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I was generally "well behaved" to a fault. I was TERRIFIED of stepping out of bounds because I couldn't handle the stress of confrontation. Not sure if that was entirely healthy, but generally teachers liked me. Except one. There's always the one.  I'm not sure what happened in 5th grade but something changed in me, the coursework or SOMETHING. because I struggled! In hindsight I think my coping strategies for academic work were failing for some reason and I was expressing symptoms of my learning disability and autism a lot more. Executive functioning went downhill, I was really struggling with homework. As a result I was constantly being pulled aside and scolded, yelled at, etc. What I remember so vividly is how she'd get right in my face and demand answers as to why I didn't do my homework. I would completely shut down, I was completely overwhelmed and would loose the ability to talk. Like my throat was paralyzed and my mind went blank. I just remember her demanding I say something. "Talk! Why don't you talk? Huh? Answer me!" Demanding I look her in the eyes and getting angrier and angrier when I couldn't.  She was a binch honestly. But I'm also still really salty no one suspected anything. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that, but damn. It was way more costly getting a diagnosis at 23 than it would have been at 10! 


I had a similar experience with teachers dismissing me when I went non-verbal and getting very frustrated. It's so cruel, especially if you're usually well behaved! At that point it should be clear there's something going. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, I hope you never have to deal with anyone like that again.


Yup I've had experiences like this too. I still feel hypervigilant about needing to be able to explain myself at any given time. Panic, stress, shutdown, overwhelm. Some teachers I've had would ingratiate themselves to the bullies and popular kids too which sucked.


I had a college professor who had lost an election take his frustrations out on me by giving me bad grades because I had different political beliefs, so I took a W. A substitute professor once humiliated me because of my beliefs. It was so bad, he even turned students on *his* side against him. But I was connected to the school paper (previous semester), so the next day I wrote about it and it was published. Both were PolySci, and the second instance was a make up at a different college.


I was, but I was being beaten and abused by my father, so this is where my black/white thinking became helpful. In my mind, I could do nothing about my father’s abuse, but I wasn’t going to let anyone else do that to me. I fought back, got other parents involved and got her sacked, since I wasn’t the only one she treated badly (and she was also a terrible teacher). Took me about 2 years of “campaigning” and gathering evidence.


I was bullied by classroom aides instead of other students. For some stupid reason, my IEP required me to have a classroom aide, even though I didn’t need one in retrospect. In elementary school, I had one classroom aide babysitting me and following me around at recess, which isolated me socially. In middle school (7th grade), I had one guy stalk me when I was supposedly taking too long in the bathroom. This guy yelled at me to get back to class. Next time I went to the bathroom, he stalked me around campus, waiting until I was done in there. In middle school (8th grade), I dealt with a verbally abusive aide who actually knew my parents. This aide would start verbal fights with me and scream in my face. At recess, she saw me hanging out with some nice girls. This aide yelled at me to go to the “study skills” class (required for kids on the spectrum). In my freshman year of high school, I was stressed out in class one day. My aide (a guy in his 50s) asked me “Do you want to go potty?” That’s a question you’d ask a 3 year old, not a freshman in high school! Like WTF?! Crap like this is why I have depression.


Not my fucking fault they expected praise instead of honesty when they asked me a question. Why yes reading this science book is in fact more interesting than your sloppy introduction to 19th century land treaties.


I was bullied by my philosophy teacher and my history teacher. They would always pick on me and it’s like they knew my traits they could use to weaponise me against. They would also defend the students who were bullying me too.


I functioned well enough until I didn’t anymore. One of my teachers had a learning disability and thought I was mocking her because she couldn’t believe that I also had a disability.


I was removed from the class as my bulling was distracting the other kids. I was the victim. I was distracting the other kids. Illl never forget!! Prof. Carla!!!


Indeed, I was frequently bullied back in the day, but more often than not, it was ME that got in trouble for retaliating (in those days I hadn't learned that that's the ONE thing you never do) Like in Games/PE, I couldn't hit the Ball with a Rounders (English version of Baseball) Bat due to poor hand-eye co-ordination (and nearly 40 years later, I still can't) and I frequently got picked on for it.


Most of my teachers were pretty nice, BUT OH MY GOSH MY 8TH GRADE ENGLISH TEACHER- I was having a meltdown in class because of all the overstimulation, and she came over to my table and told me to “calm down” before walking away! Like that would help at all! I’M TRYING SUSAN ITS NOT THAT EASY! And then when other kids had started to laugh at me for having a meltdown she did absolutely nothing… The worst part about it is she KNEW I had sensory issues! She didn’t know it was autism specifically, because I didn’t have a diagnosis, but she knew about my sensitivity to loud noises! I almost had a meltdown Day 1 of her class! Back then she had told me that if I needed to work outside of the classroom when things got too loud, but she apparently forgot about that when she thought telling me to “calm down” would help


Noticing a pattern of teachers who bully students or look the other way when certain kids are bullied.


Take a look at r/teachers I legitimately think a good portion of them hate children.


I agree. Also, the vast majority of teachers are still women. A correlation that I find unsettling.


Can you elaborate on this? Just curious what's unsettling about it to you.


Unsettling because of how many people responsible for educating and taking care of children don't seem to like or enjoy being around kids.


Ahh sure. I did understand that there was something unsettling about teachers being mainly women.


It doesn't help.


If they hate kids, they're definitely in the wrong job! It's not like teaching's even good money.


In 7th grade I would zone out during class sometimes and my teacher would deadass yell “DO YOU WANNA GROW UP TO BE STUPID?!” right in my face 🥲 I reported her ass at least


Kindergarten: taking away recess because I wouldn’t write the way the bitch wanted me to. (I also have cerebral palsy so that doesn’t help.) 4th grade: blatantly disregarding my disabilities, took away recess because I didn’t finish homework after being sick even though I got all of it accept one sheet done and offered to do it that night (movement during the day should be encouraged for anyone, especially people with cerebral palsy) accused me of things I didn’t do and accused me of hitting her after she got to close to my hands during a hand flap session. Freshman year of college: Blatantly disregarded my disabilities Accused me of shit I didn’t do Acted like she knew when I’d be coming back to school after having a major knee surgery Didn’t understand what “Bedridden” means Sophomore year of college (same bitch) Blatantly disregarded my disabilities Accused me of something I didn’t do My mom scared my kindergarten teacher straight The vice principal of my elementary school said “next time you find yourself in that situation, don’t cause a scene, just come find me and I’ll take care of it.” I make the argument that using the language “don’t cause a scene” is ableist because saying “Don’t cause a scene” is like saying “Don’t be autistic.” My freshman year math teacher WAS NEVER PUNISHED IN ANY WAY!!!! A rule of thumb with me is “If you treat me right, and at least try to take my disabilities into account, I will treat you with respect. If you treat me poorly, I WILL make it my PERSONAL MISSION to see you fired.”


Not to pull a "I had it worse than you" but I literally had my "bathroom privileges" taken away back in the day. Awful.


I had that too, (kind of) I was really hoping I wouldn’t have to go into this, but after my surgery I was given a jug to pee in. I did school remotely. I had to pee during math (with that teacher) I turned my camera off, called my now wife and said “Get the stuff. I don’t know how much time we have.” I turned my camera off and my mic off because no one needs to see that) the teacher came out of fucking nowhere mid stream mind you, and said “(My name) where’d you go?” WHEN I REPEATEDLY EXPLAINED TO HER WHAT “bedridden” MEANT!


I had a tendency to cry when i was younger, especially when overwhelmed. This one teacher would always make me cry then go "There you go! Cry! That's all youre good for anyway"


Me. My 3rd grade teacher didn’t like me and would exclude me from being around other children. Even once told the class not to play with me. Little me didn’t deserve that. :( at the time when she said it tho, I thought “good, I’d rather play with the kids in 4th or 2nd grade anyway”. Nobody in those grades bullied me.


I was a teachers pet 😭


Yes but it mostly happened when I became a teenager, because of all the social stuff i didn’t understand and the expectation for me to get it. Some teachers saw the potential in me, especially if my special interests were their subjects but many also saw me as like the trouble maker.


I did have one that was actually a Doctor make a snarky remark, which, gee, makes me wonder how she came to teaching middle school health classes with such a lofty advanced degree!


I have panic attacks over having to do maths because my teacher made fun of me during class, and then encouraged others to laugh at me.


Ngl, if your teacher bullies you, they’re immature.


I needed to read this... Thank you.




I dont think it was only because I'm autistic but more because I was unfiltered in general as a kid and told people when adults did things that made me uncomfortable, but I had a PE teacher in middle school who was a huge creep and when I started telling adults he came into the girls changing room to tell us to "hurry up" and would also insist on "smelling us" on multiple parts of our body to make sure we "showered before/after PE", (so he'd like grab our wrists or come up to our necks and preform a "smell check") but I suddenly noticed my PE shorts missing when I told some adults that Mr. Beck made me uncomfy and I couldn't get a lock right away and then when I got a lock he demanded to know the combo so he could "check" it was right. I probably went through like 4 pairs of shorts and then I stopped going to PE but I will never know what exactly it was that made my shorts so scrumptious to the little creep. I'd be lying if i said I never, as an adult, googled his name to see if he was on any special lists.... (as far as I know he hasn't but I am pretty firm in my position that he acted particularly inappropriate towards me because I was "different")




:( sad teacher who takes it to heart when other teachers misrepresent our mission of care and education for students.  I was mistreated by some of my teachers, I do everything in my power to support my students today.


I will never forget the two teachers I had in my life who hated me despite being the opposite of a problem child.


Here are some that I remember: . Primary school. The teacher liked me well, but they did not like my honest answer to their request - they asked me if I could go and relay a message to a teacher in another classroom, and because I knew how nervewracking having to try to stop a class in session to speak to a teacher in front of a bunch of students would be, I replied 'no'. . Secondary school. Sports day was coming up, and some of us who were sorted into one of the four competing groups that everyone gets sorted into were gathered to have a spontaneous meeting. The teacher (rep) leading the meeting had pre-sorted us all into categories of sports to compete in, either based on our past participation or because they thought we'd be OK at it. The rep went through the list with us, and people would state whether or not they wanted to or could do the sport they had been assigned to. Other people who typically never participated in it before weren't given much trouble for saying no, even if their reason was that they were lazy, but when it came to my refusal, the rep wouldn't accept it. They tried to get the class to peer pressure me into it, and when I still refused, they said nobody was allowed to leave until I agreed. The result of them making me feel forced to do something that I really didn't want to do was me not taking it seriously; I put next to no effort in and ended up just having a leisurely run with another girl who had been similarly pressured into it but didn't care for it on sports day. . Secondary school. A friend wanted to take a portrait photo of a friend to draw them for their art project. I was having lots of issues with self-esteem and confidence at the time, so when the art teacher whose class we were participating in at the time asked me if I would let my friend take my picture and then draw me and I refused, I thought that that would be the end of it. But as with the teacher above, despite their accepting 'no' from plenty of other students without much fuss, they would not accept my 'no'. The art teacher similarly tried to rile up the class to peer pressure me, but when that failed they managed to convince two acquaintances (who I thought were my friends) to hold my arms down on the table so that I couldn't escape as my friend approached with the camera. I remember feeling such a strong sense of fight or flight, but knowing that while fight seemed more initially favourable, it'd probably have worse consequences after the event because I'd likely end up hurting my acquaintances in the process. I decided to faceplant the table instead. I remember that while the art teacher seemed to strongly admire my work, they did not like my work ethic - I would often belittle my own artwork because I didn't know how to accept compliments, and I would also say 'I can't' as my reason when refusing to work with some mediums or in certain ways. I've never been good at communicating well verbally, especially spontaneously (with no time for processing and rehearsal/scripting), so while it's understandable that my inability to explain myself to them frustrated them, the fact that they then introduced a 'swear jar' which included the word 'can't' seems incredibly petty and did not solve the issue. They probably found me very confusing, but the feeling was mutual.




I had aversives used on me. 🫠


I was/am accidentally a teachers pet so for the most part teachers have always loved and love me, but for one in primary she was awful to me and another in primary seemed to not like ND kids very much. However,when i was 11, the teacher that was awful to me must have told the principal of the primary school i went to ( only a couple of years ago, in my country primary means ages 4/5-12/13) that i was having "extreme emotional responses" or something (meltdowns) and i got randomly called into tje principals office which striked a meltdown and then she mocked my meltdown and continuously said "stop it! this is what you look like!" the year after, at 12 i was diagnosed as autistic.


one pointed out the pimple on my nose and also jokingly asked the class when my next haircut was… turns out my bandaid had fallen off in the night and ended up tangled in my hair another constantly singled me out in class. thought my calculator was my phone, called me ‘lethargic’ because my lack of understanding didn’t make sense considering how smart i was outside of math another hit me over the head with a rolled up magazine for talking yeah they fucking HATED me


oh one more: i kept getting in trouble for seemingly no reason. i’m very pee shy so i spent a while DURING RECESS in the bathroom and she made me leave for “wasting time” meanwhile i couldn’t pee because there were other people in there just chatting. and this ended up involving my parents. i remember just sobbing because i didn’t understand what i was in trouble for! she’d call me out for answers when i clearly looked confused and nervous. i’m 25 and i still resent her


From my perspective as a child, it felt like I was targeted by adults, specifically the bullying type of behavior directed at me described above. I was picked on because, again I was already smarter than most adults by the age of 5, gifted, skilled, and talented in whatever regressive form of test done on me, I would outperform it except for social stuff of course! Now I know this was jealousy, a deep-seeded projection onto me and my identity. These adults couldn't handle the next generation coming along. Time was creeping up. Not all adults were like that, most wanted success out of me and to see I am confident about my choices and my agency. Some adults accept that time is here for us. These adults put away their egos for me and those are the ones I choose to remember. Some adults did admonish me whenever they could get a chance, whenever I made a real mistake or failed. But, it is what it is, and I have learned to watch for those people. People will always be jealous of something, and sometimes it's your islands of genius that are just barely tied together with spit and glue. They will never understand.


I've been reminiscing on my orchestra teacher being awful because my mentor I adored that she sent me to for lessons passed away this week. She only liked people who made her life easier by running the class for her so she could sit on her computer and not interact with us. And those who were underachievers in music just like her who wanted an easy credit, since it made her feel less bad about not teaching. She never wanted to push us to do better and wondered why people didn't understand how to read key signatures and play in tune when all she did was hand us a packet in middle school that she expected us to memorize. And then there was the treating me like shit in front of the whole class. Because come high school she noticed I started caring about learning how to improve on my own. On days she didn't feel like teaching or having someone conduct, she would let everyone talk and I was the only one who kept practicing. And since middle school she would just be passive aggressive whenever she would speak to me in front of the class or if I asked a question. I just put all of my energy in to trying to improve instead of her liking me at that point. There was one time where she noticed I was the only one who could play a portion of a song correctly, so she halted all 60 of us in the room, turned to me, and said "You know how to play this section, teach them." and just, stared at me. And that incident was after she did nothing to defend me when the person who sat 2nd chair tried to tear me a new one because I got placed 1st chair. She tried to pressure me to agree to switching seats every concert when I just wanted to let the teacher decide where she wanted everyone to sit based off our playing tests. And when that girl tried to say I didn't earn that chair because she told the teacher I should get it because I care so much about music? She said nothing when I asked her if it was true. She just let me cry in the small hallway between the classroom and the stage and didn't give a shit about how I felt. I hate that she still takes up so much space in my brain. The best thing she ever did for me was introduce me to my mentor (who hilariously enough was her orchestra teacher), and now she's gone forever.


Yes. I had seven primary school teachers but only one of them treated me decently. The other six had no idea how to handle me as I was constantly getting into trouble, and instead of working with me, they'd punish the shit out of me instead. The worst was my last primary school teacher who would deliberately allow other students to wind me up just so she could send me out of her class, and usually to one of the nastier teachers at the suggestion of other students who claimed to be my "friend". The one time she sent me to my old teacher who treated me well, she got really annoyed when she learned he'd let me join in playtime with the other students because I'd finished all of my work. High school, teacher-wise, was much better for me.


The worst trash happened to me at classical music school. The teacher by specialty (piano) did not spare either verbally or physically. Things were no better with solfeggio. They killed my inner musician and most of my fragile nerve cells. I didn’t know how to stand up for myself and could only endure and cry, catch meltdowns on the way home and eventually give up everything.


I was trying to think, I thought I was pretty lucky, but then I remembered primary school. Headteacher, always an asshole, wasn't willing to make it a secular school, so religion was pushed a fair bit there. I just remember him picking on me, whilst I was the one being bullied.


I remember my primary school teachers treated me poorly. But then I met my middle school class teacher and his pet(he’s her father’s friend apparently). They make sure I don’t have any friend till my 9th grade. So when my college professor gave me a just passing grade just because I’m not very much of a friend with him I just accepted it (But fuck him tho.


by my vice principal. he literally wanted me to shoot up the school and he forced the ordinarily sympathetic special Ed teachers to mistreat me in his stead. they repeated used the Nuremberg defense non-stop


In kindergarten the teacher hated me for not understanding things. She got mad at me because I went to a different play station after I got bored of the first one, we weren’t allowed to switch apparently. She also got mad because I’d get distracted easily and would fidget, so I had this fidget seat mat thing. She didn’t treat anyone else this way. We went on a field trip to Lego land (in Canada) and my mom was a volunteer parent on the trip. My teacher wouldn’t let me be in a group WITH MY OWN MOTHER!!! All the other kids got to, but I didn’t. This kid in the class always bullied me because I was trying hard to fit in with the other kids and my teacher allowed it. I saw his friend punch him jokingly so I did it too, again trying to fit in. Teacher got mad at ME, but not the other kid. We both did the exact same thing.


Also my parents were called about the punching incident and they yelled at my teacher because she was singling me out and I was constantly telling my parents about what she would do


The English teacher I had almost all the way during middle school (3 out of 4 years). She was really really into class (oral) participation and I was.... not really participating for now obvious reasons. My mom always has tried to explain my issues (with words she could use as as i wasn’t diagnosed), why I wasn't replying to questions at times, to no avail. This teacher would give us a class (oral) participation grade each quarter and would give me the worst grade she could (the closest to 0). The most damning time was when she would have asked which answer among a few was the right answer, the point being that every answer was a good answer. A point I have missed because either she didn’t stated it clearly so I didn't understand or missed it because I was unfocused during the second she said that. So I raised my hand to tell an answer I thought it was the right answer but.... She looked at me like I said the most stupid thing Ever, the class bursted out laughing and she laughed along. (For additional context : i was bullied by a good number of classmates and she did have to know that fact [this part is a whole other story]). To that, I broke down crying (i tried to hide the fact i was but my posture was telling everyone i wasn't well) and right at that moment, she asked me a question (on another thing). Pretty sure she was thrilled to prolong my embarrassment and everything. The worst thing of it all? I wasn't a bad student, at all. My grades in writing assignments was Good, I wasn't messing with the class whatsoever, just an extremely quiet kid.


I was never bullied by students but my 3rd grade teacher did one time in front of the whole class I had a problem with daydreaming while the teacher was lecturing. One day she was teaching math and called on me to answer a question. Of course I wasn’t paying attention and was in my own world. I was just quiet and staring because I had no idea what she was talking about. So then she told the class that I was so stupid and I would be 50 years old still in the 3rd grade. I got so upset that all I could do was put my head down and angrily cry. Everyone including her laughed at me and I was so embarrassed. I’ll never forget how that made me feel. That’s just one example of many.


I had a gym teacher in 6th grade who got mean when I refused to put my jacket on the floor with everyone else's. I had tied it around my waist so that it wouldn't interfere with my exercise, but she was angry that I wouldn't do as she said. I was given permission not to attend gym and spent gym period helping in the school library for the rest of the year. In third grade, I had a teacher who, while she wasn't exactly a bully, clearly did not understand autism. She took some of my behaviors as ignoring her or misbehaving, like when she she didn't tell us how to turn in homework, so I just kept the finished homework in my backpack, since I was the only kid who didn't make the connection that the bin on her desk was for assignments. She wasn't a bad person, but she did not understand why I acted a little differently


In 3rd grade anytime I wasn’t actively working (even if I stopped to think about a problem) she would slam her hand on my desk and yell “PAY ATTENTION!!” I hated her and she was very mean, the rest of the class did not like her either.


I was bullied by a few teachers, but a few teachers were nice to me


Bully maybe isn’t the word but I do vaguely remember when a special ed teacher grabbed my hand because I was struggling understanding long division in third grade.


NOOOO OMG 😭😭 my sy last year was so shit bc of this one teacher who hated me so much to the point that she’d never call me by my name and just.. point at me ☹️




My grade six teacher just hated me. I could do no right by her. She mocked me for any perceived error. Like once she asked me to look a word up in the dictionary for her. I just opened the book, and was starting to flip through when she told me to sit down. The word was further along in the book and I should have opened it closer to where it was. wtf?


I was bullied by teachers and students alike. But some teachers liked me more than others. Mainly because I got A’s and was a teacher’s pet. Of course, that didn’t last. But yeah, I remember a teacher blaming me for a printer malfunctioning, simply because I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. I didn’t have many nasty teachers, but the ones who were nasty definitely left some trauma imprints on me. My peers are still the ones I always think about. They wrecked my confidence.


Two in 8th grade the English teacher who decided midway through the year that she hated me and would give me a hard time whenever I talked with my classmates always saying I was too loud even when I was just talking like everyone else. One day I finally snapped at her and asked what her problem was. I got written up for that but afterwards she dialed it back a bit. Probably due in part to a group project being the rest of the year where we had to communicate with each other and as such her excuses wouldn't fly. I was worried when my brother wound up getting her 3 years later but to her credit she treated him good. Also to give the bitch her due she never let her distaste for me cloud her opinion of my work and called it down the middle giving me credit for good work. The tech education teacher was a bully to everyone who failed to do technical drawings to a professional standard. Despite having very poor motor skills he refused to cut me any slack and failed me despite turning in a majority of the work. Worse he was fresh out of college and taught for two years before becoming vice principal and later a chief accountability officer at the big school district in the area. So he never really wanted to teach so much as worm his way through the education system to tell other people what to do.


I had a lot of trouble at school and before I was 14 I wasn't diagnosed. I went to a school that specialised in teaching children that didn't fit in very well at regular public schools. You'd think they'd handle things pretty well yeah? There were autistic children there, (albeit most of the kids there were there because they got kicked out of regular school for bad behaviour) , but most of them were quite low-functioning. I used to deal with selective mutism very bad and went non-verbal during classes if I got too overwhelmed, I also kinda froze and didnt feel like I could do anything, including work. So they just assumed I was lazy or acting up even though the MAJORITY OF THE TIME I did my work as usual and was very polite to my teachers. I understand that at that point I wasn't diagnosed, but I cannot for the life of me understand why they would think I was acting out. I was clearly struggling with something, and honestly I don't know how they didn't realise I was autistic. I should also mentioned that me and my mum had told her multiple times that it was due to anxiety and being overwhelmed yet she had the audacity to say that I still needed to use my words, like it's that easy lol. I think back to that school and it infuriates me, there were some nice teachers but I remember having a meltdown, which back then i thought was just some form of a panic attack, and they told me I was being dramatic. I remember when I was worried about going to gym class because I hated the feeling of being too hot and sweaty (I know everyone hates being sweaty to some extent but for me it was really stressful) and again, they told me I was being dramatic. It's insane how even teachers who specialise in teaching those with special needs can be extremely ignorant and dismissive of ND children struggling. Again, I understand that I wasn't diagnosed, but the main teacher who treated me the worst literally had an autistic daughter herself who she said I reminded her of, like wth?


Yes, I had teachers bully me also.


I am by all of them. I hope Karma delivers justice to my teachers.


I am an educator and I can’t fucking stand it when I see a teacher being an asshole to a student. I mean that’s rule number one what the fuck


I was mistreated by teachers in my first kindergarten (around2-3yo) year, they would isolate me from the other during class activities (not making me participate for no reason) or even "correcting my work" where it wasn't necessary (basically I think they were trying to make me thing that wathever I do, it will be bad) They even tried to convince my parent that I should be put under med, but luckily after consulting child specialist after I was withdraw from the school they dismiss this idea. I was not diagnosed until I was 20


Me! And headmistresses and the priests who ran the school!


Don't know if this counts but when I changed schools in 7th grade (from the city to the country) I remember being so pissed off at everything and everyone, so I didn't tolerate anyone's shit. And when I saw teachers with clearly wrong facts about history or whatever, I called it out on the spot. I also didn't like how some teachers would just be overly aggresive and always yelling at people for speaking too much and then punishing with lots of homework and stuff. So when the counselors came in and asked if we had problems with some teachers, that we should speak out and all that. So I did exactly that, and everyone in class supported me too, because it was a noticeable problem with some teachers. I felt like some revolutionary leader or something lol, people hugging me and praising me for telling the truth nobody dared to speak out. Then what do you know, the problem teacher finds out people are speaking out and then asks in class. Everyone ditches me and points fingers at me, like it's just a me problem. The teacher then has a vendetta on me and me alone, speaks differently to me, treats me differently, makes sarcastic remarks referencing my problems with them and everybody laughs. F\*\*\* YOU GUYS!!! I THOUGHT WE HAD A REVOLUTION ON OUR HANDS!!!


Back in the late 80s, I was in the "Unit" at a mainstream school with a "Special Needs" (I hate that word!) "Unit", 5 years of hell under that evil Witch Freeman, who was the Head of the Unit, and frequently bullied me almost to tears. In fact if I hadn't made friends with my ex and her annoying Brother, I'd have walked out of the gate at lunch time on the first day and caught a Bus Home. The only saving grace was that I had a bit of a crush on my French teacher, it was like a Gomez/Morticia Addams thing lol.


My 5 & 6th grade teachers were the worst. 5th humiliated me by making me go to the chalkboard to answer a math question that she knew I had no idea how to work out. Some of the nicer students helped me. I had a lot of bullies who constantly accused me of doing things and my 6th grade teacher always sided with them and was extra mean to me. The rest of the teachers I had throughout school were actually amazing though. I came to be one of the quiet respectful kids that they like (despite struggling with all my work and assignments)