let's mess with their algorithm and collectively start clicking on Fashion Stories for example. Watch it climb the ranks and then drop it like it's nobody's business. Fashion Editor might lose their job though....


This goes into the "No sh--, Sherlock" bucket. People who administer the socials for organisations are very tuned into the KPIs that drive their jobs: clicks, likes and shares. Given that Instagram skews young, and the young vote Greens more than they vote LNP, I could've told you without even knowing the data, that the Insta feed would be heavily progressive. It's obvious why for so many reasons.


That impacts the ABCs journalistic integrity, it misrepresents the actual news, and perpetuates an echo chamber of political opinion. It's been mentioned in many other comments but the question is whether the ABC, a publicly funded (supposedly neutral, lol) media outlet, should be chasing 'clicks and views'.


Women and terrorist sympathisers - be better.


There are issues so badly underreported that we need to bump woman being murdered every four days and a major global conflict and humanitarian crisis out of the top stories? Tell, pray thee, what are these unknown catastrophes?


Its funny because you don't actually know because they are being underreported, kind of proving my point. So there are four armed conflicts that aren't Gaza, That is Ukraine (obviously) which received zero coverage, then Myanmar, Maghreb and Sudan. Gaza is important but is it 10x more important than all of these issues combined? or is it that Gaza brings in more clicks????


I'm familiar with those, although I had to Google Maghreb to be sure. Most people know there's a war in Ukraine. I asked for examples because I was curious what stories you thought you were important. What bothers me more is the implication of the original post, which sets up a false dichotomy between the issues that matter to "us" and issues around Israel, Gaza and women's safety. The ABC is an especially poor target for this kind of critique because, share their politics or not, they still do investigative journalism. Even something that gets crowded out of the top stories could make 'Four Corners' or 'Foreign Correspondent's. Take issues that aren't even conflict. I've seen plenty of stories about the cost of living and the immigration minister this week. They haven't been pushed out of the headlines. Social issues are not a zero sum game. As for your point about clicks - isn't interest a factor in deciding what's current affairs? Think about the huge foreign catastrophes we never hear about because there was a particularly bad smash up on the Western Ring Road. Sorry for the length of this. Just trying to give the topic the details it deserves.


Do it for the Australian and see what you get. Be interesting to compare


This is actually a great idea! thanks!!!


Hope you do it. Ultimately you gotta do the comparison otherwise it’s hard to draw any conclusions. I also like the other persons idea to compare against other platforms.


Yeah thats a really good point, it takes ages to do though so will try and get to it


Awesome, but if you’re doing manually, don’t kill ya self doing it 😂


Ok I did it, lol, i need to stop procrastinationg Top 1/3 was Crime 12 posts Gaza 9 posts (interestingly far more pro Israel) Health 8 Business 6 Not sure what to draw from that??? Not sure its worth a separate post, what do you think?


Nice! Dunno if worth a separate post, but the masses would appreciate it I’m sure! So similar amount on the Arab Israeli conflict, but swap out women’s stuff for crime. How much of the crime or health ones would you have categorised as women’s issues?


It was really far harder to categorise as a lot of it was general news, I tried to categorise it as well as I could so I would say all women's issues were separated, although there were crimes that affected a woman like a woman's house exploded which I didn't classify as a women's issue as i took that as a story that was not specifically referring to gender or a gender issue. Domestic Violence 4 Womens Sport 3 General Womens Issues 3 So far less reporting but definitely still present


Did you manually pull this or use a script?


I hate to admit it but manually lol


news hasn't been news for a long time.. propaganda propellant or rich corporation agenda pushing is all it is .. i would like to see real unbiased reporting of facts but i fear i will never see such a thing




So I did the same for The Australian, the top 1/3 was: Crime 12 Gaza 9 Health 8 Business 6 Interestingly the Gaza coverage was far more pro Israel Was disappointed by the lack of Dicks lol




It was all manual






Why is DV a women's issue? I believe men are quite often the problem here. But apart from that, the instagram audience skews younger and female, so the choice of what is put there is curated for that audience. Look at the ABC website if you want a broad view of news. Getting news primarily via social media is insane.


Yeah but the question is should the ABC News Instagram account be held to the ABC editorial policy, specifically in regards to balanced coverage, or is it ok to skew the coverage to cater for a particular audience and ignore the policy.


Have you read the ABC editorial policy? I think you are misunderstanding it. DV and Israel / Palestine have been headline news across all news outlets for a good month. The policy calls for accuracy and independence and a diversity of perspectives. It doesn’t call for ‘news that appeals primarily to a white male demographic’ - which is what you get on Sky for example, or in The Australian.


Look if you wanna have a conversation all good, but if youre just gonna be inflamatory im not interested


If you want to have a conversation, can you explain why you think DV is a women’s issue? What would you put on the ABC Instagram?


I’m specifically referring to violence committed against women not against men, so I have classified that as a women’s issue


Isn’t this just standard understanding the platforms audience and giving them what they want? I mean if abc was posting rednecks like big trucks and burning coal I doubt they would get much traction with posts about women issues and Gazza?


Username checks out


News.com.au does the same piece every week where an only fans girl has an opinion on housing or the economy.


Ha, true!


Lol it's a bit disingenuous to classify women's sport I der 'womens issues'


Yeah definitely could have termed it differently but you get the picture


Does that hurt your pretty little male ego?


I mean I’m trying to inspire an interesting conversation but that is just really immature


It's how all news media works these days keep reprinting the same article untill viewership of that article goes down. Some people will click on 50 articles that are essentially the same and other people will open up a news or social media very infrequently, more articles means these people will more likely see at least on version of the article.


Why is domestic violence a "women's issue"?


Because it’s violence against women not violence against men


As the MRA crowd are fond of pointing out men can be victims of domestic violence too, and children both boys and girls can be victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence is an everyone issue.


Correct but these posts were specifically about violence against women, not other types you have mentioned.


So women issues are disproportionately represented in the news in part because women are disproportionately affected by domestic violence, an issue that affects everyone?


Women are disproportionately affected by domestic violence, but that does not explain why they are disproportionately represented on the abc news insta feed. There are far more posts about domestic violence against women on that account than on almost any other Australian news account, and far more than the abc news website. So the question is why are the people running the account abc news insta account over representing this issue??? I would argue that they are chasing clicks.


Aren’t women like 50% of the population? To even get to 33% of the space you have to wedge a fucking genocide in there? And you’re still outraged? Grow up


Well yes but women aren’t 50% of news lol, most news is non gender based issues like crime, health, the economy. So yeah not sure what you mean?


Yeah, it’s simply that I doubt you used a rational metric for what counts as news and what counts as news about women, and like I said initially you packed it out with news about Gaza to get to a third of the news stories and last I checked women and Gaza are two very disparate areas of interest. The fact that you even went out of your way to scrape the data together based on gender and a presumably a dislike of the ABC is kind of unhinged. As the kids say, touch some grass.


It took me about twenty minutes and I think the general interest and comments speak for themselves, so clearly a well received post that people were interested in and sparked some interesting discussions. What I have presented here is a reasonable representation of the topics posted on the account. If it upsets you I would suggest it may be more about you than me. I’m just showing what is on the account, that’s all.


I took a look at the ABC insta feed, I didn’t see what you saw, I think understand why you saw what you saw, and why I saw what I saw. So it seems to me that the act of bucketing the stories into categories is going to be skewed by the bias of the viewer. It got me thinking it would be an interesting question to ask of a significantly large sample group to categorise the stories. I’d hazard that the results would be skewed along the lines of the age, gender, orientation and political view of the audience. For what it’s worth my complaint would be that there is a strong bias towards stories about sport, which is my main complaint about Australian culture.


But I thought the ABC was far right now? That's what all the lefties say?