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Daily NigPost: Drunk. Dutch and Germans mocking me after England game. Reminded the Dutch that they’d be speaking German without the likes of Harry ‘Bomber’ Kane and the boys. The Germans have retreated into sullen silence. The arguments over history started, and finished after I screamed “you started it by Invading Poland” and basil-fawlty-goose-stepped around the pool. Derek is in tears after Hans mocked his cooking. I have promised him self determination under a commonwealth agreement if he helps me kill the Germans and dispose of the bodies. He has gladly agreed and is sharpening a machete. I have promised the Dutch man a dark skinned prostitute in return for his silence, and he agreed before I finished the sentence. The night draws in. At full dark, we strike.


The horror, the horror


The UK subs in particular the politics sub is wildly underestimating Reform. Maybe the election night won’t be so shit after all.


Everyone is. The inherent bias in the polling companies (staffed by cosmopolitan, left wing, londoner millenials) means they are vastly underestimating what is happening outside the M25.


Who the hell could vote anything but reform in an enriched area, who wasn't themselves an enricher


I'm booking that Friday off so I can watch it all.


You know what I've just realised? The stone henge paint stuff was such an unhinged decision by JSO. It was done the day before summer solstice celebrations. Who are the some of the most likely to support JSO? Tree hugging hippies right? Who are the most likely to go to, or be interested in, summer solstice at the stones? Tree hugging hippies right? They've literally turned their core fan base against them. A truly impressive move. Now all the tree huggers will tell their vegan friends about how shit JSO are. So not only is there the obvious outrage from us normies, but the deadlocked gang will be fuming.


Late thought, but I've been working a lot of nights lately so you get my comments at bad hours. Why have individuals like Dale Vince, who have funded JSO, with both knowledge and intent, that this will lead to criminal acts, been arrested for their participation in criminal damage? Is there some awkward loophole where you can't be charged with criminal damage merely for organizing it to happen, simply because you didn't sling the paint? Or is it just more two-tier policing?


The guy behind the whole lot hasn't even been banned from social media. It's not like he's constantly cropping up on alts like actual dissidents. He has a fucking patreon. He's posting stuff about violence and revolution and has been without ban on any platform for years lol.


Because they're the good guys


This is why I don't like how some populists like Wilders exclusively focus on muslims when it comes to the cultural problems with mass immigration, other immigrant groups have cultures that are incompatible with British culture. Just look at the Hindutvas demanding the same kind of blasphemy laws as the islamists.     Labour are currently caving in to the demands of islamists, while the tories are caving in to the demands of Hindutvas.  Link below shows another Tory MP signing up to the Hindu manifesto. https://x.com/GoodwinMJ/status/1803481209927803310?t=ux6t0P5Ek9AyEudPqJhVlw&s=19


Hindu nationalists aren’t an issue in Netherlands because they are none effectively . The Dutch experience is from Islam /mena . Canada may have issues in the future however .


Can you actually blaspheme in a Dharmic religion?


Europe doesn't have much Hindu immigration afaik, it's mainly the UK. Also HinduNats don't have an issue with mainland Europeans, it's just the Brits they want to see brought down as they seek revenge for colonialism.


The Portuguese were much more active in seeking converts to Catholicism in Goa than the British administration was in seeking converts to Anglicanism. About the only Christian-majority states in the current Indian Union are in the regions near the Burmese border.


Does anyone have that nationalist propaganda video about the man whose father and grandfather and great-grandfather all worked in a market in London? I’m struggling to find it, but it was very rousing and I wanted to show my Nan.






Funniest part is it was made to mock nationalism. Backfired, especially as the prediction he says on future immigration (that the script writer intended to sound ridiculous) turned out to be an *underestimate* of what happend.


It’s incredible how anyone could’ve written that while conceiving it as mocking. It’s so powerful, almost more so than anything else I’ve seen, to the extent that it nearly brings a tear to your eye.


"England nurtured us naked, like the Oak" or something like that was a pretty powerful line tbh


Reminds me when ubisoft made this absolute banger to mock patriots, not only is the song great the lyrics are true https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O_3_-UrhZH0&pp=ygUca2VlcCB5b3VyIHJpZmxlIGJ5IHlvdXIgc2lkZQ%3D%3D


I was going to mention that actually lol.




Thanks for those bangers, many such cases, when you try to parody something but it comes out truthful and brilliant maybe you're the one who's wrong?


That just makes us seem really quite cool.




TBF John Cleese has realised his mistake and is trying to walk it back. He's a modern SDP supporter these days, leaning "Blue Labour". Can't say that for the rest of them though.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13547591/ > Misery for Rishi Sunak as poll finds he will lose his OWN seat: Trio of mega-surveys show Tories being slashed as low as 53 MPs at election Are we going to enjoy another [Portillo moment?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portillo_moment)


It would be ace if he just said fuck it, can't be arsed, catch you later.


Sunak moment just doesn't quite have the same ring to it.


A poll from Lord Ashcroft have the Tories and Reform neck and neck at 18% [https://lordashcroftpolls.com/2024/06/its-not-the-tory-policies-people-dont-like-its-the-tory-party/](https://lordashcroftpolls.com/2024/06/its-not-the-tory-policies-people-dont-like-its-the-tory-party/)


I wonder if the Conservatives and the Liberals will unite. No, stop laughing- if the Tories swing left under Mordaunt or someone, they may persuade Lilo Davey to join up. That’s a blackpill.


Stark reality there. Nobody wants Labour, but they're winning by default because the main alternative is so unelectable.


Lots of polls today. [The latest Wikipedia average has Reform on 16%](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/27/Opinion_polling_for_the_next_United_Kingdom_general_election_after_2019_%28LOESS%29.svg), which was their average around a week ago. Individual pollsters seem to be showing gains for Reform though outside of MRPs and the pollster Verian, I suspect in the coming days and next week we may see their average approach 20%.


All these polls are showing the same uptick for Big Nige, just ending at different numbers (largely because they start at different points- but the jump seems constant). What if- and bear with me- Reform is underestimated by 10%? I can see third/fourth choice parties being underestimated by models used to uniparty swings. I can also see the Shy Tory effect being even more pronounced with reform. I can see Labour underperforming in Gaza sensitive areas. What if this all adds up to a 30% vote share on the morning of the 5th? What then?


Interesting seeing such a big Labour dip. We really are a disenfranchised lot. Nobody knows who to vote for.


Starmer was never popular, he's just winning by default. I think he'll get less votes than Corbyn managed.


Agreed. I expect turnout in most places to be poor at best.


I think the pollsters are going to have egg on their face again. Reform are going to do better than expected, Tories slightly better than zero seats and labour not as much as expected as most will be eaten by the libs. I expect Labour, libs, reform, Tory. In that order.


Also all these pollsters are underestimating Worker's and Islamic independents. Some of these MRP polls don't even consider them, as if they aren't even running.


Birmingham doesn't count, I'm not even sure it's part if the commonwealth anymore.


[Ben Wallace said iirc, these guys should expect a Hellfire missile or similar for this](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ceddqglk7qgo).


Fuck that the same company has been hacked 3 times in the past year, it's just some kids looking for an easy target. They probably didn't know it was anything to do with a hospital. When CEOs start taking cyber security seriously instead of just issuing a press release that says they do, that will be a good day. Obviously that's never going to happen. It's not the CEO that gets fired it's the CISO that's been asking for budget and change for years that loses his job.


Today and this week to get my gf's codeine prescription extended by 1 (one) week, following an emergency C-section, I have had to do * 3 calls to the GP, 2 of which I was given the wrong advice by the receptionist * 2 online requests via the 'digital' online portal, which were subsequently rejected without reason. Apparently the wrong contact details were entered, despite the mobile number entered was what they called us back on the second occasion to tell us to book a doctor's appointment (which the doctor then said was not necessary and cancelled it, leaving us high and dry) * 3 visits to the pharmacy over 3 days - turns out an emergency prescription request takes 3 days to generate here who knew? This is to renew drugs for a week. In other countries you can do this with a simple explanation to the pharmacist. Do not tell me this Kafkaesque bullshit we have to do in this country is the envy of the world. It is a sap of productivity, effort and rewards the most petty bureaucracy imaginable


I like the Dubai airport pharmacy, where you go in and ask for drugs, and you get them


Having personal experience with the Dutch, Swiss and Spanish system i feel I’ve seen enough to say that they work better. There’s a middle ground between the fuck you system they have in the states and the cult like status of the NHS.


Why didn't you just use private? 15 mins get a vid call from a doc and they will sort out the script.


It's absolutely insane, I also have to say that we found the level of care from the NHS to be woeful the minute we left the hospital with our newborn and my GF in a sorry state from her C-section. It's a difficult time those early weeks.


Yeah but in America it would have cost $10,000 to extend that prescription. Would you have preferred that instead? You shouldn't be talking about the NHS like this, you are giving ammo to its enemies. I know it can be hard, but we need to be able to put up with these inconveniences sometimes for the greater good.


>It is a sap of productivity, effort and rewards the most petty bureaucracy imaginable I'm waiting 4 & 1/2 months and counting for wife's spouse visa from the Home Office. It's supposed to take 8 weeks maximum. She already has the Fiancé visa and it's exactly the same documents and proofs required, plus marriage certificate, and that application took three months last year. You can phone their phone-line but they are useless and put the phone down on you, you can't email them to see if they received the application- the only thing you can do is make a complaint- but submitting the complaint on gov.uk just spews back random server errors at. Can't get my MP to make enquiries because the election is an excuse for them to stop doing any casework- only option is possibly hiring a solicitor. The whole process in total has taken over a year now, so that's 12 months my wife could have been paying tax in the country if she had the right to work.


Visa you say? DEPO...sorry, habit.


Just drink codeine cough syrup like all the cool rappers


My wife had an emergency C Section. Horrid job, horrendous pain, terrible infection. Saved her life so can't complain. Called the GP and asked a doctor to come to her. Receptionist looked up our address. "It says here you're just up the road. Can she walk down." I almost went down there to jump the desk and punch her. Doctor arrived and was so embarrassed when she saw* the state my wife was in that she apologised profusely. NHS is sadly a botch job these days. Codeine might be enough for her but if you need something stronger you want to name drop Diclofenac. My wife had it while she was recovering from said C Section and it was the only thing that worked. It doesn't pass through breast milk and is safe for mothers and children who are feeding.


What do you mean you can’t complain? Of course you can complain it was their shitty service that caused the infection in the first place.


I don’t think you understand how fraught emergency c sections can be . They are fucking awful. It’s generally a case of get the kid out in a couple of minutes or both might die. I’ve never been more on edge than as student on labour ward .


The problem that I see time and time again is the reception mafia. They think they are the hot shots and waste so much time.


My surgery has eradicated the mafia by having you fill in an online form and getting triaged by a GP instead. You'll get a call back within an hour to either arrange an appointment or prescribe you something straight away if it is minor.


We have to do that but for some regarded reason the daft receptionist is still first line of triage. I swear they are there to annoy people so much they don't bother to get seen.


Found out recently that apparently leprosy had almost died out in Europe by the 1600s… nobody knows why as it was still as infectious as it ever was. Then it came back strongly in the 18th and 19th centuries. I’d always assumed it was just a permanent feature of life until very recently.


Another mystery is the emergence and then retreat of Tuberculosis as a major, if not leading cause of death in the 19th century. No clear reason it became prominent. No clear reason it then mostly went away before treatments were developed. Bubonic Plague is similar, where it vanished, but there is a plausible hypothesis for how. A change from wooden to stone construction leading to black rats being displaced by brown rats.


There’s a very interesting (and compelling) theory that fleas and rats have fuck all to do with the Black Death.


TB is definitely making a comeback. There have been stories about migrants taking it to the US and spreading it around, also a few cases in the UK in migrant centres.


A number of diseases we eradicated are making a comeback as I understand it. Solely due to importing people from the third world.


We didn't eradicate those diseases globally though, and that's the problem. Smallpox is the only human disease in history that has been eradicated completely, so it just takes a pocket of infection somewhere in the world and global travel and migration will spread it around again. At least we're better at treatment than we once were.


>A change from wooden to stone construction leading to black rats being displaced by brown rats. That's actually incredibly interesting wtf, odd knock on effects.


Bacterial skin infection. Everyone is just less dirty now I would guess. Cleaner bodies, clothes and sexual practices probably contribute a lot. Might be God though, need to investigate.


Why did it almost die off in the 1600s in Europe?


Did population density change?


Might be to do with the little ice age.


I honestly don't know. I'm sure there's some PhD out there who could give you all the answers lol. I would just guess an increasing focus on personal hygiene, perhaps a further understanding of disease and excluding those suffering from the disease from society, cutting off transmission chains, but I can't point to you to a specific change. After a bit of reading [this fella](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girolamo_Fracastoro) proposed a "seeds of disease" theory in the mid 1500s prior to it being further refined into germ theory.


where do these 'rapefugees welcome' types get their arguments? https://x.com/ZoeJardiniere/status/1803512614976364871 i mean ffs. 'look at the leading asylum countries to the UK in the last 5 years. the orange bars we all colonized in the past, so that means they have connections to the UK. The top country, Iran, we didn't colonize, but we destabilized it, so it's our fault too. ' Afghanistan became independent in 1919 no Afghan alive has a connection to the UK on the basis of colonialism you absolute nutter.


Feel like it's getting to the point where every other argument for it has been proven to be shit, so the revenge argument is the only one left


I used to know a girl like her, she was 19 at the time and didn't think having slept with over 50 people was a bad thing. She was an idiot and just believed anything she was told, other than if someone is forcing you to have sex, then you shouldn't be doing it, but they'll get more angry or upset was always her answer. Basically she did the things social media told her were good guy things and when she got herself into bad situations just had to put up with it because she didn't have the logic to figure it out, because it's a good guy thing to do... No wonder she was so fucked in the head.


They ALWAYS sound the same, for fuck sake. I'd love for her to move from her quaint 99% white village in the Cotswolds to Bradford or Dewsbury or Coventry or Rochdale or Birmingham or Leicester or Rotherham or Oldham or.... Fuck me the list is too long. Basically, most major cities are being overrun with vermin.


I believe she lives in North London.


Course she bloody does.


Don't worry, enrichment is reaching places like that, it's only a matter of time!


It just appeals to midwits who never ask “why?”. The Iran part is just ludicrous, Iran is actually a pretty stable country. And how many Iranian asylum seekers’ claims are based on the idea that Iran is ‘unstable’???


https://x.com/JAHeale/status/1803507448696938633 >Exc: At last night’s Surrey Heath hustings, Samantha Goggins, the Reform candidate suggested that Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative government - not General Galtieri - was to blame for the Falklands War


Breaking news rose numbers hasn't realised this is baduk not the mirror.


I mean it's partially true, Falklands was kinda left on its own with the UK being unsure what to do with it. It's been a while since I read max Hastings book on the Falklands but he mentions inaction led to there being on a sense and invitation to attack.


The Tories cut defence spending before Galtieri invaded. Perceived weakness like cutting defence invites attacks.


https://x.com/RachaelBurford/status/1803524360143249877 >New: Understand Islington North Labour CLP chair Alison McGarry resigned today after being “caught red-handed” campaigning for Jeremy Corbyn. She apparently attempted to hide behind a hedge after being spotted by “multiple witnesses”


I love the idea of attempting to hide behind a hedge, it's either a place you can hide, or not. Probably not if you are spotted attempting to hide. Why are these people always so thick?


>'multiple domestic informers'


I find it bemusing how random people are in these cushy positions for these parties that no one has ever heard of. I, too, would like to be treasurer of the North East Scotland branch of any party of your choosing.


She's the chair of the Constituency Labour party in one North London constituency (Islington North). Wouldn't that be an unpaid (essentially) voluntary position?


>I, too, would like to be treasurer of the North East Scotland branch of any party of your choosing. And you most definitely can, just have rightthink.


Just don’t do it for the SNP. Or do, if you need a new caravan.


Labour, Labours own worst enemy




The media doesn’t have the power it used to have. UK politicians need to stop being scared of them. Worry about what the media say is what fucked over the Tories.


It's really easy. Stop having social media. Don't talk to the press unless I'm telling you what to say, keep your head down and work hard. Not very difficult. If the blob or media say anything just ignore it and don't react.


unless they find my reddit accounts all behind free vpns, top tier protect im sure, im fine




nah, i'll be Nige's trusted deputy soon, then take over


G\_F enjoys hikes, likes dogs and enjoys a steak and the occasional pint take that express vpn sponsored false anonimity


That's only what I say on my getting silly bints on dating apps mate


Pull the other one lol


Maybe all I had to do on dating apps was copy some Deano profile, and I'd be fending them off.


Lol I was only messing, just seen one of my ex's on tinder, looks like she's actually tarted herself up, but hey single is better than an ex. The ex is hexed as they say lol.


Every woman south of the river is now safe, he's already been through all of them and isn't going back


I expect they will subject Reform MP's to a level of scrutiny unlike any other party so they can find cause to bring corruption cases against them. Same treatment disrupters in the EU Parliament receive.


Farage needs to go full Trumpian and just start handwaving such comments away as "irreverent nonsense that normal people say" (whether that be "locker room talk" or "pub talk") while going on the offensive with the media ("fake news"). Farage seems better at defending his candidates than Tice, although he has a red line with endorsing the BNP in the past (as he previously did with UKIP). Also worth noting that it seems like Galloway is about to blow up Hope Not Hate, so they won't be able to dig up anything as they likely won't exist soon.




See my previous comment, it's not hard as long as they can do as they are told, until they are in power the rest of them can just fuck off as they are only making up the numbers and are most likely going to fuck it up every time they open their mouths.


The so called “PR training” just makes you sound like a robot, like (almost) every mainstream politician That being said, Reform seem to have literally picked the first people to offer themselves for the role, and that’s showing to have some pretty dire consequences. Farage will need to be a Galloway, not a Tice.


They don't need traditional PR training. just know how to deal with an aggressive media. The average reform voter doesn't care if the candidates have had the occasional spicy twitter take if the candidate has the charisma and fortitude to shrug it off and redirect the attack back on the attackers. Problem is that Galloways and Farages are not a dime a dozen and their charisma and ability to rise above media witch hunts and come out still popular with their base has come from having years in the game and I imagine a lot of trial and error. These candidates are going to be rough and ready and liable to say some dumb shit but if they are allowed to weather the storm then in a few years those who have the right talent and character will surely rise to the top. if they are deselected and replaced then the new candiates will either make the same mistakes or will be over coached and lack the authenticity that appeals to reform voters. At the end of the day reform only has to appeal to reform voters, not metropolitan media or hope not hate or whomever else.




Frost yes, but no not Hannan. That guy is a 100% Tory and he’d never switch parties.


>big daddy DomCum That's what he made his bullied victims call him


By-election season! Good point though. Even in the interview with Nick Ferrari, Farage admitted that some of those standing have rather undesirable quotes, but he just blamed it on the election being called so suddenly so they couldn't vet properly.


What reform should do in that scenario is dig up every single anti-white comment made by various Labour MPs and use it as a whataboutism against the blob.


They need to go full "whataboutism". For Labour and Greens point to anti-semitism. For Tories point to corruption and scandals.


https://x.com/GoodwinMJ/status/1803492522116915232 --- Labour 35% Reform 24% Conservatives 15% Liberal Democrats 12% Greens 8% SNP 3% --- Some thoughts 1) This is currently an outlier 2) People Polling did pick up on the Tory collapse before a lot of other pollsters did 3) Matt Goodwin claims this is using the same methodology as their previous polls, which had Reform UK on 19% and 10%. The momentum is definitely behind Reform UK and if these results are replicated across other pollsters, I think it's a safe bet we will see a complete realignment of British politics, the death of the Conservative party and a new right-wing force in Britain.


If Goodwin calls this right, he is made for life. If he calls this wrong, he’s a stooge for the far right and a laughing stock. Interesting position to be in Edit: he has to be bloody sure, like bet your house sure. If he says this now, on record, he has two weeks to be proved wrong, and tarnished with the above label. So he is betting he is right, *and will remain right*. So it comes down to his confidence in his methodology versus other polling companies. Do we think he is better at understanding institutional bias than they are?




>People Polling did pick up on the Tory collapse before a lot of other pollsters did Any evidence for this?


On BBC 2 some perfectly normal teenage girl is talking about how she was waiting a year for an ADHD diagnosis on the NHS, so eventually had to go private, and she feels people really underplay how terrible it is to have ADHD because some tasks seem underwhelming and living on her own can be really difficult. I'd vote for anybody who just was straight with people and tell them that ADHD, Fibromyalgia and other blue-hair diseases don't actually exist, and they just need to need to improve their impulse control, uninstall TikTok, or get off their arse once in a while.


I've had people tell me that I must be weaponised autistic because my brain doesn't work correctly, but it's clearly just the evolution of the species as I have no issue going to the pub, talking to strangers, and have a really good job that most people couldn't do. Also not a virgin. Maybe I should get a certificate just to irritate standard arr UK people? Also I own a house, but here's the tell tale, too much it kit (who needs a £4k not apple laptop?) and a cat. Will pay the cat tax if requested.


They do exist, but the impact on them as described is blown out of proportion. *vaguely gestures at war veterans with blown off limbs who kept on going*


"Stephen Hawking had five jobs you lazy bastard"


Actually true though


They don't. There are a whole host of diagnoses that are just attempts by people to shift stuff in their control to stuff outside their control by pathologising it. These are total first world problems which don't actually exist in developing countries where people actually have real problems- you don't get rice farmers in Vietnam going "ah I can't do any farming today because of my ADHD, so i guess I'll starve instead". The brain is highly plastic, so yes, if you constantly give it loads of short-term dopamine rewards and constant stimulus it's going to rewire itself, strengthen the wrong neural pathways, and you'll find it hard to concentrate. But this doesn't need SSRIs or other drugs to deal with (which now get prescribed for ADHD and anxiety). It just needs some self-control, self-discipline and mindfulness. These are things most world religions, particularly Protestantism, used to give people, but people have now lost that and live in these hedonic loops which they no longer have the means within themselves to control.


Devil's advocate - do they really test for things like this in developing countries/areas? >if you constantly give it loads of short-term dopamine rewards and constant stimulus it's going to rewire itself, strengthen the wrong neural pathways, and you'll find it hard to concentrate. Seems like a pathology, no? >self-control, self-discipline and mindfulness Also called a medical pathway to fix the pathology. I agree these diseases are overblown, but they most definitely *exist*. I largely agree with you, just not the idea that they're non-existent. They're lazy people diseases for the most part, but they're just that, *diseases*.


and they have to live around different culture (and classes) now, which just makes some people confused as hell.. and nothing can be the truth, because you can't admit some ways of behaving are just inferior


I'm not sure people really disagree it's inferior, just that we shouldn't make their life harder for it.


I'm talking about the woke chuck everyone in together society we have to live in sending people mad, or thinking they're mad when they're fine.


Oh if you mean stuff like bringing other cultures in and not stopping them doing stuff like going after that Batley teacher "because racism", then im in agreement with you. It's madness.




Tbh never really felt like there is much difference in classes in the uk. Feels rather old hat. Went to a state school with all sorts from poor to upper class and the kids all got on just fine regardless of background. Reminds me of the old north v south thing, still see people talk about it on reddit. Went to Uni near the North and the Northerners acted like it was a real thing and us Southeners were just confused why anyone would care about North v South. No young person in the South has any beef with Manchester or Yorkshire. The northern uni students just seemed think we cared as much as they did.


Didn't seem to happen in mine at all.. I mean, there was, but a lot of class segregation. People spoke differently, and that was the signal you were from the other class. Most working class kids didn't see school as anything, and proudly failed their GCSEs, some middle class kids who weren't that clever, joined in with this..


>some ways of behaving are just inferior Based You mean I *shouldn't* shit on the floor?


So, what you're trying to say Jordan, is that a proud bomalian tradition is wrong


[Tory candidate investigated for betting on election date](https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1803542917111488709?t=O3ZZQoKHl-7hkZuqYrzUUw).


Bookie loses out to customer one time. Stop the count! Bookies offer bets on events that have happened in the past. Some people will know about these events. Some of these people will bet on them. If you have an issue with this, don't make the fucking market. Gambling Commission getting involved is also fucking ludicrous. Why? The Commission is there (in theory) to help customers...guess who they end up acting for most of the time? Just like all the other nonsense regulatory bodies that get money under the table from corporates (this isn't "cheating" btw, someone knowing about the event before it occurs isn't "cheating", cheating is fiddling with the roulette wheel...which never happens, bookies say that anyone who makes money from them is cheating).


I admire and agree with your take.


I never get to call the police when my dead cert doesn't win, why do they?


What’s your nap in the 14:15? Need a good start at Ascott


Also ascott started yesterday...


Read the form dude


You should take up a column in the paper giving out golden tips like this


I've got a proper job, that's why I get taxed so much.


I mean, you probably shouldn't be allowed to gamble on something you explicitly have inside knowledge on, especially of this magnitude.




Kinda goes against the principle, and from a game theory point of view, why would I want someone with better knowledge having access to the same market as I?


Ok, very obvious one, my uncle used to be a horse trainer. Changing the shoes and the jockey makes a big difference, now you can change them at pretty much any time before the off. Do if you've got an ok horse with steel and the stable lad on it, maybe 13/1, change to aluminium and Frankie detorie, and you are suddenly 7/2.


...allowed by who? I don't even understand the scenario you are posing. Yes, it happens all the time. As I just explained: bookmakers offer markets on events IN THE PAST. If you offer markets on events that have already happened, you are accepting the risk that some people may know the outcome. That isn't your fault. They do not have "inside knowledge", they have knowledge. There is no concept of an "insider" in gambling markets (or, as people incorrectly assume, in most financial markets). Your employer is allowed to prohibit you from gambling, the Gambling Commission is not allowed to do so. This hits at multiple vectors of retardation: the civil servant becoming involved in everything, people crying to the government constantly, corporates using their political power...just think through what you are fucking saying. Should the government intervene to stop bookmakers losing money? You don't seem to understand that the result of this is going to be a massive expansion of state power (we spend billions annually on busy work for lawyers defining when someone is an insider, governing the custody of information...a simpler idea: how about we just decide not to pay people to do pointless things).


>bookmakers offer markets on events IN THE PAST I honestly can't parse this sentence, what do you mean? >They do not have "inside knowledge", they have knowledge. If the you're a friend of the PM, and he tells you when it'll be, that's inside knowledge, no? >..just think through what you are fucking saying. Calm down lol. No, the commission should intervene in foul play a la football.


What is unclear? Bookmakers offer markets on events that have already happened. These events have many "insiders". Some bookmakers choose not to make these markets because of the risk, some do. The Gambling Commission does not get involved because it is up to bookmakers to take the risk. Cripplingly stupid. No, because "inside knowledge" as you mean it is a well-defined legal term. The term does not apply to most financial markets (again, contrary to what people think), it certainly does not apply to gambling. There is only information, information is used in every market (this is also why "insider information" is defined as "material non-public" legally...it doesn't actually mean "inside" information, it is very specific kinds of information). Calm down? Are you getting upset about something? Ah, ofc...we should trust the civil servants to define "foul play"...there will be no issues with that whatsoever. Again, think through what you are fucking saying, you retard. The Gambling Commission should not intervene in "foul play" because gambling companies will ask them to intervene every time they lose money (which, btw, already happens...we are spending hundreds of millions on AML rules in gambling, they are used to limit bookmaker losses...they are nothing to do with money-laundering...again, the alternative is that we don't ask customers to pay hundreds of millions for lawyers and admins to do pointless things). And, again, there is no foul play here. Someone knew the outcome of the market before it was announced publicly. This kind of thing happens in: transfer events, most TV show markets, line-ups, it happens in almost every event. It is very normal, bookmakers have systems in place to prevent this, risk is part of the business. Bookies were trying to get the police to arrest people for doing something like this in horse-racing at every race for the past three years or so...if only we could hand the Gambling Commission unlimited powers to protect bookmaker profits!


>Bookmakers offer markets on events that have already happened. Could you point me to one? I'd love to bet on something that already has an outcome. Sounds like easy money. >Again, think through what you are fucking saying, you retard. Fucking hell, take your meds. >It is very normal. So, what's your point? This is a targeted attack by the bookies using the gambling commission as a vehicle to get their money back..?


Love Island. I think some places still book WWE. Almost every TV event. It is not limited to that: horse races, tennis, there are many well-known examples (these cases do require some thought, your self-indulgent "sounds like easy money" indicates a lack of intellectual capacity). Oh no, nasty man exposing my retardation on the internet. Grow up. Yes, they do this to deter other people from doing it. They try to get the police to arrest people, they use AML laws, they use sporting bodies/clubs, everything. They also do this to deter competition, TV events used to drive massive volume but people always found a way to get the result (one of the big polling companies started this way), there was a case a few years ago where a producer leaked the result and this was used to deter competition in the product...which it did.


>Oh no, nasty man exposing my retardation on the internet. Grow up. Did you just assume my gender? Well, thanks for your informative perspective, even if doused in schizo. I agree the companies are shady, I vaguely remember them getting uber mad at people at tennis matches who would sit courtside and place bets prior to the umpire registering the decision.


MasterChef winner etc


Ohhhhh now I see what they mean. Finally, someone with a brain giving an answer instead of a schizo rant.


How can one be so dim? Aren't they paid pretty handsomely?


An agreement which ended violence around an Orange Order parade dispute in north Belfast has collapsed. Talks to maintain the 2016 deal broke down last week, with a march past Ardoyne shops now being sought on the evening of 12 July. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cp66xg9n137o.amp


Explain like I'm English?


Orange Order want to march on a route which passes through a Nationalist area. Obviously this leads to trouble so the agreement allowed them to march in the morning but not in the evening. Most people in Belfast are fed up this rubbish whether it is the Orange Order or those dissident pricks in Derry holding unauthorised marches and shooting at police. The Orange Order itself is a bit odd organisation. Stuff like [this.](https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2011/sep/15/unionists-orange-order-kerr-funeral) Unionist politicians couldn't attend the funeral of Catholic PSNI officer. Members aren't allowed to marry Catholics.


>trouble No pun intended I hope. Anyway, thanks for explaining.


Unintended pun.


Reform candidate - Eating tinned food makes you change jender. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/19/reform-uk-candidate-suggested-tinned-food-could-cause-gende/ He may be onto something, I developed breasts after eating tinned meats.


It's those damned Fray Bentos pies.


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fpolitics%2F2024%2F06%2F19%2Freform-uk-candidate-suggested-tinned-food-could-cause-gende%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/19/reform-uk-candidate-suggested-tinned-food-could-cause-gende/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just said now on BBC News at Ten that a second Conservative candidate, Laura Saunders standing in Bristol Southwest is being investigated by the Gambling Commission over a bet on the election being called.


[Matthias “Merf” Merf has his address leaked](https://x.com/merf_sdp/status/1803509856810176568) Probably not a good idea lad, I can absolutely see some fucking Twitter nutcase doing something terrible as a “joke” I don’t understand why all candidates don’t hide their address, just seems like a risk with no upside


Amuses me seeing those addresses. The Green candidate is Barton Seagrave, which is the upper-middle class area of Kettering and is highly likely be a large detached house, and the Lib Dem is Maida Vale of all places. Now I know that Maida Vale has some shit council flats in some parts, but we’re talking about a prospective MP here who would have to put down a four figure deposit just to stand in the election. These are the same sort who bang on about taxing the rich, private schools etc, while wanting unlimited immigration.




Absolutely what I’m saying, it just doesn’t make sense why you would publically announce your address to every politically active person in your constituency, certainly a non zero chance that some nutcase will use that information


Maybe he thinks he's hard and battering a nutter will increase his vote share/ remove one of the opposition?


Hahahahahahaha https://x.com/Mikey1732/status/1803512307764568459?t=mJvy6vGqwrTSb83EsWjlyw&s=19


Rose's X burner account


[SDP mentioned on Radio 4](https://x.com/WilliamClouston/status/1803535844827079056) Premium!


[Searches relating to the SDP have reached an all time high after party broadcast](https://x.com/eraiwo/status/1803435524624932881) Premium!


They are all just trying to find the blonde girl's only fans...




100 is a generic number that just means “highest” on Google Trends 50, as a result, means half of the all time high and so forth


People wondering what an SDP is.


I believe it is a Travis Scott song.


Never in my life did I think I would I see a Travis Scott reference on this sub.




[George Galloway raising Rochdale grooming gangs in Parliament](https://youtu.be/KFQYUB7Ws38)