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No need to block the license plate (unless this is your truck)


I agree no need to block it. More n more we do see them not blocked anymore ( and no, not mine)


Repost unblocked license plate


I agree, he/him/they clearly wants to be noticed.


This guy is armed and waiting for you to say something so he has an excuse to shoot you in self defense or defending his castle or whatever.


My ex bro in law was like this. He would jump at any opportunity to arm himself for the stupidest crap. Man I couldn't stand that guy.


Exactly this. The dude is just looking for an excuse.


You can shoot at me all day long (pistol) when you’re inside a commercial building and I’m driving away in your POS. I don’t get gun vibe from this fraction of information. I get spoiled rich POS who honestly thinks people want this kind of guy pranks and or is so selfish and entitled to the point of mental health issue. Or he’s a dealer/etc and it’s assumed no one would be that stupid. But that would be a stupid ass dealer. Hmmmm….could be cartel.


You clearly do not understand the laws you are speaking of. That would be murder don’t even need a 2nd look and I’m a gun nut. You cannot pull your weapon unless there is credible fear of death or serious injury. A verbal confrontation is not a legal self defense justification, double edged isbthat if a weapon is pulled that gives the other person to legal right to do what is needed. Castle doctrines are there for a reason, did you know in some states in the United States if someone kicks in your door and you can run out the back door you are legally NOT allowed to defend yourself. You have to run away or face criminal charges for protecting your family from someone who just broke into your house.


It all depends on which state you're talking about


Look at those F-ing rims. The most off roading that truck will ever see is if they accidently drive over a curb


Pavement Queen!


Oversized truck for no reason. Check Lift kit for when you're never offroading. Check Ugly wheels with low-pro tires that scream on the highway. Check Protecting your 24% APR pavement princess. Priceless For everything else there's Mastercard.


A Secured Mastercard at that


It's a shame nothing can be done. Can't confront them, probably carrying. Where is damn cop when you need them. I know, under budget police force doesn't have the personnel to enforce parking. So they just park like the assholes that they are.


Well said, I feel your frustration totally. Almost like we need a hero…for all these ‘assholes about town’… Maybe someone like the Cart Narcs guy for shopping carts, only now it’s for “winners” like this deity of numbskulls. To rip off cart narcs name, have him branch out n call it ParkNarcs…and put on magnetic signs on the back of their vehicles that say “Screw the world, I park like an asshole, but only cause I AM one” Currently, at least there’s a small chance that people who know him will say, ‘Hey I think I saw your truck on reddit… was that you blocking the handicapped spot and parking like a total asshole?” Locally infamous possibly. Now whether this trog will have the sentience and conscience to feel shame, that’s another question.


...for all we know this IS a cop.


The unexamined life is not worth living. Pity is the appropriate emotion, not disdain.


Cops won't do shit.  They aren't putting themselves at risk.  That's how my asshole neighbor gets away with three noise complaints on a Wednesday night where he is getting progressively drunk and threatening the cops.  Those dickheads slinked away and we were blasted with music till 7 am. "Don't make us come back here."


Grab the keys and throw them up on the roof of the store.


Unfortunately, it’s most likely a key fob and the keys are in his pocket. But, I like where your head is at.


Ooooh you redditors got great imaginations!


It'd be a shame if someone walking by with a big cup of something accidently spilled it all over their dash.


Better: a big cup of *sticky* something across the driver’s seat.




Toss a brake fluid soaked sponge on the hood.


Alexa, how much are caltrops? Oooops, fell out of my pocket and I accidentally bumped it with my foot. Cannot find it now. Nope, no I definitely didn’t see it come to a stop right under one of those beautiful tires. Nope


Emboldened until someone unboldens them.


Yes. Milkshake through window


Left running you say? Free loaner you say?


Is this Texas? This looks like a Texas thing to me. That truck looks like one of those remote controlled trucks to me. I think it’s the wheels. A-hole behaviour wherever he is.


I thought the style was typical for here, and the plate looked like our basic one, then noticed the OP's moniker - TCUfroggy. Reference to Texas Christian University. tl;dr yes.


It's 100% Texas. Look closely at the tag, plus it's a QuikTrip. What more do you need?


I don’t gas up often so I had no idea that QuikTrip was exclusive to Texas. Been here a loooong time too.


It's not exclusive, but they are abundant there.


I'm willing to pay for a slushie and a loaded dog to drop into his car


Pavement princess 👸🏼


Be cool if two cars parked right tight beside him. Absolute “Legend of Morons” to manage to somehow take 3 spots. Hope his hometown folk see this and callem out for the uber-loser that he be.


Contact your local sheriffs office See if they have a parking enforcement program. If they do then it’s as easy as taking picture of a car with no disabled tags parked in a handicapped spot include time, date and location in the email. Must clearly show it’s a legit handicapped spot with sign and/or painted symbol. The officers will verify if the owner has disabled tags and just forgot to put them up or if there is no reason for them to park in those spots they get a $500 ticket mailed them with the picture you took printed onto the ticket. Bangers are the ones who also put even an inch into the hashed out handicapped loading zones. That’s another $500 ticket in the mail.


WOW. Love you Redditors comments. So great.


Before my mom died she spent her last 5yrs in a wheel chair unable to stand up with assistance. I saw first hand how often people actually do this and once I got a call from my grandmother because she needed help someone took a handicapped spot that didn’t have tags and they had to park fairly far back for a old woman pushing someone in a wheel chair. I called to complain and ask for more parking enforcement in my area same way you do if you want police to do speed enforcement in an area. They gotta know there is a problem to do something about it. That’s when the officer tranafered me to the parking enforcement department and that officer filled me in and told me what I needed in the pictures and the info. I did that until after my mom passed and I moved 20-30 minutes away. I have absolutely zero fucks to give for whatever reason someone has in their mind to park in a handicapped spot when they’re not handicapped. I’ve even backed in to where they had to climb across their car to get in and leave. Zero fucks to give


I am sorry for your loss of your dear mother. Most people are incensed by this incredibly selfish, anti social behaviour. This reddit is actually a help i believe, perhaps in a cathartic way where people like you and me can have a conversation…and also because it reminds us, of what is unacceptably bad. And perhaps may even give pause to those who may be tempted to act like this idiot. So while they lack internal regulation, this is a good use of social media in an exterior social regulation. A while ago I posted a picture in my local area of a bmw parking perpendicular across 3 spots and there was some anger back at me for doing so. No doubt the owner was notified and mortified that his ‘specialness’ was on display on Reddit. Good son and grandson you are sir. It’s good you stuck up for your mother and grandmother and followed up on having these turds face a consequence in the mail. As long as the plates there and as you say the signage is clear, that should be an ez conviction even if they try to fight it. E: my bad he was only taking up 2 spots. https://www.reddit.com/r/durham/s/ZFjlMJbI8P E2: One remedy https://www.amazon.com/Stickers-Violent-Little-Machine-Shop/dp/B072W8WJ7K


It is easy for them, they run the plates see no handicapped tags issued and they verify the spot is a legitimate handicapped spot. Texas requires both a sign and paint on the ground to be legit so they verify. I don’t want someone to deal with getting that cleared up if they can legit park there. I’ve come to the conclusion people are just assholes. I try to avoid society as much as I can. Getting to hard the older I get to not just smack the hell out of someone. Fridays I get my supplies for the weekend on my way home and neither stay home and enjoy my time or I go do family stuff. My mom passed a long time ago. I’ve made peace with it and I only did what i needed to. But thank you for the words. I’ve got very few pet peeves that will make me say something to people but this is at the top of my list followed by not using turn signals and messing with phones while driving.


Very much agree with a lot of your sentiments. As one of my best friends said well, “people suck”. Yet still, i do believe in the human spirit, i do believe that most of us would never ever even consider taking a handicapped spot and not for the fear of being exposed but because its just plain wrong. Maybe and this is just a thought, maybe consider volunteering. “Have you done so?” You could ask. And yes, i have in the past. And when my own circumstances change i do plan on doing so again. A wee bit less time on the Reddernet is all it would cost me. Perhaps with animals would be better…such hearts of gold those little beings are…and the people who you will be exposed to, who are caring for them are probably nicer than the average person as well. But yes i do get the solitude thing. I am also happy in my own skin alone, for much of my day and i embrace it.


This helpful comment deserves plenty of upvotes


But its only a QuikTrip


Don’t you like my speakers blastin look am badass ok


Here comes the 2PumpChump


Park right behind them and go inside. F it lol


I would park directly behind them


Leave your windows down and the motor running? That truck would have been stolen the instant he went in the store in Albuquerque.


Useless, just like those wheels.




I suppose he thought the store name excused him from serious parking consideration.


And he drives a dumb truck


Be great if someone would steal his truck and drive it into the nearest lake or river next time he does that.


Milkshake through the window


He is just making a Quiktrip in and out


Yeah why are all these haters hatin so?. They jealous cause they ain’t us


You may not know this…but this guy right here, is the main character in his own action movie and he gives 0 fucks. Everything about this picture screams “look at me!! I need you to look at me!!” If he saw this post it would make his day.


On what special planet can this be considered a win. But, if what you say is indeed correct, well then color me enlightened i guess. I would think ANY person would feel such excruciating pain and shame…at being publicly outed for being such a selfish troglodytic reprobate. A loser. If there ever was. And I cannot for the life of me, fathom that he could pocket this into the compartment called “wins” in his head. But alas his past upbringing, circumstance’s that come his way in life, to him, (and of course unlucky genes smashing)…”perhaps” all this mashed and created this ‘special spectacle’, that we all see here today, into the shameless being he may be, that could say “DUH, YEAH that was me, in a rush and NO FEAR, got a problem with it buddy?”




Look at how the wheels and lift kit are. He's not a threat to anyone, just a cocky inconvenience. Rest assured not even his parents love him


Rims n tires at $79 month X36 months 28% APR 😂


Guys that do that to their trucks are why I will never own one 🤣🤣 btw that's 2,844 dollars!!


Hahahaha I did the math in Canadian! 😂


I live an hour from the Canadian border! At Walmart they have the exchange rate on a screen thingy by the service desk lol it's super cool


Oh yeah, we’re near Toronto, used to go so much at one point the wife had affinity cards at stores like Wegmans 😂 (we don’t have Wegmans up here) How do you see us Canadians conducting ourselves down there in America? As visiting guests, acting respectfully? I hope so!


Used to manage a rural convenience store way back in college. Never understood the morons who pulled right to the front door, left their vehicle running with the door open, and stood staring at the soft drink cooler like it was a magic cabinet…


Well DUH aint that where the MAGIC COMES OUT


Get in and drive away. Keys are in it. Worst case scenario you get a misdemeanor joy riding charge 😄


Idiots like this are locked and loaded for a confrontation. They love to draw attention to themselves simply to tick someone off and go all out postal on them.


Agreed, and possibly armed with deadly force.


OK, how’s he dressed? I’m guessing flat brim cap, stupid wraparound sunglasses, vape pen, jorts, and a sports team tank top or whatever the modern equivalent of a Tapout shirt is, now…


Jesus christ its jason bourne.


Kinda makes ya want to just get in and drive off. Ever wanted to jump a truck?


Intrusive thoughts go brrr


Keep a fart bomb in your car and next chuck it in the vehicle then leave


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^dqdude1: *Keep a fart bomb in* *Your car and next chuck it in* *The vehicle then leave* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It was a quick trip


Just another tiny dicked debutante riding around in his child mauler 5000


Be a shame if someone were to take a hammer to the windshield


Windshield is too easy. Mirrors and/or lights is the way to go.


or passenger side top rear corner, won't see it for hours, ridiculous to repair


I’d have pissed through the open window.


The stream is strong with you


In a hurry to buy a Trump sticker, before he gets pulled over for not displaying one.


Shouldn’t this vehicle be a Chevrolet Caprice?


jump in and park it for him.


White, male, Trump voter..


He would have a 🗡️ fix his tire problem if I saw that shit.


This is when I park my truck in the handicap spot blocking him in, and dammit, I stumbled with my cane and just scratched the shit out of the side of his truck. Oops, my bad. Before you say anything, Yes, I have Handicap plates.