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Ever since that woman who posted about a comic about getting kicked out *supposedly* because she was pro-Palestine, people on Twitter haven't been kind to these kind of comics


Did it ever come out that she scammed people, or were people just calling her a moron for spening like, nearly 10k on a hotel


Well, the GoFundMe for *herself* is real, so that alone is a huge red flag. I can't say for sure, but it's highly likely she used that money for the 10k hotel


Mass apathy is going to kill us all.


Unfortunate. That woman really made a mark on Twitter.


Link to said tweet?


The links provided are being removed. Search for the username on Twitter and her third post or so is the full comic.


What username?


The username at the top of the photo. @rubodubo


The first five photos have about 5 pixels between them. 6-8 are fine.


This is the top comment at 2h in with 163 upvotes.


Blue checks


Anything to get replies and likes so they can make their money back.


Twitter is an absolute cesspool, no surprise those comments are mainly coming from accounts with the stupid blue check. Go to any popular thread and you see morons saying the most horrible shit promoted to the top because of the checks. A lot of angry people who enjoy hurting others.


I swear. I miss twitter sometimes (following a bunch of artists/art accounts there) but everytime I open twitter I'm just reminded of why I don't use that app anymore.


Absolutely this. Twitter has become a shit hole where shit people try to top each other on being the absolute worst.


Become? It always was a cesspool.


Oh for sure, but it’s gotten a lot worse nowadays because the shitheads can just buy a check mark and get boosted


Elon is gonna lose sooooo much money and I love that for him


He was just granted like $45 *Billion* in a compensation package from Tesla, which offsets the $44 Billion he pissed away buying Twitter. Absolutely wild that the 77% of Tesla stockholders who voted for the compensation package either didn't realize or didn't care they were essentially paying for his Nazi Army recruitment tool.


As you should.


It got worse, people started drawing her getting raped and dming it to her. People are fucking monsters.


Yea I saw that yesterday when she posted about it. I get it Twitter and the internet plus rule 34 but god damn man. WOW just wow.


this rule 34 is still so dumb to me, and it's always sadly funny to see the shooters it has. "b-b-but you don't get it, if it's on the internet someone HAS to draw porn, IT'S THE RULE!!!!" every time someone complains something that's not pornographic at all has porn drawn of it


Personally I just see it as just a rule of human nature. No matter what it is someone will think something lewd about anything. And I mean ANYTHING. No matter if it is in bad taste or inappropriate the anonymity of the internet allows people to express the worst sometimes.


Yeah, Occam's Razor isn't that the simplest explanation is required to be the correct one


If they were professional artists I hope she's outed them so decent people can stay away from them.. vile people


What the actual fuck is wrong with people??? Who just wakes up one morning and decides to do that to someone else????


I fucking hate humanity.




Definitely took it too far, there’s always sick people doing that shit. But I kinda agree she wasn’t groomed as a 20 year old.


Yeahhh finding out she was 20 when the drawing made me think she was an early teen made me feel some sort of way. It's still terrible what happened (I assume, I haven't read the work yet), but being taken advantage of and being groomed aren't synonymous.


Grooming is 100% about age. You *cannot* groom an adult. The word you are thinking of is "manipulating". Refusing to use words as they are intended is a dangerous game with stuff like this. It waters down words and makes them meaningless and unimportant. You wouldn't call a 55 year old pursuing a 20 year old a pedophile. Words have meaning for a reason. Grooming is not something that is done to a person of age. They are manipulated, an act which can use some of the same measures as grooming, but the words are not interchangable.


The metropolitan police in UK acknowledge grooming as a term for adults. While rare. “Grooming is when a person builds a relationship with a child, young person or an adult who's at risk so they can abuse them and manipulate them into doing things. The abuse is usually sexual or financial, but it can also include other illegal acts.” But I agree that it has a more inherent meaning of being used towards minors. And it feels disingenuous to apply this word to adults, as it describes a naive individual vulnerable to manipulation. Which just seems insulting imo to describe a 20 year old. Because there’s more to it than being vulnerable at that age.


I feel like by "adult at risk" they are talking about adults with developmental issues that make them "mentally" much younger than they are. I could get behind the term being used that way. The key difference between how it happens to kids and how it happens to young adults is, adults know for sure what is happening, even if they don't feel they have the power to stop it for whatever reason (looks like in Erin's case she felt no one would believe her, and that if she left he'd just move on to victimizing someone else) whereas kids might feel uncomfortable but may not know that those feelings are because what's happening is inherently wrong. I may be incorrect in this, but I've always understood that "grooming" a child involves convincing them that what was happening, or going to happen, isn't wrong and that it's something normal. Putting whatever act that's being done or talked about on the same level as saying someone is silly for being afraid of the dark after a certain age. "You're just uncomfortable because you aren't used to it, but this is totally normal things for someone of your age to do/experience so don't worry." And sure, you could do that to someone who is of legal age but not developmentally at that level of comprehension. But most people over 18 already have a good idea of what is right and wrong, what is normal and abnormal, and understand the weight of consent. To me that's the key and most defining difference that shouldn't be lost.


You really explained well how I was feeling and thinking on this subject.


Nvm the verbage in that is scary. "Or an adult who's at risk....". Way too open for interpretation.


That’s how I feel. It’s too broad a term if it includes adults. And it shifts in meaning when it’s adults.


Have you ever been in a position where you were under the assumption of someone you thought to be a parental figure and they begin to have a small level of control over you as they push themselves more in to your life just to use you then when you start fighting back they get aggressive and start saying how could you do this to them. And when you break out from it. You realise that you were just Groomed to do as they wish to get what they want from you. This is the case here and i dont want others to be shamed or attacked for calling out awful things that happen to them from people who held power over them. Edit: age has nothing to do with it. And just because someone is a certain age that means that they consented or understood what happens to them at that given moment. Edit2: groomed might be the wrong word coerced might be a better word


It's a form of sexual harassment for sure when there is someone in a position of power, but it isn't grooming. Age has everything to do with it. Using these words incorrectly can be more harmful than you think. It can cause people to become dismissive or even give naysayers a foothold to twist things.


Absolutely. Which is what I had in mind myself. It’s not the victims fault. But it’s more #metoo than it is grooming. And it’s very important to use the right words, words are powerful and you can easily look like a fool if you use the wrong ones.


They used the world grooming A LOT during the me too movement to describe men in power slowly getting women to trust them before putting them in a position where they felt like they either had to sleep with the men or lose something (like a role or a position etc).


I tried to look up grooming for my own edification and it doesn’t mention anything about age. So I’m confused. Edit- sorry it does mention age but doesn’t mention that it only happens to children. There are instances of adult grooming in relationships


Can I groom a 50 year old woman?


yes, for example, you can groom someone to take over the role of ceo


Yes. Then charge her $280 dollars for a perm and dye job.


Grooming doesn't only happen to children, you can be groomed as an adult by another adult. While age usually plays a role in grooming there doesn't need to be a massive age different between two people for it to be grooming.


I suppose there’s adult grooming, but it doesn’t sound right, as grooming has an inherent definition of being used towards minors. Especially as minors are more vulnerable to manipulative tactics that groomers rely on. Using the word grooming implies a certain vulnerability and naivety in the victim which honestly seems insulting to describe a woman of 20. He used his authority to harass and abuse her. Putting her in a situation she didn’t feel safe to refuse.


Adults can 100% be naive about things, especially a 20 year old in college. When you become 18 you don't suddenly gain knowledge of everything in society, you're still young and growing.


Grooming happens when there’s a power dynamic.


So if a boss fucks his 40 year old secretary then he automatically groomed her? Anything to not take responsibility for your own actions I guess 


I didn’t say every relationship with a power dynamic is grooming. But it could be, depending on the context and behaviors of the boss. [This](https://www.allvoices.co/blog/signs-of-grooming-in-the-workplace) describes workplace grooming and [this](https://www.modernintimacy.com/understanding-grooming-in-adult-relationships/) is a general description of how adults can be groomed.


You know this isn’t the type of power dynamic being discussed here, and belittling actual situations wherein this occurs is very uncool.


There are evil people walking around and we won't know them. The anonymous of Internet shows what people are truly like; some people are just imbalanced and culminating in evil.


I hope AI replaces them.


I gave up Twitter long ago but now I wonder how this comic is to get those horrible responses


You can read it on Instagram at @rubodubo_


Did she take it down?


No, just checked, it's still there.


Forget the groomed thing - look how they called her a "homewrecker" like if the Prof was the real victim - poor man didn't know cheating on his wife was a bad idea, some nasty student he was flirting with ended up destroying his marriage :<


I believe she was manipulated for sure and I’m on her side 100%, but groomed is the wrong word to use here.


I haven’t read it. Can you explain why grooming is not the right word?


Grooming is specific for minors being influenced so that they'll have sex with them when they are of age. Like those 30-something gold diggers at sports drafts


Grooming is the practice of training someone or something for a particular activity, not necessarily a child, I’ve seen plenty of adults get groomed by people in positions of power. It can happen and there’s this stigma that only children can get groomed. It’s rarer than children sure but it does happen.


It's one if those words though that's been used so often in one particular context that it's meaning has changed to mean that only. For instance, while it would be a perfectly legitimate use of the term I bet it's been a while since anyone at work has been told they are being groomed for a promotion.


oh shit, you're right


The connotation with this type of grooming is 100% child though. Again, better words would be coerced or manipulated.


I was groomed by a psychologist as an adult. I did not realize to what extent until the college of psychologists reviewed the case. Your presumptions are dismissive of my experience.


Again, she drew herself as a twelve year old. Is was disingenuous at BEST. And in truth, presents as manipulation of her own. Which is part of why she got flamed. What happened was awful. But present it as it was. Don’t intentionally conflate it. While grooming can be strictly applied here in the denotative sense, CONNOTATIVE sense as I said is indeed a child. While words like manipulated, coerced, or abused are more aptly applied. I’m sorry for your experience, I hope you are getting the help you need.


I have a cousin who looks exactly like that at 25 That’s definitely not a 12 year old, just a short girl There’s definitely a little bit of feature exaggeration to highlight the power imbalance and the feelings of powerlessness in the comic but it’s absurd to say she’s drawn like she’s 12. The only thing that looks remotely “12” is the height otherwise her face very much looks like a young adult.


Does she state that she is 12? She depicts herself youthfully. Because she was young. Have you met many people in their early 20s?


>Does she state that she is 12? This right here. So what if her art style automatically makes you think she's trying to "sway" audiences to believe he was a pedophile on top of the disgusting behavior? She's not the one saying she's 12, she wasn't saying he was a pedophile (as far as I know), so why do people automatically assume? I just hate the world


She depicted herself accurately. She looks like a teenager in her photos. Which makes it even more gross on his part, she looks VERY young.


It is somewhat subjective for sure. I disagree though. I think she looks early twenties in the picture she has posted from last year. The artistic depiction looks muchhhhhh younger than that. Again, is somewhat subjective, but I think most people have that impression. That does not look like a 20 year old. That doesn’t change that what happened is awful. It doesn’t change that the response online was awful either. But it does smell of adding oil to a fire that would burn fine on its own. It’s been the same thing in politics. Just report what the sleezebags do. Don’t exaggerate and sorta manipulate what it looks like, then they can point to that and say it’s not fair.


Drawings are quite tricky things to point out as right or wrong, specially when it's very stylised like this, for you, it can seen like she's purposly depicting herself as a child, when in reality that's just how she draws herself. People draw the world they see, and everyone has a different view of reality. It could very well be her art style, it could be the fact she felt fragile and naive, so her perception of herself at the time turns out more childlike, it could also just be she's trying to fool you into thinking she was a child for compassion, either way, humans don't look like that, so you can't tell an artist they drew something you think they did.


I was groomed by a married boss when I was 19. Was I an “adult” on paper? Maybe. But I have no doubt that I was groomed by someone who was in a position of power over me. Some of these comments are fucking disgusting.


[Adult grooming](https://www.caage.org/what-is-adult-grooming) can be a thing too. I see grooming as someone using a power disparity (age/status/employment/etc.) over a victim to build a false relationship with the victim. At a later time, the abuser will try to get something out of the victim levying the false relationship and the power disparity over the victim so that they can coerce the victim into doing what the abuser wants. In my mind, what the artist went through here sounds like adult grooming. Nvm that she was 20. It’s not like it’s the first time that professors have used their status to try and attract students half their age.


This. Adult grooming is absolutely a thing, speaking from personal experience. It happened to me when I was 19- fresh out of high school, but technically an adult so it didn’t count according to some people


you are [very](https://www.caage.org/what-is-adult-grooming) [wrong](https://www.survivorsuk.org/resource_articles/grooming/#:~:text=Grooming%20can%20happen%20when%20there,adults%20can%20also%20be%20groomed)


Not true at all. Look up the definition of grooming


this thread is insane dude! everyone is saying otherwise, and that's horrible


Your question is asked in bad faith because you’re replying to everyone else about how the dictionary definition is wrong, so no I won’t explain


I was groomed and sexually assaulted as a child, and I think she used the word accurately.


Hope you’re doing well xxx


I’m doing better, I got the help I needed thank you.


Anyone can be groomed


Yeah those people are still assholes, but yeah this is manipulation and harassment, but not grooming. Can't hide behind being an influenceable minor when you're a grown person.


Coming from someone who WAS groomed as a child, I don’t think everyone should be jumping on this woman for a misuse of a word in describing her experiences of sexual abuse. She was sexually manipulated and in a deeply abusive situation- it’s not grooming but the harm it did to her was very fucking real. And so far it seems like the only usage of the word “grooming” in her words is in the warning - which idk what else she would wanna call it for trigger warning purposes. As for other mentions of the word, others told her that’s what it was, so who knows.


It's not even misuse. People are knitpicking and tone policing a victim of grooming. Comments do not pass the vibe check.


In the workplace unwanted sexual attention is sexual harassment which is considered worse if someone is in a position above you. The same should hold true in the academic world.


At least my graduate school, sexual harassment's defined the same way. We take mandatory training every year regarding sexual harassment, types of abuse, etc. and this is heavily emphasized.


Like 97% of these replies are with blue checks, they’re just engagement farming, but istg someone they have little to no boundaries


Dumb people in twitter love feeling smart by intentionally misrepresenting others and putting them down. What does it take to chill and move on? Nothing, their egos won’t let them though.


What can you expect from Twitter users ?


I see it all the time on reddit as well to be fair


Twitter (if it wasn't already before musk), is turning into a diet 4 chan


4chan but with comprehendible slang


Why are people so horrible?


Am I the only one who thinks college aged folks barely if at all count as adults? Sure, legally, but we all know they're not experienced, their brains aren't fully developed, and their professors DEFINITELY have a power dynamic over them. So why the hell are people here arguing whether or not she was "groomed"? Kinda fucked up, imo. This gives big Pedophiles vs Ephebophile energy.


Link to the comic?


I can't link it. It's on her instagram @rubodubo_




She was 20. Her professor was how old i wonder? I feel like i'm always yelling about the MATURITY GAP, because maturity is arguably a more important factor than age, but usually maturity can be gauged by age. 20 year olds have only been adults for two-three years and have limited experience when it comes to just about everything adult related. Compare that to her professor who is, oh yeah, a fucking professor, who was married and had hella life experience. The power dynamic there is CLEAR AS FUCKING DAY (or at least it should be?!) I'm pissed because the artist doesn't deserve to be shamed for sharing their story.


The maturity gap is definitely something to consider, but in the case of university or college, there is a very clear difference in power dynamic between a student and their teacher, the latter whom can ruin a student’s career more easily than vice versa. That’s not a maturity issue at all, but it’s also not grooming like the artist is calling it, that would involve a different kind of imbalanced power dynamic.


Yeah! Actually i think i should have shifted and narrowed the focus of my comment to focus more on the power dynamic between student and teacher! Also, i'm finding myself having a question. Can only children or minors be groomed? Did this artist not get groomed, but sexually harassed? I have not read the comic. I have an idea of grooming involving slowly building up a feeling of trust overtime and then taking advantage of that trust to be innapropriate, but convincing the victim that it's okay. Something like that, but i'm sure there's more to it.


There are those who want to keep the word groomed and grooming explicitly for minors, but technically, anyone can be groomed at any by others of any age, including younger than them, if the power dynamic is unbalanced and one person has power over the other. I think, for the sake of the safety of minors that we should keep grooming/groomed as terms applied to minors to describe this concept and something else when both parties are adults.


Her professor could have been 24


No it’s very unlikely that someone finished a phd in 6 years, had time to get married and was dumb enough to hit on the girls IN his classes. It’s possible to be a professor at 24, but not if you’re stupid at all and you’d only hit on your students if you’re stupid/don’t value your career. (Unlikely if you just got the job).


This just simply isn’t true. Academic accomplishment/intelligence are not tied at all with sexual attraction and how you act on it.


she wasnt groomed, she was an adult. creepy? yes. wrong? yes, grooming? no


Grooming has to do with developing trust, and abusing that into power, not age.


How is grooming then any different from saying she was manipulated? are they synonyms ?


I would say manipulation is a tool used to groom someone. You can manipulate someone for a variety of reasons, but if the purpose is to form a sexual relationship based on a power imbalance, then it's grooming.


You can be groomed as an adult, it's mostly common to hear the word used with child abuse but it's not exclusive to children. Adults can groom adults, it is the correct word to use.


You need a dictionary. Just thinking its something doesnt make it truth, things have meaning. She was 20, she wasnt groomed.




This exact thinking is why no one believes adult victims of grooming. Look at the way you're reacting to a survivor tell her story, completely invalidating her abuse because you think grooming can't happen to adults.


yeah this thread is ridiculous, got called slow and told to shut up because i replied with 2 links talking about adult grooming lol


If you go through that person's comment history they deny abuse even happened and say it was just some inappropriate flirting. It's pretty gross.


This is the first time I am hearing about grooming in the context of two adults having sex Maybe you are right I have no idea about how the word "grooming" first started being colloquially used For me the word describes a minor being manipulated by an adult until he/she reaches an age of consent for the adult to then make a move try and have sex on the younger naive now "adult" by legal standards If you want to use the word to describe an adult manipulating another adult its fine, but by then I think the word lost all meaning since it does not describe a specific act but rather a person manipulating an other. As for the rest of what you are implying, I think you are dead wrong and taking it personally, nobody is arguing what happened to her is right and that she is not a victim.


Well I didn't reply to you. The person I did reply to straight up admitted that the abuse didn't happen, that this person wasn't groomed and that all it was was some inappropriate flirting. So the person i WAS replying to did deny the abuse happened and is invalidating her story.


God. These mindsets are truly horrifying to read. Nowhere in there did it say that they were a minor. They just assumed because that’s what is often portrayed. But they are still a student and instructor, which in of itself is a huge breach of power and trust. They were what, 20 when this happened? They are still young, still in school, and still trusted their instructor. Being groomed does not inherently mean that you were a minor when it occurred. This artist was coerced into participating in a relationship of sorts under false pretenses. None of it is moral, however the blame being placed on the artists is absurd. If they were the instigator and were absolutely certain and aware of what they were doing and how wrong it is, this would be different. However the instructor would still be at fault— not fully responsible, but certainly enough for breaking the trust and power dynamic, also infidelity by engaging in unsavory acts with another person, not just student, while in a committed marriage. For god’s sake, if you are going to be this cruel and insensitive on the internet, at least have the decency to make sure you know an ounce about the topic you are criticizing.


The comic is a little disingenuous. I’m not disputing experiences or anything of the sort, but she drew a prior self portrait that is VASTLY different than the way she portrayed herself in the comic. I’ve uploaded both. It’s quite a stark contrast. https://imgur.com/a/MHDM25D


The professor-student relationship aside, you gotta love the mindset of "they were both adults... So it's HER fault he cheated on his wife". What? The whole term "homewrecker" is so idiotic it hurts. They say they were both adults and yet they're confused on the meaning of the word "both".


Breaking: people on Twitter aren't very bright


I don't fully understand all the grief with her using the word 'groomed' rather than 'manipulated' - surely either the meaning is obvious, why nitpick? I feel terrible for this artist. Horrifying comments. This story of manipulation from an older person [with power over you in education or at work] is so so common, but seems we're still so far off from being able to empathise. Hopefully she can move on from this.


Who tf gave them the blue tick


I'm assuming they bought it.


U can buy them? Wtf


It’s not just buying, it’s a subscription. These losers pay $8 every month for Twitter.


Last I heard, yup. Musk thought it was a totally tubular idea.


Their credit card


And this is why I don’t use twitter


I hate this for her. It’s unethical and wrong. It isn’t grooming if she wasn’t a minor. That may not have been the case though. I was 16 or 17 when I started college because of early promoting. And there are a lot of dual enrollment/early enrollment programs in high schools in addition to AP courses. 


But regardless of semantics, it’s absolutely vile to respond to someone sharing something so vulnerable like that. If they don’t have empathy to spare, scrolling by is free. 


Yet another reason to hate Twitter


holy shit. people really don't understand that you can still be a victim and an adult, like what the shit? when you are 20 you are still pretty much a kid even though society has conditioned us into thinking otherwise.


To me this is about someone in a position of power over the student taking advantage of his position. His opinion of her is critical in her life, he can pass or fail her but she also looks up to him and would want his approval. The attention he would give her would mean so much to her at that time. Due to this, it would have been easier to manipulate her. In some cases, people would feel under pressure to reciprocate and participate in the relationship due to that power dynamic. It's for that reason that most countries will ban lecturers/professors dating students. It's also why, in a lot of companies, relationships between employees and managers is not allowed. The power dynamic is not ok and so open to people taking advantage. The professor would have known that and did it anyway. Was she old enough to know better? We can't make that decision for her but a lot of people don't get out of that child mindset until they leave eduction. However, this is just speculation, suggesting what could have happened and why she could feel a certain way. We're only seeing one side of the story. In my mind, at worst he was manipulating her, at best, he was an idiot and should have known better.


I was groomed when I was 19 by a 31 year old. Took me about 8 years before I told my therapist what really happened, she’s was the first one I ever told - she just looked at me and said “yeah that’s what we call grooming” I’m still really embarrassed about what happened, because it’s hard figuring out whether it was my own fault or not. Because even though she said it wasn’t, it still feels like it was my fault.


Look, people are bad here and there, but that's not "grooming", that's "manipulating". You were 19, you were a young adult, not a child. Being an adult have it's pros and cons. Take responsibility for yourself. Don't just expand the "grooming" and treat your problem like a silly little kid. There are kids out there are actually being groomed, and you just turn the word into something you use for general woman problem


Can you find me a definition on psychological grooming that says it can’t happen to adults?


yeah you know so much more about their situation and the term grooming than THEIR THERAPIST. Not to mention that you are just outright wrong. The term is *primarily* applied to minors, not exclusively, it's not a requirement. If their therapist says they got groomed, who the actual fuck are you to say otherwise?


It’s amazing right, I spilled my heart out to my therapist and told her every single thing that happened, and somehow this stranger, who only know the two ages, knows more about the situation than my therapist. I posted some links in my reply about adult grooming. It is a real thing.


This is an older married professor taking advantage of a young student: yes that is certainly grooming. There’s a huge power imbalance. I’m glad that she reported the pos. More young people should feel unafraid to come out with these stories .


exactly. it’s weird that people even in this comment section are saying this wasn’t grooming when it clearly was


Unsurprisingly enough the people who decline it was grooming are groomers or pedos themselves


Whole lot of people in this comment section who don't understand the basic definitions of words.


Twitter boosts the comments that are most likely to have interactions, ie controversial and stupid takes. Don’t engage. Doing so just feeds the system


It scares me how some people can be outright evil like this.


I’d like to see the comic so I could judge for myself


This makes me so sad. I saw the comic on Instagram and it really resonated with me. I saw people leaving nice comments and I know the majority of readers felt at least a little empathetic but, the way our brains are wired, it’s sadly these putrid, disgusting comments that will stick in poor Erin’s mind. I feel so sorry for her. She chose to be vulnerable and was punished for it. Life is cruel.


You’re not giving the full context to be fair. Some of the backlash is well deserved


I’ve had people tell me that I wasn’t groomed at 19 because apparently grooming only applies to minors— no, wtf, I 100% was groomed and taken advantage of, I know what grooming is 😭 it can happen to anyone, at any age, any environment. Smh the victim blaming is crazy


I think there's a bit of a vocabulary gap between generations here Grooming used to be understood to mean a very specific process where a child is slowly desensitized to increasingly explicit sexual activity by an adult, taking advantage of their inability to understand sexual context or the nature of their actions. TW for child grooming on this example >! Like for example an adult normalizing being naked at home at all times while the child is too young to understand this is a sexual act and once they grow up to the age where they understand, they're so used to it it's not alarming to them !<. Grooming an adult in this sense where they don't even understand what they're doing is sexual is quite rare unless the adult has some kind of disability that hampers their understanding The last decade or so, grooming as a term has undergone a shift to mean being coerced or manipulated into acting in a way that's ultimately harmful to you by someone who's holding a position of power over you, be it age, wealth, work position etc. Some people who have experienced CSE feel frustrated that this term that used to depict a very specific and very uniquely damaging experience has evolved into being more all-encompassing, leading to them lacking exact vocabulary to depict their experiences. Others are happy manipulation and coercion is increasingly being recognized as a problem that's not exclusive to children because people of all ages can be coerced, manipulated, abused and taken advantage of


That's such a crazy thing for people to say to you as a response 😭 I'm sorry that happened to you


The people making porn of her need to bite the curb regardless of if she's a victim or not. That being said, it is a little weird how she drew herself to look so young and failed to mention that she knowingly had these interactions with a married man.


Uh, she mentioned both of those things. Half the comic is about her grappling with why she didn't report him sooner, and an entire page was about how he told her he was thinking about her while in bed with his wife. His wedding ring was the main focus of said page.


How does that address any of my points? I'm bringing up the fact that she knew he was married to show it wasn't the usual tactic of "this is true innocent love" that is often used with adult victims. Her feeling bad about assisting in cheating doesn't really matter if she still chose to do it imo. Also idk how what you wrote justifies/explains why she drew herself to look like a child.


Same people who are confused when women don’t want to come forward


Why is she claiming she was groomed as a 20 year old? It's like words don't have meaning anymore.


I mean she wasn’t groomed. At all.


You want sympathy? Make better choices. Adults are responsible for their actions. Speak up, or shut up.


Do you not believe in empathy? Genuinely curious about your very icy take?


She did speak up, that's literally what the comic is about. How is the harassment warranted?


Spoke up the wrong people. A public forum is not the place. It just invites everybody, good and bad, to leave their opinion. Take it to a therapist, or the authorities. You can't throw a good apple into a bin of rotten ones, and expect the good apple to make all of the other ones good. You can, however, expect the opposite. As we see in the comments here, Internet people don't give a fuck about other Internet people.


It would be nice to see that actual comic. Not sure how we're supposed to know anything based on the title page and comments


Ima need some more context to form a conclusion. But early thoughts. People are mean on the internet.


They always have a blue tick.


Without the full comic for context, it’s totally possible these replies are spot on. I just don’t have sympathy for people that get played after becoming involved with someone that is taken. The extent it was taken is still way out of line regardless. I don’t know when drawing rape cartoons became a go-to attack but it needs to stop.


Can't be groomed if you aren't a minor


So she was twenty and fucked her professor? How is she grooming and/or sexual harassment if an adult accepted another adult's advances?


When did the world turn to shite? I remember when we were nice to each other and supported each other.. I’m glad I have a dog he doesn’t hate anyone.. well except for the postman


Terrible people have always existed, but the internet makes them more visible.


Some food for thought for those who are asserting that grooming can only be used to describe the abuse of children. If someone who is developmentally impaired is childlike in their mental state, but is over the age of 18, what word would you use to describe the act of preparing them for abuse? I’m not saying that’s the case with OP, but rather intend the question more as a critical thought exercise. I feel like the focus here is overly fixated on the definition of “child” as a matter of age, and not what makes them a child, which is generally characterized by the earlier stages of cognitive, emotional, social, and physical development. Grooming seeks to exploit these disparities, with the core issue being the power imbalance between the abuser and the abused, which can exist regardless of whether someone is 17 or 20. That said, do I think OP was groomed by the LEGAL definition of the word? No. But I absolutely do think that in the spirit of the term, her professor absolutely exploited similar disparities that an adult would to abuse a child, and therefore her experience, and the subsequent trauma she associates with it, is analogous to being groomed. Perhaps this is why her art reflects a more childlike version of her appearance, to emphasize the childlike vulnerability she felt/feels, not to literally indicate she was or is a child.


What are their pronouns? Because this thread is using “she” while the OT is using “he” and even bringing up “his” gayness as an argument point.


The responses are crap butnunless the professor met her as a child and kept it on till she was 20 and did something its not grooming. Just inappropiate flirting. Yall need a dictionary


What I don't understand is people airing out horrible parts of their life to strangers on the internet and then being surprised that the trolls came out in force.


Link to the comic???


Elon's Twitter.


Full ass adult. Smh.


And that's where pro-pedophilia is taking is, lack of empathy, the future of women and young girls is bleak af :(


i saw a post where people had matching pfps on discord of her and her abuser


No opinion unless you actually show the comic. Downvoted for lack of completeness


I just read the actual comic and it makes 0 sense how ANYONE drew that kind of conclusion to it 😭