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she shouldn't live with others if she's mad that people eat in their own house


This just reminded me of one of my ex-flatmates who tried to complain that me taking a shower in the morning on the weekends woke him up (the bathroom was sharing the wall with his en-suite and I swear to god all you could hear was a faint sound of water running). He used to sleep in until midday on weekends all the time and I wasn’t going to waste my time waiting for him to fucking wake up so I could shower and get ready to do something that day. 🙄 Dude also earned like 3-4 x more than me and my other flatmate and I was always thinking why the fuck are you sharing an apartment with others if normal daily sounds annoy you and you can afford to live by yourself.


How do people like this out earn normal folk? I don’t know this world is weird god bless them they need that money


I honestly think it helps to be dumber sometimes. While we’re over analyzing and questioning every single thing we do, they just do…


I have the same theory. I don’t share it with many people because I probably sound like a jerk but it’s definitely true. Dumb people have easier lives because they’re clueless. Ignorance is bliss.


I’ve always thought this


I think it's a mixed bag. They stumble face first into unnecessary conflict and drama and struggles more often because they have a tougher time thinking things through and predicting potential outcomes. I think on average they do have it easier but when they get caught up in things they're much more likely to flail/exacerbate/tail-spin lol.


This is what I was thinking too. Like, if you're that sensitive to the smell of some foods, you can't handle having roommates and should live on your own.


I have 2 people in my life that are always complaining about smells. They have made me so paranoid that I have gone overboard cleaning myself, home and car in order to not offend them. They both admit to being hypersensitive to odors. I finally realized that’s a you problem. I can’t cater to them anymore. They are free to remove themselves when it’s too much, but I am not going to do anything out of the ordinary. THEY have to find a way to cope.


Yeah I live with someone now who started with the smells crap. I don’t have those issues and double checked everything to be sure. Told her she’s trippin and to leave me be.


I also need to mention how bad I felt about myself or anyone else that they seemed smelly. My self-esteem took a serious hit. One person in my office (one of the bosses) told everyone that another person smelled!! That was the catalyst for me. I firmly stated the person does not smell, it’s just you. I kept it up too. I just had to shut her down.


This made me laugh. That's exactly what she needs to say when they have this talk with the landlord. "So am I allowed to eat food in my own home or are you leaning towards maybe asking her to refill her lithium?"


Why is it every person I've ever met or heard of named Sierra is a huge drama queen? She's the one being insensitive, pulling everyone into her drama theater.


I was like oh here we frigging go the minute I seen that name


[Obligatory given name.](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/Yeleycqt1Dw)


I can confirm as my Aunt Sierra is in fact a wack job and slowly sucking all of the life from my uncle.


>slowly sucking all of the life from my uncle. He sounds like a lucky man!


Stop being horny fuck nugga


I had a friend named siearra, we didn’t talk much and she asked me for 100 dollars one day, I said I don’t have that kind of money but I can send 20 the next day if she needs it, and she said “what about 50” and I soft blocked her


What is soft blocked?


It's like cock block, but when not fully erect.


Is that like a turkey slap?


Can confirm. My name is Sierra and I’m quite the drama queen


Lol I bet you're not. True drama queens put "I hate drama" on their socials and have zero idea they create/live for it.


Good vibes only


So funny You’re a perfect example of a human. They just told you they’re a drama queen and you for no reason with no evidence say “I bet you’re not!” Two weeks later you’ll be the the person posting stories about how you were manipulated.


Haha exactly! If anyone proudly states they are a drama queen or an asshole or an idiot or whatever, you should probably believe them. It's not something to be proud of, so if they are outright saying it then it's likely true. 


I have a friend named Sierra and she's such a sweetheart. She actually tries her hardest to stay out of drama.


My buddy had a girl named sierra. She was literally insane and after they broke up me and him have heard multiple different instances of her getting beat up by multiple women because she can’t keep her mouth shut.


Sierra! This B is a Autocratic Super Chronic Histrionic Fucking Mess


Awww now I wanna listen to 1,2 Step, Goodies, and Like a Boy 


As someone named Sierra I can agree lol. Though I’m not like this, I can be pretty dramatic.


Kayla too.


Look I know two besties Kayla and Sierra, can confirm the fuckery


Throw a Brooke in and it’s all over with.


Brooke is the worst 🤣


Hey now, leave the Kayla’s out of this. I did nothing lol.


I’m sorry you’ve been harmed by the majority.


The Gen Z Karen


as a part of the sierra community yes we are dramatic but not this dramatic 😭


I live in the Sierra Nevada and can confirm the views are dramatic af


Y’all make good beer 🍻😬


One of my best friends is named Sierra and she can be a BIT of a drama queen. Damn, you hit the nail on the head with that sentence.


Name of my ex, can confirm. Even when things were fine she had to find a way to make things not fine.


She’s tweaking op. I’m a vegetarian and am not a huge fan of smelling meat, but I would never text a roommate and be like “I’m throwing up over this and now you have to feel bad for me or else you’re a bad person.” Burn a candle, incense, literally anything if it’s “that bad.” Really, I think she’s tweaking and just wants someone to feel bad for her.


I offered to burn a candle for her but she said, they make her throw up too.


How does this person go about daily life if extremely common scents cause her to throw up?


I'm not excusing the roomie whatsoever, but when I used to have reoccurring headaches and migraines, EVERY SMELL would make me puke and gag. Everything. You wouldn't believe what some ppl smell like, their shampoo, conditioner, moisturiser, deodorant, perfume, **make up** even that has a scent, and then hair products, clothing, omfg. I would be assaulted by their smells!!! But I also knew it was a "me" problem, as I was just super sensitive in my chronic pain state. But nah, this chickie is a drama hog.


Yea you can't live with others if you are like that - and expect them to not live a normal life. Or you have to find a roommate that has the same issues.


Oh, no. Totally. The worse part was I was in a customer facing job at the time. Every single customer coming in was a full frontal assault on the senses. But yeh, nah, the roomie is a nutter. 🥜


My sense of smell must be fucked up cause I can’t smell anyone, unless they are really stinky like BO smell or breath sometimes if someone talks really close to me but that is rare also


I go instantly noseblind to bad smells with the exception of cigarettes and a former coworker that made me feel nauseous just walking past me. Dude smoked heavily and smelled like he wet the ashes, bathed in the mix, rolled in a dumpster, then tried to cover the stench with an entire bottle of the cheapest, smelliest cologne he could buy mixed with a gallon of cheap beer.


yea. i dont fw lavendar but id just say “hey guys i dont fw lavendar can u blow out the candle or something?” even if its puke-inducing there r other solutions. and u cant just hate ALL smells how does she survive? she must be starving lmao puking her guts out at everything.


This just reminded me when I was 9 my mom let me use her fancy lavender bath salts and she just moved into this house with a huge stone jet bathtub, and I slipped into the water unexpectedly and swallowed a mouthful of the heavily lavender flavored water and I couldn’t smell it or be near it for about a decade. At 31 I can finally smell lavender without the nausea. It took growing it in my garden and tending to it. Something about the pride of seed to plant that cured it. Anyways, cheers to scent trauma 🥂


Wow scent trauma....I threw up popcorn once and couldn't eat it for years. It hurt so badly coming up, scraped my throat really badly.


My son had that with popcorn also at 3, he would always say " no hot corn!!!" Lol


Scent trauma. Now I have a word for that time my ex roommate who only ate lasagna took a particularly foul smelling shit that lasted for days. The smell clung to every surface of the bathroom. It stank for days. I didn't say anything. I know technically he couldn't help it, but I was pissed. I was so mad that I had the deep misfortune to have smelled it. It smelled like he ate a corpse it was that bad.


microwave fish! That will get rid of the chicken smell 100%


Tuna sandwich everyday


Burn a meat scented candle


Burn that Gwyneth Paltrow candle. You know the one.


Chicken scented candle


Does she have migraines or something? Pregnant? On spectrum?


I was just about to say maybe she’s pregnant and doesn’t even realize it yet.


Same! My room is off the kitchen so I simply have an air purifier right next to my door. BAM no meat smell. I can’t imagine being so unhinged.


i've lived with a variety of guys in all phases of life... disgusting college guys, smelly guys, guys who cooked the worst stuff, don't shower, leave garbage out for weeks, no dishes. foul smelling laundry. i lived with 5 college guys at once point in a small place. all kinds of smells. farts, terrible shits you name it i smelt it in college. first of all, no smell was bad enough i puked, and no smell was even bad enough i tried to shame them besides just saying take out the garbage or maybe take a shower when it was super obvious and they were aware. lots of smells arent pleasant but it has to be sseriously disgusting to make someone vomit or to be absolutely intolerable. your nose gets accustomed anyway, so it shouldn't even be intolerable for long. this girl is CLEARLY overreacting signicantly, no matter how bad the smell, and she is clearly trying to make you feel as terrible as possible. don't worry about her and try to move out or get her to move out. its not worth it for your mental health. none of my roomates every tried to shame someone about a smell besides politely just asking if it was obvious it should be taken care of already, never regarding a food choice though.


Seriously. I mean, I get that people have aversions to certain smells and if that’s the case, then maybe she should live alone.


The wanting people to feel bad for her part was evident by her taking a photo with the cloth on her face like some fuckin house fire victim


Time for some curry chicken next.


Ahahhahaha I love curry


Follow it up with some slightly burned popcorn.


Curried mackerel ftw. She will lose her shit.


Just microwave some leftover fish


"Bitch, I live here too, so stfu about what I choose to eat. Dont like it? Move." Sometimes being an asshole *is* the way to go.


Tell her you’re concerned about demonic possession. Smelling cooked chicken is a common sign.


A good friend from college was assigned a roommate that told her something similar and genuinely meant it. “The demons are under our beds and get stronger when you smoke weed. I can smell it.”


OP are u sure ur not stinky


100% sure


I’m just teasing u op Yeah idk she’s probably just not all there mentally


First interaction, she completely trauma dumped on me. I quickly escaped cuz im not emotinally capable. Then she started hysterically crying in her room and then laughing and yelling fuck. I've never met someone like her....


Oh wow ,,, yeah hopefully you can get rid of her soon


Stay safe OP, she doesn't sound stable


Oh she’s crazy crazy


Don't you just love how much overlap there is between "I've never met someone so fucking crazy" and "they were my roommate"? It really seems to work that way. My last roommate (who was a woman in her late 50s/early 60s) used to pop pills, get hammered on alcohol, chain smoke on the back porch literally all day, tried to force me to be her therapist/best friend and then when I drew boundaries, told me I was a horrible person, and then started calling ambulances nearly everyday just to get attention from people. I'd wake up from a nap to sirens right outside my door and the cops, fire dept and ambulance outside, and it was just because my crazy ass roommate was drunk and needed attention. I remember walking to the front door to let them in and having to step over her crawling down the hall naked. She was my last roommate but this was 6 years ago. I told myself no roommates ever again, no matter what, after her. She was the grand finale of a series of insane and inconsiderate roommates I had.


Omg???? Lmfao???? What in god’s name


Hey that sounds just like my upstairs neighbor. Trauma dumping first time we met, randomly screams "ill fucking kill you" to who knows, daily he yells at some dogs that bark in the morning. I wear headphones so I don't really hear him or the dogs. He spends a lot of time chatting on the phone, I think it's a little loud but he seems happy. Now that I think about it, I've never seen him with a phone... maybe it's all in his head. Best of luck, stay strong


ehhh no offense but.....has anyone else ever told you that you smell?


Nope, people say I smell like detergent. This is a first. And again, have only seen her maybe twice. Both times she engaged in convo and was pleasant. I'm not the only roommate having issues with her. Other roommate says she is hostile and yells at her.


Team up with other roommate to shut her down. Use each other to stay sane when she makes stuff up. Seriously, start an alliance


I'm talking to her tonight for advice. Other roommate warned me and I tried to go in open-minded. Shot myself in the foot.


Lol always take the warning and never assume it's just someone being bitchy or mean. This is what I've learned from going to viewings etc and being warned about someone and ignoring it. If someone is willing to tell a total stranger not to move in and go through the annoyance of house viewings as a result, you can pretty much guarantee the other roommate is a nightmare. If someone is willing to risk the nightmare roommate finding out they told you after you move in and give them 100% hell in the hope you'll listen to the warning, then they're doing you a solid. I've dealt with one of these, smell, noise, anything. She just couldn't handle living with anyone. You walked too loud, flushed the toilet too late at night, opened a fridge to grab a drink past 10pm. Then if you challenge it the texts just don't stop. It's like a flow of endless angry word vomit. Just print screens and send to agent/landlord.


My previous roommate used to get upset with me that the noise from me studying (typing, writing, etc) in my room needed to be limited to certain hours because she was unable to relax after class knowing I was working. When I told her I was in my room with the door closed, she would say she knew what I was doing in there because the light was on 💀


Wtf is actually wrong with people that’s disgusting behavior


I think it's people who have a weird urge to control others. I had a college roommate who was like that. She acted like my mom and we just met at the start of semester, it was so annoying.


Oh my fuck


I’d be petty as hell and say sorry I’m watching tv bc I know you don’t like hearing me study


Oof. Bitch, mind your fucking business.


Post an update for us when you’ve had the convo!!!


thats too bad....sounds like you stepped on a roommate landmine then.


First of all, detergent is my favorite smell in the world so I’m tempted to offer you a free room at my house, as long as you offer me a bite of your chicken. But how does one leave the dryer “reeking?” By its very nature, only clean things go in the dryer. Like you used a dryer sheet and she couldn’t tolerate it?


Maybe OP is lying and they used the dryer to heat up the chicken and not the microwave 😀


Ohh. Yes. She must have used the dryer for the chicken.


Good call!


It's weird enough that chicken freaks her out, but she jumps over to you yourself smelling as though both smells are caused by the same thing. Even weirder is that she rushes right past the fact that you weren't even in the kitchen so obviously the second food smell wasn't you. I can kind of see the detergent smell being bothersome, though, and now I understand the part about the dryer - most detergents are too heavily perfumed. I always have to buy unscented. That said, she could just ask politely that the house rule be unscented detergent and fabric softener because she's sensitive to scents. She also needs an air purifier and a screen on her window. And a better door seal. None of that would solve her emotional problems, though.




i wonder if sierra is pregnant lol, this is the ONLY WAY this makes sense


I searched for this comment because yea this is me specifically with chicken when I’m pregnant. Sierra needs a test before sending anymore texts.


My thoughts too


sierra could also be genuinely insane, which is likely, but if she's NOT psychotic this could be a possibility.


Why not both?


LOL maybe that's what we'll land on. the comment op made about the trauma dumping and crying makes me think this could be a double-whammy situation.


Was just gonna jokingly say she sounds pregnant. I’m pregnant right now and the smell of raw chicken would be enough to make me throw up. If my husband cooks something that’s just a little too fragrant for my hypersensitive pregnant self, I have to excuse myself to the bedroom too lol. Sierra’s being rude and hostile as hell tho, and dramatic. if she’s being sincere about smells affecting her this way, she has to have something going on with her because this hypersensitivity to smell is not normal (…unless you’re pregnant). Or she’s just being hostile and dramatic.


I have a hyper sense of smell. I can smell it when my neighbors dive by with McDonald's in their vehicle. I can smell the neighbor's cigarette when he lights up a smoke; they are half an acre apart from us. But when I was pregnant, it was horrible. I couldn't go to the mall to Xmas shop. People smell bad. Hundreds smell worse. I could smell ass cracks, perfumes, colognes, foods, pits, and feet; it was a very overwhelming experience for me. I couldn't stand the smell of vanilla. We went to a Coldstone. I was inside for maybe 60 seconds, and I felt terrible. I had to run outside and puke in their garbage can. But I have never been this dramatic with my hyper sense of smell. These are my two most dramatic examples. Both times, I was pregnant. I try to use it only for good. For example, finding my stoner friend's weed when he would get all paranoid and stash it, and then he couldn't remember where.


I can smell cigarette smoke when a character in a movie lights a cigarette. Totally involuntary and I hate it.


Been screened for autism? I’m the same.


That was my thought. I’ve got it, another commenter above mentioned being able to smell makeup when they had a migraine and I was like ‘…you mean you don’t smell it normally?’ And yet, the only smells that are bad enough to make me gag is the smell of the household compost bin in that kind of wet decomp stage. Yuck, bin juice.


Just had the same thought! Being wound so tight is another symptom. 👍🏼


When I was pregnant each time, I was on the floor puking my guts out from every smell even before I missed a period. Especially meat, cooking food and detergents. This set off my alarm bells that Roomie needs to take a pregnancy test. Then wait a week, and do it again.


I’m autistic and so so so so sensitive to smells especially ‘smelly’ food. (I’m a fussy eater and find the smell of food will put me off I don’t mean it insultingly.) Lived in flat shares for five years and never thrown up due to smells. My ex roommates were Filipino I believe and cooked with a lot of vinegary food which I really dislike and I would never react like this. Being sensitive to smell is my problem and not everyone should pander to it. Also does she live in the kitchen? How strong would the smell need to be Jeez.


I am autistic too and have issues with certain smells etc. I try and tell myself it's not so bad! Although on the weekend I did a high ropes challenge and the helmet I put on smelt like months old sweat worn by multiple people and I was near vomiting. I changed helmets tho and problem solved lol


I literally once microwaved ROTTEN Nando’s (my bad, 4 days leftovers is too long) and I still ate it (I have big regrets) because it didn’t smell _that_ bad…. This roommate is crazy


I used to have to do garbage runs at my work in a big mall that often had me tossing several bags into the bin at the food court loading dock. The thick, humid smell of weeks old rancid grease mixed with rotten milk and decomposing meat…. That’s the only time I’ve puked from a smell. This roommate is being dramatic AF


I've thrown up from smells. They were always extremes tho and not cooking smells.


Wow.. you got a certified lunatic on your hands bruh!


I’d like to offer a perspective, at one point I was exactly like your roommate—petty, passive aggressive, childish etc. and I still have to catch myself sometimes now, but as someone who was like her I can tell you nothing you do or say (or don’t do or say) will change her behavior. I was conditioned by a very emotionally stunted/immature adult who role modeled a lot of bad behavior and she seems similar to me. All I see when I read these texts is her screaming for someone to show her/tell her she matters. It’s truly not about the chicken or the smell, it’s about her inability to emotionally regulate which then is projected onto you. And again, I’m saying this as someone who used to be unable to emotionally regulate. The quickest way to make this go away is to keep any responses so incredibly neutral that it will literally force her to move onto someone that gives a reaction. Treat her like you would a coworker, you respect their boundaries but you are also not responsible for making sure they’re always happy.


I got that vibe hence why I stopped texting her completely. I don't know how to deal with people like this so I just don't respond to avoid feeding the fire. But not responding seemed to piss her off more cuz she called me. Ngl your perspective makes me feel better. I felt pressured to resolve this asap because I feel anxious if there's any hostility where I live. I always give her space...i.e. wait till she's done in the kitchen or living room. Then that's when I go out and do my thing. Other roommates do the same with her and give her space.


My phone I can set a focus and deny some people’s calls. Maybe something like that is an option?


yes! i have an iphone and u can also use those do not disturb settings to block calls and/or texts. u can also set it to certain times so itll automatically turn on at like 10pm if thats the boundary u wanna set, or u can just have her set to that all of the time so u dont have to rely on her judgment. if u dont have an iphone theres probably some similar function on ur phone.


i even have mine set up so that if someone calls twice, itll ring through. i have a chronic illness so i need my sleep, but if its urgent (calling multiple times) ill get my ass up lol. my dad and brother figured it out tho and i had to explain why i did that and we all had a good laugh about it


It's called 'grey rock'-ing someone. You only react emotionally neutrally, so they get no reward/desired reaction. It's a form of buffering and minimisation of conflict. She may be too far gone though, talk to the other flatmates. Maybe someone should get hold of her family and/or a crisis mental health service in your area. Good luck :)


Yeah even not responding can have the opposite effect bc then they might take it as a cold shoulder or something and get more agitated. The pressure you’re feeling to resolve this and get rid of the uncomfy vibe—that’s not your responsibility. They want you to do the work and accommodate them so they can feel at peace, but ultimately they can’t/won’t no matter how “perfect” you are, because they’re seeking that internal peace, which only they can cultivate. And maybe they haven’t realized that yet, it’s a lot easier to point fingers than look inward.


Kudos to you for becoming a different person. It takes courage to recognize a bad attitude and a lot of strength to work on yourself daily to correct it and keep it at bay.


Thank you so much! It’s been tough but it’s so much better now that I see what healthy communication and emotion regulation actually looks like.


Such a great response.


i dont personally believe that op has a hygiene issue. she only brought that up when op didn’t react the way she wanted. also, please don’t call me unless for emergencies for a call at 1am is fucking valid. the only ppl upset at boundaries are the ones that benefit from you having none.


Exactly, I'm down to help her in an emergency but calling me at 1am cuz she smells food and thought it was me! I guess I eat in my sleep now.


The fact that anyone is reading this and thinking “you know maybe that crazy person has a point and OP does smell” is very funny. This is clearly a person trying to start something for any reason and she landed on calling them smelly. There is no such thing as a person who smells so bad people around them are literally apt to vomit *for hours* but it’s never come up before.


She was vomiting about the chicken smell. And then blamed me for the other roommates food smell. Which smelled great. I'm contemplating talking to the landlord about it but kind of afraid to involve him. He immediately wanted me to sign on because I seemed clean and respectful. Previous landlords say the same thing. Just not sure how to start the convo🥲


You’re not crazy OP. At least I really, really don’t believe so. I think you just moved in with a very dramatic person. I’m so sorry, but good luck.


"I am growing concerned about roommate x, she continuously complains about bad smells in the house bad enough to make her vomit when she's in her room. Would you mind reaching out to her to potentially discuss the issue?" Make it her problem 🥰


Okay, but TBH I really can’t stand the smell of just cooked bland chicken, especially overcooked. But if that was my roommates dinner, let them be, they are hungry and I can close a door and light a candle.


This was my thought as well. Read these texts and was like damn, OP's dealing with a crazy one, that sucks! Then I check the replies and everyone is legit like "well do you smell so bad that you're causing her to vomit? Do you stink so much that you are justifying a 1 am phone call?" lmao what's going on with y'all.


Right? This person is obviously not functioning normally. I wouldn’t have ever assumed OP was the issue.


There are in fact people that smell that bad in the world.


Oh absolutely. Hope the other comments don’t get to OP too bad because this *clearly* reads like someone being as dramatic as possible. She’s not actually consistent about what smells bad. Maybe OP cut out something, but it seems like at first it’s JUST the food smell she’s complaining about. She specifies. Then OP sets boundaries and THEN it’s about the drier, their hygiene. They were offended and then needed to escalate the non existent situation to make it more of a personal attack. A reasonable person would be more consistent about what the issue is (is it the chicken or is it OP’s hygiene? If it were OP’s hygiene why didn’t you mention that in the initial text? Especially if you’re this conflict-capable lmao). Also are they holding in the vomit or have they been vomiting since OP came home? It’s this dramatic texting style I’ve personally ONLY seen from either mentally ill people or more narcissistic types. The multiple texts in a row, escalating how bad it apparently is when they get push back. People like this get very offended when they’re called out on making things up and double down. It’s exhausting to deal with, and most people just accept fault in order to smooth things over.


I'm trying not to let the other comments get to me. But knowing that my childhood friends are always honest with me helps...even though they're harsh sometimes ☠️. They will straight up tell me my hair looks like shit....and proceed to fix it.


Your roommate did this hoping you'd doubt yourself. She's literally gaslighting you lmao. Don't give her the satisfaction


You haven't met my past roommate then. You would vomit for hours after smelling her. She wore diapers because she was too lazy to get off her bed and use the bathroom, would leave trash bags full of dirty diapers in her room and the living room, showered once every 2-3 weeks maybe and smelled like BO too. She was about 600lbs and broke her toilet and didn't tell me or the landlord so I found it after she was evicted and was cleaning. She also smelled like rancid meat from the sores she got in her fat layers from not cleaning herself. I couldn't do anything to get her kicked out until she pissed off the landlord.




I will argue and say I did in fact have a roommate that smelled this bad. But I would just whip open the front door, gag for 4secs and sprint to my room. I airlock that room my entire stay. Doesn't seem like that's what's happening here though. She comes off as unstable..


There was one of those on my floor of my college dorm. You’d have to hold your breath just to walk past her in the hallway. Absolute worst case scenario was being in the shower and her coming to use the bathroom. She always had explosive diarrhea, would make all kinds of grunting sounds, and would watch Danny Phantom on her phone out loud. That mixed with shower steam and it was genuinely hard to not throw up. She never kept a roomate for very long. Which is how I was able to see the inside of that room. My roomate had left to go do something else. And Stinkygirls 3rd roomate ended up moving into my room. She came to me and was just like… I’m so sorry to ask this. But it’s really smelly and dirty in there and—- And I was like “girl. I am so happy to help you move your stuff so that you can get out of there faster. You don’t even need to finish that sentence. Everyone on the floor is aware of her. I figured it was only a matter of time before you ended up with me.” It was exactly what I expected. But I was still shocked. Like… we’ve been here for 3 months. How does it look like a hoarder house? Everyone’s favorite though. She went home for a weekend to “run a marathon with her family.” And look. I don’t want to be rude. But this girl was probably 300 pounds, she was not running any marathons. We all debated for the weekend on if she would return in the exact same clothes she left in. Because she just… wouldn’t change. She’d wear the same clothes for weeks. Did I mention that our university has a very large campus? And we are in Texas where it’s as hot as satans asshole all the time. So one gets quite sweaty walking across campus. And she’d just wear those clothes for days. Sleep in them too. And sure enough she came back from her “marathon” in the exact same clothes. And somehow smelled even worse. So they definitely did do some sort of outdoor activity I think. And yes. The RA and tons of people above her at the university talked to this girl to see why she wasn’t showering or washing and changing clothes. And nothing ever changed. It was pretty awful and I was all the way on the other end of the hall. But you could smell if she had walked down it recently. This doesn’t sound like OP at all. It’s been long enough now that I’ve forgotten most everyone’s names or anything about them. But I will always remember her.


I don't know why but the Danny Phantom layer made it worse somehow. That sounds horrendous. I roomed with a guy while I was in college. We rented a 2bdrm apartment so when I first moved in, everything seemed fine. He had 4 ferrets in a cage (didn't know anything about ferrets at the time), full time job at a local casino, and was pretty quiet. Seemed the perfect roommate at first. I was leaving a cheating bf at the time so I took what I could get with what little cash I was making. Seemed fine at first but slowly devolved over time. I did most of the housework but seemed to be the only one doing it so I stopped cleaning up after him. Dishes would be left on the sink or stove with molding food. I will never touch Sriracha again. I caught him cleaning the ferrets food bowls and water bowls that they'd accidentally poop in with our dish sponge. Felt sick for a week after and decided to stop eating at the house. Dude threw up in my laundry hamper on all of my clothes. One morning, he claimed to have heard me masturbating (I hadnt) and would not drop the subject. I had to leave for a week to visit family and came back to literal maggots in his ferret litter. His family wouldn't help, I had no money. I called the local pd about the animals, they didn't care. I wound up just packing all my stuff while he was at work and sending his friends pictures of the ferrets since I couldn't take them. Heard a friend went to grab them.


Was this at a&m? Lol


Not quite as bad but I also had a roommate whose bedroom specifically stank enough that it permeated the rest of the apartment including my bedroom. It was some combination of not showering/washing sheets enough and old milk (they drank multiple glasses a day and would leave their old glasses sitting in their room forever) Not quite puking levels but it made my eyes sting really bad which was about the point where I would tell them to clean up. They did listen and would clean/air things out in the moment but then never built any habits to keep clean so it just built back up. I lit candles anytime I knew they were going to have a date over to mask it so they had a shot, idk why I was so nice about it I really should have let them sabotage themself so they'd learn. Definitely doesn't sound like OP is the problem in this case, but stinky roommates who refuse to address their hygiene issues are common enough that I'm not surprised it was some folks first question.


Its possible for someone to be crazy and the other sane person to smell bad


Maybe she’s pregnant and doesn’t know it yet bc chicken would throw me over the edge when I was prego. Any smell really lol


I was about to comment this! I was pregnant and everything smelled awful for 2 weeks until I could terminate. I apologized for my house smelling so bad when my mom came over and she said it smelled great. I thought all the food in my freezer stank. I could barely stomach any food and it’s because I was pregnant! But either way, the way she’s reacting over the smell is not okay.


Huh. My first thought was that she had bulimia/another ED, and was trauma-blaming OP to avoid accepting self-responsibility.


No shes just childish unfortunately


Could be!!! Didn’t think of that option.


That’s what I was thinking too!


The second she said the smell of Costco chicken was very strong I knew she was insane. God forbid you at some point have seafood anywhere within a mile radius of her. If I were you I’d continue living like a normal human with normal food and if she doesn’t like it she can move out. It sounds like she definitely shouldn’t be living with anyone to begin with. If she calls you again at 1am, block her number. She can then communicate in person or leave you a handwritten note if necessary.


my roomate currently has a way of making eggs in the morning that smell putrid to me, it wakes me up sometimes and this specific flavour of instant noodle in the microwave that i make smells vile to him. do we shame each other and have a huge dramatic explosion? no, you just think in your head, yeah that smells gross, i crack a window, the smell fades and you move on with your life. some people dont like how certain foods smell, unless you're cooking it 247 and leaving it in her bedroom its super immature to try to make the other person feel terrible over it. the first time i made the noodles he said whats that terrible smell and im like i think its my noodles and he said it was really bad, and we laughed. and he went in his room and that was the end of it.


I completely agree, the difference is that you and your roommate realized eggs/instant noodles don’t have an undeniably strong smell and it’s just something you are strangely sensitive to. My roommate loves tuna fish sandwiches and I absolutely hate the smell of canned tuna. Yet I would never get upset with him for eating it. I just give him a hard time for having terrible taste in seafood lol. (I know I’m in the minority with my hate for canned tuna).


Well, first of all, how did he supposedly make the dryer smell? That is so strange unless you were throwing mildew clothes in there? Number two the roommate sounds unhinged I’m willing to bet she’s mentally ill and either on the wrong meds or not taking her meds . people cooking in the kitchen and there is going to be a cook smell afterwards I don’t know how that’s supposed to be avoided even if you had just cooked chicken in the kitchen You should probably get out as soon as you can


Washed my bedsheets then into the dryer. She is taking meds, but I left that convo. I don't need to know those personal things asap. I still havent ven finished unpacking 🥲🥲


Sorry you got such a crappy roommate. None of this looks like your fault at all.


I fully believe that you don't smell. That's crazy that all of these comments are believing the insane person.


My first thought was maybe she's pregnant. That or delusional.


One of my exes had a sister who was HUGELY bad like this with "smells" making her sick. I paint miniatures as a hobby, and sometimes I fuck up and need to strip the laint, so I use Acetone or Methylated spirits in an airtight container inside a laundry tub in separate laundry rooms for this, or inside the garage. It was winter, and the laundry was well ventilated, with the door locked off so no smell could get out. My ex couldn't smell it and her sister's boyfriend couldn't either but she carried on with so much fucking DRAMA that it caused serious issues. She claimed migraines, headaches, vomiting etc over it. I think some people need drama and need CONTROL so they pull this shit.


Honestly, I would block and limit contact as much as possible. Just do your thing until you can move out.


🥲🥲 6 months is my lease. I think I can make it. Her screeching is a little concerning. my friend offered her other side of the bed whenever I feel too uncomfortable sleeping here.


Christo. I lived in Chicago for 10yrs and moved almost every year I lived there - I’ve had my share of insane roommates. I’ve lived with similar people but this is particularly rough lol. Really sucks that you feel you might have to spend some nights elsewhere. I did however go to college with someone like this. As much as I want to suggest being kind and listening to her in hopes of calming her down (that’s how you deal with crazy customers in the service industry), I just remember her taking a mile every time you gave an inch. If you were nice to her, hung out and spent time with her, she would just try to walk all over you and treat you with hostility when she didn’t get her way. Then proceed to have a complete melt down if you finally set a boundary with her. Completely unhinged human being. One day me and some friends were at a friends house and the friend was avoiding inviting her up. She kept riding her bike past his place and he kept yelling down to her that nobody else was here and he wasn’t having people over. This prob went on for hours. It was nuts.


Get a lock for your bedroom luv


Did she send you a screenshot of her talking shit about you to another person with a pic of her covering her nose? What an entitled bitch, seriously. She should just live alone if she can’t stand food smells.


she's just saying everything you do smells including you just existing so she definitely sounds like a crazy rude person lol


And no I don't have bad hygiene, docs and dentists are always saying how great I take care of myself.


The convo started with the chicken. The second you set the boundary it became “you *personally* stink”. I’m with you, she seems insane. The picture of her covering her face, saying she can’t go out, then immediately texting someone Wyd


EXACTLY. People in this comment section just gaslighting OP further 😂


I was feeling gaslit reading them 🤣


Is she pregnant? or like a vegan - outside your microwaveing rotting meat it can't be that bad - also what happened with the dryer?


The DRYER smelt? You must be very stinky, OP! /s


Ok this might sound out of context but are you Indian? Idk why but I'm getting the vibe she's racist and pulling at strings calling you stinky and being all offended by the smell of "chicken". Idk I really don't want this comment to sound bad but I have a few Indian friends who've complained about how people act towards them when it comes to the smells of foods etc. She's insane either way.


No I'm a tiny pale mexican 🥲. She's also mexican so we eat the same stuff....I think. I just know she really loves in n out and chipotle.


but her main issue seems to be with your personal smell more than chicken.


Not sure what she could be smelling cuz again...Only interacted with her twice. Other roommates feel comfortable being close to me. Same with professors, lab mates, and coworkers. And no the main issue was the chicken smell. Cut out a large part and tried to keep it short. She was cussing and slamming her door about it.


Is it possible that she is pregnant? If it's not known maybe she should take a test? I was still in my first trimester when smelling a pumpkin pie had me vomiting for an hour


its always a sierra or a rosalyn doing this. when i was vegan and had a roommate the smell did not push me to that level. does she not have a car she can go into if she needs fresh air? i would suggest teaming up with another roommate to talk about this.


Is she pregnant? The smell of fish and chicken threw me over the edge


I have a lot of weird smell issues, too, but I would have a convo about this with any potential roommate before it became an issue, not after. Ugh. And calling at 1am is bananas. If you’re stuck together, have a talk about smells, etc. and try to find out what each of you needs to be happy.


“if the roles were reversed” honey idc if the roles were hawaiian


How old is she? Why does she have roommates? Like girl get some therapy or something. She’s creating a hostile living environment for no reason.


Not sure how old she is. She asked me and when I asked back, she didn't want to answer. She looks maaaybe late 20s or 30. She lasted 1 month at her previous place...I didnt ask why.


This is insane.


You should ask if she’s pregnant lol. WOW


If it were just the Chicken! But she objects to your smell in general, plus the dryer? Feels entitled enough to contact you at 1am !! Sending weird photos. I hope she breaks the lease, bonkers.


I had a roommate like this too. She would complain every single time I cooked, and they lived off our college meal plan so they didn’t cook. They didn’t say it smelled bad, they’d just tell me off every time I cooked because it “smelled like food” like ummm.. that’s what happens when you cook? I can’t just stop eating