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The problem with summer is not the daytime, it's bullshit like 17 degrees at midnight. Bring on 25 daytime, 10 nighttime please.


This is Reform's candidate in Salisbury: https://www.salisburyjournal.co.uk/news/24407670.reform-uk-salisbury-candidate-says-putin-seemed-good/ >THE man standing for Reform UK in Salisbury has come under fire after he said Vladimir Putin "seemed very good". >Julian Malins KC told a hustings audience that the Russian president "is not the Austrian gentleman with a moustache come alive again" on Sunday evening, June 23. >This was in response to a public question about whether Mr Malins' government would continue to support Ukraine. >Acknowledging that thousands of young Ukrainian and Russian men were dying as he spoke, Mr Malins added: "We support diplomacy. We support every possible effort to reach a compromise and a settlement over the issues in Ukraine. >"That is what the adults in the room do. Stop the killing and negotiate a proper settlement." >"I have actually met Putin and had a 10-minute chat with him and he seemed very good. He is not the Austrian gentleman with a moustache come alive again." >Boos and looks of disgust were directed towards Mr Malins, who does not live in Salisbury, after he made this statement. >A member of the public, who has housed two Ukrainian refugees for the last two years, then accused Mr Malins of being out of touch. >She said: "I can't believe what I've just heard. >"How can you in Salisbury, where we had Novichok on our streets, say that?"


I applaud the attempt but this is leopards eating faces territory. What exactly did you think this sub was?


Rose this is far more concerning https://x.com/cdp1882/status/1804063996611305814


> The red wall is going to go back to voting Labour, the way they have for the last century. They don't believe in capitalism, so they were always going to revert back. > Rose 25/05/2024


Wait. There are people in this sub who thought that the Tories were going to hold on to the red wall? People actually thought it was something other than a one time thing to get Brexit done?


Yes. They're from the Matt Goodwin School. You'll hear them chuntering on about.... (wait for it)... the **REALIGNMENT**.


a) Salisbury is not in the red wall b) not sure what the red wall has to do with Putin c) if you look at election results for the last century, the red wall is hard-core Labour. They're socialists not capitalists. (Labour has always described themselves as either socialists or since Blair, democratic socialists. The red wall knows this, when they vote Labour they're endorsing socialism and rejecting capitalism).


But Rose tell us more about how the hijab is the same as a shawl worn by women and why this justifies mass immigration from the third world.


Were you thrilled when Putin killed a woman in Salisbury? Did you say to yourself, "That's very good".


Were you thrilled when the net migration numbers for last year came out? Did you say to yourself, "That's very good. This will have enormous benefits for our country".


a) The numbers of skilled workers are coming down b) you praising Putin for spreading nerve gas isn't going to bring migration down. Only a Tory govt can bring it down. A Labour govt opposed by 2 Reform MPs praising Putin won't.


> skilled workers šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I hope Keir comes for your pension


The Conservatives have showed us that they are unwilling to reduce immigration - what makes you think you can trust them when they have been lying to us for more than a decade?


a) Nice try. You still raised them to record levels. b) Please tell me where I or anyone else on here praised Putin. It's like going back in time and talking to a passenger on the Titanic before she sank. Maybe that's why Sunak went to Belfast.


> Only a Tory govt can bring it down Like the Grand Old Duke of York, the Tories marched us up that hill, and only they can bring us down again.


I must have really touched a nerve for you to do multiple rose block of texts to hide the chain laughing at you. Why not just detail your real thoughts about magic soil for the class to learn about?


I replied to you - and I note that you couldn't respond to any of the points I made. And Lol at a Putin arselicker like yourself objecting to me posting an article about Reform's candidate in Salisbury.


Looks like your reply got caught by some auto filter. The last thing you actually said to me was; >P.S As Maggie used to say, when you resort to insults, you've lost the argument. Fortunately this means that your above comment is once again conceding that you have lost the argument. P.s my objection is the wall of text (as many do for you) not the content, unlike you I don't engage in sexual acts with random foreigners.


I've noticed they do that, when they're on the defensive. It's not a good look. That said, it's straight out of the "misconstrue and strawman" playbook they've been hitting Farage with over the past few days. All so pathetic.




The leader guy cracks me up every time without fail. Don't see it for a few months, then out of nowhere he bestows upon us his prophecy on a random comment chain and really brightens my day.










Itā€™s a good thing that we have a good range of opinions on here. The ā€œdissident rightā€ discourse on places like Twitter can be absolutely schizophrenic at times because these people donā€™t engage with reality or anyone who would even remotely challenge what theyā€™re saying. Between the hyperliberal mainstream and the schizophrenic, often conspiratorial and almost always pessimistic ā€œdissident rightā€, this forum genuinely is one of the only places that to at least some extent captures the thoughts of the man on the street. A toast to you all, and may it continue!








Can I have access please? (If you have time)


Me too please


This is the funniest thing I have seen all day https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cpddee424g3o > Axel Pritchedd is non-binary and moved into Phoenix House after being forced to leave their shared house. > They said: "I did say I was non-binary, but they kind of dismissed it. They kept calling me she/her. I didn't feel comfortable in there at all. I can be myself here [at Phoenix House] whereas I couldn't be myself at my old place."


S/heā€™s literally wearing clown makeup


The Joker, specifically.


someone's played noughts and crosses on her forehead


Their authentic self ^^_TM_


U.S. officials have denied rumors that Russia shot down a U.S. drone over the Black Sea https://x.com/bnodesk/status/1805356679070138563?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


https://x.com/ytfc/status/1805293579646255170 Yeovil supports open borders. EDIT: found the ā€œoffending stickerā€ and itā€™s glorious https://x.com/socialengland66/status/1804921723281625484


Interesting, so Yeovil Town FC support law breaking?


> support law breaking Sweaty, you havenā€™t read the ā€œright side of historyā€ memo, have you?


We welcomed our foreign invaders with open arms. Take our women Our jobs Our homes Our cities Our childrens futures We are not worthy oh foreign one, we bow to your hairy flip flop feet.


So yeovil wants bomalians to drow in the channel?


Twitter isnā€™t working for me. Context?


Yeovil Town say some naughty fans have used stickers in Germany with a doctored crest saying ā€œstop the boatsā€. Theyā€™ve then said what a raysist horrible thing this is / open borders = good.


Iā€™m guessing the comments are full of sensible people saying that illegal migration and breaking the law is bad, actually OR ā€œsensibleā€ people on football Twitter who think people who want to reduce migration must just hate brown people


The ones my algorithm allowed me to see were based and daring to say illegal migration is illegal.


I hate when football clubs think they can lecture the public about politics and morality. Lads, youā€™re paid to kick a polyurethane ball around for 90 minutes, and considering youā€™re in league 2 you canā€™t even do that properly. Youā€™re not an authority on this matter! Footballers and football clubs just act with so much authority whenever they do political bullshit like this. Where does your fucking authority come from? The fact that you have a billionaire owner whoā€™s able to pay for people slightly better at kicking a ball than the other billionaire owners? I like football, but theyā€™re not an authority on anything that doesnā€™t involve putting a ball into the back of a net.


the oiks might listen to their heros and be good little boys, who don't say any bad words about anyone, don't notice bad things, and are just as delusional as some middle class fools


Even though it's a meme, polite society is really leaning into fash vis stickers aren't they?


The Fat Slags support net 0 immigration


https://x.com/thepublicanow/status/1805005395611488550 Coming to a city near you!


in the name of equality


And a kinder, gentler, politics.


Well, it's getting to the crux of the issue. Money is inequality, but there's something else many people think is more important than money. And we cannot have communist utopia, until, state sanctioned ******'s for all.


In world in which words are deemed more harmful than actions, these cases are to be expected.


Fucking krauts. I hate restorative and rehabilitative justice. How many innocent people must it destroy - and their utopian end goal is increasingly further away too.Ā  20 year old woman... Radicalising the youth by defending gang grapasts. Fucking please be an afterlife because these morals are getting sickening.


lol https://www.salisburyjournal.co.uk/news/24407670.reform-uk-salisbury-candidate-says-putin-seemed-good/


Dumb af


https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/live/c1ddd9xge50t?post=asset%3A332095e1-6648-41a6-ab03-fe69c6d6ff7b#post Can we give Rose _(wo)man-of-the-election_ and compare?


> Migrants in France ā€˜waiting for Labour governmentā€™ > Sir Keir Starmer has vowed to scrap Rwanda deportation flights on ā€˜day oneā€™ if his party wins power https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/24/migrants-labour-government-crossing-channel-rwanda/


Telegraph scare story to try and shock Reform voters into switching. Wonā€™t work. The use of the word ā€˜scrapā€™ is a little confusingā€¦


Exactly. Scrap implies its still there when its already been cancelled by the tories


France isnā€™t safe right now. It said on the news that a woman near Paris was killed by Wolves. So itā€™s clearly a dangerous place. Also they need kicking out of the Premiership if theyā€™re doing that on tour.


Well they have cemeteries in France, so France is not safe. A church of England vicar said she had seen them on question time


He can't scrap something that doesn't exist.


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fpolitics%2F2024%2F06%2F24%2Fmigrants-labour-government-crossing-channel-rwanda%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/24/migrants-labour-government-crossing-channel-rwanda/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/24/farage-views-on-putin-wrong-and-weird/ >Nigel Farage is right to say he is consistent. He argued for placating Vladimir Putin during Russiaā€™s invasion of Crimea in 2014, blaming the European Union. He did the same during Putinā€™s invasion of all Ukraine in February 2022. He does the same now. This consistency has no virtue, however, because its premise was always false. >It flies in the face of the fact that Putinā€™s version of history is, like Hitlerā€™s in the 1930s, a fiction designed to justify aggression. This column is no fan of European Union foreign policy, but it is not the EUā€™s fault that Putin broke the post-Cold War agreement which Russia made with the West to grant independence to Ukraine in return for Kyiv giving up its nuclear weapons. >Can Mr Farage identify a single moment, after Putin reopened this issue, when he offered good-faith negotiations? He has said the West should not ā€œpoke the Russian bear with a stickā€, but what is one supposed to do when the bear, unpoked, lumbers forward, seeking whom it may devour? >I am curious to know why Mr Farage is making this electoral play now. Is he slightly crazed by his desire to eclipse Ukraineā€™s most active defender, Boris Johnson, or by his adulation of Donald Trump or by the dream of winning an imagined Munich Peace Prize? I find his intervention surprising because Mr Farage likes popularity. There is little sign that waving the white flag to tyrants is popular with British voters. >Polling by Crosby Textor, conducted shortly before the general election was called, shows consistently high British support for Ukraine in the war, with 80 per cent rating Putin least favourably of all world leaders (President Zelensky being the only world leader rated favourably by most), whereas Mr Farage thinks the Russian autocrat miles ahead of our leaders. >The poll broke down peopleā€™s views by party allegiance and by dividing ā€œIntended Conservativesā€ from ā€œConservative defectorsā€. The views are very similar across party. It is true that the Tory defectors are somewhat more sceptical about the war in Ukraine than the party loyalists but, even so, most support both Ukraine and the present Governmentā€™s policy on the subject. >The Farage defeatist clarion call from Clacton to Kyiv feels silly, perhaps worse than silly. >Ivanā€™s tale: From investment banker to frontline fighter >I was in Ukraine last week, at a conference in the port of Odessa. In its margins, I met a youngish Crimean-born man called Ivan. Despite being a US-educated investment banker ā€“ the poor usually bear the brunt of war ā€“ he volunteered in February 2022. He applied for the elite 10 Mountain Assault Brigade (ā€œI thought I could be their finance dude, but I became an infantrymanā€). After two weeks of exiguous training ā€œwith only half a clip of ammoā€, he was sent to Bakhmut, which was to fall to the Russians in May 2023 after 10 months of ferocious fighting. >In its first combat deployment there, Ivanā€™s company found themselves surrounded. For 10 days, they fought all day and all night, their positions shelled non-stop for the last three. Typically, in a position of 10 men, two would be shooting, a couple more passing the ammunition and the other six crouching, ā€œparalysed with fearā€. >Such fear is not rebuked by comrades ā€“ ā€œEveryone understandsā€ ā€“ but it must be overcome to survive. ā€œIf you refuse an order, you become cannon fodder.ā€ Ivan was one of these terrified six at first, depending utterly on a veteran sergeant of the Crimean invasion, the period during which Mr Farage was first publicly arguing that Russia should be appeased. ā€œIā€™m going to f---ing kill you unless you start shooting!ā€, the sergeant shouted. At first, Ivan jumped up, ā€œSomali-styleā€, shooting wildly into the air. After a bit, he learnt to be useful. >The assault brigadeā€™s opponents were the Wagner group, divided between mercenary veterans of the Afghan, Syrian and Chechen campaigns and prison inmates released with Russian promises of pardon and money. The latter were often without bullet-proof vests and overloaded with ammunition and grenades. They would charge and be killed in huge quantities. The mercenaries would then advance, using their dead comrades as cover and raiding their corpses for their kit. >In the face of such assaults, those defending Ivanā€™s unitā€™s flank ran away. After six days of being ordered via Starlink that they must do ā€œjust one more dayā€, he and his comrades were told to break out. They managed to slip through the woods undetected, but came under heavy fire as they fled in the pick-up that came for them on the other side. None was injured. ā€œIn 15 minutes, we were in a place where you could sit safely and play the guitar.ā€ >Ivan was resting in just such a place when a vehicle arrived so loaded with dead and wounded that its floor was slopping with blood. His order was to ā€œget into that pick-up and go where it will take youā€. He said the anticipation of what would happen on that journey was ā€œthe worst fearā€. He served for seven months in Bakhmut, without home leave. He was concussed four times, in the end so severely that he was discharged. He still cannot cope with noisy rooms and sometimes gets disoriented walking downstairs. Now he runs a defence acquisition company with an R&D centre in Ukraine, manufacturing in the Baltics and a holding company in Britain. >Ivanā€™s account, though striking, is just one of thousands in this war. I juxtapose it with Mr Farageā€™s view because the contrast is instructive.


Rose you are nuts if you think anyone is going to vote for your failed party just because Farage has made some soft remarks on Ukraine. Like literally how can you be so out of touch? Be afraid! You need the tough, strong-man Tories to protect you from Putin? Do you know how you party is perceived right now? Nobody would trust you to protect them from an angry toddler never mind Putin.


Classic rose hiding comments he doesn't like with a wall of text.


> I juxtapose it with Mr Farageā€™s view because the contrast is instructive. This is meaningless guff that is meant to sound intelligent but fails. How is it instructive? How is it even contrasting? I donā€™t think Farage would claim that thereā€™s no Ukrainians willing to fight.


He's just highlighting Farage's defeatist surrender monkey tendencies.


Charity begins at home. You need to secure the home front first if you want your countrymen to make sacrifices to protect another country abroad.


Where did Farage say that Ukraine should surrender?


Ukraine's war relies on Western backing. If the West tells Ukraine they have to make peace, Russia will see it as weakness and double down to extract the hardest terms they can get. That would probably involve their core aims: - Donbas provinces ceded to Russia. - Ukraine pledges not to join NATO (so they're defenseless when Russia inevitably does another land-grab in 5-10 years). - No reparations to Ukraine obviously lmao.


In his Telegraph article.


> I am curious to know why Mr Farage is making this electoral play now. Is he slightly crazed by his desire to eclipse Ukraineā€™s most active defender, Boris Johnson, Because he was asked a question about it on the BBC the other night and the entire media class have been working in overdrive to smear him ever since.


The media are just like the cartoon where a creature smashes everything up and then says ' now what?' our media is so demoralising and it's probably not going so far as to say it has held the country back either When I see Robert Preston or the other ones I know they couldn't give a flying fuck about the UK, they are just there to make some cash and try to look clever.


Rose that is not going to stop people voting for Farage. Like any modern Righty, his points about the domestic scene prove salient enough for the electorate to ignore his room temperature IQ takes on foreign policy. And of course at heart this is very much a protest vote.


This is where my feelings are. I want us to support Ukraine and, if anything, *escalate* our involvement in destroying the Russian war effort. But I also feel that mass immigration at home is a more immediate concern for us.


We don't care, zero seats.


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fnews%2F2024%2F06%2F24%2Ffarage-views-on-putin-wrong-and-weird%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/24/farage-views-on-putin-wrong-and-weird/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We should have a thread for the 12th of July and parades. The Ulstermen are a people who truly cherish their British identity, we should salute them on their most triumphant day.


Interesting fact, 12th of July is also in a sense England's birthday, as it was on that day in 927AD that the monarchs recognised Ɔthelstan as the first King of the English. Happy 1097th birthday everyone, the big 1100 is just around the corner!


Why? They'll all be outside. And you'll just attract a couple of online Irish instead.


Thought it would be cool to have a BadUK watch along


[Sky News tells you what a hospital is](https://x.com/SkyNews/status/1805303582742188293) What is a hospital?


It's a big building full of patients but that's not important right now.


Shirley you can't be serious.


I speak jive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Lt7U7NJZf0


I so need to watch Police Squad and Airplane again.


[Ed West with a bad Bond opinion](https://x.com/edwest/status/1805229043433812086) WARNING: JAMES BOND RANT I think thereā€™s an argument for Craigā€™s bond becoming stale by NTTD, but one of the seriesā€™ great strengths is the thematic changes and differing interpretations of the role that occur every time a new actor is cast into the part (the most obvious example being the dramatic shift between the jovial, light hearted Moore and the gritty, flemingesque Dalton). A bond film that takes a thematic departure from Craig (and preferably has the films be standalone adventures, as opposed to interconnected like the Craig films) would be a good, much needed rejuvenation of the series Also, this idea that the series has ā€œgot badā€ is rather weird when Casino Royale and Skyfall are considered to be top tier bond films (although Spectre wasā€¦letā€™s not speak about it)


>A bond film that takes a thematic departure from Craig ... would be a good You'll get black, woke Bond and you'll like it!


That new Dr Who is quitting soon, 'd be ideal for the role.


*Liked by Charlie Higson*


The "got bad" lines are just rhetorical framing for when they do whatever ill-fated bollocks they have planned. Not really a "bond fan" but all this entertainment gossip shit always goes the same year after year.


Bond was doing bad so we cast a black woman into the part and the main villain is named ā€œFigel Narageā€


Well I like Rose. The Tories have done a lot for this country. When I was a kid, if you wanted to experience the food, the atmosphere, and the culture of some third world shithole country, you used to have the rigmarole of arranging vaccinations against all their dirty diseases, dad had to go to the bank to get some foreign money, either find or renew the passports, book expensive flights, hotels, rental car... Now I can just get the bus to Preston. How much more efficient is that.


You donā€™t even have to go that far. Central Drive, whilst always been a shithole is slowly becoming little Bomalia Iā€™ve noticed. Same with the town end of Lytham Road.


what was in that third baby cham?


Who needs an empire when you can just turn your country into an empire theme park? That will show the ingrates who didn't appreciate our benevolent rule.


This is unironically what the diversity cultists believe. (While living in their 95% white suburb.)


In case anyone missed it. Rose thinks a bomalian is British (official Tory statement). >She's born in Britain and is the daughter of a genuine refugee. Her family were from Haifa, and they can't go back because Israel doesn't allow the right of return. Britain is literally her only home. This is classic Tory where anyone can be British (as long as they pay the entrance fee), there is nothing special about the natives and exactly how they leave the door open for the more radical destruction of this country. This is why the Tories must die, they aren't just woefully incompetent, they hold views which are self destructive to the country. Also to my surprise, it's ok to speak about rose's fetish for sucking Indian cock here without getting banned. I thought the mods would want to keep his secret but maybe they see this as fair game for all his insults.


Ooh, I've got a treat to read as I scroll further down. Can't wait. Also, MAGIC SOIL!!!!!


Rose is sad now but she'll have the time of her life posting stats and articles in here as Labour destroy the country.


Sheā€™s gone from ā€œthe planes will definitely flyā€ to ā€œcheck out these amazing immigrantsā€ in record time now that reform are chomping at their heels.


Well seeing as the Tories have already scrapped Rwanda, shes gotta seemlessly do a 180


I have to question Rose's motives, she's a boomer with children and seems to have conservative instincts, but accepts, denies or lies (depending on the mood she wakes up in) about the Bomalianisation of the country. This is the same Rose who regularly posts about how northerners vote against the Tories because they clamped down on benefit fraud, lol. A bomalian is more welcome in her country than a northerner it seems. Kinda done with the whataboutism, statistics spamming, snidey little Keeping Up Appearances remarks etc. I really hope she's getting paid for her posting because if not it's regarded.


She's definitely either being paid or is a masterful troll


Wasn't Rose one of the most vocal pro-Remain voices at the other sub during the referendum, am I misremembering?


I've always been a brexiteer, unlike most of this sub.


Rose is a GCHQ operative. I thought this was common knowledge on here


Lost all respect for rose after comments about northerners. Genuinely enjoyed some of her posts but she's lost it recently This is what she posted previously The red wall is going to go back to voting Labour, the way they have for the last century. They don't believe in capitalism, so they were always going to revert back. Rose 25/05/2024 Fortunately for her argument forgetting, that the likes of Liverpool where massively conservative voting constituency's until those areas were no longer supported. I know there was some criticisms for the unions also in those areas


Hate British people claiming benefits. Love giving foreign Arabs free houses (the reason why they can't return is because they attempted to exterminate Jewish people and lost, the FCO has a fucking hard on for Arabs so they ended up here but we should tell them to fuck off to Gaza). Simple as.


Ironically I think rose has conservative vibes but seems to have lost what being conservative actually means in any real sense by attaching an unnecessary amount of attachment to the conservative party. He's gotten very strange and very out of touch, if he wasn't so nasty so often I'd feel sorry for him. If he has children, surely hes seen some of the recent problems for them unless they don't talk much.


I think she's just one of those trapped in time boomers who still associates voting Tory with being high-status. Hence the sneering and constantly implying that other users are lazy, immoral, unintelligent etc.


and childless nihilists...


Warm, moral cloak of hecking moralism innit. Why would you cast it off at her age? And feel the long despair of reality, the rising anger of betrayal. Just keep propagating the long dead principles of the last gasp of the 20th Century. Eventually it will go back to normal, right? All the immigration is just business, it will all tick over, just have to make it, draw the pension, get a holiday. Just hope the system holds on, until you're in the ground and phew.... hopefully the nest egg will save the grandkids from it... right? That's correct right? Oh the light! Wait, there is no one here, the halls of my ancestors are barred to me, it's just sulphur and Tony Blair?


That the woman wearing the hijab? Quintessential British garment that mate. Islam worshipper too so 100% British, you not read the Quran? Muhammad and the boys started the whole Islam thing after a few too many pints at the Kings Head. Absolute mad lads.


I've read it and I'm allowed to touch it all month long unlike her.


Rose or the candidate? Maybe they're the same person.


Can't be the same, the candidate is a woman.


So is Rose, she's a modern "woman". You know the ones who come with a DLC penis.


Just got back from leafletting for Reform. Had a bit of shit experience towards the end where a 300lb+ black man came storming out of his house (military housing btw) to return a leaflet then got in my face calling me a nazi/racist/xenophobe and threatening to assault me if I came near his house again. No witty comebacks i'm afraid. Anyway, will be back out Wednesday.


I'm a postie at the minute and so far I've mad about Ā£100 delivering leaflets for reform, labour, tories and libdemsā€¦for some reason we get paid 3.3p for each leaflet. It's odd but WOO free money. Nobody's come out moaning yet though, although I've handed a few to people in their gardens and they all call it "rubbish" and I know most of it goes straight in the bin. If they really want net zero they should abolish post altogether and stop printing fucking leaflets. We get paid for poll cards too.


I must have been really unlucky, was my first time and couldn't have done more than a couple hundred. I did hand a few to people in their gardens too and didn't get a reaction. It did seem absurb to me as I could have just been some random being paid to hand them out but I also had a fear going in of something like this happening.


I get it, at least I have the "get out" clause of it being my job, and having leaflets for every party in every bundle. But I'm also a 6'2, 22 stone ex doorman who absolutely won't take any shit. 3rd day on the job being shown a round, a big black fella came running out complaining we were opening his post. Let the bloke who was showing me the round try to appease him and when it was evident he was being a twat on purposeā€¦I just went "yeah fuck this mate lets walk off this bloke is just going to be a twat all day" and then we walked off, lol.




I didn't make that connection but very possible. There was a bunch of kids playing on the street I spoke to that looked Polynesian and were more interested in Rugby when I tried to talking to them about football. Also lots of Afghan families.


You just got unlucky then probably. The Fijian will actually be current or former military. The Afghans though...in military housing? Must actually be interpreters rather than "interpretaters". Some cheek for a Fijian to be giving off about racists given the multicultural state the British empire left their nation in.


I looked it up and it's Royal Logistics and Intelligence Corps. The guy was built like a brick shithouse must have been mid 30s. Did get a rise out of me when he said 'join the army and sort yourself out' which baited me to step back up to him and respond based on your behaviour it doesn't seem to be working. Then he started ranting about democracy and free speech while continuing to threaten me.


At least you stood your ground. Wouldn't worry about it. You're unlucky to find that sentiment there though. Unless you accidentally found the woke divisions being trained to round us up for sticker crime.


"A new report commissioned by the Guardian and the Right Side of History Institute has found evidence of "political deserts" in the UK for BAME communities. The report found that several political parties no longer attempt engagements or political activity.Ā  We approached some of those parties for comment, but we didn't like their excuse and will not print it, so basically they refused to comment. "It's just Racism" says Jonny Umbongolia, the Labour MP for Windrush & Al Shabab in Birmingham, "they think they can come in here and be racist Nazis at us with leaflets, I'm proud the community stands against this but also it's more racist too that they don't even try to engage with this electorate, this shows that only I and my party is able to deliver council properties for this constituency" You may also like "Democracy Incident: Man dies after unclear altercation over leaflet".


ā€˜Man stabbed during far-right leafleting eventā€™


Purple Aki, now fighting the woke war


Purple aki died recently I heard


That was fake news. He's still going.


Soon I'll be able to squat him, then I'll book my trip to scouseland


Locked eyes with him once. One of my most terror sticken moments




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[R civil service making threats about Farage allegedly](https://web.archive.org/web/20240624190043/https://www.gbnews.com/membership/nigel-farage-reform-uk-civil-service-forum-election-2024)


During the whole JRM putting notices on peopleā€™s desk episode I was on a bizarre call where people were literally going round the room and saying whether they had ever been close enough to punch him in the face, like a therapy session.


policy in london is literally a completely different world lmao you're all completely tapped snazzy offices compared to some of the shitholes i've worked in tho, would feel bad being sick in one of them after a friday lunchtime spoons trip


Though also quite depressing to watch flabby Adrians shuffling round Old Admiralty Building in their stained tracky bottoms and three BLT lanyards thinking ā€˜this used to be a command centre of the greatest empire in historyā€™.


Should send that to the papers lol


Trouble is you are never recording these things when they happen. I know one of his nephews from uni as well, keep thinking I should have been more on the ball and passed it on. But šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Everyone salivating over the Starmer + Sue Gray regime already.


They're getting angsty because Farage wouldn't be afraid to sack half of them.


Jonties gone FERAL


most miserable subreddit on this website - you'd think the civil service were some sort of compulsory workfare programme rather than just a welfare one dunno how i'd manage one of them lot without taking 6 months off with stress myself


A lot will be Reddit normies riding off it. But enough will be actual public employees. Outside of Reddit a ridiculous proportion of people still trust public servants. They've not had the drip drip of reality that we get in here. The Adults in the Room vibes works, unfortunately.


The issue is that public servants is a mixed bag. I still trust most primary school teachers, firemen and a whole list of others. Anyone that works at the council though. And let's be honest, the useless ones have all day to come onto Reddit. Reddit is the only place I've seen people act like the council isn't at the very least utterly useless.


They can only ignore the problems for so long. Or maybe not, are most people incapable of thought.


Loads of them don't know. They haven't seen the continuous proof of the rot, or heard of the competency crisis. It's also gets difficult fast because any discussion about the civil service will end up talking about "illegal policies" or the NHS. It's like a defensive cloak. Doesn't help that Labour have essentially thrown all the actual labour unions in the bin and picked up all the public service ones. So it becomes partisan.Ā  Labour should be called Desk.


They **are** the competency crisis


I just did the Aonach Eigach today. It was raining for the first half so the rock was incredibly slippery. Spent 6 hours on the walk including 3 incredibly intense hours on the actual ridge with some horrendous downclimbs on greasy rock. Feel so utterly spent now and having a well earned pint or two.


Aonach eigach in the rain is no joke. Would have been good today.


Sounds gay.


Sea level comment.


Fucking wank. Itā€™s Monday, not Tuesday. Iā€™ve just polished off a quiche, some Babycham and 12 puff fingers thinking the England game was about to start. No-one here corrected me. Do you think I was getting all set to watch Albania?


> Do you think I was getting all set to watch Albania? The majority of the team probably have tried to claim English asylum so itā€™s not as far off


I thought you were watching the Farage event. TBH it wasnā€™t as good as the Clacton one, it was mostly stuff about foreign policy but he did get a huge crowd so that was nice to see.


Thought that was just a usual night in for you.


I thought you'd invited Harwood over


England qualify if Albania fail to winĀ 


Sorry itā€™s still Saturday >four on four off gang


I figured you'd be big into watching Spanish and Italian men running about and thought nothing of it. I'm just in a football drought so I'll watch anything (apart from England, that ain't football).


> Fucking wank Sounds like a backup plan.


That took 22 minutes?!?Ā 


About 8 if Iā€™m honest. https://imgur.com/a/FqudYyD Iā€™ll have to do the same again tomorrow now. Well fucked off.


Have a Fray Bentos in honour of 8th


Looks like the evening wasn't a total write off then.


Looks like known American commentary channel Turkey Tom has made a video about Sargon of Akkad, better known contemporarily as Carl Benjamin, titling him as ā€œThe YouTuber who had brought 4Chan into politicsā€ It is weird to think that Carl Benjamin, who really is just another alt media political commentator nowadays, was once one of those political channels a la HasanAbi or Bearing from way back when Donā€™t know if itā€™s Pro Sargon, Anti Sargon or unbiased.


Never watched the fella. But I have a bit of respect for someone that felt they needed to go political. Could have easily just whiled away their life without touching it. Also can imagine it's just all the same tiresome "he's a grifter" sentiments that people have. Opposing the blob isn't profitable. That's why the second attack lines are about herbal teas or muscle supplements, they have to do all that shit to keep afloat. Most of it is normies getting mad that someone in their online culture has showed themselves to be different to imagined. As if the shit system we have where identity-free, background unknowns people pop out of elite tiers of society to be politicians and that's the preferable option?


The grifter comments are always funny and financially illiterate. Most of the people they call "right wing grifters" could have sold out and made far more by agreeing with the mainstream. Carl Benjamin is famous for being demonetised on YouTube while his opposing contemporaries with allowed views all remain monetised. Obviously there are grifters but it's normally visible as they have more money and views change based on what gets more clicks.


The Farage livestream is disgustingly white.


I like the jacket


He looks like he's gonna be part of a Poirot investigation in British controlled Egypt.


Just watching *The Sun's* [leaders election special.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZLW-j975q0) As ever, Starmer cannot/will not answer a point blank question. As a fun aside: Take a look at Harry Cole the interviewer and guess which year he was born. Fahkin' hell.


Just flicked through the timeline. >Why is NHS still failing families? Asks 20 stone women.


I actually have some respect for Starmers dodging of all questions, itā€™s a decent strategy in his position and shows he is vaguely intelligent.


No idea on his age so Iā€™d have a guess and say born around 1972?




What? Heā€™s got grey hair.


'85 here Been grey for more than a decade


oldest man on the stage


Lads, 50 mins to go, are we getting pissed or wot? [Whoā€™s with me?](https://imgur.com/a/brakVOd)


Iā€™m getting pissed but Iā€™m in the pub, Iā€™ll watch the highlights on ā€˜Fash of the Dayā€™


I'm with ya.


Why arenā€™t you watching farage? No excuses.