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Ik its a text but why they saying pussy so aggressively? 😂


Fucking dead 💀💀💀


stop talking, so can i eat that pussy or you just going to send emoji skulls


This is so real, I’m a guy but my name is Pucy with a C in TF2. So many guys wanting to eat me out while I coyly reply :3 to them


Send pic of bobs and vegene. /s


I have unironically had someone request to see my vagene. I sent him nasty pics from the internet and he told me it was ok and he still loved me. After a while he caught on to my game and called me a beach, so I asked him which one sent him pictures of beaches until he blocked me. The internet is a beautiful place


Woulda been funny if you left off the /s 🤷🏼‍♂️




What was the other one? “Send bobs, b**** lasagna” lol


At the same aggressiveness that Malfoy says "🅿️otter!"


The fact that I audibly read the texts out loud pronouncing pussy like that has me on the floor🤣




Because eating it would be lit fr fr no cap


Ong fam no buss


It’s giving “can I pet that dawg? Can I pet that DAWWG??!” vibes 🤣


I feel dirty and uncomfortable with the way I narrated that thread in my head


Maybe thats why op censored it, too aggressive pussy.


Aggressive pussy is the best. Are you eating it or is it eating your soul?


What’s going through this guy’s head is “Ok, she doesn’t like dick, but if she lets me eat her pussy she’ll probably want me to fuck her afterwards.” Source: I used to think this way (Not anymore).


I guarantee you that this guy has a low IQ and/or he's a porn addict. Guys like that typically don't know any other way of saying this stuff so they just say it straight to the point, "let me eat your pussy." But there's plenty of other ways to say it; "let me eat you out," "I wanna lick that kitty cat," "my tongue knows its way around, if you wanna test that out" are all much better ways to say it than repetitively saying "GIVE ME THE PUSSY." It's his repetitiveness and persistence that makes it sound so aggressive (and that's why his texts are a huge turn off, which is also why he probably has either only had sex once or has never touched a woman). Including emojis such as 👀❤️🤭😘 can also help to lighten the mood and will help portray yourself as an actual person rather than a fucking perv. But, most men are stupid and have no idea what the fuck they're doing; they just expect to get what they ask for whenever they want. It's pathetic.


“I wanna eat that kitty cat” is cringe af don’t ever say that to a girl unless you want to die alone 💀😭


Only on Reddit will you have someone saying being direct about your wants is cringe and recommend some shit that makes you want to throw up in your mouth like “my tongue knows it’s way around, if you want to test that out” or “I wanna lick that kitty cat” 🤮 It’s not him using pussy or saying let me eat your pussy that’s barf inducing it’s his persistent aggression knowing she’s not into him after being denied multiple times that makes it creepy. Sexual harassment is usually a big turn off for women shockingly.


You’re not you when you’re hungry


Hold up. I've delved deeper. Is this the same housemate you posted about asking to peg him?! Juicy.


Yes 😭


oh, god, hon. I'm so fucking sorry you have to live with this creep


I hope her bedroom door has a secure lock


i’m so sorry that you live with someone who is convinced that they could “turn you straight”. even if he’s never outwardly said it, but given this post and past posts-that’s exactly what he thinks :( are you safe


She should leave or have him leave might get dangerous if he can’t control himself drunk.


Holy shit I read that as ‘she should let him or’ I was about to have an aneurism when I saw the upvotes then I re read what you actually said, that was a fucking sigh of relief.


Oh God I used to work in a bar with this morbidly obese virgin male. He would always say cringe shit to the out-lesbian customers like "damn girl I know we're friends but if you ever want to try dick you know who to call." 🥴


Hahaha, like they haven’t heard that a thousand times from a thousand other straight men


*insert sackboy flabbergasted gif*


you would hope most men would be smart enough not to hit on a lesbian, but to go back and forth several times after the initial rejection is literally insane. where the fuck do guys get the idea that harassing someone is going to get them to have sex with you???


Guys are literally told by their dads and television that women are "just playing hard to get" and that they should just be persistent. It's taught from such a young age they think it's completely normal and don't believe us when we say and show that we're heavily uncomfortable.


you're right. it's fucked.


Yeah it's terrifying thinking about how many men feel entitled to our bodies and what they'll do to get it...


Word, I was raised by a single mom, no means no, I'm out hahaha. It blows my mind how women can't be out and God forbid make accidental eye contact and it's all dude, she wants it. Da fuq? No, you happened to both look at each other then move on I think the worst part is there is a flip side where some women play the coy, no... game. This is not a defense of creepy dudes in anyway, just how things are messed up


literally, i was having a conversation with someone about men persistently asking me for my number after ive already said no, and he said “well men know women all have a breaking point.” huh?


Yep, the old "harass them until they give in" strategy. Works every time. Eventually. If they don't get a restraining order.


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


Ah yes, SA by persistence, something many men don't understand is actually SA




I've met a couple of men who say they will just try to wear a woman down 🤮


Eeewww, that's fucking terrifying!?


I vividly remember walking to the bus in 3rd grade in a group and one boy was talking to another boy about girls. He said non-jokingly that “girls don’t want to do it, so you have to make them.” I remember not really caring about that topic, but I guess it being so absurd made the sentence stick with me so long. I’m assuming he just got this idea from tv, but it’s just crazy to think about this as an adult. Some 7 year old was so misguided that he thought men were naturally intended to force themselves on women.


I just had this talk with a group of dudes that were friends of friends. Couple of them were chatting about "playing head games" with girls and that's how the world is now. I shot up a quick poll of the 10 or so of us, "hey, a few of us here have been married for a while now, how many of you played head games with your wife?" To a person, none of us that are married said yes. The single bros just brushed it off as, "you guys just don't understand women these days." Yea dude, women today are fundamentally different than women a couple years ago, you're right, definitely don't take relationship advice from people in happy, stable relationships. Absolute mouth breathing Neanderthals.


I’m glad mine told me to just leave them alone if they weren’t interested.


This is true, but I do think the consciousness is shifting on that. I think many more young men are aware of this paradigm and of how women want to be treated. The trick is when you shift a power dynamic like this there will be some… growing pains, I guess? We’re seeing it now with men not approaching women in public as much. I think we are headed toward a reworking in how we collectively approach romance. This is mostly anecdotal though, and I’m sure more significant in first world countries. Just what I’ve been seeing.


Once met a girl. She was cute, funny, we had mutual friends and had a surprising amount of common interests. I started to think, "Maybe I'll ask her out. Even if she says no, it'd be fine just being friends. And maybe she'll say yes." The _second_ I just thought about it (didn't even say anything out loud), she says to the group, "I'm texting this cute girl, and I think I really like her." Internally, I said, "Fuck my luck!" and that's all that happened. We stayed friends, but drifted apart after she moved and got a new job. Not once did I ever think about hitting on her after that. I can't imagine what idiot would try that 4 times, let alone even try once!


i mean she could have been bisexual but it's still good you didn't persist with a woman you didn't think was interested


Yeah, after she asked if my sister was seeing anybody, I figured that ship had sailed. lol


From a lesbian: that's rough buddy


being lesbian literally changes nothing, I’ve never told a man that I’m lesbian and them just be like “oh, ok, I’ll stop then”. 99% of the time they say “I like girls too!” And then follow with “I’m just trying to be ur friend”. Men don’t care, they know most women say it as an excuse now so they don’t listen to you even if it’s true. Also, men believe that women just “haven’t found the right man yet” whenever a girl mentions being lesbian or bi, and that makes them even more persistent bc they’re OBVIOUSLY the man that’s gonna give you the worlds most mind blowing orgasm right? TLDR: being a woman in a man’s world sucks


Ughhh. As a guy I’d be even more embarrassed if I thought the woman was using it as an excuse. The mindset of “she’s just lying about her sexuality to get rid of me, so I’ll keep trying” is so broken, I can’t even comprehend.


I was stuck on the room mate part… hitting on a room mate is pretty messed up even if you thought there was interest. Risking fucking someone’s home life up just to hit on someone is… really awful. I didn’t even get to the lesbian part, that makes it way more creepy than it was just at room mate.


...does it make it more creepy tho? like, gay straight or other, NO means NO


Desperation is a hell of a drug. Mix it with a dash of ego and oooooh boy


And you best believe these are the same straight men who legit lose their minds if a gay guy even attempts to talk to them but they’re out here doing this shit. Smh.


"So no head?" *smashes phone and splits skateboard*


Does your brain think in terms of Vines like mine does? It feels like for every situation, there's a perfect vine to relate to it.


*proceeds to throw tantrum on the floor*


Yeah you need to watch out for this man


OP is not being aggressive enough with her response to him. She needs to stay: "Room mate, don't ever fucking text me those discussing messages again, I am not attracted to you, I just live with you, you are harassing me. I think you should move out, I'll be talking with the landlord about this tomorrow and if it doesn't stop I'll be talking to the police too".


Right, she was very playful (not saying its her fault,by any means), but I can definitely see how the "leaving him tied up outside" and "hanging from the roof in your briefs" comments would be read as flirtatious by a guy who clearly gets off on hearing a girl say no. He is her *roommate*. She needs to find another place asap. This kind of behavior only escalates.


OP could just call her landlord and get the guy evicted. Even better.


She said in another comment the landlord is the other roommate. Its a creepy situation all around.


Oh no, she needs to leave then.


I bet that fucker gets off on the control aspect of it as well. Yucky yucky yucky… 🤢


She’s definitely not being direct enough. A bonehead like this can easily see this as flirting (sometimes it is).


More than likely she's living with him that's why she's not doing that because he would be the one telling her to get out and it's kind of hard to find a place to live these days so you put up with a lot that you normally wouldn't


Seriously. If he doesn’t care about her consent for him to text her sexual things, he probably doesn’t care about her consenting physically either


Something about “that pussy” rubs me the wrong way …. Totally different than “your pussy”. Idk


it’s objectifying, it verbally removes the person’s body part from their own body. like all he’s thinking about is her pussy, doesn’t matter if she’s a human being attached to it or not


it’s exactly this


The word pussy for me is like the word moist for most people. Everytime I read or hear it I just physically cringe.


Yeah chicks really got the short end of the stick when it comes to words for vagina (even that makes me want to curl into a ball and cringe myself to death)


Dude I agree any name honestly I’ve heard so many and they’re either childish or demeaning. I mean cooter? Who tf thought that up?


Hooha is my favourite but as you said, its pretty fucking childish xD Cooter is just 🤢 and fanny? Eeuw I dated a guy who called it "puss puss" and I wanted to puke everytime he said it, like that's not fucking it chief


My dad’s term took the cake “hot box”. Used that term with my 3yo sister and my step mom was beyond pissed. Rightfully so because what the actual fuck?? Clam, roast beef, cat, gyatt? Dude ik there’s more I feel like we could right a novel


Bloodhound Gang covered it all for us at least 😂 squish mitten and bitch wrinkle always make me fucking cackle xD


Squish oh my god no way🤦🏻‍♀️ that’s hilarious 😂 at least some can be funny in the right context


I havent seen any bad reviews on cunt yet! Thoughts?


If my fiancé said he wanted to eat my cunt, I’d be rolling over going to sleep immediately. I dont think pussy is that cringy tbh


As a British woman, it’s my personal favourite


Ham wallet is a personal favorite


Oyster ditch is another good one lol


Gyat is not pussy at all. It’s short for gyat damn and it’s supposed to be said when a dude sees a fat ass.


My mum said 'naughty bits' as in 'don't forget to wash your naughty bits'. I don't think it's great to say a body part is bad


My grandma called it a “tee-tee” growing up and i hated it lol


I've never heard that one but out of all of them I HAVE heard, this is the least vulgar


Dude, a friend I worked with told me that her mom never taught her the proper name when she was a kid and they called it their "*sugar*". I'm pretty sure my soul cringed right out of my body when she told me. Children. Calling their genitals their "sugar", as taught to them by their *mom*. I fucking can't.


Gyatt is for ass


My husband calls it the Pussiare , which I like cause we also have a black cat and he calls her the Noir pussiare (the black kitty)I think that’s the least offensive without being childish I can think of.


Sometimes I jokingly call it a "pussoir" lol. Pronounced similarly to how one would pronounce "boudoir". To me it still sounds funny and you're obviously being crass but doesn't come across as vulgar as some of the other words.


I thought fanny was the butt


It’s a British vs. American thing. American fanny is a butt. British fanny is a vulva


I did too till I dated a British guy and the first time he said that I was roasting him so hard, calling him grandpa and shit hahaha


The only term I like for it is cunt (I’m American, not British, so it’s spicier where I’m from). My ex would not say it though. 😢


How do yall feel about pumpum


Snatch is the one that grosses me out the most 🤢


Worst one ever !


Worse than gash?


Also slit


Gash is pretty bad , but not one I’ve heard used before by anyone so it’s new to me. Slit is better then gash and snatch by miles though.


“A gash like a badly packed kebab” is a phrase that has always stayed with me.


Worse than beef curtains?


Snatch is also a workout. Was always weird in CrossFit when the coach would tell the women nice snatch.


Has to be twat for me.


Honestly what should it be called in a casual or flirting sense? All the slang is weird, so blunt its not attractive, or demeaning. I struggle with this when dirty talking/flirting lol.


Otter’s Pocket


Tbh I just don’t say it. If it’s not sexually it’s vagina for me. No one gets confused straight to the point. But sexually I don’t see a need to say it. I prefer “would you like me to touch you?” To “would you like me to touch your pussy” or however else you’d say it. I feel like is vulgar is your thing by all means get dirty. But for me I like it better a little less bluntly and a lot more passionate. But again that’s just me! If you wanna know how to really turn a woman on is by asking! Being observant, patient and accepting direction just like you deserve. From my experience we don’t get asked much of what we like.


Thanks for the response and advice. 🙂


Ofc! We need to be more open about sex in general. There so much info that’s not commonly known since it’s so taboo to talk about.


On a serious context it would make me vomit, but im partial to the word coochie.


Coochie makes me giggle.


How about the hairy axe wound?


No oh god no no please who said this to you


It's a slang term here (Australia)


Twinkle cave.


There really isn't a good slang word for vagina. We need one that actually sounds sexy to use in dirty talk, because right now we're forced to pick between sounding like a creepily detached weirdo by saying "vagina", a child in a man's body by saying shit like "cooch", or a porn obsessed loser by saying "pussy"


Cunt is the best one and should not be so taboo.


But that’s the technical term for ppl who are currently driving in front of me


Does the word offend you, Mr. Lebowski? Some find it to be vulgar. Vagina.


Serious question.... what is a good word for it on the throws of passion? So many words, all feel wierd to say out loud.


I think it's maybe best to not refer to it super directly? Alluding tends to sound less awkward, i.e. "you're so tight/warm/perfect." I personally don't mind the p-word though haha, definitely differs per person and interaction!


Same lol my husband flings that word around like water and I just cannot lmao.


Always hated the word "minge" for it. However i do find "clam" funny.


Reminds me of the south park episode with Oprahs Minge and her Asshole Gary " I want a Jet at the Airport to take us to France", "This is the most unstable vagina ive ever talked to" "Im scared Mingeeeey"


as a women clam is my least favorite


I call it a little peach lol


If you could choose what everyone calls it, what would you pick?




A lot of dudes somehow think that lesbians are only lesbians because ‘no one has done it right.’ So they have a fantasy of being ‘so good’ that they turn her straight. Even movies make reference to this shit (chronicles of riddick) As a straight woman it really makes me nervous for lesbians because media implication can lead to lesbians being SA’d by men who want to stroke their egos, and I am so sorry you have experienced this. Please don’t ever be alone around him and let him know this is harassment, and you will take action.


This can also happen to asexual women.


He’s a predator 😊


he is legitimately creepy and OP needs to lock her bedroom door while asleep. i’m so serious.


I do lock my door, the good thing is, due to our schedules, we almost never see each other


WAIT i thought i was on r/texts this guy is your ROOMMATE?!?????!!! OP i would’ve lost my fucking mind on this guy already. This is fucking disgusting and the way you responded was way too casual IMO.


me too i had to do a double take 😭😭😭


i’m glad to hear that. stay safe and get out as soon as you can.


Need to move tf out like right now...


Yea, I wish I could move out but I can’t afford to break the lease, and I don’t see him much.


maybe u could let your landlord know and ask if you can be emended off the lease? this is deeply concerning u could also talk to a county’s government legal people (its free dw) and check with them if there are any laws against making u pay a termination fee because of a safety issue. I’m so sorry love this is sooo uncomfy for u this man is giving rapist!!! who in there right mind would do some shit like this like what??


The fact he’s being so persistent is still concerning. You don’t know what crazy plans might be in his head


My sister had a psycho roommate like this and was able to get out of the lease scot free🤷‍♀️Let your landlord know. At the very least, they’ll have a heads up on the dude.


Yikes that's a shit situation to be in. This dude needs a restraining order and kicked out of the house.


This isn’t the first time he’s done this and you’re still living with him??? Girl you’re gonna get murdered.


Send him the screen cap in the morning when he is sober, and tell him you will send it to his mother if he ever talks like that to you again.


And the landlord!


And that’s how bodies appear in dumpsters - just show him the text and tell him to knock it off. Don’t need to blackmail, this dude sounds unstable.


Fucking disgusting dude. I’m a lesbian myself and have had 2 straight male roommates. Thank god I never had to deal with this shit. I’m sorry. This makes me so angry


get the fuck out of there. straight men think female queerness is unserious and all fun and games. ive had a straight guy talk to me like this at work, but never knew where i lived. this is honestly scary.


I'm pan and yeah, similar. The amount of dudes I've met who seem to think my relationships with other women aren't "serious" is fucking repulsive. This creepy-ass fucking mindset seems to be that we're in it to entertain them. like just as valid as my relationship with any guy, fuck out of here.


You should probably either kick him out or move out. This could go very wrong


I'm saying though, homegirl is on the Internet talking about this like it's just some "oppsie" on his part and apparently this isn't their first time with him texting her like this. Like....I think it might be time to get away from dude at all cost before he loses it completely.


If men have anything in this world it's the audacity


This was a hard read


Ewww, this is giving "you only think you're a lesbian bc you never had sex with the right guy" vibes. Disgusting.


He would do that regardless of your sexuality. He’s a predator and wants to hurt you. 10/10 lock you door, have a helpline/someone ready/ and plan your escape.


guys like this always have the WORST head game 🥴


I think anyone who speaks with this kind of desperation is gonna be bad at all of the things.


Came here to say this. People who are actually good at giving head don’t need to brag about it


I say this all the time, when a man won’t leave you alone- start asking for money!!! They will either a. Give you said money or b. Go silent. Win win.


gurl i'm concerned for ur safety......


Me, too. I hope her bedroom door has a lock on it.


Even with a lock, I'd be sleeping with a baseball bat 😬


I’d be sleeping with a loaded pistol😭


Sounds like you should not be roommates in the near future. He messaged you late at night, being drunk and horny. No respect and maybe he will try to escalate in the future. If this is your place, get ready to kick him out. If it is not, you might find a better place for you. Might also be good to live somewhere else if you have a girlfriend....dunno what kind of sexual fantasies he has.


What exactly makes so many men think these sorts of statements are equivalent to them getting a blowjob? It doesn’t work that way for most women (any) that I’ve seen. One of the most entertaining threads I read was women confessing how bad most men were at this skill (including ones they were in serious relationships or married to) despite the men thinking they had some gift of oral sex. 😂


Fucking. Gross.


You should screen shot all these drunken texts and give them to him when he's sober and tell him with no room for miscommunication that that is not cool. If he got no shame at that point I would distance myself


God fucking damn I hate sex pests. It's 10000x worse that it's your room mate.


He's operating on the straight guy principle of "a mouth is a mouth". I guess this doesn't work with lesbians because you actually need to know what you are doing instead of just being a warm receptacle. Real men are from Mars women are from Venus type shit.


Since when this is normal conversation? Am I too old? lol


I know this is harassment and obviously making you uncomfortable but I can’t help but laugh at this conversation 😂😭 he’s so aggressive with it and you’re just like “no silly” “not gonna happen.” His “K that sucks” also got me. What a goober of a man


Honestly! I really hope there is stuff we do not know here. Like they are at the very least acquaintances from school? Because if this was a rando... That's completely unhinged. (still unhinged either way. But a drunk friend gets some leniency once. maybe twice... Not 6 times!?)


You’re too nice to this guy. So many dickheads running around thinking “they’re only lesbian cuz they haven’t slept with me” and it’s infuriating 😑


i had a room mate like this


I’m horrified


This is the type of man I refer to when I say I hate men lmao


BONK! Go to r/hornyjail


Yea he's a piece of shit.


Sorry to say but with dudes like this, the more you try to respond the more it just encourages them. You need to get out and block his number/ignore. Attempting to respond with a sassy comeback will just make him more eager


Hes her roommate. Blocking his number just means having to interact in person for household matters


Yes I'm aware, which is why I suggested she should get out first before blocking the number


I don't like this, can you move out or find a new roommate?


Because porn has probably taught him that all lesbians are really bisexual and much like hetro women, you just crave dick.


He got denied once and still had the audacity to ask 2 more times


You should get him a cat


He has a cat 💀 bro tamed a stray and now it lives in our garage and everything 😭


I would left if he texted me


Chiiile you better run.


“k. That sucks” 😂 bro defeated


Ewww what the hell, OP I hope you are safe and this ain’t a dangerous situation for you. I’m sorry you live with this asshole.


I’m sure he would be terrible at it


Please tell me you own a pew pew. Mfs like that go from douche bag to predator sooooo quickly


this is genuinely scary, i know it’s easy to laugh at but please get a lock on your door. nobody who is well adjusted hits on someone they know is not attracted to them in the slightest and then gets angry when they don’t reciprocate.


1. You need to shut him down hard and not banter 2. Send this shit to the landlord and say you don’t feel safe 3. Notify the police to establish a trail of this behavior


Mhmm, drunk my ass. Nice of him to put in writing that he is a dogged premeditated rapist.