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Everything between my navel and my knees hurts, front and back. It’s less painful the farther you get from the uterus, but still hurts.


Omg yes. Especially when you can feel your legs cooling and heating up and getting weak/numb. Coupled with lower back pain. Just horrible all round


Ribs to knees for me. Good lord it was awful.


Same here


Thank you! I get really bad pains in my thighs and felt like I'm crazy.


Ditto, the only way to describe it is like having a rusty edge scraping up and down* the thigh muscles, awful x Edit; a word, see what just thinking about the pain does? Lol


Same as me. Awful.


Yeah it’s the same for me. And I have adenomyosis too which causes severe period cramps. Sometimes I get bedridden for a day


Mine is only in my back


Same, and yes, labor pains for me was really intense lower back pain! I couldn't even stand up!


i feel my cramps in my back, lower stomach, vagina, thighs/legs, and feet. yes i cramp in my fucking feet, it’s not fun lol


Yes I had both period and labour pains in my lower back.


Seconding this


Me for 3, also both my kids were the wrong way round too (back to back) but not sure if that's related


I had horrific back labor for my first baby and he was facing the wrong way as well


If they come out face up, is that back to back/back labour?


Yep, if you were to stand and look in a mirror as they came out you'd see their little face hanging out of you instead of the back of their head. Kind of like the queen on a playing card.


That could explain why my labour hurt so much, she came out face up, all in one go after a lot of pushing.


Absolutely! That damn back labor sucked. I’m fairly certain all labor sucks though.


Back labour is the worst


I had back labor with both of my kids. My back definitely aches during my period. I don’t know if it is related but I also have a tilted uterus.


Same. I found that putting a cold wet towel on my lower back during labour reduced the pain by at least 60%.


I’ve had back cramps, abdo cramps, pain everywhere during my period. Every period is different for me, with varying levels of cramp pain and location. I honestly couldn’t say the correlation between the location and the type of labour pain. I think the pain during labour was higher on my abdomen compared to most period cramps which tend to shoot down into my upper thighs. Just get the drugs. I didn’t have an epidural (ah the joys of giving birth in an isolated town) but the drugs I did receive did make it tolerable at least. Not comfortable, but tolerable. Like when you have really bad cramps and the pain meds take it down by half. You are not pain fee, but you can get on with your day.


I suffer from 24/7 severe chronic pain so I definitely know a life of pain and at the moment I'm not pregnant I just wanted to know for future reference if I ever have kids


I had a doctor suggest that if you know appx when your period is coming , take Naproxen for a couple of days beforehand, and that will reduce the build up of prostaglandins that make the pain worse (and give you the period shits)!


Unfortunate for those of us who are irregular (but still considered regular by the doc as I was between 21 and 35 days). And now with peri-menopause it’s even wilder. Every other week to every 6-8 weeks. Can’t wait for my uterus to die. (I realize it doesn’t die, but early retirement sounds great!)


I was the same and finally got to yeet my uterus! No more period bullshit!


Yes and yes. 5 kids and the stereotypical "back labor". Period was always felt worst in my low back.


Back cramps are very common when it comes to period pain, they fucking SUCK tho


I have endometriosis and my period pain runs up the middle of my spine, down to my knees. This past period was the worst lower back pain I’ve ever had, I had to sleep on my stomach and put pillows under my hipbones to relieve the pressure. I haven’t had a baby so idk how bad labor will be, but I imagine it’ll be the same cramping everywhere.


Mine is only in my lower back and I have a mild case of endometriosis too


I always got awful cramps in my back with my period and I ended up having back labor. It sucked ass.


I only get back cramps so I was curious


Mine felt like a bungee cord wrapped around my spine, then both ends stretched out and hooked into each of my thighs, endlessly trying to pull tighter. That was BBC, before birth control. Fetal and midol was the only way


I get pain pretty much everywhere in my body when I'm on my period. Most of it is centralized in my core where my uterus and intestines are, but I get really bad back pain, shoulder pain, and knee pain. It's exhausting.


A friend of mine gets cramping in her back AND her thighs.


Oh god Mine is jusr in my back and its horrible enough on its own


Good news is she didn't have back labor though, and has 3 kids!


Ughhhh I used to get cramps in my thighs too (in addition to my back). I did have terrible back labor, but at least since I had my son, my cramps have gotten slightly better and no longer take over my thighs. Still in my back, though.


I had back cramps in labor... and then forever had back cramps added to my monthly pain cycle repertoire. Hadnt had them before the baby. But i had such horrible period cramps prior to labor that i was like 'this is it?' with the labor pains - was anticipating much worse than my standard cramp experience. It did worsen during the pushing phase but there was a lot going on.


I get awful periods. I never take painkillers as I have a very sensitive body to every substance, but the first day of my period I have to take pain management. My labor was 25.5 hours and honestly it was fine enough not to take any pain management at all. Very helpful to have a partner there who supports you in labor positions though. My partner pushed on my lower back a lot during contractions which really helped me. The shit part is transition into active labor, and then you're too busy pushing anyways! BUT if you're worried for yourself, someone else, or just curious, most people take pain management right away. Epidurals are given like candy now (not judging, I just hate when doctors push people), and if you are scared of pain that's often an option, or laughing gas, or other options. For me, the worst part was healing my was labia tear and not labor at all, one side almost tore completely off and they sewed me without any painkillers. My child has a big ol' head.


I don't get my period often because of my birth control but when it does happen it's awful and I only get cramps in my low back they don't happen in my abdomen at all When it comes to my question about the labor I just always been curious if that theory was correct I am not pregnant right now but I hope to have kids in the next 5 years or so because of that I wanted at least an idea of what to be prepared for lol


Totally understand! I've been on various birth controls and periods were hit and miss. Always good to be curious, and an interesting question. I'm excited to see responses from others!


Pain in your lower back is usually caused by the position of the baby in your uterus during labor. I don’t think back pain during your period automatically translates into back pain during labor.


I get both. Double the fun! The best are when your legs feel numb! But seriously it’s not every time and I seem to go in this “every other” cycle. As I’ve gotten older it has also lightened up in terms of pain. Maybe one in four periods I have to take pain meds.


I only get period pain in my lower back. Cannot remember labour but my midwife said contractions feel like period pain and afterwards I agreed with her. But I see all these videos about men using TENS machines or similar to replicate the pain and it's always on their belly. I never considered that some women get pain in the front. Is it more common to be in the front or back?


I've always heard it's more common to get them in the front and I get those videos too they can get pretty funny


Yes, the same prostaglandin that cause uterine contractions can cause contractions in the muscle of your lower back or upper thighs as well. Increased inflammation can also cause pain.


My back hurts more than my front during periods, but it switches up every not and then... to keep things interesting, I suppose...


I always get back pain one week before my period and the week of i get ab pain back pain and cramps . The whole trifecta.


Yeah I always thought I didn’t get cramps cause it was just back pain and people always talked about stomach cramps. Luckily I’ve only had stomach cramps once or twice but the back pain sucks so much


Back cramps are normal cramps. When I used to have a period I’d get them 50/50 - some were in my back, others in my front. I wouldn’t have said one was more painful than the other, just very inconvenient like all cramps are :)


I have never had back cramps on my period, had never heard of them at all. I had them fiercely during labor. I also had pre-eclampsia and was not allowed to sit up or get up at all, I had to remain flat on my back the whole time. I wonder how much the position I was in affected things. I recommend the drugs from as early as you can get them, and being able to get up and walk around seems to help quite a bit as well.


Yes both are true. I always had back cramps on my period. And yes I had back labor pains. I know other women who said the same thing.


I get knots in my shoulder at the beginning of my period. It's so painful


Yeah, that’s where mine are. I’m actually experiencing it rn lol. Sometimes I swear I feel cramps all the way down to my knees and toes. Actually, now that I think about it I also felt my contractions in my back. I guess it was “back labor”. My poor lower back 😭.


Yes and yes. Turns out my uterus is tilted WAY back and down, basically resting on my colon. Only found this out when I had sterilization surgery. Surgeon was surprised I had successful pregnancies and deliveries.


Yupp and that's how I knew I was going to have back labor which I did with both my babies.


I sometimes get abdomen cramps, but mine mainly feel like it's on my vulva. When my ex and I lived together, he looked at me weird cause I would straddle the heating pad.


Pretty mild compared to some others here, feel like I lucked out lol. Some pretty ouchie back pain and indigestion on the first day or two, then that fades away completely by day three and then the period starts to taper off. But yeahg back pain is normal, considering in both cases it's your body trying to rearrange your skeleton in order to widen your opening


I never got to have a baby, but I have definitely had lower back pain (in addition to lower abdominal pain) during my periods. The back pain is often worse than the abdominal. My mom said that she had really bad lower back pain when she was in labor with me. (My sister came so quickly, I think that most of her labor was a blur!)


I didn’t use to have back cramps, but since I got my IUD, my cramps have migrated from my lower abdomen to my lower back.


If my cramping is really bad I’ll feel it in my back sometimes, and occasionally in my butthole. I’ve never been pregnant so I can’t answer that part of your question


I hurt from the waist down. Labor (25 years ago so not a recent memory) was the same, especially severe in my back. I recently had surgery to remove my essure coils and fallopian tubes. The doctor also said there was some endometrial tissue she was going to remove while in there. Surgery was in march. I haven't had a painful period since. I'm in my mid 40s and had hurt since my early teens. Wish I knew to ask about this years ago. Edit: I would describe the pain as more of an ache than a cramp. Like if I had been on my feet walking all day in bad shoes. My back and legs would just ache and ache. Nothing would make the pain go away. No stretching or drugs. I couldn't get comfortable. And my abdomen felt stabby. Like sharp piercing from the inside. As I got older, the pain got worse.


Right here! The tops of my thighs also ache and cramp. Turns out I have endometriosis sooooo if you or anyone else has similar symptoms, maybe have that checked out.


I get back cramps and regular cramps. I have a retroverted uterus, endometriosis, and adenomyosis. My labour cramps were still pretty normal. Better than I expected, probably because I was "used to it". Back labours are more common with malpresentation of the fetal head.


My cramps were exclusively in the back for a few years when I was a teen. Then something happened and since then my back doesn’t hurt anymore during periods, only my abdomen and thigh 🤷‍♀️


I get them, but my back labor was bc my baby was facing up instead of down.


I get both low back/hip aches and abdominal cramping. It all sucks. I live on my heating pad for the first two days of my period. Every. Goddamn. Month. Ibuprofen helps a little but it’s like I can’t sit still it aches so bad.


Sometimes by lower back hurts more than my belly.


I had regular abdominal cramps as a teen, and later on after having a csection I was on BC and don't remember having any. I had another kid via VBAC and immediately went on the copper IUD for about 10y. Had it removed to have my youngest, after that pregnancy I have back cramps with my period, never abdominal. With all 3 pregnancies, I had contractions that were in abdomen, back, heck doesn't your whole being hurt?! lol


My back often hurts more than my "belly", the pain is usually internally around the kidneys or at the lower back more in the muscles/spine


My back hurts the worst, it feels like its my kidneys and before I knew it was cramps I would freak out because I thought I had a kidney infection


I used to get them a lot worse and tried everything. It was paralyzing go home from work kind of pain. I used to have my sister punch me in the spot and helped relieve it for a minute or two. I would try stretching, pain relievers, exercise. That left me nearly unable to walk back to my dorm room after trying to go for a run. Hot water bottles were the life changer. I don't get it nearly as often anymore and have not had kids. I have had a lot of other weird symptoms (chest pain, long periods, heavy clots, double vision) as of late though so not sure things got better.


Yeah lower back is where it’s at. Feels like two very long spears jabbed into my back and just sitting there and bouncing with every movements. Though with age I have also developed pain in my ovaries and uterus. When I was young I used to get horrible aching pain in my labia majoras. ETA: no children so can’t say anything about labour pains.


Oh yes, back cramps are the worst. It would just be all pain pretty much from my hips down and I always feel like my uterus is going to fall out. My legs ache so bad too. Don't even get me started on the period poop! The first and second day are usually the worst for me and I'm pretty much knocked out during the beginning of shark week.


I had awful back pain with my period cramps. Both my kids were butt first so I had c-sections but what little labor I had was also heavily in my back.


So a cool study my friend saw (I can try to find the link if anyone wants it!) studied how some women who get really bad back/stomach cramps on their period have pain in comparison to it when in labor because the uterus is basically dilating almost to simulate what you would feel during childbirth. You’re basically having contractions when you’re passing that uterine lining!!! So it makes a lot of sense that you would have the same pain during labor, but yes I also get really bad cramps in my lower back during my period and occasionally I even get them in my upper stomach rather then my lower stomach. I remember my gynecologist mentioned that its something like a radiating pain but its localized so it doesn’t feel the same in my lower stomach then my upper.


You probably have a tilted uterus


Mine feels like someone is violently rubbing a cheese grater against my lower spine. I felt labour in a band around the middle of my body. I wasn’t in labour for long though, I needed a C-section.


I had mainly back cramps but my labor pains were all around my abdomen, like a wide belt.


That's kind of comforting to hear. Somehow, I prefer cramps in the front vs back. Back cramps make me feel sick.


I've had horrible back pain during my cycle, not fun. I've also had one ***WHOLE*** leg feel like it's being constricted while on my period. Idk if it may be endometriosis but my family says im overreacting


When I was young I got back cramps, now I get back and front. I didn’t have labor, so I couldn’t say for labor pains.


Yup. Back cramps for periods, back cramps both deliveries. Bless anesthesiologists and nerve blocks.


All my period pain is in my back. Also both my pregnancies were pure back labor. Periods are unbearable. Im in bed 16 days out of the month. It would be hard to describe the pain during labor.


Everyone is different. A lot of inflammation from shedding happens, the ovaries are actually towards ur back a bit and the uterus is in front, the tubes are like a little slide that connects everything. Everything gets puffed up and inflammation occurs. So everything is packed tight and rubbing on spots that end up being sensitive. Plus bloating and stuff from food that you crave and end up eating and regretting. On top of that your intestines get a little funky too because there's hormones that are making you system act up. Sometimes constipation or the opposite, and that can cause back pain as well.


I always get period pains in my legs and I definitely had labour pains in my legs too.


Me, I've got heat pads on my back right now, I also get pain in my legs which leads to pins and needle/numbness, plus the horrendous bog standard cramps, I feel as if I'm being knifed some of the time.


I get cramps all over my body from the diaphragm down pretty much. It varies all the time where and how much it hurts but I've always gotten cramps in my back, abdomen, legs, stomach, you name it


I had a lot of back pain during periods (well pain everywhere tbh) and did have back pain during labour. Apparently I have a retroverted uterus (tilted backwards) even after 4 babies, but my first baby was stubbornly back to back which I think made the back pains worse.


Mine fluctuate every month because fuck being regular I guess. So one month I'm fine, the next I have annoying backpains, after that I'm fine agin with minimal symptoms and after that it's full on with both stomach cramps and backpains because why the hell not? I hate it, and since I never wanted kids ever I wonder why I have to go through with this shit every month.


I get back cramps mostly as a consistent ache and then I get sharp abdominal cramps throughout. I've never had a kid so I can't comment on labour's but I've always wondered if my PCOS and retroverted uterus contributes to mostly back pain during my period.


Mine starts in my back, and then moves through the middle like a blow torch. Thankfully, over the counter ibuprofen stops it.


Mine is usually pain in the centre of my sternum, nips, a U shape under my naval and a through line from my naval to my tail bone. Usually my legs are okay but sometimes if I'm laying down they twinge too


I get mild to moderate cramping only in the abdominal area during my period. During labor, the pain radiated down my thighs very intensely. Bodies are weird.


Well crap. I’m in my 50s and well past having. Pam and I just learned that back cramps are not normal? I just thought everyone got that.


I used to have very bad back pain when I didn't have hormonal BC, but now my (fake) period is a breathe! I always wondered if labour would be similar too, so thanks for asking this question, I'll be reading the comments with a lot of interest.


I had back pain /cramps. Me and a heating pad were besties. I didn’t have back labor when I had my kids but I’m also weird and can’t have children naturally. The only time I had contractions was with Pitocin.


Yes, my back and my hips. It’s the worsttt


I only really get pain in my lower back and also in my knee (I got ACL surgery three years ago).


I get lower back pain at the same time as the cramps. Also get swelling around my sacrum


I get back cramps like the day before my period, it how I know I’m rlly close to getting it. And my body in the last couple of years has started giving me anal cramps, which are the worst fucking things in existence 💀 it feels like someone is sticking a knife up there and since they come out of nowhere and only last a few seconds it’s kind of impossible to take painkillers for them :’)


Back cramps *are* normal cramps


Ugh, back cramps suck. I get them down my legs too.


I usually get thigh cramps on my period, shits weird


Its totally normal. Often times you can also feel like you have to poop. Your lower torso muscles are in charge of that, and often your period affects it. If your periods are bad, I suggest birth control. Either pills or an IUD etc. I've been on some sort of BC since I was 15, because I'd go anemic and pass out. Even though I was a virgin until my early 20s (by choice) and even after when I was told my body was incompatible with being able to carry a pregnancy in my mid 20s, I have chosen an IUD since then. It helped reduce my 8 day horrific periods to maybe som e cramping and light spotting a couple times a year. When the "time of the hormones" of my IUD would be running out, if get a new one, despite drs telling me it'll prevent pregnancy for several more years. I sometimes get an embarrassed look from them when they realize what they just said. I've had the arm inplany and hated it, just for anecdotal purposes. You'll have to plan out ahead if time when/if you ever want to try to become pregnant. Not difficult, but takes time. I come from a super old school catholic family that were horrified by the suggestion of putting me on the pill... without them knowing my older sister had been on it for years, both before and after she got married (she's 6 years older than me). It helped a lot. You have to watch your weight a bit, and do not smoke at all. It might take a few tries to find out what worked for you. If Tylenol or ibuprofen help, keep in mind your liver health (Tylenol), and your stomach health (ibuprofen). There are OTC medications you can take along with the Ibuprofen to help prevent issues (like omeprozole). Feel free to message me if you have questions. I'm happy to help. Otherwise, make posts here so others can help you... ps edit, sorry for my spelling mistakes. English is not my native language.


I don’t get back cramps, but I get ass pain and shooting stabbing pain and all kinds of FUCKING KILL ME.


Ah thank fuck I'm anti-natalist because my, whole, body, hurts from period cramps. Id hate to think what my labour pain would be like if this is a thing. Honestly all the way from the knees up to my neck just pure ache the full time and a few days before. It's a great signal for when she's about to arrive but fuck, is it annoying


Back cramps, stomach cramps, and my thighs feel sore?


I occasionally have back cramps. When I went into labor I barely felt it. Had to have a C-section because I didn’t progress past 1cm. I’m guessing that’s not very typical though


Me too. I never get front cramps, I only get pain on my lower back, right where my hips connect (tailbone?). Now this next part may sound stupid because I also don't know much about female anatomy but it feels like my hips seperate or something when I get my period. Whatever it is, when I'm on my period my back hurts so much, I can barely sit up straight at work 😭


I get general pain in the region. I wouldn’t call it cramps as it’s more of a general ache vs the more intense stabbing of my menstrual cramps, but both my lower back and hips tend to ache during the first few days of my period.


I have bad period pain that is mostly in the front but radiates to back and thighs. Both my labours were in my lower back and were awful. Felt more like the cramps you get with diarrhoea but 100 times worse.


Back pain every month and only rarely abdominal cramps before HBC regulated things here. No childbirth for comparison, though.


Back cramps definitely and sometimes the backs of my knees down to the calves hurt. Never been in labour though. A gigantic pillow to push up against is the only thing that helps me.


I used to be unable to physically walk, my cramps were so bad. They would spread down my legs. I was in middle school.


I don't get back pains but the pain will shoot to my thighs and almost make my legs give out, sometimes it's so bad the pain makes it to my chest. Doesn't hurt that bad but the pain in my uterus certainly is. I really hope I can get rid of my uterus soon, I hate having a repro system. I hate dealing with this every month.


These are common symptoms of a retroverted uterus. It can also make it more difficult for doctors to find your cervix during an exam (they have to scoop down then up like the Nike swoosh to catch it in the speculum.) Bimanual exams in these cases should have a finger rectally inserted.


Not so fun fact: they are not cramps. They are contractions. I’ve started saying the latter because it’s a more realistic interpretation of our pain. Said it to my boss once and he’s like “What?! I don’t believe you.”


I had back labor only when I was in labor with my child and it herniated 2 discs. I also get lower back pain 3 days prior to my period coming. it's unbearable. I'm actually on disability for chronic pain and this pain Is so different and my meds don't touch it.


I don't have back pain with my cycles, but I did with labor.


Yep. I get back cramps and had excruciating back and thigh labor with my daughter which was what made me get the epidural. Up to that point, it was bearable but once that started happening it was one of the worst pains ever.


I have PCOS and endometriosis so my experience is different maybe but I get them literally all over the lower half of my body :/ Like pelvic area up to belly button, back, thigh muscles, calves all the way down to the soles of my feet feel like there’s hundreds of tiny people in there stabbing me/ twisting my muscles and organs it sucks :/


I get both and sometimes it switches. At this very moment I have back cramps.


Sometimes I feel it in my toes. I get it in my legs and joints almost. I feel it everywhere below my belly button


My periods vary wildly in terms of discomfort. Sometimes, I have death cramps, sometimes a little twinge that reminds me what time of the month it is. Back cramps, belly cramps, bowel cramps, vagina knives, and so much more occur.


I get back pain a week before and week of my period and regular cramps. Shit sucks. Idk about labor though I haven’t had a baby yet


I get very mild cramps in my stomach and that’s it, if I get anything at all, on my period. I’ve had two kids and in labor I get all the pains. Stomach, groin, and back contractions. I don’t think your period cramps determine which muscles participate in labor at all.


Y'all have places that DON'T hurt during your period?


Try not to differentiate between what someone thinks is normal for them and in general what happens. When I got my period my mom said she never got cramps at all, she couldn't relate. That and her flow was relative to light vs me heavy for 6 days. 7 days total with a heavy pad and super tampon at the same time. Half a day at the beginning and end. Back cramps are normal.


I have PCOS and I swear it feels like I have cramps more often than not, and it's usually with back pain and sometimes nausea as well. I can't answer the labor part though, sorry.


I have PCOS too as well as a mild case of endometriosis and PCOS alone can cause a very good amount of pain more than you would think because of my PCOS I don't have a period without hormone replacement of some kind which is the reason I'm on birth control it's the only real reason I got the IUD I have (which I must say was the most painful experience of my life almost worse than passing a kidney stone but it was also the best decision of my life)


I'm only 18 but I was diagnosed with PCOS at 15, and they couldn't put me on birth control till I turned 16 which sucked. But I swear it feels like I always have cramps, and it gets worse throughout the day. I HATE it so much. I had gone almost a year without a period before I got on birth control.


I'm 28 and was diagnosed at 14 because I had a rather large cyst on my fallopian tube It was the size of a large lemon


I used to only have period pain in the front but after I got pregnant I started having pain in the back as well.


I have stomach cramps from my periods (front cramps) and I had back labor with my son. all my labor pain was in my lower lumbar area. if it matters, my uterus is fundus (tilted) so idk if that makes a difference but I don't think it does