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Just drop off the presents and leave please




nah i luv the attention


I love for it to be my birthday! The people who love me know I want to open my presents in private so I don’t have to have a reaction and that I want to plan everything with interruptions or unexpected guests. Lol


Nah, I love having a celebration with my friends, just not like a giant party, but yeah it’s definitely awkward when people all sing and you just have to stand there


I hate social expectations!!


My reaction to receiving a wonderful gift that I will cherish forever and have been hoping for "😐 Thanks"


This wasn't the case for me. Since I got some good toys and presents I always tried not to "over react" to the presents.


I can confirm this. My 15th birthday is the best day of my life because it was like any other day and no one at school wished me happy birthday. Even better was that one of my birthday gifts was COVID, which meant I could stay home for the rest of the week.


I never tell anybody at work. I worked for somebody THIRTEEN YEARS and she didn’t know my birthday. And she sat next to the personnel files. If she wanted to know, she could have known. She dint gaf. Lokz.


I just tell people that they shouldn't expect a normal reaction, even if something excites me like nothing else, I won't really "show" it. Actions speak louder than words, if I love something I'll make use of it. And honestly that isn't about introversion, so much as it's functioning different from the norm, i.e subverting expectations. Honestly recieving gifts and compliments is something you should learn, as it will make you happier in the long run, I am not saying you need to learn how to react, but to learn to accept and be appreciative of it.


I hate masking when it's my b-day. So fucking uncomfortable.