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Hi OP. Thank you for this terrible UI. Also, do you miss the old bad UI battles? Join us on [Lemmy](https://programming.dev/c/bad_ui_battles). Additionally, it is recommended that you do a [reddit request](https://www.reddit.com/settings/data-request). It is YOUR data after all. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badUIbattles) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nothing fucking works. It constantly opens the wrong post or video too and opens ads that I did not click on and in the Modqueue it doesn't go to the right comment when I click on it.


Happens to me too. Fuck reddit. (Still continues to use reddit)


Honestly, what's the alternative? I've been using ReVanced on the official app and it's as good as that POS is gonna get


Use revanced on a 3rd party app at least


Same to me


reddit is terrible. recently i've had this glitch where when i try to leave a subreddit half the button shows up at the very bottom of the screen, so i can't really see it immediately and hopelessly press the button 50 times trying to leave before realizing the button is at the bottom


I’m dumb af I’m not picking up on what’s wrong


I guess it's the fact that the layout of the replies shown gets ruined after opening and zooming in on the image?


Ahh that makes sense and after watching again I see it now. Thank you


Yeah man the whole of reddit's official app is infuriating to the max


What I hate the most about the stock app is that it's UI was my favorite, but it's so fucking buggy it's unusable Infinity still works for me though... so that's cool


Unrelated, but I think on all relatively modern versions of android I've seen have a built in screen recorder which doesn't have a watermark


My phone sucks ik, and it has android 10, is a moto e7 plus


Lol, as a fellow sucky Moto e series user I understand


~~can we please stop with these posts? this isn't r/redditbugs~~ edit: nvm, it literally is


This sub only accepts those reddit bug post


oh that's stupid af. I guess I'll just leave then edit: why would the mods use a poll of less than 1000 people to decide to kill a sub of 200k+?? "the people have spoken" my ass


You can get surprisingly accurate information about a crowd of people from only a small fraction of it. That's the whole point of statistics. If you don't like the new rules you're welcome to join us on [lemmy](https://programming.dev/c/bad_ui_battles) here we landed gentry are keeping the old rules.


you can... with a random, unbiased sample. which you didn't get. that's like the most basic principle of statistics how about the few of you who hate reddit now go hang out on lemmy. the rest of us who don't care can stay here in this already established community


The post was an announcement post which means it should be visible to all subscribers that visit their home page and had been opened for several days. Therefore the sample I acquired was indeed not random, but only of people subbed to this community who were active after the blackout. Should I post a poll on twitter or start randomly dialing numbers for a more random sample? I've already largely stopped using reddit other than to moderate a few communities.


visible to all subscribers who visited the home page over a few day period. you really think that was representative of the community? I'm willing to bet that a good portion of the members of this sub, like myself, aren't checking the sub's page every few days to read announcements. many people, like myself, probably mainly use this sub when they scroll through their home page, which that poll would not have showed up on at all. or perhaps they logged off reddit for a few days and missed it entirely. it's not like there was any warning about it. and the people who *do* visit the sub's page regularly probably have stronger opinions on reddit's changes than the average user. if you can't see how this voting process would produce biased results then I hope to God you never run any real elections in the future what should you have done? how about *let people decide whether they want to use this sub or not*. a mod's job is to enforce the rules of a community, not decide whether that community exists or not. how about a post saying "if you want to boycott reddit, delete the app and go to this other site" and then let people decide what they want to do themselves. you don't even use reddit anymore. what do you care whether this sub remains active or not? why would you shut it down for 200k other people??


> visible to all subscribers who visited the home page over a few day period. you really think that was representative of the community? I Not /r/badUIbattles, them visiting [reddit.com](https://reddit.com), their personalized front page. Yes, I do believe that a sufficient percentage of them visited [reddit.com](https://reddit.com) over that time period.Though yes, a everyone who visited /r/badUIbattles in that time also saw it. Announcement posts work by making it show up in your main feed. I can say with [99.999% confidence that the poll showed the will of the people with in just under 7.5 points](https://www.calculator.net/sample-size-calculator.html?type=1&cl=99.999&ci=7.32&pp=50&ps=209000&x=54&y=12). There's only been a handful of people who have complained about the changes and most have them have been told to either leave or start their own subreddit with blackjack and hookers. I have also been informing people if they don't like these changes than they should join us on our lemmy community. They are still free to decide to use this sub or not. No one is stopping them from using it.


>Not /r/badUIbattles, them visiting reddit.com, their personalized front page. Yes, I do believe that a sufficient percentage of them visited reddit.com over that time period. the post with the poll hidden inside it got less than 400 upvotes. that is not nearly enough to reach most people's front pages. oh and anyone who doesn't use reddit that same day definitely isn't gonna see it on their made feed. I didn't see the post at all, and looking at the comments of the results post it seems I'm not the only one >I can say with 99.999% confidence that the poll showed the will of the people with in just under 7.5 points can you please stop pretending you know what you're talking about when it comes to statistics? because you are just wrong. you cannot say it showed the will of the people with *any* confidence because *your sample was not random*. it doesn't even matter how supposedly accessible the poll was, unless you take a random, unbiased sample you cannot use it to draw any conclusions about the population. this is like high school-level statistics you keep claiming people can just go over to lemmy, but not only is that significantly less accessible for most people, but from what I can tell there are a grand total of five (5) posts on there so far. hardly a viable alternative. how about instead of using faulty math and forcing everyone to build some new sub from scratch, you just hand over this one to someone who actually wants to be here? there are about 200k people to choose from


I have regularly seen announcement posts get to the front page with only a dozen or so votes. Announcements have additional weight. Nearly twice as many people voted in the poll than actually voted on the post. There are many posts on this community which less than 10% vote on. The people who would have participated would have been more likely to interact with this subreddit especially given the fact that there were many subs still in blackout mode and therefore not even seen. So yes I can assert that the people who voted on the poll were in fact overly represented than I would normally expect from normal day to day activities. There is no possible way for this to have been more unbiased than to have taken place when it was taking up more of the user's feeds than it normally would have. It was an announcement post in a content drought with many subreddits simply not even allowing any new posts or content. As it stands that post got more traction than most posts are getting now, or even before the change. Again there is nothing stopping you or any of the other 5 people I've seen complain about the changes that were voted on from starting your own community with your own rules. You can choose to allow production sunday to continue or you could choose not to. Go for it. I won't stop you because I can't. As far as lemmy goes, how is it not accessible? App developers from former 3rd party reddit apps are scrambling over each other to re-implement their app for lemmy. Signing up is like signing up for email.


I wish I could see, but half the time I want to watch a video, it doesn't load and eventually gives me a 'video unavailable' message.


A lot of these complaints sound like they could be fixed with cache clears, cache nukes(clearing all apps) or something else maintenance oriented but simple enough to forget/take for granted. Ime, stuff like what's in OP can almost invariably be fixed by what I mentioned *AND* web cache clear (to prevent the weird shit going on between browser and reddit app interplay) as well as, just to be safe, a good break off the app and website to allow the temp stuff to clear out of the website and app so that it doesn't try to reload against stuff that you deleted.