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This will backfire on them and will make the tory party look even more nastier. https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1802466433475240250?t=h3nxjRaGIEyRwHMQbSxq6g&s=19


It'll just make them seem even more sad and desperate than they already are. Sunak wouldn't even be able to pull it off convincingly.


Attacking Starmer likely benefits Reform just as much as it benefits the Tories at this point.


VC-cali-like-numbers-bod starts attacking former head of public prosecutions and former head of crown prosecution service.....I'm sure this'll end well 😂


[BadUKer goes to the pub](https://x.com/VMaledew/status/1802287503346450550?t=3fnhYnRqKH0-40MyVcIGfw).


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/crggpjrw9nzo > Seller Ibrahim Balarabe Wambai says the ram market is very difficult this year


I wonder what the Igbo for “cozzie livs” is




A rare Top Secret! reference lol


Who cares


Look at that forehead. They say you end up looking like your pets, not your flock.


Was at an event in London for the match, was singing 10 German Bombers and 2 World Wars with my mates and some Gen Zs, there's hope for the youth.


Just thinking how mental it is that forums such as Arr Politics (8.5M), Arr Bad Philosophy (150k) and Arr Europe (a few million but can’t be bothered to check) are, despite purportedly being neutral grounds, are essentially entirely dedicated to constantly bitching about anyone and anything that they perceive to be right wing, or even just not left wing enough There has to be some sort of botted following on at least some of these subreddits, surely?


rPolitics was completely captured by project blue years ago. But nothing you see on mainstream Reddit is organic.


A few power modertors control most of the big subreddits. Any right-wing voices are silenced or banned.


And they're trains advocates


Forums like Bad Philosophy though are something else There were popular posts when Scruton died celebrating his death (with the crab emojis and stuff) Turns out “Bad Philosophy” actually just means “Philosophy I don’t agree with because I perceive it as right wing or traditional and that means bad 😡😡😡” Yes, the power moderators are definitely a factor though.


[Sunak backs state murder of those with mental disabilities](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/16/rishi-sunak-not-opposed-assisted-dying-safeguards/), following Canada and The Netherlands in killing autistic girls. 100% unelectable like Starmer, who also backs this policy.


He doesn't actually back anything, he is just saying what the overlords want and he's their mouthpiece.


Let's make the government insensitivsed to kill you


I was on the fence about assisted suicide but having seen it implemented in Canada and the Netherlands I am 100% against it. It will just be used as an excuse here to get rid of inconvenient patients to "save our NHS"


I used to be all for assisted dying. Canada in particular has convinced me that it's a terrible idea though. There was a really good documentary about Canada's MAID laws quite recently (BBC, I think) and it converted my wife against the idea, too. Maybe, with the right safeguards, it would be OK. But I'm not convinced that it's possible to get the balance right.


Those right wing shit lords in America were actually right about the death panels....


Handy way to rid ourselves of the pension burden. /conspiracy mode off


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fpolitics%2F2024%2F06%2F16%2Frishi-sunak-not-opposed-assisted-dying-safeguards%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/16/rishi-sunak-not-opposed-assisted-dying-safeguards/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Was down local for the game tonight and a bunch of zoomers (some with their birds) belted out the national anthem and sang the bombers song. They’re immune to being told they’re toxic, terrible people. Country ain’t gone. 


Yes, I don’t know if I’m an exception seeing as I’m far-right instead of ‘far-right’, but I certainly can’t be swayed by labels anymore. They’re so empty. The ‘racist’ slur only works in a paradigm which seems Hitlerism as the only degeneracy of politics, and is part of a boomer-truth regime which wants to be diametrically opposite to whatever Hitlerism was, as opposed to agreeing on some matters (protecting borders and peoples) and disagreeing on others (imperialism and mass-killing). The boomers and those captured by their mentality will ever deny the label of racism, but never deny its supposed immorality. Not to over-intellectualise an innocuous whitepill about zoomer publicans…


My Boomer dad loves Farage, identifies as a Thatcherite, thinks political correctness has gone mad, and would pull the lever himself. And yet he absolutely recoils at being described as “right wing”, and likes to talk about how the SNP are basically Nazis because they’re NATIONALIST and SOCIALIST. I’ve tried to talk to him about how he should relax and just own the right-wing label but at some deep level in his head he can’t shake the attitude that it’s a slur.


Does he regularly utter the phrase “the left are the real racists” by any chance?


Indeed, I observe many as wanting simply to scapegoat the pejorative nickname of ‘racist’ to their opponents. Many left-wingers have been riposted as ‘being the real fascists’, etc., but never will it work. As much as people on the right want to label Hitler and co. as far-leftists, they are fundamentally closer in philosophical proximity to we nationalists than to some self-hating, contemptible advocate for open borders. We must, then, shrug off the negative connotations of being a gammon-fascist-Nazi-bigoted-super-racist, and simply speak ‘our truth’, as they so say. When we win, their remonstrations won’t matter, anyway.


My dad voted Labour all his life, was a car mechanic back when cars were just nuts and bolts, would probably have shot Thatcher himself if you handed him a loaded revolver, but would be far-right according to modern uni students because he believed in the strength of family, community and religion. He probably should have been SDP. I’d love to ask but he died 20 years ago. My new family (I now have a wife and kids of my own) is only voting Reform.


Mine isn't quite that bad but basically. Thinks the BBC is the pride of the nation and reporting the truth, even if it is left wing. Maybe new thoughts are not really had after a certain age for nearly everyone, or at all for many people.


Al Beeb article about rent rises in the land of rent controls - [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c5119xly6zlo](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c5119xly6zlo) - problem is that "real" rent controls haven't been tried, the ÂŁ1bn affordable housing budget doesn't seem to be able to build the 30k houses that are needed in Edinburgh...for some reason. No mention made of building more houses. Let me repeat: the word "shortage" and "crisis" is used multiple times, no mention of building more houses, apparently the solution is for more government intervention to either build all the houses or rent controls to further reduce the supply. The favela near me put up some new flats, ÂŁ270k for a 2-bedroom coffin overlooking a supermarket car park. This is next to a supermarket that has had problems with kids randomly setting fire to things, the town has large number of drug users...it is staggering.


Boomers need their big empty houses which they worked all their life for, while their kids can't get on the ladder. To sit in alone or as a couple, and tend their gardens. It's the one thing for feeling of worth they have left and they're not giving it up.


Not boomers. The people doing this are all young and left-wing. They believe that private house builders do not want to build houses (for some reason, they don't seem to understand that if they don't build houses then they have nothing to sell) and that the state should do all of these things: build houses, set rents...oh, and it isn't their fault that no houses are getting built, they tried very hard but developers are stopping them...somehow. It is far worse than you can possibly imagine.


I just want all the good things without the bad things too, why is life so cruel. Kier will save us.


When is leaving the EU not like leaving the EU? [When it's taking their laws as your own..](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQOIX2MXwAAD9l_?format=jpg&name=large)


Delusional. Apparently it isn't about taxes...they are bringing in multiple new taxes. Changing these rules makes no difference if your economy isn't competitive. The problem the UK has is an obsession with irrelevant things, she is talking about a deal for touring musicians in Europe, when nothing is working at all. What planet is the bint on.




Got my polling card yesterday and my constituency has changed.


I registered anyway. I’m determined to vote this time. Worse case you give some extra admin for the council girls to do.


No, I have moved constituency and have received polling card without having to do anything


Some policies for reform. I'm hoping they are going to do much better than this, although national holidays for the saints seems a good un. https://x.com/darrengrimes_/status/1802440484704403568 > 1. Abolition of the TV Licence Fee: Proposing an end to the £169.50 annual television licence fee to maximise consumer choice. 2. Opposition to a Cashless Society: Advocating for the continued use of cash and preventing political debanking. 3. Free Speech Bill: Aiming to prevent organizations from imposing left-wing bias and politically correct ideology. 4. Anti-Corruption Unit: Establishing a unit with legal powers to investigate and penalize officials breaking rules. 5. National Holidays: Promoting St George’s Day and St David’s Day as public holidays.


Anyone tried getting even moderately large amounts of cash out lately? Tried to get out ÂŁ3500 the other day for paying laborers in the beautiful British tradition. I had to go through a 15 minute phone call where they grill me, make me define exactly where I'm getting it out from, give a secret password and confirm I'm not getting scammed. Then I have to go to the bank, give them the secret handshake and fill in a form with all my details again. Fucking joke. It's three grand, not a million.


Sounds like it's designed to appeal to Facebook boomers who are stuck in their ways and will always vote Tory anyway. Number two is meaningless. 'Advocating' i.e. nothing. Three, 'aiming to', in other words they'll do nothing. How do you even define PC ideology? Fourth, good luck with that. Five, I thought boomers thought we all had too much time off and had to get back to work?


>  . Opposition to a Cashless Society: Advocating for the continued use of cash and preventing political debanking. They'll attract all the anti-wef boomers with this one.




He is like an AI generated image of a Mancunian


Yes he will be a degenerate wreck before he is 50, he's played absolute shite tonight for me.


Looks like a caravan wearing makeup to me


You see the video of his Mum getting in a fight with somebody in a club?


She's brutal, know people who've fallen out with her and had their windows put through after.


The one at the euro final where some chavs broken into her room?


Nah it was in Manchester


[Extremely based. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHVFQe4ofbE) > In May 1945, German Field Marshal Erhard Milch surrendered to British Commandos. During the course of the ceremony, he was severely beaten by an irate British brigadier - using Milch's own Field Marshal's baton. Best bit: > So was Mills-Roberts punished for his crime? Not quite. Summoned to see Montgomery the next day, the British leader apparently jokingly covered his head with his arms as Mills-Roberts entered his command tent, quipping *"I hear you've got a thing about field marshals..."*


We used to be a proper country.




Actually agree. Accept his surrender like a gentleman then throw him in the oubliette.


> This is spitfire nationalism. Red meat. Call me a carnivore.


> beaten by an irate British brigadier Antifa getting out of control punching anyone to the right of Jeremy Corbyn


SHOCKING moment DISGUSTING England fans with no SPF Protection sing HEY JUDEN in far right anti Semitic Dog WHISTLE IN PEACEFUL innocent Germany.


FAR RIGHT England fans CHEER for COLONIALIST empire against MOSTLY PEACEFUL European country


I've just had a real life experience of people moaning about England fan hooliganism against Serbs. I pointed out there are no England shirts, flags or colours in the video, I showed them the updated articles that quote the German police saying it wasn't England fans and none have been arrested.  They read it, ignored the police words, ignored the arrested fans being Serbs and just focused on the two words "conflicting reports" the journo has put in to cover his arse for jumping the gun, and then pivoted to England fans having a bad reputation and probably was them. What the fuck is going on


They hate you.


Any reason to shit on the working class will be taken


Yes, typical. This is the level of intelligence in our society today.


I missed the start of the match. Are England still doing the take the knee bollox? Now this is a gesture I can get behind. https://x.com/TerraceImages/status/1533899286542524416


The gesture of racist socialists?


Nah don’t think so. If they did I missed it. 




go on the boy. he's been good.


Born in England though and doesn't seem to have any notably anti-English/British opinions that I am aware of. Apparently reads the Bible every night too.




Come on man, if they want to name their kid from one of their native languages, that's not really a big deal, is it?


A name which would elicit the response of "how do you say that" in this country. The parent didn't want to integrate, is an idiot or both.


Mate there's no such thing as english culture, donchaknow


Unless it’s negative of course.


[Next time someone says the academic consensus is against your position, send them this!](https://x.com/WilliamClouston/status/1802394990280310899) I wonder why so many academic articles are pro migration?


Francis Foster is a compete wanker. He thinks breaking up the UK would be a ‘good thing’. The tosser needs a good slap. Doesn’t he say he’s Venezuelan? can we send him back there?


I’ve had this argument many times with jonties when they start screeching source source Like any publication would ever release results that didn’t reinforce pre approved correct opinions. The institution would be cancelled and funding would dry up. No much easier to purposely pick and choose figures that ensure we know mass immigration is ahkchually a net positive


Should be illegal to question experts, experts know best




There are certain yank YouTubers and streamers (not naming names, but I think internet savvy people here probably can take a good guess) who are really into the most surface level “woke bad, free market capitalism good” analysis of politics, but not in an informed and nuanced way (like some of you here) but rather have no coherent political philosophy (often just talking about muh freedoms, bro) and display the political knowledge of a diseased camel as they complain about race swapping in video games (but never the root causes of these things) I’m not saying things like race swapping aren’t bad, but when you have such little knowledge of politics, and you engage with these issues in such a surface level way, it does make the rest of us look quite bad in comparison. Also to note, not saying you can’t say that woke is bad and free market capitalism is good, it’s just these Yank influencers have zero depth to their political understanding


Achievement: Write a Redditor comment.


There probably would be less "woke" if we had freer markets. Most of this stuff comes from state bureaucracies and is imposed upon businesses.


I am FURIOUS that some of our young men are out causing a rabble. We need to bring them back and LOCK THEM DOWN again to pay for more furlough. Except this time, we’ll tax them HARDER to pay for more Bomalians who will culture them with FOOOOD.


>I am FURIOUS that some of our young men are out causing a rabble. We need to bring them back and LOCK THEM DOWN again to pay for more furlough. Except this time, we’ll tax them HARDER to pay for more ~~Bomalians~~ pensioner gibs who will culture them with ~~FOOOOD~~ when we won the war (born circa 1946) .


National service will sort them out.


Literally shaking rn, I heard the England fans singing "you don't know what you're doing" to the referee. The blatant racism and negativity on display is shocking.


The referee hasn't given us their pronouns also. So this could be other tyupes of isms and phobics!


Strong 💪


["David Cameron is a disgrace for Britain."](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/16/david-cameron-is-a-disgrace-to-britain/) - Farage oh Cameron for *The Telegraph*.


Cameron ultimately crippled the Tories when they needed to be strong. He could have ended the Blairite revolution but instead chose to carry it on. Fucking whigs. Not even once.


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fnews%2F2024%2F06%2F16%2Fdavid-cameron-is-a-disgrace-to-britain%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/16/david-cameron-is-a-disgrace-to-britain/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Another reform candidate resigns over past comments. They should just say their views have changed and move on.  >When approached by The Times about the comments, StClair-Armstrong said: “I’ve got no excuses for that. I think they’re a disgusting party. I don’t like the English Defence League. I don’t like them.”    >He then said he would hand in his resignation, adding “I don’t really see any alternative.” https://archive.is/yMCHm


Couldn’t he just say he got a new haircut? It’s all Labour politicians had to say for only supporting worse groups.


One of the things that will categorically get you barred from UKIP/Reform has always been prior support for the BNP/EDL. It's Nigel's golden rule.


Worth noting that he'll still be on the ballot as a Reform candidate, as the deadline to withdraw from the ballot has passed.


What does he do if he wins? Unresign?


Sits as an independent MP most likely, if Reform don't reconsider keeping him.


That's certainly what the [BBC coverage](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cw880334dgyo) of this suggests will happen.




Hey BadUK - will you be joining Gareth's Heroes tonight in being the first team to kneel? Or are you a RACIST?


Got my kneepads on already.


Yes. I love criminals and crime, it's the highest virtue in modern bomalia


Nothing tops a footballer that earns ÂŁ100,000 a week kneeling for equality.


I'm with Keir https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/black-lives-matter-keir-starmer-labour-take-knee-george-floyd-funeral-a9557166.html


They don't still do this shit do they?


What ruk think is happening: > Fucking Tories: food bank usage up 3000% thanks to Truss and Sunak crashing the economy, families going without, kids going hungry, evil fucking Tory bastards [What is actually happening](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/czdd05xx5v8o)


>More than one in three children are overweight or obese by the time they leave primary school That is genuinely quite horrific.


It's because cowardly parents reckon there's a paedo lurking behind every lamppost so they don't walk, or ride a bike to school.


No amount of poverty explains the food banks. If it was remotely that bad, more people would have started growing their own food.


And collecting chestnuts.


Those aren't necessarily unrelated though. Obesity in children is often linked to poor diets and poor households.


Little Brogan and Logan aren’t going hungry, are they? Serious point here is the proliferation of food banks are stated as a side effect of poverty, which is then ascribed to the government, usually by middle class wets. If you substitute out ‘food’ for something said wets would appreciate: kids books, for instance, the causal argument that they put forward would be seen as obviously fallacious: free books being popular wouldn’t indicate a failing of education, would it? It’d just show that things people value, when given away for free, are hugely popular. Or for a more on the nose example- did Rishi’s eat out to help out scheme say anything about poverty? No, just that people like free shit. Edit: your point stands- fat people are often poor, and make stupid food choices. That’s not the narrative around food banks though. Also- go to any food bank and see what gets taken first- it’s not the veg and raw ingredients.


> things people value, when given away for free, are hugely popular. And then the wets thinks the fact that they're so popular means they need to open *more* of them.


Having the intelligence not to just eat loads of nice things is pretty rare it seems


[smiles from Birmingham](https://x.com/jodymcintyremp/status/1802310538715713803)


I think there are many generations in his family where the family was a bit to close-knit.


Indeed inbreeding is a compounding problem.


Why does he look like a mannekin puppet made of straw


Because his true calling in life was to be a scarecrow.


[something like this?](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fevoke.ie%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F12%2Fshutterstock_editorial_1041794gy.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=d65c4870913a48056ac258da0d82c578fe966bd7b49fd9cc559aa0ef6c521ca9&ipo=images)


[Does she know about Kosovo?](https://x.com/LynnBraben/status/1802369037055258796?t=zm-r_vw3kK-EBvEG7V91IA)


Anniversary month of one of the biggest individual spankings of the War of 1812 - when we defeated the yanks and burnt the whitehouse when fighting Napoleon at the same time. [The War of 1812: When HMS Shannon Met the USS Chesapeake!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9jZ70Lfi1g)


Why is the leading story on BBC London news about girls periods? This isn't local news. Followed by something about eid.


I've switched almost entirely into just checking Reuters.


I see soccer is having a meltdown over a chant. What ever happened to people and their sense of humour. I can only image the peal clutching that goers on in their households.


Nice to see this heavily upvoted. There's a fair amount of pushback against the melts. > It’s only controversial amongst the Guardian reading middle classes of England. They get their knickers in a twist over anything they perceive as remotely jingoistic.


They would come to hate any song or chant as long as England fans are the ones singing it. I also love that it's the same line year after year forever. "No one cares about this chant, it's just the English salty because everyone hates them and they have victim complex". Are England hated or not? If they are let them be the baddies you want them to be. It couldn't possibly be that those England fans are having fun could it?


They're literally going: "Why are they so obsessed with an event they weren't even born for??" As if the entire basis of anti-British sentiment isn't based on stuff from hundreds of years ago. Laughable and sad.


The Irish still go about the a famine in the 1840s and 700 years of British rule. Of course they conveniently ignore their own ancestors raiding Wales for slaves or conquering Scotland wiping out Pictish culture. Edit: Also creating a Catholic theocracy when they became an independent nation. Divorce was only legalised in 1995 so they allowed several generations of women to suffer in unhappy marriages.


They also intervened in the English Civil War on the side of the Monarch


Americans or Irish/Scot Nats. Actual Germans don't care. It's mild compared to some of the stuff other countries in Europe sing.


never ending purity spirals


Love it when Americans brag about how much bigger and better their military is than ours when realistically if we ever fought we’d just destroy each other with nukes.


All the gear but no idea. That's what the US military is known for. Is the British military smaller and underfunded? Absolutely, but it's also the best on the planet in terms of quality. There's a reason we train the yanks, there's a reason we beat other peer nations consistently in war games, there's a reason our infantry are better on a like-for-like basis than all others (mainly geographical and the areas we train in). Americans will drop a brand new piece of gear into a warzone via airdrop, break 2 out of 10 due to parachutes not opening, and need a team of 7 to actually effectiviely maintain and operate it. It's inefficient, bloated, and doesn't work properly. If you gave us the same level of funding and numbers, we'd conquer the planet again.


Nah, we’d get blown the fuck out. Because no one would be stupid to take the nuclear option. It is better to fight and lose a conventional war than win a nuclear exchange. And the American Republic is the mightiest nation yet forged by the hands of man…


If anything the U.S. military has consistently demonstrated, is that it is very much not the mightiest lol.


>And the American Republic is the mightiest nation yet forged by the hands of man… On paper.


Update: Uniparty spokesman is now openly advocating for a liblabcon alliance in clacton.  https://x.com/campbellclaret/status/1802334087291543789?t=22w1h13k4eY_lBuHoQN_VQ&s=19


The arsehole in chief.


Having Farage as their MP would definitely be a change compared to anything LabCon could offer.


> You can’t have Farage in parliament, as he’ll turn the UK into a dictatorship! > yeah- let’s unite against at him, and have a single party government forever, with a super majority so we can ensure none of his nasty ideas ever get enacted


[Democracy Manifest](https://youtu.be/PeihcfYft9w?si=swyCkIzaVFreVcZB)


[English fans FAFOing around in Germany!](https://x.com/AleksDjuricic/status/1802356699904307322) [But it wasn't the English after all.](https://x.com/AleksDjuricic/status/1802361174597435684) I notice it was the Guardian that made the initial accusation about the English fans' behaviour. And even though a clarification has been made the damage is done - "the English" is already trending on twitter.


Eugh, English football fans, it's will be so much better when they are all replaced with cricket basketball bomalians


The Telegraph - “England fans clash in Gelsenkirchen before Euro 2024 opener against Serbia “ “No English fans have been arrested despite launching the attack on Serbian fans meaning the hooligans involved are still at large.” https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2024/06/16/england-vs-serbia-live-euro-2024-fans-ultras-germany/


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Ffootball%2F2024%2F06%2F16%2Fengland-vs-serbia-live-euro-2024-fans-ultras-germany%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/football/2024/06/16/england-vs-serbia-live-euro-2024-fans-ultras-germany/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Times reporting it was English fans too. Looks to be the same images..


The next video is far more newsworthy…


Ya we already predicted below.  The audience want to believe it is the English, they're gagging for it. Edit: Guardian is still refusing to clarify nationality (Police refuse to comment apparently)  an hour after other outlets have reported German police saying it was Albania and Serbia fans.


Not just German Police, the most senior German Police officer in the area.


BBC Verify: "Some of the Albanians had previously arrived in England on small boats and lived there for a few months, so it is correct to call them English. Rating: TRUE."


Labour could get under 40%, if most Con > Lab switchers go Reform. This is apparently from moreincommon focus group  >short term Farage hurts the Tories, longer term I think Labour needs an answer too -  talking Lab/Con/Lab switchers, Farage seemed to have a particular appeal to this group, who having broken with Lab in 2019 don’t have the same loyalty even if they go back this time. https://x.com/LukeTryl/status/1802341440103571887?t=0NWVeAeprwA-WwpFlmZmew&s=19


He came up with a stat the other day that suggested that UKIP took more Labour Voters than Tory in 2015. I can’t find anything to back this up so could be bullshit, if only there was some sort of politically neutral national broadcaster to fact check the claims…


It's not so straightforward: > At the 2015 general election, in seats where Ukip polled above average, Labour's vote grew by only two points but in seats where Ukip under-performed, Labour gained by an average of five points. Labour was thus progressing by an additional average of three points in areas where Ukip had lower support. The equivalent differences for the Conservative Party were far more modest. Cameron and his party grew by around two points in seats where their radical right rival was weak and one point where Ukip was strong. Only in the north were the Conservatives stalled by Ukip, and to a greater extent than Labour. In every other region (excluding Scotland) it was Labour that suffered weaker growth where the radical right delivered a stronger result. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1111/2041-9066.12107 Btw, I *think* the person who wrote this article all those years ago has a substack.


Indications are that this has truth to it. And that in response the Uniparty is rapidly building to a cordon sanitaire type tactical vote endorsement.


Starmer isn't popular. He's winning by default. I think it's likely he will get less votes than Corbyn got.


Less popular than Corbyn should be the attack line.


I agree, the key really is that the message gets across to the people who only follow the ‘Approved’ media views that if you don’t vote Reform then you will have a vast Labour majority and a Lib Dem opposition.


https://theguardian.com/football/article/2024/jun/16/england-and-serbia-fans-clash-in-gelsenkirchen-before-euro-2024-game The Guardian confidently reporting of clashes between England and Serbian fans, started off by a gang of English hooligans. The problem with that however is: why would England fans randomly attack Serbians? The answer of course is that they didn’t. A group of Albanians did. Just seems like a few English people who were eating at the same restaurant with Serbs got caught in the middle. https://x.com/SkySportsNews/status/1802357897503940949


>One man, said to be from Birmingham, was left with heavy wounds to his head as he was caught up in the fighting.  Could have been a Birmingham man tbf


Mainstream media knows that their first headline cements the narrative. Even if they walk it back 70% of their readers will retain the original line. They're all desperate for England fans to do something naughty. There's weird bot accounts on Europe sub commenting about England fans and "drunken yobs" on any and all related stories. I swear down the cameraman will be looking for crying Serbian kids if they lose to try and recreate their success with that story last time.


[BAD UK TRUCK](https://x.com/RupertLowe10/status/1802355888004481460?t=1fSJ6edBBpuCCSwAkGzEJw). BAD UK TRUCK


Farage *definitely* needs to get himself another bus with a statistic on it before the election.


A rolling ticker of "visas granted"


Considering the first bus was nothing to do with him, and everything to do with Boris....I'm not sure what you mean by "another".


[Farage Derangement Syndrome in full effect](https://x.com/radiotaxis_boss/status/1802342068775158268) Picture 1: Because famously, Britain was not “in tatters” before 2016, and now it is because we left a trading bloc Picture 2: Mosley was Ex Labour as well as Ex Tory, you could say the same about the recession point for literally any politician that has risen in the past 15 years (including Starmer, Sunak, Davey etc), all politicians claim to represent ordinary people and “minorities” are not “at the bottom”, just look at Sunak! Also, our problems are caused by the people at the top! The people at the top chose mass migration!


Wasn’t Mosley’s kid one of Labour’s biggest donors in recent years? I know it’s not exactly fair to say they’re the same just because they’re related, but he does have form too: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/tom-watson-max-mosley-donation-labour-deputy-leader-racist-leaflet-privacy-campaigner-a8234676.html Whether I agree or not with the content of what he said is not relevant, but it’s true that it’s utter hypocrisy for Labour to say they’re “anti-racist”but accept half a million quid from someone with those views.


[Reminder that 250,000 Indians, 141,000 Nigerians and 83,000 Pakistanis that arrived last year have full voting rights.](https://x.com/Steve_Laws_/status/1802296507925778725?t=hoCQf-jlqIJ6VN09T3_56A)


Britain 2024 🤡


So can I vote in those countries as a Brit? ....what a stupid fucking law, needs a scrapping asap


All the things the tories warned us about with Corbyn in 2019 has happened, and I think it would be effective if right-wing anti-tory campaigners highlighted it. In hindsight the brexit party should have never stood down, and I hate to say it but all the signs of Boris being a liberal globalist were there, the tory party should have been destroyed in 2019.


At least with labour you can argue that importing millions will create lots of additional labour voters, so there is some tactical reasoning . Conservatives just brought in a bunch of people who statistically will not vote Conservative and have just fucked themselves over even more. The lack of foresight is honestly hard to fathom.