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You should put them on their pillow - right on the top just like a little pillow mint


Someone actually put their shoes on my camping pillow and acted offended when I asked them to move the shoes.


I had a few friends in HS who cane to spend the night so they had their overnight bags with shoes in them. They would get them out and try to set them on my bed.


You have odd friends


I just assumed it was an American thing since they all were. None of my friends from my home country who came over dared to do that or dared to keep their outside shoes in their bag on top of their clothes.


Not an American thing this is a pet peeve of mine and putting outside things on my bedding and pillows is the ultimate NO! You shall catch my wrath. Maybe it’s just an afterthought for some.


Nah it’s not an American thing. Some people are just weird


Lol!!! Pillow mint 🤣


Back in the day they would put a mint or a piece of chocolate on your pillow in hotels. (Forgive me if you know this already)


And to this day I live for the mint + dark chocolate combo! They used to give out mints with the bill at restaurants too. What happened.


They still do that in mid to hi level hotels.


And turn down service


Yall too nice, I would have burned them and sent a picture. Or cleaned them up nicely with their toothbrush.


If he thinks this is okay anywhere else won’t bother him. I don’t understand how some people can be so nasty.


This was my first thought.


My husband used to take off his socks and put them on the freshly cleaned kitchen counter. I started just moving the socks into a ziplock bag and putting them in the freezer. With no fights he stopped doing it.


why the hell would he do that


Freshly clean or not; socks don’t belong there. CRAZY.


I’m very interested but don’t understand. Why did you put them in the freezer? And why did the freezer bother him enough to stop?


He’d put them on the counter because he was going to wear them again and he has a problem with seeing empty spaces and filling them with stuff. So when he went to get them again and he asks me where they are and I say “in the freezer” I think it was bizarre enough to make him actually think about it, but also who wants to put frozen socks back on?!


Dang it. Now I want you to do a storytime of your life. LoL. But seriously. I'm sure this is the tip of the iceberg. Write a book! ♥️


During the summer in Australia I do! I put my jocks in there too!


The empty space thing,my wife is the same,usually fill it with lamps,we have 7 in the living room,or anything,a book,vase glasses,crazy. Is it an Ocd thing?


Do they really freeze? I would expect them to be coldish.


i think with all the foot sweat they absorbed they could freeze


I guess I will need to test this out of curiosity.




That was the most wholesome solution I’m lol. You IS queen


One time I asked my (now ex) boyfriend to clean the coffee table, and then watched in horror as he took a sock off his foot and used that to wipe said table. “I only put it on fifteen minutes ago so it’s still clean,” he said. ☹️




ugh who the fuck does that?!


My friend visited a few years ago with her then 10-year-old son with autism. I had to remind him every day to take the shoes off of the kitchen table. Every day he asked why. Every day I explained we don't want the germs and dirt we step on with our shoes on the table where we eat our food. Besides that, I've never met another person who was verbal who would do this.


Right? Bananas are *gross!*


I’d bet that toaster’s crumb tray is totally full too. So nasty.


True story, I dump the crumb tray of our toaster every few weeks or so. A few months ago my 27 year old boyfriend saw me do it, and had no idea that a crumb tray existed that needs to be emptied. It was a pretty funny interaction.


I had an ex who would do this! Especially right after I cleaned and sanitized the counters! Shoes and backpacks would immediately be placed there. One of the reasons why this is an EX!


Shoes I get, but what’s wrong with putting a backpack on the counter?


Backpacks and purses carry germs hella. We set them on the floor, on the floor of our cars, etc. Dust and dirt stick to them


When it comes to purses I think you gotta make a choice. Either it’s allowed on the floor or it never touches the floor. There is also a superstition about putting your purse on the floor in Mexican culture (which permeates Texan culture) so most people down here don’t have this issue. We expect to put the purse on a table or at least a chair because floor is not an option Also makes it much harder to put your purse down and just walk away without it


I don’t have a superstition but I do have a habit from dogs and babies that anything containing valuables needs to not be on the floor.


I will say there's superstitions about leaving your purse on the floor, my mother always insisted on never putting purses on the floor lol. I just keep a rack by the front and the mirror in my room has a rack on the back.


I don’t actually put my food directly on the counter, anyway, now that I think about it. And I wipe the counter after every use. But shoes: that’s just beyond the pale.


Like, never? What’s the point of having a kitchen counter if you never use it for food prep? Like, I use a cutting board for chopping, to protect the counter, but I still put food items on the counter while I’m making meals, etc. where do you roll out dough?


I always use a plate or a cutting board. I roll out dough on the kitchen table.


Because you believe (or it is) unclean, or it’s most convenient, or just habit?


The counter is less sanitary; I can’t cut on it without damaging the counter; and it’s easier to clean up afterwards.


if you took a capsicum (bell pepper), cucumber, carrot and tomato to cook with would you put them all on a plate before you chopped then up, or have them on the counter?


Mise en place my guy. They go in the basket to be washed (a colander like object, but it can be a variety of things, so basket) then onto the board, then into their own little bowls before cooking to be added at the proper time.


Some of them might wind up on the counter. I don’t have an anti-counter policy; I just tend to cut things on cutting boards then put them directly in a pot or on a sandwich or whatever. Before that they’re usually sitting in a bag on the counter, then put into the colander to be rinsed, then on the cutting board. but sometimes they might be on the counter before being rinsed and peeled. Once the onion or cucumber is peeled though I can’t imagine putting it back on the counter. Potatoes are really dirty. I might put them on the counter before rinsing and peeling them, but I wouldn’t put the peeled ones back in the same spot to get muddy. To get a complete picture, I guess I need to videotape myself for a few days because I’ve never given this much thought before.


can i come to dinner at your name place? I thought about it and I am quite similar - but prob a bit more lax. I generally rinse and then chop and put into bowls. I may not rinse the odd thing. I will actually take notice if what i do next time


Better wash your hands before touching anything, also don’t put your phone on the table or counters, because your phone is quite disgusting.


Yep, you’re speaking facts!


Ah fair.. We never put our purses or backpacks on floors outside our home


I'm from the camp of a purse does not touch the floor. I also have an asshole cat that loves leather and shreds it with joy. So purses go where he can't.


What's a "germ hella"?


We’re on the internet, I’m not going to talk all proper. You know I meant “lots of germs” lol.


You carry more germs than anything else.


Who puts their backpack on the floor.


Literally everyone, where do you put yours? Or are you fancy and hang it up?


I told my 6 year old not to leave his shoes on the kitchen floor, so he picked them up and put them on the counter. At least it was a section of the counter we don’t use for food.


Also why????


Unless they're brand spanking out of the box new...NO. and even then they've possibly been tried on, etc.


go put them on his pillow


My roommate last semester would do that on your bathroom sink. He put it on the kitchen counter and I shut that down. Couldn’t get him to stop in the bathroom. To be fair though it was a Jack and Jill sink. He kept them on his side closest to the wall. Still baffles me on how people do this nasty stuff.


I asked him, “Did you leave your shoes on the kitchen counter?” He says “Yes.” I say, “That’s where the food goes.” He then responds defensively: “It happens!” 🙄🤮


Lmao man this exchange reminds me of my apt - my roommates all smoke (weed) and I do too, but I can't stand crumbs, stuff on the counter. I kept asking for them to use the tray, or simply wipe down the counter once they're done so I didn't get resin on my hands, cups, etc. We go to my friends house a few weeks later and we're in his barn smoking, he goes "Dude see it's not that big of a deal, we're all doing it here" and I go, "Yes, but we don't live in a barn". Still think it was one of the best comebacks I've had lmfao


This is actually why I have switched to smoking wax. I don’t like ashtrays/ashes everywhere or messy crumbs. It completely eliminates ashtrays and the extra step of cleaning bud pieces off surfaces etc. plus now it’s the taste and I can’t stand the smell of an ashtray (weed or cigarette) in someone’s house anymore. It’s their house so whatever but that’s when I realized I’ve grown to hate it….visiting a house where they had a huge weed-ash collection in a jar in their living room with the stench permeating the room. I still have to be around it sometimes but yeah. Seals the deal on preference now. Plus I spend way less money smoking wax.


I was a big wax guy as well, just feel like its too much for me to function now. We blow all the smoke out the window, but yeah the ash sucks, what really gets me is the resin. Can't freaking stand it. After asking like 10 different times, I went to get a glass of water and sure enough there was resin on the counter and it made it's way to my mouth. Pissed me tf off.


That’s so rude of your roommates, sorry you have to deal with that! And understandable about it being a lot. I just use a little bit in a small YoCan vaporizer to get a little tired before bed. I don’t smoke during the day unless I’m going on a hike. I can’t work stoned which I’m jealous of my coworkers who are able to. I would be like “fuck the system I’m out!! I have much better things to do!” Or act hella awkward and want to make art or speak like I came out of a fantasy novel. Yeah…cannabis is an alone-time thingy for me. 🥸 I’m an imposter stoner because all my friends will smoke around me and I won’t unless we are on a hike or camping. But I smoke literally everyday alone because I found my groove.


Same here lol, I play the quiet game by myself. I've started getting more comfortable out in public stoned, but I could never show up to work and be functional if I smoked


Weed probably get along.


What’s wax? Every time I turn around, there’s something new. Dit: OK so I checked the Internet and apparently it’s just weed goo. I thought we found a whole new cool way to smoke. Back in my day we just called this resin.


Resin and wax are kinda different. Wax is stronger than resin.


Wax is a highly concentrated form of cannabis extract. It is made by extracting the THC and other cannabinoids from the cannabis plant using a solvent, often butane or CO2. The result is a sticky, wax-like substance that contains a high concentration of THC, making it very potent. Cannabis wax can be consumed in various ways, including vaporization (dabbing), adding to joints or blunts, or incorporating into edibles. Because of its high potency, it is typically used by more experienced cannabis users.


So like a Super Resin


Um, kinda but depends on the strain I’d say. But altogether…wax is more refined and processed compared to resin. Both are highly potent.


I’ll take your word on it, because I’ve reached the point in my life for even taking a half hit a joint makes me turn into angry Hulk. So I can only imagine what that would do to me. I used to smoke a lot of weed back in the day, and now even the slightest puff of it and I get so angry and I don’t know why


yeah, i vape my thc/cbd, and i use both thc & cbd edibles


Thanks for sharing your perspective tbh. Trying to tidy up my life, sick of feeling like an ashtray




I'd kindly serve him a snack and serve it with some stinky and dirty af shoe of his right next to the food. like make a sacrifice one time and put it on a table right next to the food for him, and if that show has shoelaces, dip those shoelaces in the food. if he asks how did those shoelaces end up on his food, say "it happens!"


Just step that up a bit and serve him cereal or soup in his shoes. I woukd lose my shit on a roommate like that.


I have NEVER seen this nonsense in my life, it doesn’t happen to normal people


"It happens"... after hearing that I would have something profoundly demeaning and insulting to say to him each and every single time I saw him... that is so effing asinine. In fact I was like that with a similar slob/moron roommate I once had, but we were in our twenties back then.


I am sorry you have to live with such a nasty imbecile.


That’s nasty. I’m sorry OP.


Oh no


Pour soup in his shoes and tell him dinners ready.


Shoe spaghettiOs time




I love this


A teacher placed her filthy shoes on the damn table in the staff lounge. I was livid!


I've never seen this in my life lol


You should check out that video where Taylor Swift puts out a fire on her kitchen table. She and her friend put their shoes right on there!


Would be a shame to throw them away in the trash cause “expired food that smelled bad was on the counter” (Do not throw those shoes away, unless you’re pity as fuck, it’s just a fantasy I created in my mind ok)


I did clean off the kitchen counter afterwards & accidentally sprayed 409 on his bananas lying there


Empty crumbs from the toaster into the shoes.


Happy cake day!


As a chef, imma get the wooden spoon and he's gonna learn today


Right next to the toaster and bananas. Insanity at its finest.


Gross! Does he realize what he walks on outside


Wow, ok so my last roommate did this. I had to talk to him like a child (he was close to 40 at the time) that putting shoes on tables wasn't ok. I thought he was a special case.


Step in dog shit with your shoes and then put them on his bed.


Oooooffff that’s disgusting!


Oh hell no


The way I would absolutely lose my shit omg.


Fucking monsterrrrr


Just hide one.


Well that's nasty.


As a poor person who is growing too old to still be room mating it up, I do somewhat have to hypocritically say that people who go into their 40s and beyond still needing room mates tend to be the absolute worst. Lazy, disrespectful, slobs, solipsistic, lol


And the bike tires on the floor in which you walk




My worthless ex did this


I know butter on toast isn’t everyone’s preferred topping. But I’d prefer it to whatever is on the bottom of that guy’s sneaker.


My housemate would put her shoes on the coffee table where we’d eat at 🙄


He does that too… 🫠


Wtf is up with people putting shoes on tables.. I don't understand, I don't think I've ever seen it irl... you know other than a cobbler's work table, lol.


What a gah damn pig piece of shit


Filthy assed people. Everywhere. I hope you can evict/replace with a new tenant.


40 year olds don’t have roommates unless they’re very weird, at least 90% of the time.


This. I'd say closer to 99% of the time.


That’s so gross. What’s wrong with people??


I wash my hands after tying my shoes. This is obscene


Ok? Not ok? Name me a single culture where doing this is completely ok? Cats might be completely dirty, but there is a culture that allows for that. Back to the original question. Name any normality or culture where leaving outdoor shoes on a surface for food preparation is ok? This is next level 'shoes off/on in the house' discussion. The actual question is, if he thinks this is ok, what else does he think is ok? Because for someone like this, there is always something else.


You are right, if I was op I would be worried about what this idiot roommate has done with the forks and spoons... and I wouldn't be leaving my toothbrush or combs in the bathroom.. he would probably use them to unclog the toilet.




Put the shoes in his pilllow and the toaster in his bath…


People are disgusting.


Hide them. Then, when he says they were on the kitchen counter, respond, "Impossible! I would have yelled at you if you put your disgusting shoes where we prepare food!"


Eewww! I can’t stand if my mother and sister put their purses or big wallets on the counters. This would drive me insane!!!


Just wondering, but what is bad about a big wallet on the counter?


Cause my sister just carries this large ladies wallet around and just drops it anywhere. When she’s touching things in places and her hands aren’t clean, I can imagine the germs and bacteria that’s on it. We make meals on that counter.


Grown-ass adults acting like stupid, inconsiderate, bratty, attitude-ridden children is a serious epidemic in our society. I’m not even kidding. Parents- do better raising your kids. The teenagers and young adults I see these days just keep getting worse and worse and have zero comprehension that consequences exist, or believe they should only apply to everyone but them. The selfishness, the incompetence…even their spelling, basic math, and general handwriting skills are years behind what they should be at. I have no hope for the future of humanity. Put those shoes into the bowl/onto the plate he uses most frequently. If he’s this okay with the germs and dirt on his shoes it should be no problem for him.


Who in their right mind would put bananas and toaster on a shoe rack ?


I feel the same about cats. The poop in a box and then walk on our counters.


Shoes don’t even belong inside


The roasts would never stop with me! Subtle at first with 10% increases in front of guests until the big reveal!


I'd take them and put them on his pillow.


In the bin.


Throw them away and then he will have to admit where he left them. Or thought he left them.


This tells me the filthy motherfucker also sits on the furniture buck naked.


My dad used to put dirty box packages on beds along with dirty ass rugs when sweeping the floors and got offended when I bitched him out over it.


I’d pitch them out the front door. And reiterate that the next time they’re where my food goes, they’re going in the dumpster.


Uh, who puts dirty shoes on the kitchen counter? I would be livid.


looks like he forgot to put those clean looking shoes and the water bottle in his workout bag. personally, i'f throw them in the corner and move on. alternately, you could post them online and think about it a lot!


What kind of SICK SON OF A BITCH……. bruh 😭


Yeah he’s getting a lil too comfortable


My former roommate and her smelly boyfriend would leave their dirty underwear and socks in the bathroom for me to find any time I wanted to take a shower, so after asking them to stop a few times, I just started throwing their shit away every time it happened. People are disgusting.


Dude or dudette SLAP HIM IN THE PEE PEE! Make it real simple for him just say "a gay roommate would NEVER do that" and leave it that. Every straight man will grab balls and correct. Because that's one thing they can't be shown up on.


Straight in the bin,no qualms,would probably forget I had as well.


Those shoes would be in a trash can. People are garbage.


I always thought putting shoes on the counter (or anywhere but the floor or a shoe stand) was bad luck....


Take the lid off his water bottle and rub his shoes all over the lip


I’m sorry it looks like gym shoes inconsiderate sure but you’re kinda over reacting counters can be cleaned and from the placement of the shoes right next to a water bottle it looks like a got back from the gym then got busy situation not something to cry on Reddit about


So busy and tired from the gym that he put his shoes on the counter instead of leaving them in his gym bag, or on the floor by the door where they belong... Yeah, makes sense 🙄


Found the roommate


Nope I live with my husband and our kid but good guess


Disagree and also: punctuation, please.


I mean no, it’s not cool but it’s also not that big of a deal. Your knob in your front door and light switches are worse than these shoe bottoms. And you rest your hands on the counter. It’s still unclean and annoying, just not that bad as far as easily cleaning correctly. Still, tell roomy you guys eat the food that rests on that counter and it’s a thing that bothers you personally. Ive known some roomates to eat food they’ve thrown in the trash. Some people had odd habits


It’s not very sanitary but it’s not that big of deal either?


Right? Like, tell him to knock it off if it grosses you out, but also just Chlorox the counter and it’s fine. I guarantee you the shoes aren’t any germier than the rest of the house.


Not the hiking shoes omg


Left the toaster plugged in. What a dumbass


If a roommate replied to me like that they would be dangled over the balcony.


If I was 40 years old and still in a position that I needed a roommate, I think I would just end it.


Homie has tiny feet!


Throw them away




Poop in the shoe and put it back


The most L drip I’ve ever seen he’s a terrible roommate for wearing those shoes.


Kick him out. This is the end of living together.


I wish I could evict him. I can’t


Take a little piss in them


Easy, Drink a bottle of ex-lax. Wait it out and when the rum kin starts grab the shoes and head to the bathroom. Fill them up nice and full and put them by the door. Wait for the reaction!!!


Is this r/badroomates or r/mildlyannoying? Wait, there is a mountain bike being stored in the living room. If the shoes and bike are owned by two different people, they cancel each other out. If owned by the same person, it's time for legal action.


They’re both his 🙄


my mom always told me growing up that it’s bad luck to put your shoes on tables/counters….hopefully the bad luck hits your roommate🧚🏻‍♀️🩷


This would be my 13th reason


When I was five my half sister came to live with us. She left her shoes on the dinner table. I'm sure my mom told my dad to tell her something. She wasn't from the US but both my parents are from the same country as her and they don't do that...




My husband did that the other day but I forgot to ask him why


Are those his bananas?


That’s disgusting..step on shit outside..then put on counter haha…seems like the right idea


Nope, one of us would have to move. You shouldn’t even allow shoes to be worn in your home.


I don’t allow for shoes to be worn in the home!


WOOF I had a roommate that did this 🤮


Petty af imo. Put them on the floor and wipe the counter down….Might take 20 seconds


I'm gonna be honest: This is really mild on the spectrum of weird stuff people do, particularly for this subreddit. Is it annoying or inconvenient? Totally. I wouldn't be losing my marbles over it though.


I don't believe I have ever in my life put my shoes on a counter, but I also don't see it as that big of a deal. However it does remind me of the time a house mate/landlord of mine left her old lady panties on the kitchen counter. Even with that weirdness I just took a picture to share with a friend and moved on with my life. Tho I still wonder sometimes if they were clean or not.


Why would you put bananas next to dirty trainers?




How dare he put his sunglasses on the table also


Am I strange for thinking wearing shoes anywhere in the house is gross?


We have a shoes-off policy


Take a shit in his shoe. That'll teach him. (do not take this advice)


Up it. Put dirty underwear on the counter


he’d prolly sniff it


Imagine posting your room mate's stuff online and calling THEM the bad room mate