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I dont want to die for fcking some lands that not belong to us. Its idiotic


I find it hard to believe that he would annex Zangezur. He said that he has no claims on Armenia's land. On top of that such adventurism would turn Azerbaijan into a pariah state.






The government insists that Russia's FSB should protect the corridor. This means that the most likely scenario for the war is Azerbaijan invading Armenia, Russia intervening and brokering a "peace treaty" that gives Azerbaijan uninterrupted, FSB-guarded access to Nakhchivan through Armenia. I doubt any annexations will take place since Turkey will take an issue with an internationally "illegal" corridor. Hence, Aliyev will get to gloat about his another "victory" against Armenians while Azerbaijan turns into a pariah state completely dependent on Russia as a result. The West will heavily sanction Azerbaijan for attacking Armenia like it did with Russia. It's clear from the recent anti-Western rhetoric that Aliyev chose being a Russian puppet over the well-being of his nation like any post-Soviet autocrat. You can even see the whole war as a test of loyalty of Aliyev from Putin, since Russia really wants to punish Armenia for trying to get out of the Russian orbit.


Yes Aliyev was always a Russian puppet, the Russians keep him in power. It's not a coincidence that Karabakh was only liberated after Armenia started to turn away from Russia. Heydar baba was  a kgbshnik just like Putin, they have very close ties with the Russians.


Aliyev always tried to "balance" between the West and Russia. He and his dad never rejoined CSTO or joined EAEU, and Azerbaijan had several partnerships with the EU and NATO. Amidst the extremely precarious nature of Azerbaijani statehood at the moment (decline in oil prices, water scarcity, and climate change), Aliyev struggles to maintain the status quo. The West has harshly reacted to recent mass repressions, which prompted Aliyev to finally give in to Moscow. If the war happens, expect Azerbaijan to join CSTO and EAEU with bullshit reasons soon. Also, expect FSB glowies being Aliyev's personal guards like with Lugabe.


Which recent mass repressions are you referring to? And great just what we need now is CSTO and more Russian influence 🎪


Then what do you think is going on?


I hope there will be no war between Azerbaijan and Armenia


Never do political analysis again bro.


ay blə elə ilk cümlədə zaylayıb e. bir azərbaycanlı bunu necə paylaşa bilər axı ağlım almır özü də ingiliscə blyaa


Elə bil Glendale propaganda botu tərəfindən yazılıb.


Biabırçılıqdır valla. Heç olmaya Azərbaycan dilində yazmayıb e ingiliscə yazıb. Blyaaaa bəziləri necə belə gijd hərəkətlər edir başa düşmürəm


Hüç gülməlidə deyil,bunlar erməni sublarını çox izləyib,onların “fikirləri”ni burada öz fikirləri kimi qələmə vururlar


Hə propagandanın mahiyyəti də ondan ibarətdir. Bir şeyi çox desən kimlərsə az da olsa ona inanacaq və ya inandığını sorğulayacaq. Ona görə də kurdechanian, leamsezadah, meydan tv, osmanqızı və s bütün günü propaganda aparır.


Do you think the war won't happen or what?


Already happened Armenia lost it.


:) Armenians be like: I didn't heard the bells 


It seems that there are more Armenians than Azerbaijanis in the Azerbaijan subreddit


armenians ban azerbaijanis that try to say anything good about Azerbaijan In their subreddit while our mods ban only extreme armenians here,quite obvious that Azerbaijan Itself doesn't have this much freedom of speech that this sub has


Not Armenians, just Glendale propaganda bots.


In the Azerbaijani subreddit, sometimes I feel like I'm in the Armenian subreddit...


Why not. As long as they come with peace and are willing to engage in reasonable discussions, let them come. We are neighbours after all.


The problem is that they come for propaganda and not for what you say. Also, compare the Armenian subreddit and the Azerbaijani subreddit. There is a lot of difference. Once I wrote a comment expressing my normal opinion there and they were downvoted a lot. Sometimes there are so many Armenians in the Azerbaijani subreddit that I feel like I am in the Armenian subreddit in the Azerbaijani subreddit..


Oh yeah, our subreddit is much more tolerant (thx to our mods <3). One can't even argue slightly, immediately gets a ban. I got a permanent ban and I can't post or even reply to a comment. And I never trolled or was disrespectful. All I ever did was just try to argue/dispute some facts/comments on their subreddit. But it seems Armenians are interested in opinion of only Armenians.


Armenians accept only and only those who agree with their views. As soon as a little contrary opinion is mentioned, they gather and downvote or ban. They have very toxic mindsets. But I must say that they are good at propaganda, which we are not. I think we should do the same. It would be nice if the moderators were a little more active


I have no problem with Armenians or anyone else being here. My only issue is clarity, so PLEASE put a flair on to make it clear that you are a Armenian. It applies to Turkish, Georgian, Israeli, Ukrainian, Iranian Azeri, Other Iranians and etc redditors here too. It is not a rule, but please make life easier for everyone to indicate who you are. It reminds me of one very polite Israeli redditor asking a question to Azeris and then being ambushed and attacked by arab redditors who cannot even point Azerbaijan in the map. It was really embarrassing. It is just one of the cases. Here we are now and ofc Azeris and Armenians have mostly different outlook to what is happening today with Aliyevs dumb saber rattling and pivoting to russia. So to reduce confusion, please use flairs. Other than that, Armenians are welcome to state their opinions ofcourse, this is NOT grey wolves meeting :)


Damn, you are right. Never even thought of putting up a flait untill now. Done. Thx for reminding <3


Just like putin invaded Ukraine Aliev will invade Armenia. This is what dictators do. Azeri army are already in Armenia in Jermuk. Armenians in Glendale and in Europe will work over time to have sanctions world wide on Azerbaijan if the dictator tries to show more of his powers. But most likely election times in the US Azeris will do this.






Aliyev isn't stupid he knows the penalties of invading Armenia proper but also if the Armenians continue to take potshots and injure or Killed Azerbaijani soldiers in the process things will escalate. It was a warning by the Azerbaijani military when they destroyed that post and killed 4 Armenian soldiers.


>also if the Armenians continue to take potshots and injure or Killed Azerbaijani soldiers in the process things will escalate. Reminder that it happened on Armenia’s sovereign territory which Azeri forces currently occupy. Perhaps diversify your sources and don’t rely only on Azeri ones.


reminder that armenia has occupied the sovereign territory for 30 years and still keeps doing so - so please don’t talk about sovereign territories and intl law👍🏼👍🏼


Had occupied yes, but now that land is fully in control of Azerbaijan. At least based on any news articles that can be found. Well minus any areas the Russian "peacekeepers" are stalking through.




Apparently when Armenia kills our people from their occupied lands it's OK, but when we do that from OUR lands it's aggression? Do you see hypocrisy here?




What a meaningfull life purpose you have. Good luck bra.


I JUST CANT. ARMENIA STILL occupies Azerbaijans sovereign state + Armenia OWES us billions of dollars of reparations + moral compensation for destroying and occupying our land. Ew ur a hypocrite


Living in a happy nation


Source: Glendale News Network


I like the comments are split evenly between both "Aliyev is losing his power and status quo he is gonna act now" and "Aliyev is a warmonger turned mad with power he is gonna act now" Classic case of propaganda making your enemy look weak and strong at same time They cant fathom that aliyev already had won and now dragging the peace talks until he gets all he could out of it


Aliyev changes He plans to connect the Turkish border and Azerbaijani border together, he may try to gain more land to connect it to Nakhchivan.


https://preview.redd.it/19lkohvp90jc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=111443c8658903c6ebb337397d44b9ae13435b60 Is warm weather heating your brain or what?


I'm out of the loop here, what's with Glendale? Also where is it?


In LA Biggest Armenian diasporoid community, one of the most toxic too, to the point that Armenians from Armenia don’t like them often


Can I ask about what are the other community that looks toxic?


>to the point that Armenians for Armenia don’t like them often Well that's just impressive tbh I see. Thanks for informing me.


Zangezur is becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you talk about it enough, it has to become the reality.


Azerbaijan is not moving towards the war. Stop idiocy. Armenia is moving towards the war!






Armenia stop crying!


Dude I was hoping to bail out my military service, shit got real


Kardeş.kaderinde varsa,askere gitmesende olursun.boyle o kadar çok olay var ki


problem olmek deyil ki, olmek onsuz hemise en yaxsi secimdir


Peki sorun nedir kardeşim?


terapist zadsan brat, ne mixivi diremisen? Yoxsa bakida azerbaycanli kimi yasayirsan xeberimiz yoxdur ?


Velet senin babandir.haddini bil doğru konuş


gessihdir, azeri subredditinde turkden soz goturen deyilem gijdillaq


Lan yuru git manyak misin nesin.bos bos seyler icin dovusmeye yer ariyon allahin delisi


No there is no genuine source I can find that could prove Azerbaijani gov is moving to invade Zangezur other than Pseudo claims by Armenians based around retaliation towards Armenian attack on the border


Ay blə bəsdirin də ala. "How quickly our government is moving towards the war" nedi gijd...


I think at this point russia is more likely to become azerbaijan's vassal than the opposite happening 


He won't invade Zengezur. This is just armenians' false propaganda to get attention


If there is another war, Armenia, one of the poorest nations in the world, will have no allies. Armenia has had over 30 years to rectify their situation, which they have not, and the international community will not come to their aid. Azerbaijan has vast oil and gas resources, and the entire Turkic world by our side. If no one helped us during the 30 years of occupation, who would help the Armenians in a war they dragged themselves into? Armenia only has cheap irredentist talk based on a thousand year old kingdom which may or may not have existed. If there is war in Zangezur it will be just as swift as in Karabakh, and hopefully we can restore greater territorial integrity.


You can’t “restore” something that doesn’t belong to you. All this is to say, the “territorial integrity” argument on your part was just a farce and another way of justifying ethnic cleansing.


The war is inevitable but the timing is just wrong.