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I don’t. Or more like, I do things but they don’t work.


Yeah this is also me. I did a lot of stuff and none of it worked. So I just have to accept being a forever alone incel. 


Don't accept that


I mean what other choice do i have? I tried in person and always got rejected. I tried like four of the big online dating sites and only matched with bots. I did a bunch of the self improvement stuff and lost 40 pounds.  Yet I’m 32 and never got anywhere. I’m still single and right now jobless. Very common outcomes for autistic men.


i hate life as well but never give up


Being on Reddit... 🥲


ooohhh... the self report :p


I just sit there with my thoughts, maybe while sipping coffee or listening to soft music. I try to process them the best way I can, and maybe I'd even feel a strange sensation in my head, like melancholy or something similar to it, might even cry if I need to. After this, I'd feel immediately better and I'd tend to my passions and what I actually want to do with my life, sometimes I'd even feel very good on my own because I have my own company and that's enough.


I do this alot too. I'll just sit in silences for a bit and try to process it.


IMHO it's the healthy way to cope with it but I admit that sometimes I'd resort to other unhealthy stuff like stress eating or isolating myself from people that actually want to hang out. Still, trying to process it is the best solution.


By doing arts and crafts


not very well, im rather lonely actually.


I embrace it. And cats.


Playing games and my hobbies. Going to class helps and I currently see a social worker once a week who can take me places and helps me with errands, things in general where I can see other people are helpful (going outside to just sit at a public park, stuff like that) edit : also the fact I just enjoy my own company


Hobbies, pets, sunshine, fresh air, music, podcasts, books. Hope.


I used to cope with video games but my loneliness and depression started getting so bad I actually developed a gaming addiction.


Barely. Mostly by playing games and joining random co-ops in them, listening to music, watching youtube and writing. I desperately need friends tho.


I've been adding visuals to my abstract music projects. Check it out when you're baked & bored! https://youtu.be/VfNrbHQKXvU?si=hDyCtrr4Hx2UTwep


Hobbies and special interests


reddit, cats and plushies


Embrace the solitude.




When you've tried everything else, that's what is left.


Keep trying


Pet cats and fill the void with various hobbies like reading or watching tv


It's like 6 days of the week, I don't care that I am alone and enjoy being alone and suddenly one day I will feel pretty lonely and feel miserable and go back to my not caring self. It's a cycle and I have accepted it. Now I know when I will feel lonely and how to pass the time during that phase.


Unfortunately, I just wait until the feeling passes or I get distracted by something else. That may take minutes, or hours, or days.


I keep adopting strays


i just live my life all by myself without assuming anybody will come along and im maladaptive dreaming or dissociated 24/7


I usually just daydream, pretend there's fictional characters with me doing whatever im doing at that moment. A bit sad but eh other times i just do hobbies to distract


Don't. I just lay in my sorrow and wait till my brother comes back.


I actually don't feel lonely, so it's never been something I need to cope with. I kind of assumed it had something to do with my ASD though it doesn't seem to be a common characteristic that other autistic people have mentioned.


I got kittens, problem solved


Honestly i fuck with strangers at Tinder


Meh, I can endure 1 year of isolation. Confirmed by covid lockdowns.