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That does look fun.


Right? I want a turn...


Come here OP I’ll toss you.


*hands up* toss meh




I’ll throw you… but can’t guarantee your survival tee hee




*Gimli Voice* Yeh have to toss meh




Don't tell the elf


Don't tell the dog


Not the beard!


Not the whiskers!


AND MY AXE …🦍? 👀


I had a cat that liked to get in the laundry basket and be spun around.


lol. Ours liked to be pushed around at top speed


My cat was scratching the carpet once, so I lightly pushed her butt to make her fall over. Apparently, she enjoyed it. She now scratches the rug while my boyfriend and I are watching TV, looking back at us, waiting for her tush push, just to dramatically flop herself over the second we touch her. She loves the tush push.


Ahaha mine does something similar but to scratch him just above the tail 😭


Mine loves that and gets so annoyed when I don’t notice him. He will tap tap tap on my leg until I get to scratching.


Mine does this ridiculous pose like she’s about to do a somersault and decided to freeze halfway through its execution… and then stare at me upside-down from between her legs, like, “This is how I show how happy I am to see you, I suppose. We’ll go with that.”


I love that hahaha


Tush Push 😆🥰


Is your cat named Jalen Hurts? 


I had a cat that had a "rocket" made out of a cardboard box cut to shape and tied to a string. My housemates and I would drag and fling him around the house full speed until he spilled going around a corner. He'd jump back in for more as soon as the box was righted.


I have a cockatiel and he loves standing on top of the freezer door and 'riding' as we open and close it. "You wanna go for a ride?" "Meep!" "Okay, watch your little toes! Wheee!"


I'm not even a bird person, but this image made me like 😭😭😭


i wonder how many other cats might like sledding like maru, i thought he was a unique weirdo but maybe he has weirdo buds


My cat also likes this. He also likes helicopter rides in shopping bags xD (@Batfance321go I stole your helicopter comment, because nothing I write would convey it any better xD )


our cat-dog liked helicopter rides in shopping bags and he especially loved when someone got him as a "surprise" gift


My girlfriend's cat loves to get spun in chairs, so much so that she'll call me into the room for it. When we first started dating, she was already 13 and hated being in towers, being in someone's lap, and cuddling. Few months later and she's my little gaming buddy, with a cat tower next to my computer chair. Next she starts hogging my side of the bed and aggressively pushing her way into my lap whenever I'm in the chair. Then she started to zoom into the office the moment I walk in and steal my chair out from under my ass, so I gave the chair a gentle spin thinking it might make her hop off. It's only gotten worse since, and now she'll occasionally start meowing when she wants a spin and I'm not in there. But only with me. She immediately became the backup human and may or may not resent me over it lol.


Same. My wife picked out our youngest cat, who is now the only we still have. This cat has unilaterally picked me as its human. She only tolerates my wife if I'm not there.


Brilliant. Cat envy can be a thing, and cats a pretty particular about who the like and why. I had a cat I loved that would sit in my lap so long I would have to get up for the toilet and not want to move him. He would also walk on my keyboard if I wasn't giving enough pets and attention, and thats where things went wrong unfortunately. I pushed him off the desk just one time, not even hard, but I was annoyed, and after that he wouldn't sit on my lap and seemed just fully..."well fk you then...". Cat with a grudge. Not even sure I could have apologized enough to make him like me again. Was a bit of a blow to me tbh. I loved that cat. Gone now.


I had cat for 23 years that liked to get in plastic grocery bags and be spun.


My family had a cat named Tribble who liked to get spun in grocery bags. She would be purring and would eventually chew her way through the bag while spinning. Her little mouth coming through the bag always reminded me of the Alien's jaw extending. We were always really careful that she could breathe and didn't get hurt. She lived for plastic grocery bag spins and always came up to us and waited when we were bringing groceries in.


You spun them round right round right round, like a record baby round round round round?


Yup. Full on fairground ride. Cat loved it. :D


I had one that used to jump into an easter basket to be spun. It was her favorite thing. She would see me heading towards the basket and would run as fast as she could to get into the basket.


Omg I had one too! Was yours also a big dumb orange boy?


Black and white girl of moderate intelligence and good heart (for everything except mice and birds...especially birds for some reason).


mine likes to be spun like a washing machine on the floor lol.


My cat loves the laundry basket swing


Had one who would lay at your feet on the concrete floor in the basement, then push his feet against your arm so you could spin him


Mine will lay on his side on the tile floor to be spun around. He has a long floofy tail so he looks pretty goofy while spinning.


My cat loves laundry basket rides!! He hops in and I carry it around haha


My cat used to love when I would fluff the sheets. The minute she would hear, she would come running and go under.


One of my cats does this when she hears the shower turn on, comes sprinting across the whole house to fight the evil water


My cat looooved playing blanket monster..make the bed, run hand under blankets, watch out. I also could not fluff the clean sheets wo burying the cat in them. My guy died at 15 in march, I so need a new kitty.


aww bummer. don't worry one will be along shortly! the CDS never fails... but it helps to ask for it out loud every morning when you first wake up. they're listening lol!


I'm sorry for your loss. It's never easy losing a friend.


Our cat absolutely goes nuts for this. Whenever we make the bed he loses it.


Both my cats do this. It takes me about 10 minutes to make the bed now. But it's cute, so I'll allow it.


My cats do this! They love it when I fluff the sheet so they can run under. Like those giant parachutes we would play under as kids, everyone lifting it up high and then running underneath and sitting on the edges.


mine does that when i put clean sheets on. she goes between the flat and the fitted then takes a nap, sometimes for hours.


It’s so hard to make my bed lol.


Omg, I had no idea cats could enjoy that! 😂


Can confirm. One of my cats like to be slid across the tile floor like a curling stone. They’re all little daredevils and sometimes they have a favorite stunt!


furball liked to climb from my arms up onto my shoulder and then down my back


So can geese


Are they TallGeese?


r/unexpectedgundam Edit: I know it's not the most liked series but Wing was hands down my favorite. Heero and Zechs fights are always good.


I'm sorry tallgeese? Lol what!? I'm scared to even ask.


It’s a prototype Gundam in the series Gundam Wing. Sorry couldn’t resist the reference :3 https://youtu.be/ju8_mfUkE4Q?si=czV0E7DwaY9E8QXB




My cat also loves it! She's a sweet baby with a need for the butterflies in her belly. https://preview.redd.it/sty4e7diw8ad1.png?width=1331&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e39d2b5c8dbff283f1fc4649b8a7758fe8a7cad


Pet rats enjoy it too. Lots of videos of them getting little tosses and running right back for more.


Ferrets too!


Awwwe. There’s gotta be a sub of animals enjoying tosses.


r/animalsbeingtossed remains unclaimed. Be the change you wish to see in the world.


I had a cat that liked being tossed lol, he was a weirdo.. they all are. I'd toss him towards a toy and he'd hit the ground already transitioned into a zoomie.


rough play for kittens = sweet adult cats that like people at least in my experience with raising cats and meeting other peoples cats who don't get that kinda upbringing


To a point. Back in the '80s when I was born my folk ended up with a kitten at the same time. My dad and his friends would get the kitten all worked up while wearing a heavy duty work glove. Her interpretation of 'play' was full contact claws and teeth until she started to slow down in her old age.


Rule number one is to never teach a cat that playing with hands is ok. Otherwise you get shit like this. And it’s not so cute when they’re not a kitten any more.


I once had a cat that liked to sit In an office chair and be given wild and crazy chair rides through the house


One of my cats, when younger, would climb into bags to be slid across the floor, at which point he would get out and bring the bag back to do it again.


"Wtf man, let me lie on my favourite spot!"


It's nice and warm man, stop!!!


Cats love these games. They love to play fetch as well.


Yes!!!! The first time my cat brought back the toy I just threw off the bed, it was just "wait what just happened here?". He did it again and I lost my shit.


My tuxedo boy plays fetch!! And he carries back the toy in his mouth like a proud alpha predator 😻


My girl is so weird and will play fetch non stop every day with a certain toy. Then she wont play fetch for months. Then she decides an old toy is worthy again and shes begging to play fetch non stop.


My cat only likes to play fetch with specific pieces of string. And he prefers that they are gold colored.


I have one that will carry her 'stick' (think chopstick) from the bathroom where she bats it around, meowing, in her mourh, to the bedroom where she drops it and expects you to toss it for her... At zero dark thirty. 😆


My brother's cat plays fetch, but he makes you fetch too. He'll always bring it about halfway back, then drop it, sit, and meow at you. "Your turn!"


Our girl has started playing fetch recently and LOVES it. When she wants to play, she brings her favourite bouncy ball to the hallway and yells at max volume. It's very cute, but if she could do it at a time later than 6:30am I'm sure it'd be even cuter 😅


Cats and my kids really be like, hey pick me up right now! No not like this, I need to be flopped down in the most awkward possible position for this thing I am demanding you do!!!


The flop is an essential part of the flip.






u glad i dint say bnaan?


Our late orange boy loved playing "flip the kitty." He would run up to us to be picked up, then he would stretch out on his back and do a little flip to the ground -- and then come running back for more! He was crazy for it, the little weirdo.


My cat likes when I make her flip where she ends up upside down in my arms. She thinks it's sooo fun.


"I just found out my hooman likes to lift me and throw me in the air. Don't know what he's trying to achieve, but hey, he feeds me. And this keeps him out of trouble...."




My brother's ferrets like to be slid across smooth floors, put in tall boxes to fight their way out (because they'll go back in). Animals be derps <3


Ferrets are as if a cat and a rat had a lovechild and it's amazing. I'm not a ferret person at all, but I love both cats and rats and I can definitely understand the appeal, and love them from afar.


My brother is away for 4 days so despite not being a fan of handling them, I'm handling them for 4 days. And my arms at he moment got that ferret smell and it drives me nuts haha. I'm more of a lizard person. I got one leopard gecko vs his 2 crested eyelash geckos, another gecko IDK the species of, 3 different kinds of turtles, a 60lbs sulcata tortoise and a 6ft black throat monitor. So I am buuussssy haha.


Yeah it's particularly the smell I don't like. My condolences! Lol. I'm not a big reptile person either, but I babysat a 10 year old kid many years ago who had a green iguana as a pet and I got used to handling it ans just letting it hang out on my shoulders (they be scratchy, tho). I wouldn't go out of my way to keep one, but if someone needed me to foster one for example, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Sadly my husband has a very intense phobia of snakes, so other reptiles are ok from afar, but one in the house would just send him running for the hills and I need him to wash the dishes so no iguanas for now, lol. Enjoy your reptiles, and the fact that your brother will only be gone for four days!


What do they smell like?


Like ferrets.


Iguanas are soooo nice. We had one ages ago that was super chill. I'm huge on reptiles, mostly because our family had tons of them because of my brother. You name it, turtles, snakes, snapping turtle an alligator snapping turtle (look them up if you want to go "WTF" especially the one where it bites a water melon), bearded dragons, chinese water dragons. Comically I'm not a fan of dogs -which annoys people for some reason. Part of my ear is missing since a dog decided to use me as a chew toy as a baby and all my friends had poorly trained dogs that'd bark at me for, years. They never got ok with me. So I've always steered clear. But snakes? Totally fine haha Just put some reptiles in other rooms of the house, he'll hang out in the kitchen more often for dish-duty :V


Darling video, but I insist that the proper sound effect is "Wheeeeee!"


I'm taking notes


I love how they rush back to the starting point! I used to have one that liked being scooted along the wood floor. She'd bunch up her back legs and launch off my hands to go even further.


If you’re not in r/oneorangebraincell, please join and post this. 🐈


Good idea, done!


If my cat weren't next to me, I'd say that you catnapped him.


Would be funny if it were just a very patient and persistent cat who wants to lie down in that specific spot of the bed.


Made me smile, so cute 🥹


My parents had a 2 story bedroom when I was a kid. There was a loft upstairs and their bed was on the main floor below. My cat liked to be tossed over the railing onto the bed and bounce. He would keep running back up the stairs to do it over and over. Weirdest pet I’ve ever had.


How... did they originally figure that out???


I clean houses and found that lots of kitties like to be tossed off the bed (gently). The only problem is they keep jumping back up and nudging me to repeat the process, which makes it very difficult to make the bed! It does make it much more entertaining! The ones that don’t like it, will absolutely let me know, either by a stern scowl, or a quick slap. I swear I would never let a human treat me the way I happily let a cat.


Mine loved it too


I had a cat that loved to be thrown just like that. He also loved being slid across the floor in a shoe box. Good times...


Fuckin' orange cats, amirighr?


Just out of curiosity, how did you happen to find this out?


A science experiment


“What happens when you flip a cat?” Good application of the scientific method, my friend.


What can I say, learned from renowned scholar William Nye.


the learn something every day has an early video on dropping cats.


My r/standardissuecat likes to he spun around on his side on the hardwood floor. I love cats.


Precious ❤️


I love the shirt. And you're right: that is indeed cute


Flying lessons


You two are adorable!


See if he likes sitting on the Dryer too. One of our Cats also loved that.


We just adopted a new kitten and she looooooooooves watching the laundry


Of course! We had a lovely senior girl who was deaf as a post, and she loved to sleep on the vibrating dryer. She was a hoot.


One of mine figured out how to open the doors to the laundry room. Whenever I put clothes from the wash into the dryer, five minutes later I hear her trying to open the doors and sure enough she’s asleep on top of the dryer.


I had a pet rat that used to love that game. She’d run back to her starting point and arch her back for easier pickup each time. I called it modified fetch.




What a tosser!


I had a [long haired orange idiot](https://imgur.com/a/box-cat-WY5jt2X) who loved to be pulled by his tail. It was pretty much a multiple time a day daily ritual that he would run up the stairs before me, present his ginormous tail, I would "yank" him down the wood stairs, and he would do it again. I hated him and his siblings running up the stairs in front of me, because like all cats, they sometimes do things like not continue up, so you trip over them. He could have stopped it at any point by putting his claws out, but he didn't. It became "our thing". I would head towards the stairs, he would trill, run up the stairs, present his tail, get pulled back 2-3 stairs, repeat, and then fall in line behind me. I had a friend stay over, who never had a orange cat, and tried to tell people that I was abusing the cat.


I love how we figure out the weird shit our cats like.


Cats have those weird proclivities that get associated with actions we make or words we say. This guy needs to say "YEET!" every time he tosses the cat because eventually all he will have to say is "Yeet yeet?" and that cat will go nuts.


actually, it just really like to lie in that particular spot


That’s awesome!




Hernias are on sale today!😁


A true daredevil


awwww 🤭🥰


Cat looks “super stoked” to get tossed around lol. But seriously my cat likes to have cushions thrown on him and pushed down on him. He sounds like he’s screaming, but he loves it!


Of course it's an orange. My orange loves the roughest pats, you can legit just slap him and push him around and he runs back for more.


In Reality: your cat just wants to lay down on that spot but you keep throwing him away 🥲


How did you find out? xD


A science experiment


Maybe he let's you do this because he thinks you like it


I like how he thinks lying down first is part of the game, like he’s getting in position. So cute.


I had a calico that was like this, the problem was every time you took her off something she wasn't supposed to be on she'd run right back to it and chirp like "Again! Again!"


You tosser


Man finds out cat has preferred spot on bed, wonders why man keeps throwing him off.


I have an orange one too. BRB this is a great idea! Narrator: it was not.


Orange cat…. Defective….. return to manufacturer 😆 I have one too that barks for cat treats


The cat is just trying to nap in the comfy spot, and doesn’t understand why you keep removing him from the comfy spot.


I thought this was going to be one of those extended interpretations of "likes to". But, no, be super digs it!


Right? He was purring like a motor the whole time


A snail 🐌 knocks on a door. A guy answers the door, looks down, picks up the snail, and throws it as far as he is able. Exactly five years later to the date, there's another knock on the door. Same guy answers. This time, before the guy has a chance to react, snail 🐌 asks, "What the fuck was that about asshole?".




That sweet reassuring kiss


“I’m literally trying to lie down and sleep! STOP IT!!!”


Do a flip!!!


My cat is boring. She is a fiend for chips though, she.comes running if she hears someone opening a chip bag.


I know you’re probably right in his behavior but I just like to imagine that he actually just thinks you’re really dumb and he’s very patient in wanting pets. Every time he’s resetting he’s thinking “n-noooo okay. No. P.E.T, not THROW, you summer child. Just pet me. Yes, good-wait! NO! PEEEET. Just PET MEE!”


cats are amazing people.


I love how sweet you are when she comes back.


Gotta get some pets in just in case I'm misinterpreting his body language lol


My cat likes it too, but he likes backflips ONLY


Lets be fair: most of us would like to be tossed ...*not like that*


Cat 1: Why the fuck do you let him do that to you?! Cat 2: He's just so cute! He's just so happy and I can't wait to destroy that happiness when I decide to. Cat 1: *Purrrrrr*


My kitten loves to play fetch


Cats are a lot like little kids. They like the same things. My cats have always liked being tossed in the bed, or covered with a sheet like a game of parachute


Mine loved when you tapped the outside of a plastic shopping bag, then she would run in for the attack, and I'd scoop her up, just hanging out in the bag. REPEAT.


My cat always loved pats on his back and thighs, but he loved them so much that it looked like me slapping the poor thing around😂


It is a ginger. All gingers are mental. Source: I have a ginger.


A never ending cute fluffy cycle![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


My orange cat liked it too!


aye that probably has a different meaning where i'm from


Now try it from the sixth floor


You’re a good man, OP. You have a pure heart. I wish I had a friend like you.


Okay, my first reaction when I read the title: 😱😱😱😱 noooo. Do not toss the kittieeeee, they're not supposed to be tosseddddd After I saw the video: 😂😂😂😂 Now, one minute later: can you toss me next? 😂


I wouldn't have believed he would like it but he runs back everytime purring up a storm! I guess it makes sense though, humans like jumping on the bed too!


Always gotta be a stop and clean in there somewhere


So this is what Butcher does when he's not trying to bring down Homelander and bring Ryan home


Your owner is abusing you. Full stop. You've probably been gaslighted into thinking this is ok. It's not. It's toxic and dangerous. Please reach out to a local shelter and remove yourself from the situation ASAP.


You leave my boy alone feds


I had an orange tabby who absolutely loved being thrown. Like 6-8 feet away onto the couch. Always sprinted back to me for another go at it. I don't even know how I figured it out


Some cats are wired differently haha


Tossed and jump on the fluffy bed!!


that’s adorable 😂


congrats, your cat is actually a salad.


My old Shera boy used to love this 😭


He's made a game of it. Having Fun !


Of course he’s orange 😂


Our orange boy is the same way 😊😊


Thank god the title wasn't a trap


You cats like “Hang on a sec, gotta clean my fur real quick. Ok, go!”


I have a cat that likes to be turned in to what I like to call a “Myla-copter” (Myla being her name). Basically I take her and stretch her out and then throw her up in the air while simultaneously spinning like a helicopter, and every time I do it she runs back for more lol


Love and trust. Gorgeous ginger. ❤️


That's adorable!


Aww! I also have an orange cat and we do this regularly! She always comes back for more untill I run out of energy.


Haha! It figures it’s an orange cat.