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No one should be living with roomates in their 50s. Sad state this country has gotten themselves into. 20 years ago you could rent on your own while on centerlink and sharehousing was only or students


I get the sentiment and agree that housing should be affordable for all but I know single people over 40 who opt to share house because it's less lonely and you have people to share the load. Also, know two people who opt to live together as best friends and their partners live separately or live with their ageing parents. There's no "one way" to co habitate and I think it should be seen as normal.


Mate, the reality of 'share houses' these days are every single room of the house having a person with all their wordly possessions crammed in there, the shed being occupied too, and the living room is either used for storage or has room dividers put up to have someone crammed in there too. The house is also likely falling apart, but everyone is too scared to report it because the landlord will kick them out out of spite. A bit different to gran renting out her spare room to a student, and you only see them when they use the microwave or bathroom. It really wasn't that long ago you could afford to rent a place on the dole with one other person in the house if it was in a shit suburb, you're DREAMING of doing that these days.


Fuck I remember the days when everyone could buy a house. Everyone. If you were a doctor you could buy a very nice house, white collar professionals would get good four bedroom brick homes on big blocks, average shit kicker workers would afford something slightly more modest but still okay, even people on welfare could often afford to buy a house if they chose something very basic and/or rundown.


If only land were infinite and free..:


It really isn't that bad. Roommates aren't too awful unless you're in halfway houses 


I'm not at all arguing that shit is fucked - I am one of those people deemed "too old" to be sharing and do it by choice. It should be mormalised but not for reasons of inequality and late stage capitalism


That's a choice though, I doubt this women in her 50s wanted to live with some 43 year old dude but was forced to due to the enormous cost of rentals in Sydney. During covid before the immigration tap got turned on this women could have probably afforded to live on her own as rents were $400-450 in the city and inner west. Now they have doubled.


I'm old enough to know that going back 15-20 years ago, before any housing shortage, there were quite a few middle aged and older people looking for housemates.  This has nothing to do with housing shortages.


My ex bfs dad rented a mansion with 2 of his mates when he got divorced They had a great time My friend rented alone in Sydney in 2013 & people back then were surprised she could afford it.


Idk i knew people who did it in their 50s &60 Bigger house, less rent, social life they had a great time Obviously people shouldn’t have to rent with strangers but even in my 20s I didn’t rent with strangers One of the reasons I own a house is so my friends can all live in it when we are older 😂


The highest growing group of homeless people in this country are women over 50. Aging out of jobs and minimal super due to history. It is terrible.


Ironically, part of the housing crisis is driven by more people separating and living alone, which drives up demand for more housing. People that live alone also report higher levels of loneliness. Shared and communal housing is something that should be encouraged and destigmatised, rather than being treated as a sign of failure.


Dear desperate man, I present to you the following two red buttons: 1) How dare these oldtimers vacuum up all the houses 2) No oldtimer should ever live in a sharehouse


I don't think anyone feels a 50-year-old living in a share house is worsening the housing shortage. There is an issue where younger Australians are massively disadvantaged in buying a home compared to earlier generations at the same age due to huge price inflation, and older people with multiple homes have benefited greatly from the same phenomenon. These two facts can exist side by side.


If democracy is real, it’s your fault either way so thanks a lot.


So let's see people start to stop voting for the two shit parties that got is this far


Idk if that was ever going to happen wouldn’t it have happened before now?


Can't remember a time when things were worse for so many


Maybe the interest rates in the 90’s? Idk.


Good thing democracy isn't real.


Yeah, nah. 26 years ago I was 29 and living in a share house, and so was every one of my friends.


Agree with the sentiment, but the cops haven't even finished their investigation yet mate. Might be jumping to a conclusion there


I think your on to something, i turned 40 in shared accomodation and immediately felt that due to the governments actions i should kill one of my fellow tenants, because we are all sad, pathetic losers


I think we should find a room share for $150 each and then fight to the death The winner gets a whole room, and the other winner gets to not have to deal with this shit anymore I think that's the solution we are meant to come up with anyway


Hunger Dome! **LET THE GAMES BEGIN!**


Just 1?


There never was a housing market for divorcee and elderly single people. As rate of divorce increase with each generation, it's a demographic tsunami. While the local government have been slow or sometimes reluctant to support multi occupancy dwellings, there is also a distinct lack of interest from major developers.


Divorce might be a part but where I live, I have an attic, two bedrooms, my own room, a spare room/bedroom, a separate dining room, a front balcony, an upstairs balcony, a back deck; and a car space. If I move out on my own in the same part of town as an owner, I can afford: a studio. If I move out alone in the same part of town as a renter: a small 1br. I share with 2 because the property market in our country is an utter laughing stock and because the poor quality stock that gets produced is not being built where people want to live, and it is not built for people to live in - it’s built to rent to international students six to a room.


Divorce rates are trending down FYI https://aifs.gov.au/research/facts-and-figures/divorces-australia


Arent those stats a bit meaningless without knowing how marriage rates are faring? They show the number of divorces in raw numbers, and per 1000 of the population. But if vastly fewer people are getting married, then the divorce rate per population is bound to be going down. Doesnt mean relationships are more stable. It shows the absolute number of divorces as steady since the 1980s. The population has almost doubled since then. But they don't pay heed to the marriage rate since the 1980s. Logically, if fewer people are getting married it's not unreasonable to think that those who do are less likely to get divorced. But the stats for unmarried people who separate are not recorded, so it's all a bit murky without better data.


That’s cus hardly anyone gets married anymore haha


Single households are on the rise https://aifs.gov.au/media/households-shrink-more-people-living-alone#:\~:text=More%20than%20one%20in%20four,in%20household%20size%20since%202000.


Thanks for the link, I think the data may be skewed by no fault divorce. We may still be above long term moving average pre-event. But I take your point.


There was never really a market for any singles at all. We’ve got a generation of people not marrying and people divorcing. When there are dual incomes on the market, it’s impossible for houses to be priced for the single income within free market. I understand why people would want to live alone though it’s never really been the case at all.


It may be interesting to know that while the total number of divorces has increased gradually, or even plateaued over the years, the number of divorces per 1000 population has declined (with a bit of an uptick in 2021 when the [AIFS last collected data](https://aifs.gov.au/research/facts-and-figures/divorces-australia-2023) . I actually think people are staying together longer because of cost of living rather than splitting like you’re saying. Of course that’s not healthy either.


pretty sure it's mostly due to the overall reduction in marriage rate. Fewer people jumping into marriages that that they later regret, also just fewer marriages overall.


I was about to comment the same.


[Here’s the data on that too](https://aifs.gov.au/research/facts-and-figures/marriages-australia-2023) - the number of marriages has plateaued over the years, about as many as there ever has been since 1970, except during covid - but again number of marriages per 1000 people has dropped


My grandmother somehow managed to hold onto a unit by the skin of her teeth, there was a whole mess with a full size house in the divorce so she downgraded.  She got divorced pretty young, like maybe by age 30, which for the 1970s I imagine would have been very very rare. I don't know how it impacted her as I imagine society was quite a bit more misogynistic back then so she probably would have struggled with wages as well as people would have just stayed in awful relationships to avoid like gossip I guess? She's refused to ever speak about it.  I know my mother claims they were pretty poor during that time. That woman hates to make effort to do anything and always has the whole time I've ever known her since I was a little kid. So I mean she pulled it off.


Media - can we twist this into a story about how this will adversely affect the landlord??


No it’s just you who wants to twist.


It's a shitty situation but that isn't enough detail to start drawing conclusions like you have. Perhaps once there is a court decision and everything is laid out you could attribute it to something specific. Classic Reddit moment.


Another casualty of our failed housing crisis


If this is who I'm thinking of, it's a woman who runs a share house for crooks getting out of gaol on parole or bail and runs black market rent. To my knowledge she doesn't live there just occasionally goes there. There could be 4-5 crooks on parole or bail living there at any time. 


It was rented through a real estate, but rooms were being sublet. The landlords name is Antoinette. Inangeri. Annette Kiss (the victim) hadn't lived there long either, just weeks.


That’s so true OP, murders never happen when people live alone or as nuclear families! We need a moratorium on sharehousing to fix murders once and for all


Right. So, this 50 year old woman wouldn’t have been safer in her own home. Good take with the sarcasm.


I mean, technically no? More women are murdered by their own partners in their own homes than by flat mates.


It would have been better if she was homeless, honestly


LNP/IPA voters are muppets


sad, but im not really sure i agree with your take about this being related necessarily to the housing crisis. its the inner west. lot of people literally flatmate their whole lives there


Your genuine belief is that if both options were equally obtainable no one currently share housing would rather live in their own place?


Both options probably were equally attainable, but instead of living alone in a small studio in an outer suburb she chose to live in a large home shared with others in a bayside inner city suburb.


I think s/he was pointing out the absurdity of OP’s position that share housing = murders


I think it does make some sense though Cause some people wouldnt have murdered them if they hadnt have met through share housing \\ though Murders for fun still happen so who the fuck knows


>Cause some people wouldnt have murdered them if they hadnt have met through share housing \ But that's not shared housing's fault. That's just like saying 'oh what a shame people have to take public transport together instead of all being able to drive their own cars. You know if those two people didn't have to sit on the bus together, the person wouldn't have gotten stabbed to death'. The guy is a lunatic for stabbing a 50-year old woman to death. You can't blame shared housing for his actions.


most people sure, the inner west is a weird beast though and even before the current crisis has been wildly unnaffordable, but many people really like to live there so rent/share instead. my point being if it was a share house in St Mary's I might agree, but this location is notorius for this way of life


Yeah I’m sure there isn’t many people who are sharing with strangers, when they would otherwise be in a house with people they know


Rubbish… Happens even to married couples living in a massive house. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13322255/amp/Mark-Stillman-Lesley-dead-Carramar-note-murder-suicide.html


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There are less people living in share-houses now than there was 10 years ago. And the number of people per dwelling has reduced in that time too.


you lie a lot...maybe explain why you think this ?


[The share of group houses declined in 2020 and has remained at this lower rate.](https://www.rba.gov.au/speeches/2022/pdf/sp-ag-2022-05-25.pdf). The graph on page two shows the decline. [The average number of people living in each household has declined from around 2.9 in the mid-1980s to around 2.5 since the early 2000s. More recently, the AHS declined to historical lows of a little below 2.5 people per household.](https://www.rba.gov.au/publications/bulletin/2023/mar/pdf/a-new-measure-of-average-household-size.pdf)


Lol, people don't like facts. I remember reading about how the desire for bigger houses and decline in share housing has had at least some debt in the market. Makes sense


But that's what you would expect when dwellings are getting smaller (an increasing share of new dwellings are small units suitable only for 1 or 2 people to live in) and when *families* are shrinking, and when disabled and elderly house-owners receive government support to avoid having to move to assisted living facilities. And then, a family of 3 or 4 living in a house is simply not equivalent to 3 or 4 adult strangers living in rented rooms (and increasingly just beds), often rented directly from the landlord with little or no say in who gets moved in to share with them.


[Houses and townhouses are getting bigger.](https://www.comparethemarket.com.au/home-loans/statistics/average-house-size-australia/) and have more bathrooms.


According to your link, new apartments have shrunk by 10% and houses have also got smaller. Only townhouses got slightly bigger.


Yes, I messed up there. But houses are larger than a few decades ago. [Over the past 60 years Australian homes have more than doubled in size, going from an average of around 100 square metres in 1950 to about 240 square metres today. This makes them the largest in the world, ahead of Canada and the United States](https://theconversation.com/size-does-matter-australias-addiction-to-big-houses-is-blowing-the-energy-budget-70271#:~:text=Houses%20getting%20bigger,Canada%20and%20the%20United%20States)


OK? This story and post is about people who don't have houses.


Isn’t it about a lady who was stabbed to death? That’s what the title says.


Stabbed to death in a share house, by another tenant.


>There are less people living in share-houses now than there was 10 years ago. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-18/co-living-housing-crisis-rent-prices-queensland/103903706 >More than 350,000 Australians are living as part of a group household according to data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) — **more than ever before.** https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/nov/09/australia-rental-price-crisis-share-housing-rise >Australians seek share houses in soaring numbers as housing crisis bites


From the article: People leaving share houses during the pandemic lockdowns in search of more space are touted as one key reason behind the rise in low vacancy rates and high rents.


Are you seriously unable to distinguish between the conditions of four years ago and today?


Fuckwit landlord probably didn’t do any reference checks just threw in whoever was willing to pay the rent.




So the murder is actually the landlord's fault? 


I’m a Boomer and as a young person, it was completely the usual thing to live in share houses. I must have done that from when I left home at 19 until I was in my early thirties. Even when I was married with young children, we lived in a shared household for a while. Choose well and it’s good.


another one of the women murdered by a man this year. Yes there’s a housing crisis, there’s also another type of crisis everyone is too PC to talk about.


So, post the article. Why would you make it a self post?


So sick of people that spent their younger years drinking, wasting money on cars and materialistic crap... cry and cry about this cost of living/ no home..  Get over it. You fucked up. Rope or do something about it.


Absolutely bloody awful. What an awful to happen to that lady. I can’t imagine. Thoughts for her family and friends. ——/////// The housing shortage is not by design. Rather, it’s an unintended consequence of decades of government interference with the market that has made housing the main vehicle for wealth creation. Negative gearing and other gov intervention are the main part, but remember it’s not strictly a lack of housing, it’s the lack of affordable housing. There are plenty of empty homes around the country. Sad state of affairs all around.


Oh this was probably why the cops were outside my place last night (Dulwich Hill tho). They were parked facing the direction of oncoming traffic but had no lights on which was weird. But I can only imagine they were there for an urgent purpose if the car is parked facing the wrong direction.


Men need to control themselves and their anger. Nothing to do with the government


Well done, you've offered nothing but a pathetic division diversion.


Men are more frequently the victim of lunatics. Lunatics will never control themselves regardless of government ads asking people not to be lunatics, because they are lunatics.


Well they would have been in a house with people they know if it wasn’t for the housing crisis so yeah, people living with strangers is the governments fault. Congrats on being too simple to connect the dots. Have you considered working for the government?


Probably already does.


Not meant to stab strangers either, so no, not the governments fault


So you totally missed the point, not surprised, but I’ll explain. Usually, people will live with who they know. In a housing crisis, you’re forced to live with anyone you can, including fucking psychos. So if there wasn’t a housing crisis, created by incredible government incompetence, then these people would have been living with family or friends. If you can’t understand that, then fuck me dude, go get a government job, you meet the criteria.


They're in their 40s and 50s. They had plenty of time to buy houses whilst they were cheap


Australian values in 2024: if you don't own a house and get murdered then you deserved it.


No the ops was saying it was caused by the housing crisis. I was pointing out they shouldn't be affected by it due to their age. Reddit where people don't read your comment and think you support death.


So, everyone over a certain age should have magically had the right circumstances to be owning a house? WTF are you even on about?


The situation theyre in is clearly not because of the current housing crisis like OP suggests.


Why live in a share house at that age? Weird. Just like buy a place 🤷‍♂️


LNP/IPA voters are muppets...they voted for less housing for the poor...robodebt...4th world nbn...and ongoing zero royalties...LNP/IPA voters gave up our domestic housing stock to the chinese to increase their capital...LNP/IPA voters are muppets