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I’d call shelters around and see if someone can come out and catch it, or you could get permission from the landlord and get a raccoon trap(the trigger plate activated ones that keep them alive) and cover it with a blanket and put the STINKIEST of wet food in it. Check back at least a few times daily. I wish you and this kitten luck


Thank you! I’ll share this with my neighbors


I second the above Redditor’s comment. It’s the fastest way to catch scared little ones and get them help. The stinkier the wet food the better. Hell, I’ve resorted to tuna before. I’m actually trying to catch one tomorrow and I’ve got tuna if needed.


Sardines are a good lure, as well!


I used a piece of string for a kitten! I just opened my door and moved a piece of string around on the floor like a worm/snake and then dragged the string in and the kitten ran inside my house 😂. I’ve also used a frozen thawed mouse for an older/adult feral cat. It was my snake’s food.


Omg this would totally get my kitten! We found her at about 3 weeks and she is such a sucker for any string or squeak lol


Yea, I tried to use food at first. I sat there and waited for 2 hours and he wouldn’t get inside the trap. He sat ON the trap instead and rolled around on the floor next to it. He was a little hissy, but curious enough to come up to my hand and sniff my fingers so we decided to just lure him in and grab him with our hands instead.


> It was my snake’s food. The mouse, or the poor old cat? :-)


The mouse! My snake’s is like the size of a quarter 😂


Why would you want an adult feral cat in your house?


Because she’s the mom of 3 of my cats. I’m good at socializing and taming feral cats. If you train them correctly, they just turn into regular house cats after a while. I can brush their teeth, cut their nails, apply flea medicine, pick them up, give them kisses, etc etc.


Sardines work. We used them to catch a scared kitten that was hiding in our yard a couple years ago.


We caught half a dozen kittens living under our shed using a raccoon trap with tuna. Their mom lived in the little copse of trees next to the shed and they would only come out when they saw that she came out to eat the bowls of food that we left. So we had to grab her first and then slowly they would get brave and hungry enough to come investigate our tuna trap.


Make sure you get the salt free tuna. I fed my cats the regular kind for years and I feel terrible. It never occurred to me it could be bad for them.


Please get your hands on it. He/she is still young enough that they can learn to love people and not be feral, but that window is closing.


I AGREE! the younger the better. That kitten is way too young to be alone outside!!


Yes, she really is scared the way she looks on the camera.


No cat should be outside really.


100% agree. I have fostered many stray kittens to get them used to humans. Always a tough one in the bunch. They stick together like thieves. Use have-a-hart trap covered over.


Make certain the trap is in a place that is NEVER in direct sun. The ideal would be to setup a motion capture device to send an immediate alert to check the trap. You do NOT want to accidentally cook a kitten.


A quick hack would be to re purpose a doorbell camera and crudely mount it…. Zip ties will do. Hell, sticky tape even. Only has to last a day or two. Sure you lose your doorbell camera for a day or two but saves you buying a new device. And presumably it’s already setup with phone pings


KFC. Even the scarediest of kittens will go for a trap baited with KFC. Even if you have to get a carrier and hold the door closed with string after the kitten walks in it.


Kitten's fried chicken!


Straight up tuna in the can works best. When our boys get out it’s the only thing that gets them back quickly


I have my own objections to trapping a cat (or any animal) just thinking of the stress and trauma it might give them. If I have to put out a raccoon trap, I won't even leave home while it's set. Not only for the risk of a cat getting in there first, but for the poor raccoon who's doesn't deserve torture. It's upsetting how much animals freak out when they realize they're stuck. If you're going to use a trap PLEASE check it **a lot** more often than once a day. Once an hour or so is much more humane


I worked with a guy who trapped a racoon with one of those. He showed me a photo of the raccoon the morning he went to go get him. Poor thing had dug a trench all the way around the trap it was inside of, trying to escape :(


Yep! I lay down some boards under the trap after the first time one tore up a 3ft section of my lawn. Even then, they're so panicked that they try to dig through the boards.


I want to add that sometimes with kittens, you can use a laser pointer to guide them into the trap. 😁 Also, if you put a blanket over it, make sure to secure it if it is windy or it may scare the cat away flapping.


Check back way more often than daily if the weather is bad. Especially with kittens. If you can borrow a hard carrier, you can also trap them with that. Put food in the back of the carrier. Put a string on the door of the crate and leave it open. Hold the string from about 15ft away, but also at an angle so you can close it. Once they're in far enough, if it's a quiet carrier, you may be able to close it slow and quietly. Otherwise just shut it quick as possible and hold tension until you can grapple your way over or have another person shut it properly. I've done this with half grown cats and kittens. Full grown cats will most likely force their way out.


If you run the string through the carrier, you don’t really have to worry about the angles, as the ventilation slits will act like a pulley.


That may be hard to manage without putting it in the pathway of the cat. I'm having trouble imagining it with my current carriers, but maybe there are some this would work with.


Tied to the Red X, strung through the Yellow X https://preview.redd.it/q2kah7zhm88d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bee7e97696fdc4c43807a9a0cc8c419f1f6d0257


Check the trap often if its hot. I had to trap and relocate raccoons. I would check and reset the trap once a day. Had a very mad and dehydrated neighbor cat one day. Many days later I had a very stupid, but less mad same neighbor cat waiting to be let out of the trap.


Yes! My brain was on keeping scent out of the area completely forgot about age and weather 🤦‍♀️ yes check often!


I was trying to trap a stray at my house once and my cat got caught twice in it. I was like "how did you https://preview.redd.it/0j7sbh7lib8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f12d8a03d0c56bc8d1d044ac2abeeb2782846d0 fall for that again??" She's a former barn cat and indoor only now but at first she kind of cane and went as she pleased. Cat tax of the adorable dummy.


Live traps available at Home Depot Lowes, nearly all Ace hardware stores have. FWIW mid size - not mini mouse's- can handle squirrels zmd other small crittera (your kid's loose gerbil, the chipmunk in the basement).


Crittera, the Latin plural


Lose gerbil... Oddly specific 🤣


You might consider a string to help trigger the trap as a back up. I do some TNR. Sometimes cats are very good at avoiding a trap trigger, even ones that I know have not seen a trap. I think some just step too lightly and cautiously that they don't put enough pressure on the plate. A drop trap will work too. Just make sure that food STINKS.


thats really nice of you


Can confirm those traps are easy to catch cats with. Every time I’ve tried to catch the opossums in my yard, I’ve gotten cats.




it's called live trap BTW. ANd bring blankets to cover the trap, it should help calm the kitten some.


I can vouch for these traps being great for catching cats. Our neighbors were trying to catch a skunk and caught several cats first. Please do check them often though. Our neighbors were out of town for a few days and asked us to check the trap once or twice a day. Oh boy was one of the cats caught in there absolutely pissed.


This happened to me last year and now I have a cat


same, except it was my wife and now i have 7 more cats… they just turned a year a couple days ago


You caught a wife this way?! Have I been doing it wrong?


Yeah. You need to set a trap with wet food. The stinkier the better


My husband used a high-powered gaming laptop, Cheetos, and Mtn Dew. It's crude, but effective.


mine got me with gaming laptop + ritz crackers and herbed cream cheese. crazy how well it works.


Love how "you can fascinate a woman with a piece of cheese" is holding up through these comments.


Mine used snacks I like and high end carpentry tools.


Huh, I thought this was a repellent?


ya i called TNR but she just came back!


red string helps


Were you the person from that viral video last year ish who saw a single kitten on the side of the road and when he got out to help like 20 more came out of the bushes and ambushed him?


lol no. i have told my wife that she should be tiktoking the whole thing since she’s on there all the time. it’s a pretty cool story


At first I thought you were saying it was your wife you found 😂


It also happened to me last year and she was my third cat, and then it happened again a few days ago and now we have a fourth cat lol


You have a fourth wife?!


I mean four cats but sure lol.


This happened to me 28 days ago, her second vet visit today went well she’s now 3.1lbs.


This is the way ❤️


Another fine delivery, courtesy of /r/CatDistributionSystem!


I now have two litter mates because of this.


I would go out there with a can of tuna or smelly kitten food on a dish and just sit there for however long it takes for the kitten to come up and eat, mix some water in with the food. I'd have a large bath towel or small blanket with me to toss over the animal. Sit a few feet away and don't make eye contact, but present the food and then just become part of the scenery. It may take hours but that kitten appears old enough to be weaned or near enough that it will eat food, or you'll have a chance to see if the mother is around. Let it eat for a while without moving or trying anything - if you miss, at least they got a good meal and some hydration and you can try again in a few hours. Throwing a towel or blanket over the cat negates the fact that the animal is faster and more agile than you are. Once you have it pinned down and wrapped in the towel it's not getting away. Take it up to your bathroom and get a vet appointment asap. Put a blanket on the floor, behind/near the toilet so it will have a hiding place to bed down in, put some cat litter in an amazon box or shoe box in the tub/shower, and provide clean water and wet food with water mixed in. Keep it in there until you have your vet appointment. Allow it some space/time to be alone but make sure to check in on it at least a couple times a day. Don't force contact but talk to the cat, show it you're a safe person. At first it's going to cry non stop for its mom, but it's amazing how resilient kittens are. I have one in my bathroom right now we rescued from a church parking lot last week. It had worms and ear mites so it's currently being quarantined from our other animals until the meds take care of that, but she's the sweetest thing ever. It only took a day or two until she went from being terrified of humans to begging to play and climb on us. Edit: Also if you don't have the funds for a vet or the desire to keep the kitten, google shelters in your area. They will be able to provide these services and be equipped to care for the little one. Getting the animal somewhere safe where it has access to food and clean water is the most important thing. The fact that you're posting about this means you're a caring awesome human with empathy. You can help this little guy.


Have a cage or cat carrier open and ready and put her inside the second you get her with the towel.


YouTube videos consisting of momma cats meowing are perfect to lure a baby close enough to cage her.


The same is true the other way too, I’ve used a video of kittens meowing to catch my cat the one time she managed to dart out the door into my yard


Good call!  I've never tried that!


My SIC hates those videos, prob thinks there's another cat around. I tried them when he was young and he would go hide under the couch...


all great tips. however, if you don't have the money to afford a vet, don't get a pet. simple as that.


Such great advice!


Maybe leave a bowl of wet cat food, if you can. My vet told me to switch to wet food when my cat started having issues related to dehydration.


I have tuna. But I want to be careful because there’s big cats around too. All I want is the kitten!


I've caught ferals like this to be fixed before with a dog carrier and some string. Just tie the string on the side of the front grate that latches near the top and position it facing away from you with wet food inside and then wait. I also didn't want to catch other cats at the time that were around so I needed an active solution vs a passive one. Practice snapping it shut some first with the string before you try it for real because you'd be surprised how strong they are vs the weak force you will have trying to hold it shut from long range. A lot of stubborn kittens will eventually come up to you for wet food if you're patient enough though so this is only reserved for the ones that absolutely refuse contact.


I hope you’re able to get her! Tuna sounds great. Best of luck to you. Please update!


Food outside can attract other wild animals too. Please keep an eye out.


They know kitten is there. They probably smell kitten. And they've heard kitten.


Well thanks a lot now Im actually worrying about that poor kitty.


People forget how many coyotes live around them because we never see them. I live in a suburb and I found a cleanly chewed off deer leg in my backyard a few months ago. Coyotes do not fuck around.


I've seen it. They walk into neighborhoods a lot. Sometimes even during the day.




I had this at an apartment we lived at. Had to use wet food to get the cat out then was able to pick her up. Was infested with fleas, worms, and had a puncture wound in her stomach. Got all that taken care of and adopted her to a loving home.


Oh my gosh poor baby! Thank you for saving her. What caused the puncture?


I used a plastic laundry basket held up by a stick Wiley Coyote style to catch feral kittens. Stinky cat food and a long string to spring the trap.


Oh man, I feel like this would be a great you tube channel. Lol


lol my son and I did the old fashioned way with a cardboard box , a stick and a string. He was 11 at the time and said we would never catch it. I told him have faith and in 15 minutes we caught it and were transporting it home in the box. My son now says to his kids , have faith. Lol


I put some wet food in a cage with a towel over it to trap a kitten that kept going into car engines. He went inside and began eating ravenously and then I closed the door behind him. He freaked out and cried loudly but, what he was doing wasn’t safe. He’s still afraid of me to this day and hates being pet but, he is bonded to another cat saved that was hit by a car - she is like a mama to him. They really love each other and it so sweet to watch them interact 💜 https://preview.redd.it/5bx84gcw1a8d1.png?width=2372&format=png&auto=webp&s=96c732f36e469fe4802220e08359ccad155ba67d


Beautiful to see two rescue kitties bonded and living in comfort and safety. Thank you for rescuing both of them. ♡


Some smelly tuna, milk or other food can draw her out


Not cows milk. Cats are lactose intolerant and this could give her an upset stomach. This would mean she possibly gets more dehydrated. You can buy kitten milk at pet stores.


UPDATE: Early this morning this kitten and two others were found with its momma cat. I left tuna and water out last night by the bushes I saw her in. My neighbors saw momma cat and the kittens go in some tall grass. They looked happy. So, we’re going to keep a look out for other kittens.


You are the best!!


If you really want to catch her, stay patient.OP. She's staying nearby. She wants to trust you! I caught my roommate a kitten that I saw drinking out of the windshield cleaner at the gas station down the street. I had to go back 3x but the third time I just stayed with stinky wet food nearby and just talked to him. I caught him my 5th try reaching for him and he just...let it happen. Didn't fight me or anything. Like he was so tired and gave up and decided to trust me. He's a very large, very spoiled baby now to our ex-roommates who adore him despite never having cats before!


This is the way! It might take hours of sitting, but they’ll be caught eventually if you’re patient and calm with wet food.


Aww poor baby she's adorable


Channel your inner Ash Ketchum, and catch that cat.


Get a blanket and toss over! Save her! OP update us please


I'm not an expert but the cat looks old enough to be off of momma's teet. Maybe they are feral. Maybe the kitten is exploring, maybe the momma cat is no longer with us...we don't know. Leave a can of tuna, buy a litter box and some cat dishes and some toys, snatch her up and enjoy your lives together.


The longer that little one remains outside and alone, the more likely it will not survive. Whether by exposure, hunger, thirst, or worse as prey to some predator, it will not make it. You have to catch it somehow and get it help.


Waters great but food too. Thanks for helping her out during this heat dome situation.


Make a little kitten house with food and water station? If there are sibs and a momma they’ll show


Please keep us posted. That kitten is a sweetheart and this heatwave is brutal. Others have given excellent advice already. Just offering some encouragement to keep at it and try to make that cute lil' bug part of your family. Good luck!


I have a beautiful six year old cat that I trapped with a live trap bought on Amazon. Do not wait. A couple weeks makes the difference between between tameable and not. Our kitty has become a wonderful pet, but she’s still timid and afraid of strangers.


Take it in. It’s your’s now


Aw, that sweet little baby omg


Be the human and come up with a plan to get her. Good luck


Please set up a trap to catch her!!! 🙏 She’s panting, poor baby! She could get heat stroke 🩷😭😭


I think that's a hiss, not panting. But yes, definitely trap the baby!


I would set up a trap cage with food , a big one. And I would try to home them or send them to a rescues , shelter , foster. She’s precious.


Do both yourselves a favor and adopt that little fella


I suggest a live trap if you can get one! I once caught two combined litters with one, often times getting a few at a time.


If you contact local TNR (trap neuter return) organization, they might be able to lend you a cat trap. I trapped my cat once, then let her and her brother go after I got them fixed, but then was like wait, I want to socialize these kittens. The boy cat (who unfortunately passed suddenly very young) was real easy to trap again lol. His nickname then was "Bold Kitten" and he was a little derpy. His sister took me at least a month! My initial nickname for her was "Shy Kitten." But both kittens were easy at first with requisite smelly food. Their mom and one of their probably older sisters were cagey as heck from the beginning.


It looks pretty healthy but probably has worms and tics and maybe even fleas. Make sure you have meds and food and litter box ready and a vet on standby if you’re going to try to lure her into a carrier


Considering how clean it is im assuming moms still around


Contact a local cat rescue and see if they lend out cat traps. You can get this cutie rescued, neutered, and vaccinated. It looks like it's young enough to be socialized, but you have to act soon. Best of luck is rescuing this cutie.




Put a bowl of some smelly wet food, chicken or tuna flavours are really good, and hang out near it while it eats. It'll start to put you and the food together, and you'll gain it's trust this way.


So the kitten is in ur house now?🥰


rule 1 - do not approach standing up. You are huge to the cat. Lay down, flat as you can, put a small treat in you hand, and stick your hand out, palm up. Don't move. When it looks at you, you meow and look away. Do this until it meows back. Then put the treat on the ground and back up, but stay flat until you are maybe 10 feet away (out of threat range). Do not chase it - this will make it not trust you. It will take a few rounds of this, but eventually, you can get it to eat out of your hand. Once you get to that point, lay on the ground and feed it, then stay there after it has eaten. It will then check you out for safety. If it does, don't make any sudden moves or raise your hand above its head.. and if it meows at you, meow back - try to mimic its meow. It's looking for safety and food, so you are showing the cat you are safe and a source of food. It may adopt you - you'll know when..


Get a cat catch cage. That way she can be tamed young and have a chance to have a family!


She's probably been weaned recently and is now on her own. Please catch her. She's young enough that you should still be able to socialize her. Lure her with food. Have a cat carrier ready to put her in. You may want a second person around to run up to you with the open carrier once you finally catch her because you may not be able to hold her for very long.


She's precious! I hope you manage to capture her.


i love her


You could ask if your local animal control has a live trap you could use and then try to tame it once you get it calmed down.


Can i keep him? Pooor thing hmmm


This is /r/catdistributionsystem in the works


You're so kind for looking out for her! Maybe try leaving some food and a comfy spot for her to feel safe. Hope she warms up to you soon! 🐱💖


A trap should be checked every other hour.


Put some kitten food out Find a kitten trap, or squirrel trap and get her out of the heat. The only way to get her probably.


“I’m smol, but hella fast” <3


Two words… laser pointer


At work a scared kitty entered our warehouse and decided to call it home. It won’t let anyone near it and would only be seen at times darting from one location to another. I learned it had no clue what kitty litter was but potting soil for plants worked. So I started with potting soil and slowly mixed in kitty litter over time and until I could phase out the the soil. It’s now been almost 4 years of feeding and cleaning it’s litter box and this cat still will not let anyone pet it or get too close. It still darts around from location to location. It does come out occasionally so I can sit semi near and shows me the belly as a thanks for all these years. Maybe one day (doubtful) I’ll get to pet.


Mhm, yep, I’ve seen it. Cat distribution system in the works.


Give it the slow-blink, lay down food and continue to be kind to it.


OP post: Scared little kitten needs help. Comment section: Whats the best kitten bait? :D


Go sit in the bush for an hour or so and you will have a new friend. Just let the kitten make itself comfortable and don't try and pet it until it rubs on you and sits down.


Capture the creature and adopt the lil fella


We need more pictures before we can offer relevant advice


Tiny fuzzy face


Aw, she screm


So cute


Grab them in from the heat pleeeease


I’ve has some success luring kittens by playing loud audio of mother cat noises (video from YouTube). If the stinky food isn’t enough!


Yes! I came here to suggest the exact same thing!


I am highly desirous of that sweet baby to call it my own


Aww little kitty really looks thirsty 😔


Put a can of wet food out. They can't resist it!


Poor baby. Can you call an animal rescue to trap it or try to trap it yourself? 


I follow an expert trapper and she’s been known to use fried chicken—says it’s nearly foolproof.


Works on me every time.




If you keep her that would be nice, call her lightning


Some of the Humane Societies and shelters will let you borrow a cat trap so you can snag it and get it to help it needs


Please save her she’s so adorable


Amazon has small Have-a-Heart traps for $20.


What an angel


I hope you can gain her trust


Ice water. My cat loved it on hot afternoons. Good luck trapping the baby. S/he's adorable. You may have been blessed by the cat distribution system.


Oh dear, she's so tiny. If there's no mother around, you should try to do whatever you can to catch her and make sure she's healthy. She's probably hungry as well as thirsty. It's so hard to see these scared little ones that have no one to care for them. It breaks my heart. And she couldn't be more adorable.


might be the lighting, but her eyes look a little off. while she is probably very sweet, please keep aware of any abnormal behavior or sudden aggression, and take caution as you approach


I wonder where’s the bowl. 😅


www.kittenlady.org has great advice on catching kittens and finding mom if she is around


She is lost!


You could try giving wetfood with water mixed in it so she stays hydrated!


There are **60–100 million** stray and feral cats in the United States. The general understanding among many experts is that the homeless cat population is growing and currently sits at around 60–100 million cats.


he is probably starving and momma is probably not around. leave him some food.


U can catch it I guarantee. Some treats n a bowl of food. Sit down and just wait


If that kitten is spicy and a fast thing then it's getting plenty of prey.......


Grab her quick, you can do it. She needs you she just scared.


Churu treats are a sure winner!! Every cat loves them. They’re little tubes of wet food but it’s irresistible to cats. When we got them donated at the shelter we would use them on the angry or semi feral cats.


She’s feral.


Cold kittens milk


If you put food it will be coming back. You can put food in a trap and set it later when it’s more comfortable


Contact an animal rescue in your area. You are such a good person to reach out for advice. Good luck.


If you catch it soon enough you can acclimate it to humans. Once it's about 6 months old it's super difficult (almost impossible) to make a pet out of a feral cat.


She’s Beautiful!!


ANOTHER UPDATE: A friend is fostering the mommy cat and 2 kittens. I’d take one but I already have a dog and I can’t have a dog and a cat in my apartment 😭 here’s my dog though! https://preview.redd.it/llrecqmuof8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cc83ea5921ac3427d0ae7433bf59b0bc6297a83


What city and state are you in?


This kitten needs help in this hot weather


Ohhhh she's beautiful, I hope you can help her and provide a happy update soon!


Momma may be around. I had a bunch of newborn kittens under my window in May. Rainstorms. The shelter I called said leave them. They are overwhelmed where I am. I just started putting water out and kibble


Poor baby. Did she drink the water at all?


We think it was her because the water we put out was gone.