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They’re making it really hard for men to dodge the inability to find the clit allegations smh


Eh, I don't know, I teach middle school health and human development and I can see this being asked as a legitimate question for someone who didn't realize that the clitoris is part of a much larger system including the crura and corpus cavernosa that fill with blood and enlarge during arousal. I know middle schoolers are different, but most men didn't get comprehensive human development curriculum when they were adolescents and aren't aware of the internal structures. I could see men learning this nugget and then hearing the clitoris throbs and wondering if that means the whole deal underneath is throbbing or just the exposed glans of the clitoris.


This is crazy. Like we have information at our fingertips... just look up the Wikipedia article for clitoris. Just toxic masculinity to not look stuff up I guess? Like these guys aren't even curious, at all?


But... this guy literally is looking it up? Not on wikipedia or something sure, but he's asking the question because he doesn't know. He's already miles ahead than "well I obviously already know so I won't look it up?"


Yeah, like, it's easy to go "ha-ha! He doesn't know!" but considering he's at least already admitting his doesn't know, that's a step far-and-above what most of the stuff we see on this sub is. Yes, I know the bar is on the ground, or subterranean even, but he's still above it at least?


This is why I don't get why men are made fun of for asking silly questions about female anatomy. They're trying to learn, that's GREAT.


I agree wholeheartedly. I mean, it also isn't anyone's job to educate them, but asking a dumb question is FAR better than just... asserting they're correct. Shows a different mindset - they THINK they know what's up but are already prepared to be told they got it wrong. Also, I kinda get why people are so irritated by people asking for help/education on topics but also considering the rampant misinformation on the internet, I'd much rather at least be pointed towards reputable sources than left to my own devices, learning incorrect shit as though it were fact?


I want to be clear, I don't wish to shame people for asking intelligent questions about anatomy pertaining to the opposite sex. There are some questions you can only understand if you ask members of the opposite sex. The reason I posted this here was not to shame somebody for asking a question (hence why I blocked out all identifying information), rather because I believe it showed a lack of understanding of basic female anatomy. The pubic mound is not the clitoris, why would women say their clitoris is throbbing but not be referring to the clitoris when they say this, and instead be referring to the pubic mound? It makes no sense.


Oh yeah, no judgement. You're good. It's still a weird question about female anatomy and thus is appropriate to put here. My comment was more of a "I mean, could be worse!" than any commentary on you or other people who post really weird questions/obvious misunderstandings here. Then there's the general (again, not here but like... to the asker's face) of shaming them directly for being brave enough to ask instead of asserting they're right?


Why would she mean something she's not saying? It's like if a guy says "I can feel the head of my penis throbbing", and I say "Do you mean the entire shaft and balls?" So no, buddy, I do not mean the "entire mound" when I say "clit".


But the clitoris is larger than what's visible outside the body no? Like, if extends much further inside a women's body than what's visible?


The clitoris does extend far beyond what's visible, however "pubic mound" doesn't really come to mind when we say "clitoris".


I assumed mound was just referring to the exposed tip


It would be “under” the vulva not the mound :)


Aww, I mean I feel like they’ve got the right spirit — wanting to know what someone has told them about arousal (and they don’t have the same parts to compare).


Were they maybe asking if women can feel arousal on the vulva itself since it also swells? Because if so, that'd be a more understandable question to ask, so it's possible the question was worded poorly. I originally thought the OOP was asking if we only feel arousal on the pubic mound and not the clitoris.


I’ll assume they meant below the clit vs the mons pubis, as that would make more sense. IDK if women could feel throbbing vestibular bulbs or clitoral crura, but it certainly seems in the realm of possibility. Depends how much throbbing ;)


We can definitely feel throbbing in the vestibular bulbs. However, we can't feel anything in the clitoral crura. Most of the feeling in the clitoris comes from the visible part of the clitoris becoming erect, as far as I understand it.


I read the original thread, mods actually blocked the OP because they kept asking questions about things from porn and had a disturbing post history.


I saw that. Their post history mostly comprised of asking questions pertaining to sex, though I didn't look at their comment history.


Well, now I'm curious to know just how sensitive the mound is?


The mound itself isn't very sensitive at all. It's mildly more sensitive compared to regular skin, and becomes slightly more sensitive with arousal, but not by much.


They kinda do, though. The clitoris is basically a tiny penis, it’s not that different. This is like asking if the lower part of their abdomen gets hard when they have an erection.


Eh, it’s not being asked out of malice but with curiosity and intent to learn. My bf was very curious about how things work physically for me (AFAB trans guy). With how bad sex ed is it makes sense that cis men don’t know how things work, so shaming them for trying to learn will just result in more men staying ignorant.


I hope OOP got redirected away from the tsunami of confidentlyincorrect RedditFacts ^TM 10 ot of 10 experts agree that asking the Reddit gen-pop is the leading cause of wrongness. Lol


At an average of ***10cm LONG x 6cm WIDE*** (4 inches x 2.5 inches) a clitoris is not tiny. The externally visible "head" is often referred to as "pea-sized" but the rest of it (the "body, arms and legs") is far from tiny. The fun, 3 minute, educational cartoon "Le Clitoris - An Animated Documenrtary" is here: https://youtu.be/J_3OA_VZVkY?si=JD7u3JfnspHmr33- The Wikipedia page for Clitoris is here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clitoris I recommend scrolling down to the "structure" section to see the first 3D image of a clitoris in an erect state with the adjacent organs of the uterus and urinary bladder, created by Helen O'Connell using MRI. (Legend!⭐🏆⭐


Technically the other way around, the penis is an overgrown clit


I realize this is the wrong thing to nitpick here, but... WHY DO THESE DINGBATS ALWAYS USE WOMAN/WOMEN INCORRECTLY ONE WOM**A**N, MANY WOM**E**N IT WORKS JUST LIKE M**A**N/M**E**N


calling it a mound is crazy


if it helps, ‘mound’ is just a translation of the mons pubis or mons veneris, which are the anatomical names for the raised area of fatty tissue over the pubic bones, above the vulva. They’re not necessarily calling the clitoris a mound, they’re using a common and ‘correct’ term for an area around it, which they may have misunderstood as meaning the whole vulva.


I believe they're referring to the pubic mound, which is a real piece of female anatomy... but it obviously has nothing to do with the clitoris.


He means the mons pubis. Which is a mound. So that’s not crazy imo.


That word in this context has always kind of skeeved me out. I have no idea why but it just does.


I feel like it’s kind of a sexualized term, you see it a lot in erotica


Almond joys have nuts. Mounds don't


Idk I think I might know where he’s coming from. The visible clit is something like 10% of it so perhaps he’s asking whether it’s just the head that throbs or the whole body (which would be under the mons pubis). Then again, maybe I’m being generous lol


That's not even where the rest of the clit is. https://flo.health/menstrual-cycle/teens/clitoris-explained


Extremely generous!


What were the answers they got? 💀


"No, we mean the clitoris." "When a man says his dick is throbbing, does he mean that his dick is throbbing, or that his entire ballsack is?"


LMAO I mean, I'd like to think maybe OOP was talking about the bulbs that form the internal anatomy of the clit but that might be too generous 😂




They mean Mons Pubis. You can use the terms interchangeably.


When a man says he feels his nose itching does he mean his entire face?


There's asking genuine intelligent questions about the anatomy of the opposite sex, and then there's whatever the hell this is. I don't understand how they can get it this bad, so I thought I'd share.


IDK. There's nothing wrong with asking questions, people have terrible sex ed so obviously there's going to be questions that some see as crazy uneducated, but I feel like it's not necessarily in the spirit of this sub or just good faith to point out the stupid questions since that's just gonna make people not even ask. At least whoever this is, is *trying* to educate themselves, so best you can do is answer them. If they don't want to listen, then absolutely throw them to the wolves but dom't do it just for asking a question, even if it seems nonsensical to you.


After mulling things over thanks to the reply of another commenter here, I believe the question might have been worded poorly. They might have been asking if women can feel arousal on the vulva itself since it also swells, which I feel is a fine question to ask. When I originally posted this though, I thought they were asking if women meant they only felt arousal on the pubic mound when referring to their clitoris. This is not only nonsensical but also an odd question to ask - why would women mean their pubic mound when talking about their clitoris? It shows a lack of understanding of basic anatomy. I don't want to shame people for asking questions they can genuinely only understand by asking members of the opposite sex. When I posted this here originally though, I thought they were either mistaking the pubic mound for the clitoris, or had some other odd misunderstanding of female anatomy, hence why I posted this. It's still possible this is the case given the odd wording of the question, but I will give the benefit of the doubt and say that maybe they worded the question poorly.


Now I’m just imagining a quivering hedgehog


No, clearly the elbows.


...men, when you say your dick is throbbing, do you mean all your genitals are including your balls? man... was that from no stupid questions or something? because... dang


At least they're trying to educate themselves and not being purposely ignorant




What was unclear about that sentence


The pubic mound in reference to the clitoris throbbing


I am talking about the sentence he questioned