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I love golf but man does it draw in some of the douchiest fuck nuts. Go to any Top Golf on a Friday or Saturday night and it is multiple groups of bros fucking around on the tee pads.


My daughter went for a bday party. Said the only redeeming thing about Top Golf was the chicken tenders.


My daughter is 7 and chicken tenders, properly applied, would buy her silence in a murder trial.


I’m 47 and there’s a very specific type of tenders that are not at all fancy that would buy my silence for way more things than they should.


Are they the really crunchy breading ones that are probably brought in frozen? Like these ones? https://www.upstateramblings.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/air-fryer-frozen-chicken-tenders-1150527-1200x901.jpg My formative childhood years were spent at the bar my dad worked at watching nickelodeon, drinking unlimited fountain drinks, and eating either chicken tenders and honey mustard or grilled cheese with pickles inside while playing gameboy color games.


Yes! Exactly those. I could eat those non-stop. I've had fancy ones and they're fine, but these I'll always love.


They really do stand out in the field. There's only so much you can do to a slice of chicken to make it fancy after it's been deep fried, so in this case less is more.


Why did the scarecrow win a Nobel Prize?


To get to the other side!


He was outstanding in his field.


Top golf seems like more of a party spot with some golf than a golf spot with some partying. Pretty sure that's their intent


You could say the same thing about regular golf tbh


Regular golf is just when you have kids and a mortgage 




I’ve often wondered about what it would be like to have started playing now in my 40s as opposed to starting very young. It doesn’t feel new to me when I play but rather nostalgic and familiar. I still play a few times a year and enjoy it but I haven’t improved since I was 16.


Just turned 30 and a few weeks before I started getting into golf... Just feels right as I get older. Nice to get some quiet alone time working on a skill.


Probably because a lot of married men would pay a lot of money to get out of their house and enjoy 4-8 hours of peace and quiet outdoors on a golf course lmao


Or a regular restaurant/bar for that matter.


it was just a prank, he should have just gotten over it /s


Sounds like he got over the net pretty easily.


For sure. Used to work at Top golf and I absolutely hated it. Very entitled, douchey people coming there.


Yeah golf definitely is known for how dangerous the players are. Didn’t one of them just get locked up on his way to the tournament?


If your not joking it was some fine police work. Scotty, the golfer, was turning into the entrance in a marked players car, then the cop ran up and punched the window.  Scotty stops gets yelled at then arrested. In the report the cop claimed he was drug 10 yards by the car.  The video shows none of this. Only what I mentioned earlier. And believe it or not, the body cam was off.


Dragged, for future reference 👍


"Drug" just looks better on a police report


I hate to make this a race thing, but this would've most likely ended up worse for a black person who has generational trauma from police interactions.


The interaction would have been much worse and if it wasn't the #1 golfer on the planet.  this person would have been in a drug out court battle that probably would have landed them in jail and destroyed their and their families lives.  You know lose your job because jail time an now good luck getting a job.


Totally agree. The whole thing was a crock of shit. I think this speaks to privilege. Race is often part of this discussion. There's no denial there. But other people with privilege - regardless of race - are the benefactors of favourable treatment.


I read that as "knocked up on his way to the tournament" and had a giggle.


Anything that draws in the "bro" crowd I avoid.


My best friend fell 6ft backwards off a 1st story balcony and died instantly. He was also extremely drunk. So avoidable and so devastating


My cousin died the same way. He forgot his key for the entry door so decided to climb the building to his balcony which apparently he’d done hundreds of times before. He was drunk and fell and that was it.


I used to volunteer for a charity which enabled people with a variety of disabilities to sail on a local reservoir. We had one elderly mum who would bring her 40-yo vegetative son every Sunday in his wheelchair, we would winch him into our lugger and sail him around. I asked another volunteer what his story was, it turns out he'd been working in a middle-eastern country (maybe Dubai? Can't remember) with his girlfriend but because they weren't married they couldn't love together. He used to climb up to her room via her balcony, one time it collapsed under his weight and fell on his head. Heartbreakingly he died of pneumonia a few years after I left the charity :(


I've done this myself. My mom used to live ont he 2nd floor of an apartment building, so if I was ever locked out I would just climb on the first floor's balcony, then up to the second, and in through the back door. Well one day it was slightly slippery from frost. I almost made it but I fucked up and slipped. Thankfully I landed ok, but I still couldn't do any running for 3 days after cause of soreness.


My dad’s friend broke both his arms like this


oh no


His mom must’ve had to care for him


I wonder if there is more to this story. I mean when your arms are broken you practically can’t do anything.


Trevor Moore from “Whitest Kids You Know” died the same way. It really sucks


Don't spread misinformation, he died sucking his own dick.


Absolutely devastating loss of a local sexpot.


I thought he got hammered in the ass so much that he died of being hammered in the ass?




[Also lies. Here’s the actual footage of his death](https://youtu.be/MrFCuUBGmPQ?si=V3OXB06rhPt8-utH)


Same with Sophie :(


I didn’t know that but was very sad when he died, I loved that show


He's the grapist.


My old elementary school secretary’s son collapsed during a track meet (he ended up being okay), so she started going down the bleachers to go check on him, but she tripped, hit her head, and died instantly. A perfectly healthy woman in her late 30s. Crazy how quickly and suddenly life can end.


I am so sorry for your loss.


Thank you ❤️


Omg did you witness it? His poor family and friends.


No but my friend did, he was messed up after


It's scary how death is lurking and incidents like this can strike in a split second.


It’s scary what “friends” think it’s ok to do to their “friends”


“After they began their session, the friends were playing pranks on each other by pushing or nudging each other to fall onto the safety nets, the inquest heard.”




They were all rough housing though.


Agreed. It was stupid of his friend to do but he obviously didn’t have ill intentions, they’re a group of guys in their early 20’s playing around. I honestly feel bad for his friend who’s mentally scarred for life after accidentally killing his friend (im not saying its 100% not his fault, but it was an accident)


This reminds me of the young guy who went drinking with his buddies and ate the snail on some else's dare. It reminds me of the kid who jumped off the yacht and disappeared. The guy who fell off the elevator of the Eiffel Tower at King's Island a couple of decades ago. Shit like this happens so often. Unless it was some kind of hazing death I would never want to imprison one of those young men for it.


100% agreed. Poor guy has already learned his lesson and just needs support and therapy


Snail guy died?


Yea, people lambasting the guy must not realize the life long trauma and guilt will be punishment enough. He didn't mean to kill or hurt, but he did - and now he has to live with that for the rest of his life. He may have caused the death of his friend, but a part of him for sure died as well.


I appreciate your empathy.


How does that matter? It takes one person in that group to be an adult and say ok, listen this is enough let's go somewhere else. Instead this guy kills his "friend" while everybody in the facility is left traumatized for life. "It's just a prank bro" is a fucking tired train of thought.


What do you mean how does it matter? The parents of the kid who died literally didn't want to press charges or anything and even said their own dead kid wouldn't want them to he was a friend and it was clearly an accident. You're projecting a bunch of weird shit onto the story with the whole "it's just a prank bro" nonsense that could be solved by just reading the article.


You both can be right - there was no malice but people need to be more aware of how fragile the human body can be and not pull dangerous pranks.


Those affected don’t get the choice to “press charges” in the UK, that’s the CPS’s call.


If a crime occurred here then the victim helped commit his own manslaughter. If this is how it actually happened then I’m glad all of them are keeping quiet so one of them doesn’t have to go to jail for something all of them, including the dead man, were doing. Otherwise they’d have to reanimate the deceased man and jail him as well.


Oh come on. It was an accident. Millions of people are a hair away from something like this everyday.


That makes it ok and totally not preventable


Is it also an accident when you get shitfaced and kill a bunch of people with your car?


An easily avoidable accident. Not really an accident since the whole prank was pushing people to the edge, but sure. Simply don't shove people off of high things. That's what people are advocating. Fun, drinking, all that stuff can still happen without intentionally doing something that risks (and does result in) death.


That's why most people you call friends when you're young ain't really your friends. And it takes learning that the hard way.


That's really a case by case situation. I'm still friends with a lot of the people I was friends with when I was younger.


lmao the projection


The *Final Destination* franchise made a fortune off of this very premise.


Pushing someone off a ledge is not really a case of death lurking


I've lost count how many times I've seen in the news through my life where someone who was sucker-punched or shoved that ended in death. Movies make a person think you have to be shot or hit with a sledgehammer but the head is really fragile.


These AI articles are really pissing me off, they don't make sense to a human being when they are read. I don't understand in human prose, it's sad that AI is now cannibalizing AI and it's pretty much just getting boomers to think it's real and keep clicking shit.


Haha I shoved you off a two story building!!! PRANKED!!!!!


Like when I pranked that guy in the parking garage with a tire iron


Like that time I shot a bum in the face, you’re supposed to dodge those ya silly goose! You just got punk’d!!!


Damn you, Ashton!


Some people just can't take a joke. I had a friend who was afraid to go out at night because he was robbed and beaten half to death when he was a teenager, so I thought it would be funny if I hired a couple of guys to break into his house and scare him. Well, the guys ended up actually robbing him after he fought back and they beat him him up. It was pretty hilarious, but now he refuses to talk to me and his wife blames me for ruining his marriage because he spent all of their savings building a safe room and then locked himself and refuses to leave. It was just a prank.


People are so sensitive these days


Christopher Walken, is that you? https://youtu.be/jORviU2oyMQ?si=wKsmHr2IYQnpDEYX


To death!


The article says they were all pushing each other around and trying to knock each other off into the net. And had been told to stop by staff. So extremely dumb, but they were all involved in the stupidity.


It's just a prank bro


Jailed! PRANKED!!!




They weren’t physically violent with each other though. There is a difference between roughhousing and violence. Of course that doesn’t mean what they were doing wasn’t extremely stupid, but it’s not like there were ill intentions towards each other. Now this guy, and all the others involved, have to live with the guilt and burden of a dead mate.


> we never got physically violent with each other. My eyes are rolling through the back of my skull. Just say you're a boring loser.


“It’s just a prank bro!”


"What you can't take a joke?"


“Guess not”


"It's just involuntary manslaughter, bro!"


That's awful. I knew a guy that paralyzed himself falling out of bed.


Falls are so wild. Sometimes people trip over a stair and die because they landed wrong, others can fall a few stories and walk away with a sprained elbow.


A relative of mine is a construction worker. She fell from a scaffold that is around the height of the floor of a 2nd floor along with a coworker when it collapsed. There were a few items nearby that landed on top of her as well and she got a few bruises with some broken teeth. The dude that fell with her walked out of it perfectly fine then dropped dead less than 1 minute later.


What did he die from?


No idea, he was declared dead in the hospital and his family didnt request autopsy since the construction site was their family home. His death was likely due to some form of internal damage from the fall that wasnt apparent at first.


Probably a brain bleed


Or some other sort of internal bleeding


I've had a couple people in my life die from seemingly minor falls. Not onto or off of anything. Just, falling down. And then there's the guy who got picked up by a tornado, tossed like half a mile, and he gets up like nothing happened. (granted, he probably only lived because he was passed out drunk. So he never tried to brace himself and end up getting more hurt)


Bro I tripped and fell down 10 stairs a few years ago and am so thankful the only outcome was my back broken in two places.


I passed out on my top stop (I banged my knee, saw stars and when I stood up passed out) and fell backwards, and got away with a severe concussion. As bad as those 4 months were, I am so incredibly grateful it wasn’t much much worse.


New phobia unlocked, thank you


Knew a guy who drunkenly fell two stories into an apt courtyard onto the concrete. Skull fracture, broken leg, punctured lung etc. The thing was that during the MRI they discovered he had a baseball sized tumor in his brain that likely would have hemorrhaged at any moment. So falling and fucking himself up really bad saved his life.


It’s wild how many stories I have heard like that. Markiplier, a popular YouTuber, had a gastrointestinal blockage, and during that hospital trip they also found a tumor on his kidney which had been causing all kinds of issues for him too. Kind of wild


Shitty friends


Who needs enemies with friends like him


some people are ignorant and unaware, but that doesn't make them morally reprehensible. it's so weird to me how so many people see everything in such black-and-white terms. i guess it's less complicated but it's a very crass way to divide humanity. i guess you don't believe in people just making tragically stupid mistakes, but that type of thing happens all the time.


In this case, they were warned by the driving range staff to stop after they repeatedly pushed their friends onto the safety nets.


My friends and I don't do this and never have. Maybe this is just a male thing to think it's normal to act this way?


Im a male and this is reprehensible. Pretending to shove someone and scare them is one thing. Actually shoving someone over an edge? That is fucking insane, even if it was only 1/10th the height. Might as well throw large rocks at each other's heads for fun.


Refusing to think about the consequences of your actions Is morally reprehensible, imo.


My first thought


drunken pranks should really be stopped. or even sober harmful pranks 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Nah, it was dumb as hell and a tragedy, but you could never make enough laws to make these kinda people safe without doing way more harm to society on a whole than good. People can find a dumb way to die doing anything


Those nets are big in the US how the hell does this happen


“Before Mr Groom was pushed by an unnamed friend, there had been seven other incidents of pushes or attempted pushes by the group. One of Mr Groom's friends ran up and pushed him, but instead of falling onto the net, Mr Groom went over the edge and fell to the ground, around 12 feet below.”


After the first incident the group should have been kicked out. Wtf.


Yup. That kids family is gonna get paid for that very reason.


It's not in the US, though. I don't think the Brits are as crazy with the litigation.


Ah good point.


The Americans sue everyone and other countries don't thing is a myth FYI. The USA ranks 5th and only slightly more than the UK. 1. Germany: 123.2/1,000 2. Sweden: 111.2/1,000 3. Israel: 96.8/1,000 4. Austria: 95.9/1,000 5. U.S.: 74.5/1,000 6. UK 64.4/1,000 https://eaccny.com/news/member-news/dont-let-these-10-legal-myths-stop-your-doing-business-in-the-u-s-myths-6-and-7-the-u-s-is-very-litigious-and-that-is-too-threatening-to-a-small-company-like-ours-as-a-result-the-risk/




Well yeah but they may be getting that information from cameras. Not staff witness testimony.


That’s the thing in the US those nets are like 2 meters long to push someone that the fly 2 meters past the net is perplexing


They had a running start.  That converts energy into force applied to friend launching them farther. 


He more likely rolled off the net after landing on it, there’s no way he flew farther than the net extends.


This article isn’t even about the US


It says his leg got caught in the net and then he fell over, I’m guessing most likely taking a header


Medias are spineless nowadays. This is not prank. The sentence should stop at “[….] push him off safety netting.”


That would make the article less precise, not more. It *was* definitively a prank, irrespective of how stupid and inappropriate it was, it was not a deliberate attempt to murder someone, so the distinction is important.


Until we find this guy's diary and it has some oddly specific entry like "Finally, Top Golf, everything's coming together..."


This happened in England.


Kids, don’t fall or push each other off stuff. For assessment purposes as a first responder, it’s considered a major trauma with potential for spinal and head injury.  Even if your organs and bones are ok the resulting shock can kill you.


Straight to jail


No action was taken against the guy who pushed him. The police found no malicious intent and “The parents of Conner Groom didn't support a prosecution of [his friend]. They believed that Conner would not have wanted to support any action over him as they are good friends.'”


Yeah I just read it wasn’t in the US. Had it been the guy would have been arrested on site, charged with manslaughter at the very least. Or reckless homicide.


It's still manslaughter


It was a stupid decision that led to the death of his close friend. The victims family doesn't believe it's intentional or want him charged and the death of his friend is punishment enough


My comment was a Parks and Rec reference…relax.


I’ve never been happier to not have friends!!


What a timely story from 2.5 years ago.


We’re playing fast and loose with the term prank these days. Jesus Christ.


They were all apparently trying to shove each other off into the net. So prank seems appropriate. Just extremely idiotic.


“It’s just a prank bro”


I hate being around people who do over the top crap in public. In the article the employees warned them multiple times to stop.


We need to revisit the definition of friend


And "prank"


If this happened in the US, there'd be lawsuits up the ass against Top Golf. The response from the family was very restrained.


Well for what it’s worth, it sounded like an accident. And the wording is wrong on the title. He wasn’t pushed off the safety netting, he missed the safety netting. And neither the cops or parents wanted to press charges. Title wrong and made to get people’s panties in a wad.


Why is catastrophic in inverted commas and friend isn't?


I went to a party at a driving range once and the whole place was basically a drunken frat party. Just an awful experience


“It’S jUsT a PrAnK, BrO”


Why are shitty drunk dudes so obsessed with pranks? That concept ruined college comedy movies for decades


Just a prank bro!


12 feet? Killer


Ah. he stayed at the same hospital as me. Small world.


Did you get pranked too?


Link broken for anyone else? I found [this other article](https://www.yahoo.com/news/man-accidentally-kills-friend-pushing-164356250.html) about the same incident, though. Strangely, _it_ claims he was 22.


And that's how you do time for killing your friend because "I was drunk" and "I didn't know he would die" aren't valid excuses to kill someone.


12 feet is fucking high, like even if you land well, there is a good chance you are still going to break some bones or tear a bunch of ligaments. It isn't like he pushed him down a small height and he just landed really badly. What kind of friend is pushing someone around such a big drop.


Crazy they let that grown adult off with murder. Not even a slap on wrist for.killing his friend. I'm sorry but he should be in jail for a little bit. Joke or not someone died and there should be consequences for that not that he feels bad now.


It's not the height of the fall, but how you land(mostly). I knew a guy that fell off a bunk bed and became a quad.


"It's just a prank, bro"


A friend of my parents slipped down their front door steps (think like 3 or 4 steps) and is now paralyzed from the neck down. Wild how little things that you wouldn't expect can kill or seriously injure you.


Is that a friend?


20/20 hindsight, but four-story nets are for trampolines, not reckless dares. RIP to the kid; those friends owe him everything.


Bro, nah brah. His dad owns a dealership bruh


Ah, of course Alcohol is involved…


What a shitty friend.


Don't have stupid friends.


Assault != Prank


Does the UK have manslaughter? The person who pushed him should be locked up.


What is it with these titles telling the story backwards?


This is why I have 0 friends


Aka he was Murdered by his "Friends"


~~man’s laughter~~ *manslaughter*


what is topgolf? a driving range with a couch?


If you're drunk and you shoot your friend as a prank, is it still a prank?


That friends gonna feel guilty for life.


I hope someone was filming, so that the guy didn't die for NOTHING




Oh well. Next.


So murdered?


Golf bros at their best.


That’s murder, not a prank.


In my jurisdiction it might be called negligence causing death. Which can be considered a crime, but depends on the circumstances. Calling it 'murder' is a bit much.


It's an accident from people being extremely stupid while drunk. Calm down


He did it as goof, though


Saw a guy earlier on Reddit falling out of a 9 story building, got up and walked back in, very lucky, unlike our guy here.


Doesnt mean they survived, adrenaline will do strange things.


Life is fucked up and unfair. I stopped drinking 4 years ago in October and I never will look back. Prayers to all involved.


Not that you have but have you heard or what happens when the alcohol wears off and the reality of what had happened and where your life goes from there sinks in? Like the first 24hrs. I hope I asked this question somewhat correctly.