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Edwina wants your vote https://x.com/ActionBrexit/status/1802456022193217665


Why do we allow this? https://x.com/FloEshalomi/status/1802719638326858145


https://x.com/youngvulgarian/status/1802685427817546011?t=aUyAnmuLrhDy3vPoYWGv4g&s=19 Still no noticing yet


so how much are we actually talking year rent for a zone 2 studio? £15k? zone 1 £20k?


Zone 1 is a bit idk, but for a 1 bed in zone 2 it's £1400 pcm and up. Obviously more is better but that's bear minimum For a studio you can potentially get 1100 or 1200.


my neighbours rent in zone 3 for 1300 for a two bed. I pay 2700 mortgage for the same next door. their landlord isn't jacking up the price to market rate but mortgage rates are tough right now compared to 6 years ago


I'm thinking of going for a zone 1 studio. But maybe it's just too bomalian. Is it worth living in a cell to live in zone 1.. or do I just carry on living in a dead town. some zone 1 studios dont look that bad for 1300


[‘I am their voice now’: the Tanzanian rapper with a mission to spread pride in his own colour](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/article/2024/jun/17/i-am-their-voice-now-the-tanzanian-rapper-with-a-mission-to-spread-pride-in-his-own-colour) >Muhando – known as K-Zungu – is a singeli artist, the first the country has known with albinism. “Zungu means ‘white’ in Swahili, and K is the first letter of my grandfather’s name, Kaniki. That’s why I chose that name,” he says. >K-Zungu, who is just finishing his first EP, is using his music to challenge the fears around albinism. “When I’m on stage singing, I address families, urging them to let their kids go out and interact. I’m the example, showing we are capable of anything. I’m their voice now, but I don’t want to be the only one.” >His song, Albino, describes someone returning home to find a gang of boys threatening to cut off his hands and sell them. “We deserve peace and happiness. I am proud of my colour, this is me,” he raps in the song, appealing to the government to take action against those “who brutally attack and kill us”. In another sign of the apocalypse, the Guardian is writing glowing articles about white pride


Almost parody.


i didnt know lineker had started a rap career


Irish Nats pushing for a unification referendum during a Labour government. I think they need to sit down and ask themselves why the Irish governement only ever makes soft overtures to the prospect of Irish unity. It's because Ireland knows it isn't even prepared to deal with all those loyalists who won't move to the mainland and will never accept the legitimacy of their government. Good look to all the Irish Nats on social media who think they are going to march into Loyalist areas and force them out while listening to the Wolfe Tones.


The Irish state knows that taking on Northern Ireland would burden them. Fiscal gap of £14.5 billion in 2023 between revenue and expenditure. That would be the yearly cost to Dublin, not even considering the exceeding large amount they'll have to spend on unification. Successive Irish governments have paid lip-service to the idea, but none of them have been stupid enough to seriously consider it.


We know from 1922 and 1944 that the Irish government could have ended the Troubles if they had wanted. Proper cooperation on both sides of the border would have made it impossible for militants to operate. There is a petty part of me that would find great satisfaction in watching them now having to pay the very hefty price of finally getting their way.


They did get their way and did pay a hefty price when the Dublin Monaghan bombings happened. Curiously, after the bombings suddenly the Irish government decided that letting terrorists have free rein in the country was a bad idea.


[Daily Star has endorsed Count Binface](https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1802824659559469159?t=8DH1I7m2c4S-0Jgt3n3T1A).




BARMY newspaper endorses JOKE candidate; Has Britain gone MAD?!?!?


If anyone cares [Humza Yousaf: I was the first Muslim leader of a western democracy. And I say Islamophobia has poisoned our politics. Anti-Muslim sentiment is so mainstreamed now that politicians like Suella Braverman barely bother disguising it ](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jun/17/humza-yousaf-islamophobia-politics-europe?CMP=fb_cif)


>I was the first muslim leader of a western democracy I thought that was obama?


Sadiq Khan governed more people than you ever did, surely he could be seen as the first Muslim leader of a western democracy. Cope Humza.






The calyfate cannot come soon enough


> I was the first Muslim leader of a western democracy And you were exactly as bad as every sane person thought you would be.


DEI is such cancer This woman is paid a fortune to lie https://www.instagram.com/p/C8SEmXStwic/ She lies again and again. 1. phones don't fit in her pocket." Women's clothes don't have pockets. Women put phones in their handbags. Small phones exist. Women can buy them if they want. 2. "only 22% of clinical trials include women in their design" this is just an obvious ridiculous lie, only a moron would believe such nonsense. Apparently 22% of PARTICIPANTS in STAGE 1 trials are women. 3. "women have 4x more adverse reactions than men" lie - it's 1.5x, apparently. 4. "women get diagnosed with disease 4 years later than men" - lie again. This is the age at which the average patient is diagnosed, in a Danish study. This speaks to the very well-known fact that women enjoy much longer life expectancy than men. It's referring to the average age that people are diagnosed with a disease. E.g., 'the average dementia patient was diagnosed at 73.7' - this means women enjoy four more years of healthy life. 5. "crash test dummies based on average male" - no, lying liar from liarsville. there have been female and male dummies for years now. Standard tests also now include children. You can't just recycle old stuff for gibs you disgusting liar. 6. "just 1% of global health care funding goes to female-specific conditions" lie again - it's 1% EXCLUDING cancer. 7. "AI was historically developed on the male database, and that's why it's hard to unbias now" - wtf are you on about, this is just drivel 8. "80% of AI outcomes are biased against women" - wtf does this even mean?


It's the same shit feminists have been doing for the last two decades, just lying constantly with broad approval from governments and the media. See the wage gap, pink tax, ect.


[Tories dragging out Boris Johnson again](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/17/tories-turn-to-boris-johnson-counter-reform-election-threat/). Seriously? They ditched him and now they are wheeling him back out for election time? Are voters really going to fall for it? Also Boris is nothing without Cummings. He was the brains behind the man.


Boris and Cummings were perfect for one another. Boris is a charismatic moron who was good at galvanising votes from traditional Labour areas. Cummings is a good strategist who cannot communicate to save his life. Put the two together and you have a good (as in effective, not good policies) politician. However, they are a dual act, and that is why both a Johnson return and a new Cummings party are both going to fail. Don’t be fooled by his Quasi Populism. Johnson is a neoliberal like all of his other Tory bedfellows. A man who sees the free market, prostituting our assets, gutting our industrial capacity and destroying communities as the end rather than the means to the end.


That description gave me images of Master Blaster in Mad Max.


If only Farage and Cummings could work together...


They're all acting like Boris isn't responsible for the current levels of mass immigration, which he is. As bad as Sunak is, he deserves way less hate than Boris. It was Boris who accelerated the decline. What's happening here is that the tories are trying to gaslight people into thinking it's Sunak's fault when in reality a lot of problems facing the UK today is due to Boris and the fake 'right wing' tories who did fuck all when he pushed through with his insane policies on immigration.


Johnson never even wanted Brexit, it was a political vehicle for him to eventually negotiate a higher position in the Tory party. It was by sheer fortune (and ironically a small part due to him) that it happened, and then he became prime minister essentially by accidentally backing a horse that he didn’t believe in.


He was amusing on Have I Got News For You. Ironic that the Beeb should have given him a platform given what followed.


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fpolitics%2F2024%2F06%2F17%2Ftories-turn-to-boris-johnson-counter-reform-election-threat%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/17/tories-turn-to-boris-johnson-counter-reform-election-threat/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Doing a bit of reading on [Munira Wilson](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munira_Wilson), the Lib Dem MP who said Clouston was “all over the place” on Politics Live She is an absolute stereotype. Oxbridge educated, worked as a lobbyist for a private pharmaceutical company, elected in 2019 (the Jo Swinson election, #DebateHer) , appointed “spokesperson for health, wellbeing and social care” by Ed Davey in 2020, and has proceeded, it seems, to have done nothing of note since.


Was she in an accident or something?


Yes, she was in the Liberal Democrats.


Between her, Daisy Cooper, and Layla Moran, there's something going on with Lib Dems and teeth...


Sarah Olney too.


Deport. Seriously, rid us of these legions of Career Administrator oxygen thieves.


[unfathomably based](https://youtube.com/shorts/Fc0DM3aZqeI?si=SvgiDuEHT3TAXMbO)


Revenge of the Sith was good, finally he can leave without me completely hating him


4th May 1979: > *And I would just like to remember some words of Saint Francis of Assisi...* 4th May 2024: > [*May the fourth be with you!*](https://i.imgur.com/2yKntH0.jpeg) *I think the second half of Revenge of the Sith is* ***REALLY GOOD*** *and Rogue One is* ***EXCELLENT***... [cont.]


Probably the most I’ve ever agreed with him, those are good Star Wars opinions.


Probably the most normal person vibes hes ever given off


Would love to hear reform UK’s view of that steaming pile of shit that is The Acolyte 


Fuck me Disney Star Wars has been ridiculous. I've watched every film in the cinema, but after 8 I didn't bother again. Mandalorian and the Clone Wars weren't bad. Ashoka had it's moments, Kenobi was a complete own goal. [This is apt](https://youtu.be/TWhsjai-OVE?si=udlXQNzHyO2BmFAh)


I watched Mandalorian but the last season was pretty shit, I hated that they gave him back that little green shit in between seasons. The show was much more interesting with him being a bounty hunter and not being revolved around a toddler.


Season 2 wrapped up perfectly. Getting Grogu back to sell toys was cynical in my eyes


It was the 5th episode of Kenobi when I thought "I'm too old for crap like this," and haven't watched anything Star Wars related since.


Still follow a lad from school on the X, his brain has completely rotted out - he's like a living meme. Still loves Star Wars, collects Star Wars Funko-Pops, rewatches Star Wars all the time, argues about Star Wars on the Internet, has made being gay his personality and hates JK Rowling and the Tories. His holidays are going to destinations where they've shot Star Wars scenes for the latest trash show they are churning out, dresses up and attends conferences, destined to be a middle aged rentoid.


Why does ITV have a black American woman explaining the rules of football to us? Does NBA TV have Jacob Rees-Mogg explaining free throws to them?


They obviously couldn't find a suitable whyt! male candidate among the 5000 or so referees knocking about the place.


Are you questioning a wakandan princess? As punishment you have to watch all of what's in bbc1 now, from the start.


My main problem is she's American. They don't even know what football is called.


The French team is wonderfully diverse, don’t you think?


The bookies should just pay out on africa to win the euros now


Good thread here on the scale of the Reform tax cuts: £93 billion. https://x.com/DanNeidle/status/1802703253223719280


That’s not a bad start. Well done Nigel.


Wouldn’t be surprised if he is a closet baduker 


I believe he is a Labour supporter.


He’s a luke warm labour supporter




FFS just found out my wife has signed us up for an ethical toilet roll subscription. The Tories cant be kicked out quickly enough. 




Toilet roll subscription is the peakest middle class bullshit I've ever heard in my life...


She’s been algorithmed hard by Insta 


Can you send it back if your fingers go through it?


> an ethical toilet roll subscription What does that even mean?


You shit in your hand, and the money goes to funding illegal immigration to de-toilet your public spaces by creating shitting streets.


For every roll you buy they send one to India so the locals can look at it in confusion?




The toilet roll is second-hand and near new


Times Literary Supplement? 


Gay fucking orgy now on bbc, just after 9 o clock... Now an enoch Powell looking teacher is doing a boy in the school toilets


Flick over to BBC2 for them to do a hit piece on Greece protecting its borders.


>Now an enoch Powell looking teacher is doing a boy in the school toilets It's a metaphor


Might have looked more like Mosely actually. They should have looked for Nigel lookalikes given current events


Lost Boys and Fairies? Wonder what ratings that show actually has. Anybody heterosexual is watching the football anyway


Half a million. For Prime time BBC1. Around 25% of what a show would get in that time slot. https://www.broadcastnow.co.uk/ratings/lost-boys-and-fairies-dips-to-560k/5194429.article You really have to question the licence fee cost when only half a mill tune in to their main channel.


"We need something to fill this timeslot, and the football is on at the same time, so we'll need something which appeals to the sort of person who doesn't watch football"


Apparently that's it. I was flicking as the footy got pretty boring really and, orgy on our national broadcaster just after 9...


Making me consider paying the licence fee 


Porn is free tho.






Ah yes, audit backlog...because you have heard of the same "backlogs" in the private sector...no? Hm, where else have you heard of backlogs? Oh, the public sector...just say: what % of people turned up to work in 2019 in council finance departments? What % are turning up now? "increasing complexity", "working extremely hard", "capacity issues"...what capacity? It is a complete joke.


>“We haven’t been borrowing money to invest for a return. We’ve been borrowing money for regeneration. What the hell is wrong with that?” oh dear god.


Warrington really bought into the Northern Powerhouse stuff. There made huge investment in the [Omega development](https://www.warrington.gov.uk/omega) - a distribution hub in the middle of the North West for Amazon, Post Office, Hermes, the Hut Group (My Protein and online beauty businesses) and then also lent the Hut Group £200 million as they're one of the major employers in the area. The Labour leader was keen on working with private businesses and also across the political divide- was instrumental in getting agreement on a HS2 having a station in Warrington, which was then meant to be synced up with new stations on an electrified Northern Powerhouse line between Manchester and Liverpool. Wouldn't surprise me if the cancellation of HS2 has fucked them over quite a lot.


You are right but they also invested in a lot of crap. Not as bad as the one down south, they were instrumental in creating a globally known ecomm hub (that has benefitted from location)...but they also invested in magic beans.


Yeah probably. In not a dissimilar way to your average Chinese Tier 3 city they were responding to a lot of government policy directives and initiatives when deciding where to invest money. I do wonder what the calibre of people local councils have directing investment and assessing risk is like compared to your average bank- probably not great I imagine.


Lol - the top post on r slash publicfreakout is currently ‘250,000 French people marched against the far right today, you won’t see the flag because it’s considered a far right symbol’ It’s actually a largely Palestine themed protest full of African and Asian flags.


What's weird is the disconnect between the post being heavily upvoted, but all the comments are calling it out for being a bullocks  title. 


Content might still be appropriate, and therefore worthy of le updoot


When's the civil war happening. "Death to the west". Yup that's antifa, they're antifa


Zemmour going to declare himself the next French Emperor.




Asdas are only in povvo areas anyway


The ones nearest to me are like stepping into the third world.


*Places scanned item onto self-service check-out scale* *Machine begins to speak* "Saar do not place item" "Saar pleese remove item from packing area" "SAAR NEEDFULLY REMOVE UNKNOWN ITEM"


This machine only accepts iTunes gift cards.


20% chance of success. I've heard the same about Asda going downhill but in all honesty I avoid the shop so have no idea.


[English Democrat candidate for Great Yarmouth endorsing the Reform candidate after watching Sargon](https://x.com/blaiklockBP/status/1802599053135340008?t=ABQtQbZGBzg2xwNFy36LUw). She can't stand down because the deadline to do so has passed. (She was also the founder of the Brexit Party, before she got Farage to take it over.)


Of all the people to convince you, it’s the dodgy YouTuber and failed UKIP candidate?


He makes a good point in the clip & frankly within the sphere of people he has a louder voice than most.


Latest polling gives the Tories 19 seats. In 4th place, behind the SNP and LibDems. ‘Labour lead by 27 points in our latest poll.’ Con 19% (-2) Lab 46% (-) Lib Dem 10% (+1) Reform 16% (+4) Fieldwork: 14th - 17th June 2024 https://x.com/DeltapollUK/status/1802755485331780094 If they lost just one more point each week then we’d pretty much be at zero seats.


[Too much fucking red!!](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQS7bJBWsAAsvp6?format=jpg&name=large) FFS, all the regards that are holding their nose and voting for Tories have to do is vote for reform and yet they still can't get their heads around it. 🤦‍♂️


This is Reform's best ever poll with Deltapoll.


Reform manifesto #1 item on the eight o'clock news. Could easily see them gaining another 4 points in the next week. > Tories 19 seats Wipe them out, finish them, #zeroseats, let's go!


Would also add this point from the substack guy >Nigel Farage & Reform hit new high of 18% (JL Partners). Across ALL polls Reform now averaging nearly 16%, up from 11% at start of campaign. Tory lead over Reform is down from average of 12 pts to just 5 pts ...  https://x.com/GoodwinMJ/status/1802733187807822047?t=YmLnAlLGhQ7LB1Zas9fCYg&s=19


The number of Tory-written Telegraph articles warning how Reform have this nefarious concealed agenda to destroy the Conservative party. Yeah, we know. That's why we're voting for them. The absolute entitlement that their shitshow electoral backstabbing party should have the right to exist.


“A vote for x is a vote for y” logic can F off. I am an adult and know what I am doing. Nobody deserves my vote by default. 


And also worth pointing out that if they are reduced to 19 seats then Farage could easily take the party over. The vast majority of those MP’s saying they wouldn’t consider him will have lost their seats. Farage would only need the support of 10 MP’s to be appointed as leader unopposed, like Sunak was.


The more seats they lose, the less likely it will be. The Tories are going to retreat to the Home Counties and some seats around Cheshire/Yorkshire. They will become a purely regional party like the Liberals when they collapsed (who were a largely Scottish and Welsh party by the end). There is no reason to deal with anyone else. If they integrate the Home Counties lot, they will also die because this group will convince Farage to stab the rest of the country in the back (which is what they did with Boris...within two years, they immediately flooded the country with low-wage workers and didn't build any houses...they don't care because it just the expendable Northern MPs who will lose their seats). This is what happened to Labour, the Tories convinced MacDonald to commit suicide by joining them in a coalition. Ignore them. Come up with good policies.


They won't hold any seats in the North at all besides North Yorkshire and perhaps Northumberland North. Nothing in Cheshire.


Farage does minecraft https://x.com/IrishPatri0t/status/1802757536698794182 BBC verify will be coming along soon with false claims that this isn't really Rishis server.


Um is this real? I need a disinformation expert to tell me how to evaluate this? Is farage really playing minecrsft and griefing rishi? Manjawed highlighter girl help!


It must be, he was busy eating sweets and drinking cola while playing. Just like povvo kids.




https://x.com/jodymcintyremp/status/1802669781704658947 I'm just now noticing that it appears to be fine to call people inbreds on twitter. Why does Reddit restrict my free speech so much?


You can do on Reddit. It's all about WHO you are calling inbred. Usual rules apply.


https://x.com/ne_al_/status/1802677713318097096?t=HVeAtrM1nEEf1DsKjC-ihA&s=19 Did you know that Keir Starmer HATES GAYS because he takes action against his party's liabilities?


let them fight. 🍿


This is just the beginning. Wait until they get into government. Popcorn machine goes brrrr


I love how being the first HIV+ MP is proclaimed as some kind of achievement. Did everyone applaud when he announced he likes it bareback?


First MP with monkey pox, sorry sorry *m*pox, must be waiting in the wings for his time to shine.


>become MP >contract gonorrhoea and pubic lice >secure place in the history books Master plan 🧠


the Keith Vaz masterplan


Venereal Speedrun Level: Vaz


I think you'd be more likely to make the history books if you *didn't* have gonorrhoea and pubic lice.


[(((Dark money)))](https://x.com/campbellclaret/status/1802737623280033949?t=34vZK5akeiE3FzXWpMRiMw) Been a while since I've heard that one.


Sad Al is shouting into the abyss this week 


Why doesn't someone just sue this clown already? If this wink and a nod "dark forces & bots" stuff is all they have, it's extraordinarily weak tea don't you think? If they couldn't make it stick to Trump after 4 years and millions of dollars wasted, why should anyone believe it now? It's like it got stuck in boomers heads but they didn't bother paying attention to the ending.


Reform candidate ‘described Hitler as “brilliant as he was utter evil”’ - guess which part of the quote is being reported? >Aaron said he stood by many of the comments and that there was additional context and “nuances” in which he was viewing the men through a psychological perspective. >In a post on Twitter/X in 2022, Aaron said Hitler was “brilliant in using Fe+Ni [socionics personality traits] to inspire people into action” while criticising his “basically incoherent […] writing and rationale”. https://archive.is/Ns1Tg


Reform seem like they're trying to bottle. How many times does a fucking Reform MP gotta bring up Hitler? It's pretty easy: when thinking about Hitler, don't constantly bring it up on the campaign trail lmao. Like you couldn't make this up - they bring up Hitler all the fucking time like psychopaths.


Journos ask constantly


They don't, watch Farage in interviews, it's rare they don't bring it up in a question in some way even without a relevant subject. It's an attack attempt to try and make the public associate the two.


He was a shrewd political operator but he was also a horrid cunt. Same with Mao in my opinion. People can be good at something but toilet human beings


They don’t like that view because it goes against the narrative that only morons fall for right-wing ideology, you can’t give any credit whatsoever to them.


[THEY’RE NOT ALL THE SAME!!! PROMISE!!!](https://x.com/RealAliBishop/status/1802450315855139263) And [The young obviously don’t vote Tory/Reform hurr durr](https://x.com/FoximusPrime81/status/1802643636569420118) Do these people even look at European politics


Cheers for the reminder Ali. For the majority of people I know, this will be our first GE we’re voting in. I’m sure she’ll be happy to also know that the majority of us are all voting Reform


Farage is slowly converting the youth.


[VOTE TACITCALLY!!!1!1!1!1!1!1!!1!](https://x.com/TomMDTFC/status/1802300485669457995) Imagine your entire politics being based around opposing something to the point in which you are willing to completely disregard your principles and not vote for the party you’d believe is best for the country. People who base their politics on what they don’t like rather than what they like are the reason there is no substantive change in this country.


I genuinely had a mate of mine who is a Lib Dem supporter say he would rather vote Tory if it keeps Farage out. This guy has spent the last decade banging on about Brexit, Boris, Evil Tories etc


Calling out the two idiots planning on voting labour


>community pub fights Out in the sticks there are still vestiges of a based Tory party.




They are ALL Russian controlled Bots!!!!


Is that the GMB union? Also apparently right wing.


Spiked being the reincarnation of ‘International Marxism’? That Spiked?


They should invite a guest from BadUK or "Anglo Twitter" so it looks like the far-right is on the left.


The extremist PoV is attempting to characterise views that everyone holds as extremist. Most people do not have a left/right mentality in any way. The left/right distinction only exists because the two groups that will fund political parties are: unions and wealthy people. Neither of these groups represent the majority. The views on here aren't right-wing, it is just normal people who like the place they are from and don't want to destroy it.


[Leeds man NHS worker](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cd1174441xro). Lone wolf, not backed by millions at all. No sir.


My mum works at Jimmies and I swear to god I would have gone absolute full Rambo mode had his "plan" worked.


>self radicalised So every teenage 4chan-browsing, manifesto-posting fuckwit (who happens to be white) is radicalised by a shadowy network of websites and twitter feeds that requires a massively totalitarian crackdown on free speech, but a Muslim who deliberately sets out to bomb a *hospital* is just one of those things that happens and there is no need to examine anything or draw conclusions


Once again their ideology leads to conclusions that are even worse. >It's not an ideology, it's not encouraged, they are just naturally inclined to do it at higher rates. Do they not think of the consequences of the ideas they push?


[Throwback to 2001, a young Richard Tice in the Question Time audience grills Tony Blair](https://x.com/maxtempers/status/1802737545907720325)


I'm disgusted with how utterly undiverse that audience is, thank god for the following 23 years.


Never knew Tice took on The Dark Lord himself. Also *of course* Blair wanted us to join the Euro.


Blair was the arch europhile, he wanted us to go all-in. Gordon Brown was much more skeptical about the euro.


Join the euro and then voted for the 2004 EU enlargement and no free movement restrictions despite several new members having high unemployment. Poland was at 18%.


Daily NigPost: Nigeria is getting on my tits today. More meetings with the ‘wrong’ people. Wrong people in this instance means mid level bureaucrats who are too afraid to commit to anything lest they get criticised. Hans, Dieter and Denis are at a loss as to how to proceed as they have never dealt with Indians, many of whom are identical. A mid afternoon tantrum on my part got someone else into the picture and now progress can be made. Went to see a newly delivered ship from a Chinese yard in the afternoon and raised about half a million dollars worth of issues for the yard to fix, so- for once- the days work was justified. Got back to discover that Romania didn’t respect the ‘be nice to Ukraine’ rule that has made many international competitions pointless since Putin decided to get uppity. Houseboy Derek has promised a Nigerian feast for dinner. So jollof rice and yams. I am looking for whisky.


Don't you worry that this specific anecdotal diary is kinda doxing yourself? Be careful bro.


Not in the least. I also don’t care in the slightest. People can try as hard as they like. My first name is Tim.


>Houseboy Derek has promised a Nigerian feast for dinner Do they still practice cannibalism?


[Not even going to quote it](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/030/710/dd0.jpg)


> daily NigPost Pixels is jumping off the deep end


I knew him before he was cancelled.


NigPost is a post from Nigeria. What’s wrong with that? I checked with the houseboy, and he agrees that NIG is a perfectly acceptable abbreviation of Nigeria. Edit- from conversations with the Dutch and German folks here, I am absolutely the least racist person in the house. You’d blush. And they are all a few years younger than me get than me. That eurodisco song didn’t come from nowhere.


More DailyNIG posts please 🙏


There will be a fair few. In other news: jollof rice is poor. It’s a sweet and spicy paste. It’s like an ingredient for a meal you would enjoy, but in its own it’s stupid. Starting to like the local Guinness though. Derek approves


I made a Nigerian beef stew before. It was very nice


Just having a steak. Derek choking back the tears. I’m choking back a whisky.


Nigerian Guinness is stronger and had a nutty flavour. I bought 4, had them after work and went to bed early. Didn't see they were 7 odd percent


> Didn’t see they were 7 odd percent Neither did I. Oops. Hmmmm


https://x.com/zarahussain999/status/1802261037913129034 Net contributor pays tribute to the safe country who gave her sanctuary


I think that account is a wind up. "Former asylum seeker" - who would actually call themself that. Post after post ranting about "British natives" and also mentioning she's on benefits. Profile pic isn't a real photo. It's all just too much.


>What type of culture is this? This is British culture…..they demand we remove our hijabs, assimilate and integrate into this culture. Is this what we want for our daughters and granddaughters? No one's forcing you to stay if you don't like it. Many native cultures in Africa, the Pacific, South America hardly wear clothes, would you criticise them?


> This is British culture…..they demand we remove our hijabs, assimilate and integrate into this culture. I fucking wish we were, then they might fuck off.


The epitome of "If you don't like it, fuck off".


Actual problem and why Islam is impossible to square in UK. Hijabs are oppressive, but this lady will resonate with fellow Muslims.  In Iran, women just want to have the freedom to wear normal clothes. But here, they see women with little clothing and the difference becomes too large. It's mad really. Just incompatible with western society.


The funny part is that people who want infinity migrants will show complete intolerance towards people with slightly different political views but want all these socially conservative people here because they are foreign and, therefore, virtuous. Twenty years ago we had people blowing up our country who believed in a slightly different version of Christianity. Yes, there is going to be a culture clash with Muslims from agricultural societies.


Iran revolution happened because commies sided with islamists. Always remember.


The full account is absolute rage bait. https://x.com/zarahussain999/status/1802225655813165348 Every time I pay tax I’m grateful she can scrounge an extra pound. I’m


Who is she?


It's probably a fake account used to wind up Gammons on Twitter, probably ran by someone with 100,000+ karma on Reddit who posts daily in the UK Politics Megathread.


Never ask a man his salary Never ask a woman her age Never search up university professors on Twitter. These are the people you are supposed to learn from.


RoseNumbers is actually three small children in an oversized brown trench coat.


Rosenumbers is actually one of the last lighthouse keepers. And that's why he's so out of touch.