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yes!!! i am soo sensitive to the heat and then super resistant to the cold


I am exactly the same. I'm fine anywhere between ~5°C to ~20°C; any higher and it starts becoming hell, any lower and I put another layer on and am perfectly fine


If you can afford it, get a portable AC and/or fan


Hate the heat with a passion! Summer needs to fuck off!


I'd rather be too cold than too hot *any time*. I hate being too hot so much


Heat is my worst enemy


yes!!! I have so much sensory issues with overheating and humidity :(


Heat is the fastest way to send me into a full spiral panic attack/breakdown. I keep my house right around 60º at all times. Winter is my favorite, because I can step outside and re-regulate myself faster.


Cold too. Any extremes can be tough to deal with most of the time.


I think 99% of autistic people agree that heat is fucking horrible. Absolutely hate it. I would recommend seeing if you can get a cheap desk fan (mine is tiny lmao) and putting it in your room so that after a long day of being so fucking hot you can come home and have a fan to yourself! Heat is just so horrible sensory wise and makes it so hard to cope with other sensory issues. Makes day-to-day life much more of a struggle so I totally feel you on this. Fucking love the winter and cold weather so much, DESPISE the summer and heat with a passion.


Yes. Especially getting burned


yes! it’s like 100 degrees where i’m at and no matter how cold the ac is and how high my fan is going i swear i get overstimulated like crazy, what’s worse is actually going outside… and i barly own any light colored shorts and short sleeve shirts- your not alone


Yes. Unless the heat is in my control. I will willingly shower in hot water or use a heater in my house, but after a certain temperature, it gets too hot. If it’s warm enough to feel cozy but not hot enough to make me sweat, then I have no problem. The second it crosses that temperature, it turns into sensory hell. That’s also why I don’t enjoy sports that much (except swimming and biking).


I would rather die in freezing cold temperatures than sit in heat for even a second. The part I find most over stimulating is definitely the sweat, if I start to sweat I know a meltdown is on its way.


I feel the same and I live if FL so I deal with that a lot.


Yes and I also have fibromyalgia and it makes just everything so much worse.


I hate it! By far my worst sensory trigger. I honestly feel like my brain stops functioning when it is too hot.


When i go out ,i may start to sweat after a few minutes and i really don't like sweating. Cause then I feel the sweat water on me and it's uncomfortable. How come normies don't always show that ? Why can't the weather be "just right" ? Then when i get home i go to my room close the door take my tops off and turn the AC and fan so i can regulate my body temperature.


Yes! I have rash/prickly heat, can't afford ac and fan sometimes annoys me.So I suffer a lot.


im the opposite i like to stand by heaters till i get heat rash


Yes, exactly as per this description too.


yes and i live in Memphis witch is Literaly THE WORST PLACE FOR HOT its Hot an HUMID AND YUCKY I FEEL LIKE A FISH


Heat itself can be beneficial to me since I feel cold in more acute sense, while in here rainfalls in summer day so I feel sticky in no time, and it won't dry on room temperature since humid air.


I’m not reactive. But being hot or sweaty will have me bordering on reactive. It makes me so indescribably aggressive.


i hate the heat. but my family loves going on holidays to hot places


Yup, hate the summer time


yess i hate summer!! i have a lot of meltdowns in summer because of the heat


You're lucky you aren't sweating tar or caramel or something similar, viscosity and sticyness do not mix well.


Yea, heat and friction especially ‘man-made’ from a car heater or something drives me insane. I’ve slept with the window open in winter so many times because the furnace just heats my bedroom up so much. Plus I need to sleep with a blanket, so it has to be cool enough for a blanket as well. It drives my father crazy since he loves the heat and will sit next to a wood stove.


I love heat and warmth and hate cold but sweating is horrible, it makes me feel everything that touches my skin. Fans and AC is a no because of the (cold) wind and noise they make.


Go nude lol that’s what I do


it's the WORST 😭😭


Heat is the worst, it just makes everything very stressful and hard to deal with and accelerates how fast I have a meltdown from dealing with other things.