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Using steroids causes foreskin to get thin and makes it very sensitive don't use any steroids on penis


It’s not very sensitive. I never use a lot for prolonged times it was usually just when there was inflammation or tears and it would help


Looks like balanitus, my toddler just had it and he is uncircumcised too.


What about the appearance makes you so sure?


How red and swollen it looks. Is it uncomfortable to touch, pull back and to urinate?


It’s not swollen here this is just how it looks, and it’s always this colour. There’s no pain whatsoever


The tightness scares me, you can actually get it back up without getting stuck? 👀 I'm afraid to fully retract myself


Yes very easily. It’s not that tight normally. I retract to pee and clean and it goes back itself during sex


Looks tender... you clearly need a circumcision


Why? It’s not. I am able to clean it, and sex has no pain so I don’t see what advantage getting circumcised will have


I don’t want to lose the sensation the foreskin provides


I know I'm kind off late but believe me when I say it, it is worth having a circumcision. I've had it myself and my penis looks and feels so much better


Ok but I still get some feeling from foreskin and don’t want to lose that so…


You definitely need more medical care - not that it is outstanding but you need to be seen again and followed up. Have you had a full STD panels and swabs? (Could you go a community health clinic or a planned parenthood if you’re in the US? Somehere where you could be seen faster?) or maybe document it with pics you can use during your visit? ( I mean I am not a big fan of doctors but it seems you’ve received little care and you should start there- and seek several opinions if you can afford it; and do not accept heavy steroid treatments they’ll ruin your penis.) I am concerned about how much you’re throwing at it not really knowing what’s going on. I was not prepared for the color - I am not sure what causes it, and where your self-fixing of phimosis comes in. I can’t tell if it’s irritation, fungal. Let us know if you can get an app. Maybe someone else has something similar anc will be more helpful. Good luck!


No std. I’ve not really thrown a lot at it. I used betamethasone sparingly to thin the foreskin slightly and to avoid tears when stretching. I used the antifungal/steroid recently to stop redness, and Vaseline just as general protection against dryness and to try and help. This is all over the course of 4 years. I don’t think the colour is that unusual? The doctor certainly didn’t comment on it. It’s more the blotchiness that concerns me.


The doctor seemed to think there’s no issue since I can retract, no pain, so what exactly do I say to them?


It’s not that I have absolue faith in doctors -I do not and if they did their job with more care, there would less people on this sub. That being said, you need a second or third opinion. A urologist would be best, like do not afraid to advocate for yourself. They could also help you with the phimosis and see if this is related. Take good pics of when you have flare ups. Are you on the phimosis sub? They might have more info there. Definitely do not accept circumcision if you don’t feel you need it; doctors are quick to mention it and people regret it. Someone mentioned a prepuloplasty btw, so there are surgical ways to improve this while keeping the foreskin. It doesn’t apply to you but I just mention it because circumcision is thrown around too much IMO. Good luck!


They banned me for saying that hydrocortisone was prescribed to me and seemed to help my symptoms.


WTF? I have seen plenty of people mentioning using steroid creams to thin the skin. Doesn’t seem like an ideal solution but they weren’t banned. WTF?


Yeah the mod is very aggressive. Loads of accounts are shadow banned and comments constantly get hidden. You’ll often see a post that says it has 5 comments but only one is visible. It’s a shame because he’s hurting peoples chance to share there experiences.


Do you think the phimosis is constructing the blood flow? Yes the tightness might increase yeasty growth risk but if you’re able to clean well and do not itch, I am not sure. I think I do see the darker patch


Yes, it can apparently. Maybe restricted blood flow is causin blotchiness, patches etc… Go ask the phimosis group if you haven’t already.


But there’s no restriction when it’s unretracted? The doctor said I don’t have phimosis since I can retract, but it’s clearly not gliding as it’s meant to so I’d call that some sort of mild phimosis or a tight foreskin at least. I recently had some cuts on my foreskin after having sex as the skin was quite dry. I have no idea what causes this, I have been cleaning the head with a mild soap daily, sometimes twice. That does seem to help a little but there’s still the blotchiness which seems to vary in appearance day to day, and as mentioned the cuts. The cuts do heal fast, like a couple of days without any sexual activity or retracting (so cleaning properly isn’t really possible during those days)


Is this similar to your case? https://healthunlocked.com/menshealth-penishealth/posts/142645890/balanitis-fungal-bacterial-infection-solution-found I’m not a doctor but I would highly recommend do not use any steroid at glans before confirming what’s the issue is. Best of luck!


Not really, although some does sound familiar. My glans is sometimes shiny, sometimes it looks drier, sometimes it’s darker and sometimes it’s lighter in areas, and there’s often a darker shinier area that appears in the same place, you can sort of make it out in the video maybe. While I have had flakey foreskin before it’s been quite rare and usually goes away quickly, either on its own or with the help of a bit of canesten cream. I am guessing the cause was a yeast infection maybe from a partner or from poor hygiene. I haven’t had any tears of flakiness this year actually, but used to get it every few months. I am generally a lot more careful about hygiene, I think because my foreskin is still tighter than most it might make it more susceptible to things like a yeast infection? For me I can live with how it is and it doesn’t really bother me, I can masturbate and have sex with no problem, I can clean it easily, and there’s never any pain (anymore, because I keep better hygiene)


That looks eerily similar to mine. Had it for almost 9years now. Went away for 6 months after self treatment back in the early months of 2015. It returned after having unprotected sex. Unfortunately not sure which treatment(s) caused it to cure itself.


Yeah sex and masturbation does seem to make things worse. Also I sometimes find there’s an odour if I’m not extremely clean after ejaculating. It’s not such a big issue but it’s clear that my dick doesn’t look normal so I’d like to fix it if possible but also not that bothered. I’d also prefer to have it like this than get circumcised. Are you trying to treat it now, and how? Any partners noticed it looks different from other guys?


Mine also has a fishy odor. It all began after an initial bout of chlamydia. Some slight urine drip after urinating, along with inflammation. But by far the most bothersome issue for me is having to wake up in the night and pee, almost every night. This was never an issue before the inflammation.


How did you fix it? I also pee often and often at night, never thought anything of it. I also spend a lot of time after peeing dabbing with paper


The things I was doing were: hot salty water rinsing, apple cider vinegar rinsing, and applying plain yogurt to it afterwards. But it could have also been from some antibiotics I was taking at that time from a small cut on my arm that became infected.


Yeah im dubious about the natural remedy stuff. So after the antibiotics it went away forever?


Does this look like an sti? It’s looked like this for as long as I remember, I’ve had a couple of long term partners who’ve been tested negatively but I’ve never been tested for stds


I've had dozens of tests over the years. The only thing found is highly resistant enterococcus faecalis in my urine and semen samples. I've spent countless hours researching biofilms and alternative treatments.




They found enterococcus faecalis after a swab test for me as well. I'll check with the urologist next week. Did you manage to clear it up? Thx

